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Post Sat Apr 05, 2003 4:48 am

As for the Superior Alien race mentioned earlier, they didn't dissapear, they are the monkeys!

Post Sat Apr 05, 2003 7:19 am

We are the (militarily) most powerful, most advanced, wealthiest nation the earth has ever seen. We are also the most diverse culture the Earth has ever seen. Hard for me to believe that is a coincidence.

United States was funded on the idea of imperialistic expansion. The nation propegated throughout history by killing and blood-shed. US military has declared and been involved in more wars that any other existing nation. Suppose that's the reason why you have the most high tech weapons?

And US may be wealthy perhaps, but considering that over 90% of that wealth is inherited by less than 5% of the entire US population, one is bound to question the merit.

As for the most diverse culture, of course it wasn't a coincidence. Different races were brought to US soil to work as slaves, and most who stood in opposition were murdered or assassinated. Diverse culture? Only if you mean differentiation by skin colour.

p.s. This is SO off topic... I would like to apologize to the original poster and perhaps the moderator... Hey! He fixed the title! Oh wait no he didn't.

Edited by - Zamboni on 05-04-2003 08:23:02

Edited by - Zamboni on 05-04-2003 08:23:31

Post Sat Apr 05, 2003 4:03 pm

United States was funded on the idea of imperialistic expansion. The nation propegated throughout history by killing and blood-shed. US military has declared and been involved in more wars that any other existing nation. Suppose that's the reason why you have the most high tech weapons?
Yes, by our proto-American European founders. We have evolved beyond them, just as we have evolved beyond the nations that spawned us. We are no longer European. We are Hybrid.

Other nations have followed that same model (Germany comes to mind) yet they have failed to defeat us, even with superior technology. Our way is the better way. Natural Selection does not recognize excuses.

And US may be wealthy perhaps, but considering that over 90% of that wealth is inherited by less than 5% of the entire US population, one is bound to question the merit.
So why cant other nations do the same thing? By Wealth I was referring to our culture as a whole...not to individuals. Our economic/technological/military superiority over all other nations are interwte\wined. We could not have the supreme military without a powerful economy for example.

As for the most diverse culture, of course it wasn't a coincidence. Different races were brought to US soil to work as slaves, and most who stood in opposition were murdered or assassinated. Diverse culture? Only if you mean differentiation by skin colour.
Our origins are no longer relevent; we have evolved beyond them. Virtually all of our flaws were inherited from our European ancestors, but we have managed to shed most of them in less than 200 years.

And no, I dont mean skin color. I mean culture. We have significant ethnic populations from virtually every part of the globe. Japan is populated by ethnic japanese. European nations are at least 95% Caucasian. We encompass all. The only other nation that even comes close is Brazil, and they are primarily made up of only 3 cultures.

This gives us a perspective the rest of the world lacks, and is one of the main reasons (IMO) we are so far ahead of everyone else.

Post Sat Apr 05, 2003 6:27 pm

I thought the story was OK up until the Dyson's Sphere mission. Face it, any civilization that was technologically advanced enough, and possessed the gargantuan resources required, to construct a Dyson's Sphere would chuckle at the appearance of a handfull of Anubis VHF's appearing on their doorstep. C'mon. taking on 4 outlanders in Sabers in that same Anubis was more difficult. When I saw the cutscene about the artifact being a map, and key, to another means of travel I was thinking ... OK so we're goimg to some other galaxies to find the Dom Kavash and try to get them to reel in the leash on the Nomads ... cool. Well, it didn't happen that way, and I was kinda bummed.
Oh well, fun game anyway.
And, hey, after the SP missions are over why can't I get a frieghter that can mount level 9/10 weaps and shields? I mean I can buy \em ... addon's anyone?

Post Sat Apr 05, 2003 7:06 pm

Me: We made the best technology from scratch before...makes sense we would do it again. We did more in 200 years than Europe did in 2000...heh heh

What a joke the american technology especially military was just a copy of other nations work. My friend if you think an American invented the computer think again the British War department did as well as microwaves radar and sonar. Your atomic weapons project had a core of international scientists especially from war torn Europe. Your ICBM's that carry nuclear warheads are an adaption of the original design made by an Australian.

