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Post Fri Feb 14, 2003 8:59 pm

So far I have been playing the PR beta since Monday morning when I reserved Freelancer. I have been playing about 15 hours a day, between my home server and the Elite server.

I realy wanted to get my server going but the darn routers firewall wont let people in even with the ports open. Thats why I went on to the net. Struck me as extremely funny my best ping was to Elite.

I have very well built up characters on the 2 server servers, even tho i havent found the route to either of the Titan salespeople yet hehehe.

Mostly tho i am having a riot just scouting out systems entirely, and the few small bugs I have so far noted are no biggy, considering many games are released infested with bugs. Especialy since I have been waiting since Privateer for something better.

Wonder if we can get DA to do something similar to Redstorm Rising next 8)

Post Fri Feb 14, 2003 9:49 pm

I got it!!!! found it in and EB at a mall near me.

Post Fri Feb 14, 2003 9:52 pm

kalad. I think I need to hook up with you. 2nite? I don't know where you're located, but as of this posting, it almost 4 PM here. I'll be on Elite 2nite looking for ya in about 6 or 7 hours. I;ve got some RL commitments between now and then. Valentines day and all. Hope to see ya.

You can give me a 50 cent tour...

Stinger (the idiot that has played 250+ hrs)

Post Fri Feb 14, 2003 10:02 pm

I just got mine today. Been playing for a few hours. Very very cool game. VERY BIG, I spent 4 hours playing and just barely left the New York system. The control scheme is very easy to use. So much for doing homework today. I decided I'm not going to touch the single player game until I get the real deal, but setting up a server to play by yourself is very easy. I tried connecting to the ELITE server but the ping said no response, don't know if it's down or that my firewall may be interfering. Anyway, I'm going to try again late tonight, hope to see you guys on there.

Post Fri Feb 14, 2003 10:32 pm

Sure thing stinger. Im on right now in the Dresden system will be taking a food break in few and then be back on.

Post Fri Feb 14, 2003 10:32 pm

I was in Babbages the other day and they had a stack of FL boxes saying you should preorder it, I wish I would have know what they were.

I am at a stall though I am planning on reserving it tonight so I will get the PR version. But I don't want to spoile the game when it comes out. I am thinking about just playing it a little and not getting too involved in it.

What do you guys that have played it several hours think, will it spoil the game or are you happy with it?

Post Fri Feb 14, 2003 10:37 pm

I personaly dont think it will spoil it for me. No one can realy answer that question for you tho. You might want to maybe just play the the MP part some and see what you think playing more would do for you.

Post Fri Feb 14, 2003 10:46 pm

Just to clarify, are the stores just giving it out, charging $5 for it or do you have to reserve FL to get it?

I'm asking because I don't mind paying $5, but I've already reserved at EBs website and if the reservation is a condition, I don't want to waste a trip to the mall (I'd rather poke out my eyes with a stick than venture into the mall on a weekend....)

Post Fri Feb 14, 2003 10:46 pm

Argh, I still have to wait until Saturday to get it - the only GameStop that has it near me is like an hour away...

I think it's free if you just walk into the shop, but you need to pay $5 if you're planning on reserving the demo disc like I did.

Edited by - Tasiin on 14-02-2003 22:47:13

Post Fri Feb 14, 2003 10:49 pm

I'm pretty happy with it. The only thing that might bother me when I get the retail is that I will have to start my character over again, but I will get over it. It would probably be a good idea to avoid the SP campaign though. I know whenever I get a demo or beta of a game that have missions that are in the game, things feel repetitive and thats not good. The time that I have played has been in multiplayer and I don't think I will get tired of the game anytime soon. I was able to adjust to the control interface after about 15 minues, it's pretty cool, and very easy to use. I was in awe as I was playing the game, it just got cooler and cooler. One thing I thought was cool, is when flying parallel to an asteroid/debris field you can actually see where the field begins and end...kind of gives an idea of the shear size of it. I made it into one nebula too, that was cool. It's kind of hard to describe it without actually seeing it though.

Post Fri Feb 14, 2003 11:02 pm

It's kind of hard to describe it without actually seeing it though.

I would love to see some screenshots (1024x768) of particulary impressive views for the purpose of using them as wallpaper. But no spoilers please.

"In all likelihood you're going to die out there. We're all going to die out there, but none of us needs to be reminded of that fact. So you die, you never existed."

Post Fri Feb 14, 2003 11:07 pm

I would love to.........just gotta figure out how to take them.


Post Fri Feb 14, 2003 11:30 pm

Hmmm, I got the Marketing Beta / Demo for free....was I just lucky?

Post Sat Feb 15, 2003 12:20 am

I hope this doesnt create a horde of lesser fans who sit in the dark corners of the universe playing the beta forever!

Im avoiding even reserving the game. I know no one's going to like it around here

Post Sat Feb 15, 2003 1:57 am


Man,I never played Elite never managed to get The darkening working but this has got to be the BEST space-sim I've ever played,that Rheinland Battleship blew up nicely,.muahaha & the Anubis does look cool.

'nuff chat gotta play some more.I'll probably be on the Elite server sunday once I get a hand of the AI & controls.

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