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Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 4:57 pm

Actually, what you heard was the Credit Card machine connecting to verify someones CC... It did the same thing both times I used my card there, and the phones were right there too (and I'm sure some in the back, but the guy up front was answering the phone)...

Edited by - ajeffco on 13-02-2003 16:57:51

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 4:58 pm

Really? Uh..never heard of that, I hadn't talked to anyone or anything, oh well - I'll try again in a minute.

(edit) Just got through, apparently Funcoland doesn't carry too many games, but they've never heard of this, they gave me another store's number to try so I'll give that a shot in a bit.

Edited by - Tasiin on 13-02-2003 17:14:51

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 5:38 pm

Heh, regarding EB and Gamestop...

I used to work at an EB. It's true: employees are allowed to take games home overnight to check them out, although in all honesty there were never more than a few games checked out per week (could be different for other stores). I checked out games maybe twice, but for the most part just bought everything I wanted and returned whatever I didn't like. You basically only check out something you're vaguely interested in, but you also want to avoid being in a subordinate position to the manager as often as possible, so you just don't go through the hassle of having to ask for permission. There's sort of a guilt complex at work: unless you were an uber-efficient employee you don't feel like you 'deserve' to check out a game.

They do indeed have a shrink wrapper in the back. Many an hour were spent in a tiny, cramped office doing nothing but wrapping and rewrapping game boxes. This was, believe it or not, the most relaxing part of the job, because you didn't have to run around helping customers, climbing rickety ladders just because that damn steering wheel and pedal set caught someone's interest and quickly lost it again, so now you've got to climb the ladder again but with a big heavy box under your arm. Employees fight to do the shrink wrap.

At any rate, you are guaranteed to come across a previously opened copy of a game at an EB or Gamestop. It's easy enough to tell the difference, though. For console games, you need to look for the celophane wrap that's folded at the top and bottom. Anything with crinkly corners was rewrapped. Just hand it back to them and ask for a factory-sealed copy, and glare at them for a sec if they don't actually have any. For computer games, check those clear plastic stickers. If you ever see one slapped on top of another sticker that's been split....

That said, the plus side to occasionally getting an opened copy is that you can bring a bad game back for another one, something you can't do at a Best Buy, Circuit City, Toys 'R' Us, Comp USA...pretty much any other place that sells games.

Sorry for the OT rant. There's no way I'd fire up a beta now, not while we're so close. Even if EB was a beta tester, what he says is still true. After so many years of waiting, I want my first experience with Freelancer to be the real one.

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 5:48 pm

I'm going to wait for the final version as well. Should be worth the wait for sure.

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 5:49 pm

Yep, my mate used to work at Game in the UK and he got to try out games before the release date, pretty sneaky really because they dont state on the game that they've done that, oh well.

And about Freelancer, I dont have the choice of getting a PR copy but I wouldnt even if i could, it wouldnt feel right and after waiting all this time, a few extra weeks for a game isnt that long at all, being busy with college/work and other game releases in the next few weeks.

Its like LOTR, alot of u wouldnt make a good frodo lol

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 6:15 pm

It just makes me wonder how many ISO's of the beta will be floating around Kazaa within a couple of days.
And, to be honest, in this instance I wouldn't feel the least bit guilty about using a copy I found there...since I still intend to buy the Gold Version, and it just doesn't seem quite fair that only certain fans in certain geographic areas are able to get it.

After all, this is a "promotional" thing they are, in my opinion the more people that play it the more that will have a chance to like it and say "Hey, that is pretty kewl, I NEED to see what the gold version is like!" and then go out and buy it.

Just my opinion,



And this too shall pass.


Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 6:55 pm

Just checked Kaazaa and luckily no Freelancer. Ill keep you guys updated on it.

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 7:20 pm


Freelancer wont be on Kazaa. You have to hit the irc channels. That said. Dont do it, it aint worth it. And its not the PR or Beta. Its the Gold edition. I have no idea how that gets released on the NET? 8-(

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 7:55 pm

The rumors are true!! I have acquired the beta.......and a nice reservation for the final version too!!!! I'm probably not going to play to far into the campaign, I do want to get a jumpstart on getting used to the flight model though so I can be good at it when the real thing arrives. MP later anyone?
heheehhehe...once again YIPPEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

It was the last one too! finally...luck..never had any before

Edited by - wingc3 on 13-02-2003 19:55:55

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 7:57 pm

hey everyone,
i dont normally post on boards like this, but this topic certainly sparked my interest. i did a little research this morning here in st. louis to see if this was an offer exclusive to certain parts of the country. i am happy to report that this seems to be a nationwide deal. i called several eb's, gamestops and gamestop affiliates (babbages, funco, software etc.) and each store confirmed that they are offering the beta with a standard $5 reservation of the final game. the problem is that none of the stores have received their shipments of the beta. most employees told me to check back in 48 hours, while one said to wait until closer to the release date. so those of you in the midwest like me that were fearful of being left out of the fun can rest assured that we shall have an opportunity to play the beta whenever it arrives in the midwest. good luck to everyone out there trying to track one down and i hope to see everyone on the MP servers after the official release of the game in march. later.

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 7:57 pm

I've heard unconfirmed reports of at least one copy of FL being on Kazaa. But since I personally haven't confirmed it, I don't know. I'm waiting for the gold version personally.

"We're almost there." - Jorg

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 8:03 pm

Well, in my area there is only one store that sells software, it's not one of the ones offering this deal...I did ask my friend that works there if there is any way for him to get a copy of it for me, but he can't seem to do it.
Must be nice to live in a city...broadband ISPs, big-name software stores, indoor plumbing...must be nice!


And this too shall pass.


Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 8:08 pm

PLEASE don't use pirated copies! This is our one and only chance to revive the genre, and the only way to do that is to vote with our purses - by bying the game!

I know the really nice chaps at DA worked their asses out to bring you Freelancer, and their meager monthly salary has to come from somewhere. So if you find any pirated copies out there, PLEASE report it by mailing [email protected] and CC me on it... I'll do my best to convince the world to go out an BUY the game (what a new idea!!! )

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 8:16 pm

Yup I agree with Bargib there 100%. I will debate whether the beta is a spoiler or not and whether or not you should get it on those grounds, but one thing I won't debate is that pirating this game will come back to bite you in the @$$. If you want more games like this then MS and DA need to makes some money off of it. If u don't let them then kiss FL2 goodbye. I got the beta today, but I PAID FOR IT. and will be getting the real thing as soon as it comes out.. The rest of you all should do the same...I mean gosh it's only 5 dollars for the beta.....Happy hunting.


Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 8:30 pm

Well they just gave me a copy of the beta for free, just handed it over and said have fun....seemed pretty weird to me...gave me that strange "Is this something that's not supposed to be happening" feeling...Is this a security issue for Microsoft / DA and should someone let them know if they don't already?

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