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Freelancer Plot is Retarted!

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Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 12:54 am

This is still going? Wow....

The topic was stupid in the first place, I guess now we are just ahving a flame fest on Tuna Can boy?

Cooool... let me join in

He sucks

Havn't you ever wanted to just TURN off that darned automated computer on your ship saying "Warning, Entering Atmosphere?" I mean cmon, I KNOW Im entering the Atmosphere. Thats the point isnt it?

Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 2:01 am

Actually this thread has evolved from plot discussion to movie aliens, and to the debate on American superiority and technological advancements.

I predict the subject will soon turn into human evolution and ultimately, closed down by the mod due to complete off-topic postings.

Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 3:15 am

Well, I tried to steer it back on, but to no avail. In retrospect, I guess I shouldn't have been so forceful in my opinion, but oh well, I did it, took the lumps, and have to shell out some serious credits to fix my rep...

Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 4:13 am

I was too sort of disapointed by the aliens. The story was going really good when they had the whole consipracy thing going and all the survivors were disapearing, but then I found out that the nomads were behind it and "bleh, its just the mysterious alien forces trying to wipe out humanity again"

Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 4:20 am

hahaha ... this thread rox! .. its fun .. debate is good for you .... its just unfortunate that sadistic is arguing based on his opinion and not world facts ...

he seems to want to live in his delusions so i guess i cant argue with him. hehehe im just wondering how come he replied my post about usa being worth so much even after i posted that link to the national debt? .. urf ..

sadistic .. just how old are you? im really curious ... your english is pretty darn good, so i have to assume that you are well educated ... but i dont understand how you are still so naive as to the truth of real world facts?

please dont take offense of these statements that weve made about the usa... as far as i can tell, everything that everyone has said about the usa isnt AGAINST the USA. its just the truth. step back and take a broad view of ALL the political comments.... i have seen the propaganda films that the US government churns out.. and i can understand & respect your patriotism, but USA is far from the wonderful nation you claim it to be. no nation is that wonderful. its just that the usa is a very PROUD nation and they make their citizens feel that way by churning out "prettied" up reports through their media machine...

unfortunately most of these reports are not true, and when most americans are hit with the truth, they tend to get offended.

so please accept my apologies for throwing you into the deep end of reality

and lets talk about the stupid plot where Trent doesnt get laid and talks like he has an IQ of 50 when meeting strangers!

"uh huh" ... "yeah" .... SPACE MONKEYSSSS!!! arghghhhhhhhhhh

Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 4:24 am


damn right! ... give me conspiracy theory anyday!!! ... roxxor!!! .. humans on humans is bad enough!!! .. we dont need no stinkin aliens! hahahahaha

like zamboni said

Say that to the Mayans or the Aztecs...
The only Alien involvement in human history will be to catalogue our extinction.


PS. does putting the alias character (@) in front of the nick in the post do anything special? like email the person? .. just curious ....

Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 6:29 am


I think they had a method to their planet naming: In America there are three general areas of economic importance - New York (finance), California (aerospace) and Texas (oil). Texas also happens to be the capital punishment capital . So, California has New York's aristocracy (Beverly Hills), Ageira Tech and their corresponding Lane Hackers (Silicon Valley), Orbital Spa and Cruise and Planetform, Inc. (Hollywood). New York has all the shipping companies and Ageira's right-hand: Deep Space Engineering. Texas has all the prisons.

All that's left is Colorado, and it has mining, to an extent. Just like America here, we overdid it then and are starved now.

Unfortunately, Liberty's the only one whose regions are named after regions, not cities...

edit: I just remembered - Colorado is where we mined all the fissible material used in our A-bombs.

Edited by - jonmphy on 06-04-2003 07:37:24

Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 7:04 am

sadistic .. just how old are you? im really curious ... your english is pretty darn good, so i have to assume that you are well educated ... but i dont understand how you are still so naive as to the truth of real world facts?
My facts are accurate...which is all that really matters.

he seems to want to live in his delusions so i guess i cant argue with him. hehehe im just wondering how come he replied my post about usa being worth so much even after i posted that link to the national debt? .. urf ..
Because the national debt has nothing to do wityh anything. Here is the gross national product info for the US - ... conomy.htm - 1.8 trillion/year...thats just revenue, not even our total net worth. Our GNP is twice that of China, which is #2 in the world for GNP.

