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Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 6:56 am

ajeffco- sent you a mail at the address listed in ur profile...don't know if I spelled it right though. Hope it gets to you.

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 7:19 am

Just found a gamestop 7 mi. from my house
Not sure if they open at 9 or 10?
Do you still get the free t-shirt if you pre-order at the store or is it internet only?

This is great, this is great.....

- I wonder if MS has shares in gamestop?

Too bad, Juni keeps work and play seperate, when she says "I Know a place" My blood starts to boil !!

Edited by - barondekalb on 13-02-2003 07:22:02

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 7:22 am

Yeah, I've got a Funco Land 7 miles from here as well, going to call them tommorow morning and find out if this is true here in VA as well.

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 7:53 am

Guys! How about no? I dont know about you guys, but I think either Microsoft or Gamestop is doing something VERY foolish with all these copies of FL beta they are giving away. It's a spoiler, a BIG GIGANTIC spoiler and it will totally screw up the way you think when you play the retail version.

Personally, i think Gamestop should immediately cease these giveaways.

Besides, guys, its unknown whether or not you can even use your beta saved games in the retail. And im pretty damn sure you cant use your multiplayer profile from beta in the retail.

Its just not worth it! Even if they label it as "demo" or "preview". You guys are just numbing the effect.

My .02

Edited by - ElectricBrain on 13-02-2003 07:57:23

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 8:00 am

I wonder if MS knows that GS is giving these beta's out.

I wonder if I head over to MS, i could get a Demo

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 8:02 am

*sighs* I might have been able to wait 20 more days or so if I hadn't heard about this, but I simply don't have the self-restraint to not run out and purchase FL the minute it's available in any way, shape or form

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 8:03 am

ITS NOT A DEMO! Its practically the whole game, but without the tweaks and balances given to the final shelf version.

The demo is not due out yet.

Do ppl not read what i post?

- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 8:28 am

i have to agree with EB. This is not a very wise thing to do. To wait a little bit longer for the real thing , is gonna be much more pleasent, than to start playing something that isn't even finalize.

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 8:37 am

Argh, I dunno what to do, I don't know if I can wait another 19 days =/. It's practically physical torture now...

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 8:47 am

I have to agree with EB, I feel exactly the same way.
However.....if I had the opportunity to pick up a legit PR copy of Freelancer??? Hell i'd be down there tomorrow pre-ordering.

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 9:12 am

Torn, Torn, Torn

Whats really going on here??
I think we need a investigation !!
Anyone know someone who could give us some answers ?
Is this legal or not? Is someone trying to get a jump on the market?
Should we as gamers Fall for this?
I will Not get the demo, until, unless, these ? are answered...
Something smells fishey in Denmark!!

- By the way denmark is a very nice place, just a phrase..
Update - Just noticed the offical site has a banner to pre-order from EB games
and Gamestop, the plot thickens. No mention of the demo though.

Edited by - barondekalb on 13-02-2003 09:15:33

Edited by - barondekalb on 13-02-2003 09:34:24

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 9:33 am

LOL - "Something is rotten in the State of Denmark" should be the right quote. Anyway - I'm fairly certain GameStop got a bunch of PR copies for their staff to check out, and not to give away to everybody on request.

I'm currently checking into this, but I don't expect any news before later today on this issue!

Also the PR Beta was around 2 months before the game went gold, and even while it gives in itself a solid impression, there was a lot of tweaking and tuning and polishing and more to the very end. So the people who play this copy are cheating themself! But not much we can do about it as it stand, so tell all your friends how great the game is!

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Edited by - Bargib on 13-02-2003 09:37:20

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 9:47 am

Is it normal for employees at these stores to get these demos?

I can see the morning meeting, ok folks here are todays demos, not get
out there and play,play,play. Remember thats our motto

I think I'll apply for a part time job

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 9:54 am

I would never let myself be seduced to play a PR version ! I'll rather wait a tad longer to play the final version and to not have to cope with imperfections and bugs in the preview version. Besides, It was not meant for us (consumers) to see the PR version anyways (except for contest winners).

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 9:59 am

AFAIK the contest winners will get a LATER version!

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

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