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Hey Eskie, I''m huntin'' Wabbitsees!

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:21 pm

i guess taw has to root out some corruption in his regieme then?

Post Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:26 pm

Taw *is* the corruption in the regime! Ah yes, the irony is most... erm, ironic. Yes, yes it is. Well, I'll let myself out... *Quickly leaves thread*

Post Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:00 am

*has messanger knight uniform on and gallops up on horse.*

I bring news from the far off Land of Squirels!!
The squirels have been carefully obserbb-b-b-ing this fight want to let you no we have decided to join in, We come to the aid of the wabbits!! we propose a military alliance that wil-l-l,, uh, strengnthn both of our two great people!!
Urs truely, Squirel King

we haave weakne-s-ss-s, you mightn want to no of, we our bad spel-llllll-lers and cant have double constandsssssss. We await ur decision!

Post Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:32 am


General Locutov, this fight seems to be getting a little bit *lop* sided

Where's your Fearful Leader gone off too? We can't have an end to the conflict just yet. Havent' made enough profit.

Post Wed Oct 04, 2006 6:56 am

And I now realise that neither the Tawakalna nor the Esquilax provide a truly welcome experience for women.

You may be right. But the question may be considered differently by men or other MCPs

He makes us shed out garments and wear outlandish costumes *blushes* that cover very little of our flesh. Our burquahs are made of very transparent fishnet and what we wear beneath them, I dare not say for fear of divine damnation

edit: sorry guys and gals, a tad late ... missd page 39

Edited by - zazie on 10/4/2006 7:59:10 AM

Post Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:40 am


The Mad Mullet has fled Tawakalnistan for an as yet unknown location, although we suspect that he will attempt to flee to the safety to his erstwhile financiers, Indycorp USA. We will do our best to close the borders to prevent his escape, capture him, and bring him to justice for the years of tyranny against humans and rabbits, as well as the recent war-crimes against birdmen.

The Grand Palace has been secured, and here are some pictures of the opulence that was found inside..

note the bottles of alcohol! We were told for years how haram and evil it was. Shocking Hippotawcrytsy!

for a desert-lover, he certainly went through a lot of water..

but now the new rabbit-friendly Tawakalnistan is taking shape! the free rabbits of our land already happily frolic, in peace and safety, fortified by supplies of GB found in the bowels of the former Grand Palace (now renamed the Great Warren)

Long live the Rabbits and the People of Esquilaxistan! which is the new name of our country, to rid itself of all association with the former despotic regime.

Edited by - Esquilaxistani Rabbit Friend on 10/4/2006 12:41:54 PM

Edited by - Esquilaxi Rabbit Friend on 10/4/2006 12:44:44 PM

Post Wed Oct 04, 2006 12:08 pm

Esquilaxistan indeed! Let's see how long your Esquilaxistan lasts - personally I don't give it five minutes.

pah, I needed a holiday anyway. A nice long rest on one of Indycorp's private island resorts is just what I need.

Post Wed Oct 04, 2006 12:59 pm

To the His Excellency, the Most Esteemed High Personage, Tawakalna.

Greetings and Salutations.

I am the General Manager of the Resorts division of IndyCorp USA, Inc.

I am in receipt of your request for deluxe bookings at our especially protected island enclave and resort, pictured below.

Please refer to the offering letter which was sent to you previously.

We have received your deposit and are pleased to confirm your with us. I must admit some degree of surprise to receive the deposit in gold South African Rand.

As we had indicated earlier, however, we will not be able to accommodate your camels or your other livestock (you had mentioned goats, chickens and rabbits).

However, I have investigated this question further and have located a local meat packing company that will be happy to receive delivery of your animals and offers to pay you for your costs in transporting them to his facilities.

We hope you enjoy your stay. You will find a welcome basket in your deluxe suite upon your arrival as a small token of our appreciation for your custom.

Please do not hesitate to call upon me at any time.

Very sincerely yours,

Hableeb Hableeblibi
General Manager

Edit - Forgive me for downsizing the pic, but is was making my screen scroll over to the right something terrible.

Edited by - Finalday on 10/4/2006 5:13:19 PM

Post Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:17 pm

do i get complimentary travel insurance too?

Post Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:29 pm

Yes, truly a great victory for the forces of the Rabbit-God. Wth the retreat of Tawakalna however, could the war be at an end, at least for the present? In any case, the Rabbit-God himself is needed to continue to benevolently watch over Esquilaxitavia, while the new province of Esquilaxistan will be governed by one of the Rabbit-God's trusted allies. "Esquilaxi Rabbit-Friend" (ERF) perhaps, however the identity of this individual is as yet, unknown. I'm sure that, in time, their identity will be revealed, and then they can be assessed as to their suitability. I do note the absence of Tors and Swiss however. Could one of them be the mysterious ERF? Only time will tell...

Taw - Travel insurance? Greedy Mullah, you want it all don't you?

Zeta - You don't fool me with your cheap tricks! You are a minion of the Mullah, and I know this to be true! How you ask? If you were a true friend of the rabbit, you would correctly spell "squirrel" with TWO "r"''s! You inability to add that second "r" indicates Tawakalnic brainwashing. Enter Esquilaxitavia (or Esquilaxistan) at your peril heathen!

Post Thu Oct 05, 2006 5:16 am

To: His Deposed Excellency, Tawakalna
From: Hableeb Habliblibi, GM

Subject: Travel Insurance

Dear Sir,

We have submitted your c.v. to underwriters to determine the pricing of your request for travel insurance.

