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Hey Eskie, I''m huntin'' Wabbitsees!

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Thu Oct 05, 2006 5:43 pm

To: General Locutov
Fm: Hableeb Hableeblibi
Subject: Reservations

Dear General,

At the request of his deposed Excremency, Tawakalna, this is to confirm a non-guarantied reservation for you "and guest" at our resort. Your have 24 hours from the date of this advice to take advantage of this reservation.

If your arrival time will be after the 24hr. time allotted, you may guaranty your reservation for an additional 24 hrs or change your date of arrival by submitting to us a non-refundable deposit equal to two night's stay.

We look forward to welcoming you to our amenities.

Yours truly,


Post Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:11 pm

Rabbit Coq au Vin Recipe courtesy Emeril Lagasse
This recipe is available for a limited time only. Why?

Recipe Summary
Prep Time: 12 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour 20 minutes
Yield: 4 servings
User Rating: No Rating

8 rabbit thighs, skin on
Freshly ground black pepper
2 cups plus 2 tablespoons flour
1 egg
2 tablespoons milk
12 ounces bacon, chopped
1 pint pearl onions, peeled
1 pound domestic cap mushrooms, thinly sliced
1/4 cup chopped shallots
2 tablespoons chopped garlic
1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme
2 bay leaves
3 cups fruity Riesling Wine
2 cups brown chicken stock
2 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley

Season the rabbit with salt and pepper. In a shallow pan, add 2 cups of the flour. Season with salt and pepper.
In another

here taw i just got this off the food network web site looks yummy

Post Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:32 pm

Esquilaxi Rabbit Friend (henceforth referred to as ERF) - You continued support to the Theocracy of Esquilaxitavia is most appreciated, and the Rabbit-God has no doubt that if your excellent works continue, you will quickly rise through the ranks to a place of some influence. Indeed, perhaps you would interested in officially taking control over Esquilaxistan as my authorised Governor? In any case, bless you my child. *Performs "Sign of the Rabbit"*

Zeta - Well, I suppose that I can let you and your forces speak to ERF. ERF is currently involved in anti-Tawakalnic activities outside Esquilaxitavia, and it is there that your forces can be of the most benefit. While we are leaning towards believing your tale of Tawakalnic bioweapons, we are still keeping the borders of Esquilaxitavia closed until we can determine you value to the Theocracy. Prove your worth and dedication to the cause of the Rabbit-God, and ye shall be judgedI have spoken!

*Ignores "Ricky" and his blatant attempts at currying favour with "Towelkana"*

Post Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:25 pm

Excuse me Oh Exalted Rabbit God *bows* I feel like I must advise against the aforementioned meeting with these "squirrel people". They are obviously allied with "The One of a Thousand Rags" and are looking to strike back at the heart of our reformation of Esquilaxistan. How do I know this? Well they say they've been effected by a chemical weapon, and if they have they will just spread the chemical around in our new land until everyone bcomes a chittery squirrel-rabbit-Esquilaxistani hybrid. Secondly we should not even be trusting squirrels at all, since they can't they can't fight with weapons and jsut bicker with eachother till it's too late, as the limmerick shows
The little squirrel said "what do I see?"
Another one replied"I smell a gun!"
The third one said"Oh let's run!"
Before they got away" BANG went the gun!"

And lastly, I've found evidence of thir subterfuge in Esquilaxitavia. We can see one of them here, tricking four of the Great War Heros into a trap (which is not depicted for it is too graphic) ... ymeeny.swf

(couldn't turn it into link form for some reason

Edited by - Jagged on 10/5/2006 10:35:40 PM

Edited by - Jagged on 10/5/2006 10:37:34 PM

Post Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:52 pm

currying favour with a rabbit recipie? is that a funny...from esq?

Post Fri Oct 06, 2006 3:46 pm

Jag - Indeed. I too, am greatly skeptical of these Squirrel People, especially considering the fact that they turn up just after the war is moving in a decisive direction. They are obviously opportunists, and would like a slice of the proverbial pie without actually doing anything. That is one of the reasons why they are free to reside in Esquilaxistan where they can be watched, but will not be granted access to Esquilaxitavia. The Motherland *must* be protected! After all, that was one of the reasons for the war in the first place; the Mullah wanted to cut down Esquilaxitavia's many forests and industrialise our many verdent fields. You know, a sort of "Saruman-in-the-Shire" approach. Needless to say, the Rabbit-God was opposed to such developments.