We are the (militarily) most powerful, most advanced, wealthiest nation the earth has ever seen. We are also the most diverse culture the Earth has ever seen. Hard for me to believe that is a coincidence.

So where the Huns, The Romans, The Egyptians, The Aztecs, The Babalonians and the English. America's main reason for being advanced is plain and simple boot legging technology. Your countries wealth was built of the enslavement of many different races. Yeah thats great when the US bombs rebels and military units from the air when they know they have no airforce. Heres a historical fact. The USA has never won a war its fought alone. Befor you get on your high horse and say we won the second world war....well hate to break it to you but the german airforce was all but destroyed in the battle of britain. High technology does not always make a nation great a diesel collins class submarine sank 2 nuclear subs and an aircraft carrier in the last war games held in the pacific.

and befor i finish my rant all the other empires have faded away into history or are fading away. America will follow aswell thats just the irony of time.

Hang on a minute i figured it out The Nomads are a depiction of the Americans lol I dont know why i never saw it before

Post Sat Apr 05, 2003 7:35 pm

no one should use the ww2 thing as an example except for the russians, they did 90% of the casulties to germany....also didnt the vritish lose to the french that says something

Then the sheep said...

Post Sat Apr 05, 2003 9:41 pm

zamboni .... catalogue our own extinction ... hahahaa .. i like that ... funny stuff =)

this was a damn good post too!! hahahaha ...

As for American technology superior to European, where do you think those "Americans" came from? Mars?
hahahahahaha !!! duh! .... sadisticsavior ... your descendants are european! hahahah ...actually .. americans are just a mixing pot of every other country on the planet ... so i dont understand how some of them can be so arragont most of the time?? .... america this, america that? i mean, i can understand patriotism but i really cant stand it when an american tourist, goes to a foreign country, breaks the law, gets arrested, then he starts shouting, "I'm an American citizen! You can't do this to me! I want to speak to my embassy!". Bluddy hell!

totally baffles me!!! ... .... you would think americans would remember their roots ... i mean, its like zamboni said, you guys didnt come from mars and you sure as hell aren't native to the continent!

And the post about "originality" from the films I listed, did you even read the first paragraph? I said "it's what you do with the aliens", meaning originality comes from the story teller, not the aliens.

sorry. my bad. i tend to ramble a lot. If you read through my post carefully, the point i was trying to make was actually that the type of alien PLOT (not type of alien), was too cliche. Hence my reference to the movies Body Snatchers and Puppet Master. I wasnt talking about type of alien. I was talking about type of alien plot! =)

And my reason for going through your list was originally to correct the "jodie's dad is an alien", "apes are alien" and HAL which was a self-aware computer. =)

And really, there's nothing original left in outer space anyway; everything that can be imagined, has. Stellar phenomenons, extraterrestrial civilizations, human expansions, space chimps, and even giant vacuum cleaners (see Space ball)...

which is exactly why i said the freelancer alien plot was too cliche ... they should have stuck to the human element of conspiracies and other juicy human type conflicts ... those never get boring ... how could they not make Trent get it on with Juni!?!?!? .. what a rip off!!! ... half way through the game, i was totaly bored of the alien storyline .. i was just playing to see if Trent would get lucky! ..

space balls! hahahahahahah funny movie! ...

We are the (militarily) most powerful, most advanced, wealthiest nation the earth has ever seen. We are also the most diverse culture the Earth has ever seen. Hard for me to believe that is a coincidence.

there is that arrogance again ..

FYI: you are not the wealthiest nation .... do you realise how much debt america is in? You guys are so far down the hole that your children's children's children would still be in debt even if EVERY single citizen were to give their income to paying off the national debt ... scary thought!

