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Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 1:54 pm

You wanna hear something worse than a leakage of a PR version of a game that GAMESTOP does. Here goes...I preordered Medal of Honor and when the game was released, I picked it up. Guess what, it was open. So I returned the game and told the manager. So the manager hands me another copy of the game, guess what, that was open too. So the manager blurts out, "Employees are allowed to take the games home and play them as long as they dont burn them..."
I was in total shock. I thought the manager was toying with me. So I posted the story on a forum and several x-employees confirmed the fact. Also stating that they have plastic wrappers etc in the back. I dont like buying games from EBGAMES or GAMESTOP. I just wanted to warn you guys. So check your CD's for scratch marks. I hope I can buy a copy direct from Microsoft or something...

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 2:01 pm

Another thing thats funny, is that they run the shop like a concentration camp especially when the store gets crowded...

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 2:22 pm

Ok I'm going to check this out since I have a friend that works at the local software etc. & see what's the 411 on this deal.I'll probably get it if true.

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 2:23 pm

Do you think they'll still have the preview copies around 12:00 today.

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 2:36 pm

It's easy to say "You're just spoiling yourself, it's not a good idea to play it," when you've already played the hell out of it yourself, EB. I am going out to find a PR copy today after I get out of school. Besides, it's not like the people getting the PR Demo aren't going to get the full version, since you have to preorder the full ver. to get it, right?

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 2:46 pm

I really think if someone gets a hold of the CD, more power to them. I think it's good for Freelancer. If people use the CD, write a poor review or talk with others about it because they have an unfinished product....the community (not just TLR) will over ride it if it's really as good as we're proclaiming. It's a good test of the product, to survive the negative. Go get 'em folks, this could be a testment to the confidence Microsoft has it this product wil lstand on it's own. Folks, the beta testers who were running this through it paces were passionate about their roles. That speaks volumes about the game, they wouldn't have wasted their time if i was a piece of doggy doo software.

I say get them CD's, slam 'em in the CD ROM, play the bejesus out of it. If you don't like it, you'll be hearing from others soon enough whether you impression is accurate or not. I think FL will survive an bad reports. And yes, EB ,we all read your posts!

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 3:04 pm

LOL - yeah... I think it was a mistake on somebodies behalf - but hey - try the game and announc to the world how great it is

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 3:22 pm

Wow,it turns out that this offer is TRUE,it is NOT a mistake.Gamespot & its affiliates as mentioned by our friend ajeffco usually does promotions like this.However,I was also told that each store has a very limited amount of PR copies.

These PR copies have only recently been sent which was within the last week or so.

Can't wait till I get mine this afternoon,so if I don't post much this afternoon you'll know why.

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 3:43 pm

I would like to share stinger's sentiments....I'm sorry EB, I usually agree with you, but on this one I think your totally wrong. You guys have been (at our own request) rubbing our nose in how great the game is for over a month now while you've been playing a number of beta versions including the PR one. Now all of a sudden we get the same oppurtunity you jumped at and you expect US to do the same thing you guys jumped to do????? uhuh right.....Put yourselves in our shoes if MS offered you a beta for the first time today..... On a good note, I find it VERY doubtful that anyone isn't going to like the game...and any idiot who doesn't will probably still wonder why there's no joystick AND why it's never been discussed on the forums (lol). Me personally...I KNOW I'm gonna buy it when it comes out but I simply cannot wait any longer! Two copies is better than one then! I've been patient for 5 years since the last WC game and now the chance has finally arrived....FL here I come!

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 4:05 pm

Well,this just shows what happens when you get your hopes up. I called all the stores neara me up and none of them have it. guess its back to waiting. Could someone e-mail me it or is that illegal. I dont mind if its really big becayse Im willing to download it.

Edited by - MechWarrior on 13-02-2003 16:23:52

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 4:27 pm

I'm so sorry Mechwarrior...

Did they not get it? Or did they get it and run out?

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 4:34 pm

Only one had it but they sold out. The rest didnt. Man i was up all night. I was so excited and then oh sorry no Freelancr. Iguess I was stopid for getting my hopes up os high. But hey less than a month I'll have the full polished version

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 4:43 pm

It would be illegal since that would be considered as warez because the person has already pre-ordered there copy of the game & this promotional offer only covers those who have pre-ordered which is like buying the game ahead of time,besides I don't think a 600 MB zipped file would be even possible as an e-mail attachment,sorry.Anyway I'm in the same boat as you since I forgot to ask if they had any copies but it turns out that they didn't receive there's yet so it might still be worth it to pre-order since my guess is that they'll be receiving new copies.

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 4:46 pm

That really blows.

Post Thu Feb 13, 2003 4:55 pm

Gee, these people are professional...<rolls eyes>

Just called the GameStop store near me and I heard the ubiquitous sound of a 56K modem connecting to the net, sounds like someone's surfin' on the company's time =P

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