Camera Boy - I'm always amusing... either on purpose or because I'm the Mullah's favourite target. As for the pun above, it could have been "currying flavour" but that would have been far too obvious.

Post Fri Oct 06, 2006 7:14 pm

Sqssssqqsuirel Marrrrttyyrines divsions one and two have been ddddssispatcucteded to your aid in the ares you describe. And rrrr-r-r-rest assured, we are perfectly ffffine with your keeping us out of the Motherland, we will be patient, and wait for you and the Honorable Rabbit God to Realise that we are sincere, and wish to help and strike revenge on the evil mulah. As a sign of good faaaaaaaith, we shall open our bbbborders to yyuuour people so taht they may come to us to trtrrrrrdade anyhting they wiwwsssh. We have many luxury goods that would Bless the motherland and Honor the Rabbit God with your land's prosperity. We also would like to opeennnn, our t-t-t--cchhennallohy to youuuu. Weee can assitttt you witttthhha nnewww technologgyyy. This Technology, an ancient sqqruiril flight suit will give you the ability to glllllididddde at highh rrrrattates of sppeddd, alloowwwng you to ammbbbsssh the evil and rreerereereee-treating mullah. And of that subterfuge, it is not true. We hate to say it but those squirrels are a rouge faction, known as, the way of the Black Squirel. They oppose everything that we are, and reject civilised society. If you see any of them, do not be afraid to kill them if you wish. There are rumors they might help supply the evil Mulah, but we shall not let this happen!
Zeta1, supreme Head Cheif of the Squirel people.

Edited by - Zeta1 on 10/6/2006 8:16:27 PM

Post Fri Oct 06, 2006 8:14 pm

The "suit" you speak of could provide my (officially unsanctioned) rabbit Mujahideen with a great tactical advantage. We will see how effective it is... Of course, with no-one to fight, it will be hard to test under combat conditions.

Post Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:47 am

Most Worthy and Noble Great Rabbit! Salutations and Libations be upon you and your lapinary brethren, Most Hallowed in Esquilaxistan!

We await your victorious arrival to celebrate your triumph and to accept the loyalty and friendship of your people in free Esquilaxistan, Most Revered One! Almost all traces of the Mullah's vile regime have been eradicated, all rabbits now roam freely, and the sand has been brushed away. Ginger Beer is freely available on almost every street corner, the Mullah's sherbert factory has been reverted to GB production (after suitable scouring by captured Tawakalni loyalists of the Ui'Nehva-hav-a Ba'aath Party)

Bestow your presence upon, Revered Esquilax! Your blessing in person will make our liberation complete!

No sign of the Mullet, it looks like he managed to evade our rabbit patrols and get away, aided no doubt by his chums at Indycorp USA. If it pelases you, O Great One, my fellow Rabbyteen and I have taken it upon ourselves to seize the corporate assets of Indycorp USA and hold them in protective custody until such time as you decide what their fate shall be. They are currently being used to supply raw materials and finished goods for the Esquilaxistani economy, which was ruined by the Mullet's Great Leap Backward, and with your approval will be used as the infrastructure for an Esquilaxistani Great Hop Forward.

Post Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:59 pm

To: Mr. Tawakalna
From: Amanda Personables, AGM

Dear Mr. Tawakalna,

It has been brought my attention that guests of this establishment who are put into rooms next to yours routinely complain of the level of noise emanating through the walls they share in common with your suite.

The keening wails that apparently occur rather routinely five times a day are rather disturbing to them and we would appreciate your consideration in this regard. Certainly, the volume of the noise need not be so loud. All of our rooms are well insulated against most noise but it would appear that the public address loudspeakers that you have had installed in your suite are able to overcome them.

One our guests, a person of high eminence from the Middle East was particularly offended, he says, by the poor grammar and pronunciation of the Arabic that is being broadcast at those times. He had found the experience rather offensive to his sensibilities.