The debt is so bad, that no nation can afford to let america collapse because of this simple fact:

America IS the world's greatest CONSUMER! There is something you can be sure that america is the best at! Not only does america consume the most of everything, they do it on credit with other people's money! Its ridiculous! America is consuming other nation's products and paying these nations with the money that america borrowed from the other nations in the first place! this is your POWERFUL economy! Borrow to consume so that in the end, people end up depending on your power of CONSUMPTION and have to keep lending you money!

Cailin - i agree!!!! nice first post! ... that was pretty awesome!!!

sadisticsavior, you are totaly outnumbered/outgunned on this one

here are some flaws in your statements ....

Yes, by our proto-American European founders. We have evolved beyond them, just as we have evolved beyond the nations that spawned us. We are no longer European. We are Hybrid.

errr .. yeah ... somehow i dont think so .... its not like americans are some sci fi hybrid of people dude ... u didnt "EVOLVE" into a new race of people. You are still the same descendants of whatever nation you came from. It just so happens that the most OPPURTUNISTIC people from EVERY nation moved to America because of all the HYPE of FREE COUNTRY, land of OPPURTUNITY for ALL! blah blah blah blah..... Cailin pretty much said it all in his post (only people in power got the riches while the rest ended up in slavery and the like)...

now this is totaly way off topic .... so lets not get into any further political discussions other than, IF REAL ALIENS were to arrive on earth, we will all come to the simple conclusion that we ARE ONE BIG nation! lets leave it at that please! no more "my nation is better than your nation"!!!

sadisticsavior, i have to agree with JTCurry5 ... cant you put Juni's butt there instead of Trent?!?!? hehehehe

As for the Superior Alien race mentioned earlier, they didn't dissapear, they are the monkeys!

ahahahahahahahahaha nice one!

Arkayne, i believe the dyson sphere was built by the monkeys (hahahaha). The nomads are just sorta like caretakers .... they were designed to be useless ... thats why they had to conquer humans from the inside and use us to build their ships for them. Until we came along and disturbed them in their system, they had nothing...

Post Sat Apr 05, 2003 10:08 pm

How could we possibly be superior to some race that's managed to go and build itself a dyson sphere? Unless they're... *gasp* pacifists...

Post Sat Apr 05, 2003 10:43 pm

What a joke the american technology especially military was just a copy of other nations work.
That would seem to imply that anyone can do what we why havnt they?

My friend if you think an American invented the computer think again the British War department did as well as microwaves radar and sonar.
Americans invented the electronic computer, yes. We invented the first CPU (the microchip), first RAM, First Hard drives, ect...virtually every component in your computer right now originated with us, assuming it was not created by us directly (what videa card are you using? =), heh heh

Your atomic weapons project had a core of international scientists especially from war torn Europe.
Um...then why didnt THEY invent it first?

The first atomic weapon was created by Oppenheimer...a 2nd generation American. If European brains were sufficient, you would think Europe could have done it first.

So where the Huns, The Romans, The Egyptians, The Aztecs, The Babalonians and the English.
Where are they now? We are still here, showing no signs of slowing. If anything, our influence has grown, not diminished. There is not even another superpower to challenge us now.

America's main reason for being advanced is plain and simple boot legging technology. Your countries wealth was built of the enslavement of many different races.
You mean like European colonialism? heh heh

Yeah thats great when the US bombs rebels and military units from the air when they know they have no airforce. Heres a historical fact. The USA has never won a war its fought alone.
If it makes you feel better to believe we really needed anyone else during the gulf war, go right ahead. We arnt used to losing wars like the Europeans seem to be. (Has Germany EVER won a war in it's entire history?)

In WWII we were fighting 2 major powers simultaneously...the Russians and Brits were not. Were it not for our supplies, England would not have even MADE it to the end of the war...we would have been liberating them along with France.

and befor i finish my rant all the other empires have faded away into history or are fading away. America will follow aswell thats just the irony of time.
That crystal ball of yours must give you great comfort. Hold it tight, heh heh

hahahahahaha !!! duh! .... sadisticsavior ... your descendants are european!
Are you sure? Where did the 40% of our non-white population come from then? Mars? What exactly makes you so sure I am white?

there is that arrogance again ..
I gotta be me.

