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Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 2:21 am


Just an FYI to all who cannot wait to get the full game...

I was at Gamestop buying C&C Generals, and when I inquired about Freelancer, the guy whiped out the PR DEMO disc with a little instruction handout. I was able to put down $5 to reserve a copy of Freelancer when it comes out, and by doing so, was able to receive the PR DEMO disc.

I thought it was just that maybe the guy had a spare disc or something, so I talked to a buddy at work who is eager for this game too. He went to another Gamestop, and did the same thing.

So, for all you who are dying to check out this game, and want to reserve a copy with Gamestop, check it out.

This game so rocks... Sound the death toll for E&B.


Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 2:26 am

Are you serious? I'll have to call Babbages

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 2:27 am

Welcome to the family. Great 1st post and good info!

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 2:30 am

Hmm. Interesting, but this seems like a bad move... You know how people get when they play beta software and think it will be 100% just like the full game.

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 2:30 am

Gamestop?....never heard of them...what part of the USA are they located at?
All we have around here is EB Games, Best Buy, Walmart, Target.

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 2:36 am

Well, if people TAKE THE TIME, to read the little 17 page "leaflet" that comes with it, they will see that it's beta, it's stated just about EVERYWHERE. The associate at the store tells you that when you buy it (at least, mine did), and I believe it even stated it when I first loaded the game, and started the first time.

So if someone thinks they game is 100% after all that, well... I can't think of a positive way to spin a response

Hopefully, they will read these forums, and see that it's not.

I don't know where all Gamestop is located, but it's website is

Hope that helps.

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 2:43 am

I know that, but people downloaded an alpha of Doom 3 and started spewing forth all sorts of bizzare stuff like "doom 3 sucks I've played it" and so on. Just suprised me is all.

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 2:45 am

Gamestop ownes Babbage's, Software Etc, & Funcoland according to their homepage.

Not sure if this deal is being offered at Media Play ect, ect.

I dont know about everyone else, but Im there first thing Thurs, AM

Too bad, Juni keeps work and play seperate, when she says "I Know a place" My blood starts to boil !!

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 2:58 am

Hey ajeffco;

Does the demo build have a cockpit view??

Also what are the limitations of the demo??

Just wondering,, I think this should be posted on the home page if it's for real.

Too bad, Juni keeps work and play seperate, when she says "I Know a place" My blood starts to boil !!

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 3:13 am

Tachyon: I agree... People will be people, you just have to see for yourself... People should learn that. For example, if I had never gone to a movie that a critic didn't like, I would have missed a lot of movies I liked.

barondekalb: There is a 1st/3rd person View Toggle, but there are no struts... but like Tachyon has said, it's just a demo... In the little leaflet, theres a note that states "Because this is a Preview Beta, we ask you to consider the following: The game is nearly finished. It is in the final stage of polish / balance / and bug fixing." There are a few known issues listed in the handout:

1. There is a known issue with Mission 10. You will not be able to progress in the story past this point.
2. Difficulty balance is still in progress.
3. Crackles and pops can occasionally be heard in the sound mix (haven't heard it yet)
4. And ATI Radeon Text display issue. I can confirm this. I loaded the game on my laptop (P3-850 w/ 32 MB ATI Mobility M4), and the text was all f****ed up. It was unplayeable. There is a note to drop the hardware acceleration, which I did not try. On my home machine (AMD Athlon 900, w/ 128 MB Nvidia Geforce4 4400), it works GREAT.

I've played the first 3 missions... GREAT game...and the mouse/joystick thing is a non-issue... I didn't think I'd like the non-joystick aspect, but it passes in about 10 minutes



Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 3:28 am


Thanks ajeffco........

This is almost like winning the contest, since most people are just getting their
cd's now. I realize this is just a demo, but it will be a good trainer, until the full
game comes out, and since you have to put money down for the full version, i dont think this will hurt sales in any way. Hope there is enough demos for everyone. Thanks again for the info, glad to hear you like the game
- if I wasnt working now, i would go get it..

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 3:33 am

Is this course of action actually legal? I mean, spreading beta versions of a game that's not even released yet sounds kinda suspicious to me.

"In all likelihood you're going to die out there. We're all going to die out there, but none of us needs to be reminded of that fact. So you die, you never existed."

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 3:34 am

Is gamestop a store or just a web site.

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 3:42 am

Wait, I just found out there is a store near me. Im going tomorrow to pick up the game. I know that the final release will be much better. Im sorry I jsut need freelancer. Must have.

See you all on the killing fields.

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 4:05 am

Was at... Gamespot... other day... didn't think to reserve FL... reserved Xbox fighter instead...

Ohhh the humanity!

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