In future, if you would refrain from turning the sound volume beyond the 50% of maximum level would be appreciated.

Enclosed, please find a receipt from the meat packers concerning your livestock and your first weekly bill.

Very truly yours,


Post Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:36 pm

Hmm... Let's see. All the rabbits in one place. Seems like a good opportunity for one large bomb...

Post Sat Oct 07, 2006 11:03 pm

Rabbyteen - Excellent news. I think that we should divert the Mullah's sand factories and other economic infrastructure to rebuilding Esquilaxitavia's border fortifications, as the warrens were damaged during the bombing. Once this is completed, we must step-up the production of GB, and build more GB factories in Esquilaxistan in order to increase our exports and support our growing population. Make it so!

Dawgy - Haven't you been listening (reading)? Esquilaxitavia has two provinces now, instead of one. Hence, any large-scale attacks would be far less effective than before.

Post Sun Oct 08, 2006 3:11 am

Esquilaxistan? I mean really, how big an ego do you have to have to name a country after yourself? <shakes head in disapproval>

well thanks for all asking about me! I'm having a lovely time thanks to those nice chaps at Indycorp (USA) who've put me up in a smashing luxury hotel on on one of their private islands, due to my status as a much-valued customer of their financial services/armaments/chemical & biological research divisions. Lovely suite, hot and cold running water, inside toilets too. In fact the toilets are so good, you want to "save it up" all day because the loos are like a holiday in themselves!

Mr Hableebi, the manager, is a super bloke who can't do enough for me erm "us" although the seemingly endless array of dancing girls is getting a bit repititive now. And the walls are paper thin, you can hear everything that goes on! I've had to install a PA system for calls to prayer and to practice my speeches because of the moaning from the next room.

A very strange fellow stopped by the other day, if I didn't know better I'd say that under all that cloak-and-dagger getup it was the Pilsbury Dough Boy! anyhoo, he's come up with a cunning plan to get me back into Tawakalnistan (the true and proper name) and eliminate the band of traitors currently running the show. Well, it's more of a scheme than a plan, as such. It's very cunning though.

ERF - you'll find what we put in the water before we left might add a certain piquancy to your home-brewed GB
Jaggy - you have a competitor for the Wabbit's favours, it seems! I've warned you before about what happens to the Hare's hackolytes...
Wabbit - two provinces, both rubbish. My hotel suite is more than recompense for a sand-ridden dunghole full of rabbit.
Indy - I trust the case of dollar bills erm "commercial samples" arrived ok? I must emphasise that these sample are "not" a big pile of money..

Edited by - Tawakalna on 10/8/2006 4:17:29 AM

Edited by - Tawakalna on 10/8/2006 7:30:10 AM

Post Sun Oct 08, 2006 6:44 pm

Bah! Better to have two "rubbish" provinces than a small hotel room with paper-thin walls, an insultiingly small shower and kitchenette, and a television that only has a connection to "Sky"! Oh yes, here in Esquilaxitavia we have access SEVEN free-to-air channels (analogue and digital), as well as the option of acquiring two different varieties of cable! And I assure you that ERF is doing a decent job of administrating Esquilaxistan, although ERF is being monitored closely by plain-furred members of the Esquilaxitavian National Intelligence Service (ENIS). Indeed, at any sign of treachery ERF will be dealt with with extreme prejudice by members of HEAT (officially unsanctioned), now renamed PEZ (the Peoples' Esquilaxiavitavian Zealots). Yes... PEZ are still on your trail ex-Mullah! Once we upgrade our coast-hugging GB barges for international ocean travel, you will be found and exposed to The Formula!

Post Sun Oct 08, 2006 7:18 pm

Balderdash! You might as well just stop sputtering out your filth and garbage right now, O' Inflated Head of Dirty Rags, for everyone is equal in Esquilaxistan and there is absolutely no competion at all for the aforementioned "Favours" of The Rabbit God for he bestows his gifts upon each and every one of us equally! Besides, I'm in a comfy position, it wouldn't be worth my time to butt heads with someone else.

Edited by - Jagged on 10/8/2006 8:17:55 PM

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