FYI: you are not the wealthiest nation .... do you realise how much debt america is in?
Do you realize what our net worth is, and how much it dwarf's our debt?

America IS the world's greatest CONSUMER! There is something you can be sure that america is the best at! Not only does america consume the most of everything, they do it on credit with other people's money! Its ridiculous! America is consuming other nation's products and paying these nations with the money that america borrowed from the other nations in the first place! this is your POWERFUL economy!
So tell me, what (apart from luxury items) are we consuming? Please try to be specific. What exactly do we need you people for?

sadisticsavior, you are totaly outnumbered/outgunned on this one
So I should just give up?? hahahaha heh heh

errr .. yeah ... somehow i dont think so .... its not like americans are some sci fi hybrid of people dude
We are a hybrid of all races and cultures. Japanese are only asian. Europeans are only white. We encompass all of them.

u didnt "EVOLVE" into a new race of people. You are still the same descendants of whatever nation you came from.
HAhahaha...then it would stand to reason they should be able to do whatever we can do. So much for that theory.

It just so happens that the most OPPURTUNISTIC people from EVERY nation moved to America because of all the HYPE of FREE COUNTRY, land of OPPURTUNITY for ALL! blah blah blah blah.....
Nature doesnt recognize excuses. Our way is the better way. Thats why we are ahead of everyone else. Envy can be an ugly thing.

sadisticsavior, i have to agree with JTCurry5 ... cant you put Juni's butt there instead of Trent?!?!? hehehehe
I could but I doubt it would elicit the same reaction, heh heh...I'll change it though.

Edited by - SadisticSavior on 05-04-2003 23:47:25

Post Sat Apr 05, 2003 11:05 pm

arghh! sadistic u nut! ... stop being so nitpicky! .... read my statements with a broader mind! .. ..check it ..

Are you sure? Where did the 40% of our non-white population come from then? Mars? What exactly makes you so sure I am white?

i guess when i said your descendants are european ... i should also have added asian/african/whatever! bleh .... dont be so nitpicky ... the gist is that america is mixing bowl of other nations..... just because america is the fastest to capitalise on a product, doesnt mean they invented the concept! duh ..... and it doesnt detract on where they came from! ... duh!!!

please check up on your facts ... america's net worth does not outweigh its debt ... your national debt is in the TRILLIONS!!! last i checked was years ago but at that time, the national worth was in the billions .... i hardly doubt that the worth has surpassed their debt in such a short period, especially since you all are still consuming products at an unbelievable rate on credit from other countries ..

oh .. what products you ask? just about every damn product in the country! when was the last time you actually saw a product that said made in america? please check all your items around you ...most are made in a foreign country where labour is cheap .... read up on world economics .... its quite shocking how the world economy works ... all logic and common sense dictates a country in debt is a country in trouble .... but thanks to world economics ... a country in that consumes a lot, can be in debt and never have to worry about collapse! ....

china has potential to be the new world consumer ... but they are years away from that ....

oh damn .. look what you made me do ... talkin all politics again! .. shame on you sadistic!!! .. i hope the space monkeys come and take you home! ....

Post Sat Apr 05, 2003 11:15 pm

i just did a search on google ...

hehehehe "united states of america national debt"

try it ...

here is one of the links i found .... still think america is worth a lot???

hahahahahahah time to write to congress my friend

Post Sat Apr 05, 2003 11:31 pm

Ahem, back to the topic where we are talking about the game ...

I noticed that some of the Planet names in Liberty don't exactly coincide with the images one would think of with the name. For example, California System contains a huge ice cloud, which isn't what the name California evoked (Yes, I know California has skiing), though Planet Los Angeles does get spot on (A huge ocean covers it, and they even have a yearly surfing competition, which the last was won by a Lane Hacker, lol) But as for Colorado, One would think of Forested, Mountainous planets, but Durango is a planet full of volcanoes, and no atmosphere. I wonder if they were just tossing these names out, or is this another part of the "rushed-job" that seems ot be evident in the Easter-egg systems...