- - Out of the 10 biggest corporations in the world, 7 are American. Yeah, I'm sure it's a huge coincidence, heh heh

please dont take offense of these statements that weve made about the usa...
I never take offense at this stuff...I think the distorted view that foreigners have of the US is hysterical. They call us uneducated, fat, and lazy...yet we are ahead in so many areas it's not even funny. I'm sure it has contributed a great deal to why so many nations underestimate us.

I also did not even comment on the morality of our only comments have been relating to the facts; that we ARE way ahead of the rest of the world in most ways that matter. It is simply my own personal theory that this is probably due to our's the only real variable that is unique to us.

I am overjoyed that my fellow Americans are now finally beginning to wake up; to share my "us and them" mentality where the rest of the world is concerned. To understand that we really dont have as much in common with our ancestor nations as we thought. And that we really dont need them as much as we thought we did either. It's one of the few good things that came out of 911 IMO.

Edited by - SadisticSavior on 06-04-2003 08:06:35

Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 7:46 am

And to continue my trolling...

To understand that we really dont have as much in common with our ancestor nations as we thought.

If you don't have much in common then there really isn't a "diversed culture" now is there?

And that we really dont need them as much as we thought we did either.

And on top of that you're abandoning your history?

Tsk...*sigh*... I'm tired of trolling around. Who cares about US anyway, history will run its course no matter what. Time to start a new post... about other things... like the unrealistic size of American asses portrayed in the game. mmmwwhahahaha~~

Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 8:21 am


im gonna pull a Trent here, "uh huh"

regarding your facts, i havent seen anything that actually proves your points? just a lot of denial and non-statements.

i dont want to get into any more talk about how advanced/better America is compared to blah blah ..... coz the way you are arguing, a lot of that is subjective ...... ill just stick to the topic of national debt since ive already got links

you really dont seem to grasp world economy. USA depends on the rest of the world as much as the rest of the world depends on USA. If USA decides to go on its own and cut itself off from the rest of the world, the WHOLE world economy would collapse including the USA. why? because the USA has gotten us into a lot of trouble by consuming more than they can pay for. where do you think the national debt came from? how can u say it doesnt matter? and start talking about GDP?!?!?

you do realise that thanks to the war, USA is beginning to push their debt into the 7 trilion mark? its terrible!

can you even fathom how much money that is????? the whole world's economy is dependant on consumer power. Right now, the consumer super power is the USA. (i said USA was good for something ) But what happens when that consumer power ends up in major debt? nothing much if the debt is internal. but more more and this national debt is starting to belong to foreign invesment. this means that USA is starting to owe more and more money to foreigners! i wont pretend to thoroughly understand world economics, but that cant be good can it?

any economics majors wanna help out here?

anyway ...... ive checked out your link at geography iq and unfortunately for you, those were estimates please do check out these links from non-biased independant sites that are up to date.

links from the brillig site

please read through before replying, thanks ...(links produced by searching on google with the following phrase "united states of america national debt"

and where is Juni's butt!!! grrrrrrrrrr

doesnt anyone else find it disappointing that Trent didnt get it on with Juni?!?!? come on PEOPLE!! hehehe ... what ever happened to that thread about Juni???

Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 9:02 am

hm.. interesting how the topic 'Freelancer Plot is Retarted!' turned into some super duper politics discussion...
well, for my two dimes...

<pre><font size=1 face=Courier><font size=1 face=Courier>Has Germany EVER won a war in it's entire history? </font> </font></pre>

correct me if i'm wrong, as all the wars that i've seen germany is in WW1 and WW2. well, i must say, germany was up against... lets see... Britain, France, Belgium, Russia, Italy(somewhat a turncoat-no offense), AMERICA and numerous other minors, like Poland, crushed in WW? well, and its allies, hungary and someone else, and another of the triple alliance.. well, only germnay stood after the first few brunts of the war casualties, so i must say, germany really did quite well, despite it was up against so much odds. they prepared for it, whereas Britain, the long lasting empire somewhat, practically lost the only naval battle by losing more ships (i kno germany never came back out) and in world war 2, the trench lines did stand alot. outflanking and outflanked on both sides...well, i was kinda dumb... two deep topless tunnels on the sides of one useless piece of land all thru norhtern europe.. well, Germany then was STILL up against more than it could chew.

n WWII we were fighting 2 major powers simultaneously...the Russians and Brits were not. Were it not for our supplies, England would not have even MADE it to the end of the war...we would have been liberating them along with France.