We regret to advise that the estimated cost of the premium necessary is outside of reasonable and appropriate costs. The underwriters advise that your "risk" profile is too adverse for uniform pricing. It was mentioned to me that there appears to be a bounty on your head in the amount of 50,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Tawakalni Dinars. With prevailing rates of currency exchange, this apparently converts to US$1,000,000.

We look forward to your arrival.

Post Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:18 am

hmmmm what a nice resort....

Should I bring the Rabbithunter horde?? and the large collection of your exquisite rabbit traps?? I have sent the 1st Brigade Pyro maniac Rabbithunters on a Guerilla war, against the oppression of rabbitism.

will follow you soonest,



Rule of Accuracy: When working toward the solution of a problem, it always helps if you know the answer.
Corollary: Provided, of course, that you know there is a problem.

Post Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:23 am

PrimeTime - Exclusive

New Undercover Tawalkani Plans Revealed

While the People of Tawalkanistan stay in uncertainty about the non-communicated absence of their leader rumours say the Grand Mullah Tawalkana spends his holidays in the Quanta Mango-Island-Resort of the IndyCorp-Trust. What could and should look as a long-term wellness break to recover from the harshness of the fight against Esquilaxistinitverstan in fact is the last step to introduce a new technology to that fight.
A report by our foreign correspondent Lapin au Sauce Madère.

The unforseenable absence of the omnipresent Grand Mullah Tawalkana was first mentioned by foreign press writers who noticed that the Tawalkani TV opened his Evening News for the third time in a row with Tawalkana-material taken from the archives. Deeper research didn't show any evidence of health problems but the questions about Tawalakana's destiny of the closely controlled correspondents forced the Tawalkani regime to give more details about the nature of the absence: the so-called Leader of the Enlighted Suppression was said to spend long needed holidays on a modest island resort. Sources said the location was on Quanta Mango-Island, a specially protected island enclave and resort of IndyCorp USA.
What might look like a truthful explanation and what was well received by international media (The Lapsed Reader TLR even published a picture) is not the full truth. Our own sources (which must remain completely anonymous by obvious reasons) tell us that the holiday-explanation is hiding the real character of the Grand Mullah's travel: Tawalkana let only his family check-in in the Quanta Mango-resort. Himself he travelled most secretly to Great Britain and was seen in a location in Swindon: Farepak House, Westmead Drive, Westlea, Swindon SN5 7YZ.

The reason for all this conspiracy round his visit to the business-looking building is the finalization of the newest weapon in the war against His Esquilaxistinitverstan Influential Rabbit Empire (HEIRE). Exclusive Picture of the pre-series:

What looks to be a toy for hamsters is produced now in enormous quantities as a bunny-race for the working world. The toy says the hamster runs as fast as you type. The weapon works differently: you can only type as long as the hare runs. Sources close to the Grand Mullah are sure that the pressure to get the rabbits in enormous quantities out of HEIRE will grow and will help to prepare the invasion of Esquilaxistinitverstan. Analysts say that such a manoeuvre could also propell Tawalkanistan's poor economy suffering from the exhaustion of oil ressources. "The mass production of electricity by caught rabbits that are controlled and supervised by gamers and nerds who wants their PCs running is a new level of villainy", said Abbott Costello of Juni's Defense Weekly, "only a Great Mullah can combine mass-control with war-fare disguised as economical and ecological advantage. Once again he proves to be a true successor of Niccolo Machiavelli". The new weapons will be distributed in the next days. The invasion of HEIRE will follow immediately after.

Source: PrimeTime, october 5, 2006. Curvy International News Agency, established 2007. Truth is faster than Light

Edit: picture link

Edit 2: Because the Edit edited the italics I have to edit the edit again

Edited by - zazie on 10/5/2006 8:25:17 AM

Edited by - zazie on 10/5/2006 8:29:41 AM

Post Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:53 pm

No! it is not true! We shall now reveal the true nature of our grammar. We are sorry for looking as if decieving you, but we are not! The Squiirrrrlllssls,, are under the innnnnnnfffuflflunce of a chhhemmmcalll wepon. Mullah has tried to destory us in subterfuge by reeddduuuccing our socitetty wiiihhh grammarrr dstroying chmmcalsss. The Squirrels Offically Declare War On Mulah and His Minions!!!! We shall have re,re,re,,e uhh, revenge! Please Esquilax, Acept our Alliance! Together we shall defeat the Evil Mulah!

When all else fails, tell them you want world peace.

Post Thu Oct 05, 2006 2:57 pm

Salutations and libations to the Great Rabbit God and his followers!

The evil former Grand Mullet does indeed have a price on his head, the price for all the rabbits he's tortured and murdered. I see even in exile he's up to his old tricks. Some Mullahs never change their towels, an old Esquilaxistani saying that we have.

Now that the Mulligatawny has departed, and the ban on sacred images is no longer enforced by his religious policewe can at last return our beloved icons to their rightful places in our homes and prayer-warrens.

This famous painting shows the rebirth of the Rabbit God at Easter time, distributing largesse to the people of ancient Esquilaxistan who look on in grateful awe.

The hated Stae broadcasting arm of the former regime, Al-Tawazeera TV, has now been renamed E-Sky TV, and here is a still image from our first broadcast earlier today.

And of course, now freely available to all in Esquilaxistan, our hidden supplies of the precious libation

Take that Mullah! for years we hid decalitres of GB from you, right under your nose! maybe if you hadn't covered your face up with all those tea-towels you'd have spotted them!

We are awaiting eagerly our first ever imports of "Esky's Choice" which we'venever tasted, it having been banned under the severest sanction by the Mullet.

what a feeling it is to breathe the free air and drink the free GB of Esquilaxistan!

Edited by - Esquilaxi Rabbit Friend on 10/5/2006 4:00:42 PM

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