Post Sat Apr 05, 2003 11:36 pm

i guess when i said your descendants are european ... i should also have added asian/african/whatever! bleh .... dont be so nitpicky ... the gist is that america is mixing bowl of other nations..... just because america is the fastest to capitalise on a product, doesnt mean they invented the concept!
All the other nations had the exact same opportunities we did...why did we do it first?

Apply that to whatever you want...computers...nuclear bombs...whatever. Other nations have larger populations. Other nations have more resources. Other nations have been around longer. What is it that makes us different? If it were simple chance, we would not be ahead in so many areas.

I am in no way suggesting PEOPLE are inferior. America is proof that race is irrelevent. If any one race was superior, we should not be the ones ahead of everyone else. The main difference seems to be culutre; there is no one that is truely native to my culture. We all originated from lower cultures. It's the one thing every American has in common, regardless of race or religion.

please check up on your facts ... america's net worth does not outweigh its debt ... your national debt is in the TRILLIONS!!!
HAHAHAHahahahahahaha...where did you get the idea out net worth is not higher than the Trillions? Whats your source on that?

last i checked was years ago but at that time, the national worth was in the billions .... i hardly doubt that the worth has surpassed their debt in such a short period, especially since you all are still consuming products at an unbelievable rate on credit from other countries ..
Again, where did you get that from? I am not aware we are relying on other nations for anything other than maybe oil...and that we pay for dirtectly. I asked for examples before...please provide them.

oh .. what products you ask? just about every damn product in the country! when was the last time you actually saw a product that said made in america? please check all your items around you ...most are made in a foreign country where labour is cheap .... read up on world economics .... its quite shocking how the world economy works ... all logic and common sense dictates a country in debt is a country in trouble .... but thanks to world economics ... a country in that consumes a lot, can be in debt and never have to worry about collapse! ....
Manufacturing??? THATs ypour example? heh heh heh

I wonder where all the income for those countries would go if we ceased using them to manufacture stuff. hmm

China may or may not become a world power...but they cant do it without our help. You cant grow on empty credit...they must be getting money from somewhere eh? heh heh

What it comes down to is this; if our debt is so high, why are countries still trading with us? Actually, they are CLIMBING OVER EACH OTHER to trade with us. Economic sanctions imposed by the US is somthing that makes other nations take pause. If your theory was correct, no one should be trading with us right now.

Post Sat Apr 05, 2003 11:40 pm

I assure you that the names of the planets are not rushed up. We had a contest a year ago that appeals to fans (AMERICAN fans) to send in their world designs with a matching name.

This is an interesting thread, let's keep it alive? quit the political discussion.

Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 12:03 am

*sigh* the on-going political debate over a country that's filled with fat, dumb, and crazy people.

Anyway, since the moderator hasn't closed this thread, I'll just troll a bit more.

That would seem to imply that anyone can do what we why havnt they?

Is that what you want? Every nation with as much weaponry as a war-monger?

Americans invented the electronic computer, yes. We invented the first CPU (the microchip), first RAM, First Hard drives, ect...virtually every component in your computer right now originated with us, assuming it was not created by us directly (what videa card are you using? =), heh heh

Let's see... Made in Taiwan, Made in Taiwan, Made in China, Made in Japan, Made in ... USA... wow you guys made the mouse! Amazing!

Nature doesnt recognize excuses. Our way is the better way. Thats why we are ahead of everyone else. Envy can be an ugly thing.

Say it in German with a mustache.

And as a last note, US is not the "most advanced". Dare I say public health care? Nope, even Canada has better HMO than US. How about robotics? Nope, Japan is the leading country. Best education? Only if you're rich, although even then the average US citizens need a calculator just to figure out 2 + 2.
So what exactly is US best at? Let's see... Oh I know! Selling high cholesterol foods, selling products that "claim" to lower cholesterol, and of course, suing companies that sell those products.

Edited by - Zamboni on 06-04-2003 01:05:46

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