Japan was a major power? patriotism aside,(i'm korean) i'd say they were using their brains more than brawn. major power? after USA cut off their oil, Japan was all that you could see, nothign more. as for england not making thru the war, remember, Hitler had no intention to invade, just to keep them quiet somewhat. i don't remember them stepping onto english grounds. remember, engish were anglo-saxons, the race Hitler respected. as for america fighting two major powers, remember your history lessons ? america WASN'T in that war for more than a couple of years. they only went in AFTER pearl harbour. b4 that, they were just supplying arms and soldiers. SO, they weren't necessarily against bigger odds. Japan was probably against more, achieving MUCH MUCH more than the americans did. they covers almost all land on the pacific ocean. i'd say they spread their forces too thin. but still, they did more with less.

sadisticsavior seems to get a mouthful so far.. well, keep trying..
as for education levels, and someone, i'm sure more than one individual, was talking endlessly about how america is more advanced. well, pay tribute to the 'mixing pot' due to this mixing pot, many vaieties of ppl and culture came, along with knowledge, ppl learned from each other here, in america, not necessarily 'americans' it isn't necessarily all americans that are clever and such, i'm sure u were not stating that, but well, u were talking on the sides of 'most' i read this article in the newspaper a fwe months, ago, nvr thought it'd come in handy till now. well, i'm typing relevent stuff, this is about an international schooling contest.

the ranking 'provides the first 'big picture' comparison of the relative effectiveness of education systems across the developed world' the united nations children's Fund study said. "it is not based on the conventional yardstick of how many students reach what level of education, but on testing what pupils actually know and what they are able to do.," UNICEF said....skip..."it is clear that educational advantage is born not at school but in the home" said the report. "learning begins at birth" and is fostered by a "loving, secure, stimulating environment".. skip.. "the biggest thing is obviously the socio-economic background of the child and how well-educated their parents are"..skip.."germany, with its strong educational and intellectual tradition, occupies the 19th place out of the 24 nations, just behind the united states in the 18th place....skip the rest...."

i'll leave the opinions to you guys, seeing that ther's enough already.

well, 24 nations, america in 18th... if anyone was wandering, South Korea came a very firm first, followed closely by Japan in the second. heres the quote;
Geneva: South Korea has the most effective education system of the world's richest countries, with japan in second place and the united states and germany in the bottom, a UNITED STATES STUDY said yesterday"

looks like the US conducted the thing in the first place...

well, i think my post's getting long..
i hope the post aint closed by the time i come back to read replies.. or have it moved to the 'off topic' roooom...
and on a side note.. the debt is:

US$ 6,464,308,663,202.70 thats 12 zeros behind a '6', well, nearly a '7' but no need to embarass america too much is there?

ps. to those that want the full version of the article, mail me at
[email protected]

and sadisticsavior, you might wanna change ur signature pic of trent's a$$ into something like prof. whatisname.. the guy who trent went to race for.. the guy hiding in the bundschuh station.. well get his a$$, might look better

ps. why did my post make the entire screen stretch ?
presently, my world is upside down, so if u do not mind, u'll have to tok to my a$$

Edited by - kimk on 06-04-2003 10:10:12

Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 10:56 am

well, 24 nations, america in 18th... if anyone was wandering, South Korea came a very firm first, followed closely by Japan in the second. heres the quote; Geneva: South Korea has the most effective education system of the world's richest countries, with japan in second place and the united states and germany in the bottom, a UNITED STATES STUDY said yesterday"

I currently live in Japan, and the Japanese only test the top 10% of students ... up to what in the U.S. would be about 9/10th grade ... High School is optional and only 3 years of study, but VERY competitive. From my own experience I think that even with all the studies waying in that there are just as many retards and a$$clowns per capita as there are in the US. Though americans tend to irritate me more than any others because they tend to be close mindied and stubborn. Perhaps it's the reason why their education system fails miserably.

Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 12:31 pm

This thread just enforces the game story line anyways. There is a lot of stuff through the game that i think show cases a modern nationalism. nobody really cares anymore about the game anymore in this thread *sob**sob*. I didn't mind the story at all, it had a beggining a middle and an open end. The character of Trent was develeped well through the scenes and thats all you can ask for in a game if you want a story read a book or rent a movie. Please can someone please tell me if Ian Zeirring(BH190210) played the voice of trent, and if the guy who played Gimmely in Lord Of The Rings played his friend in Britonia.

Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 3:48 pm

Cailin .. yes on both counts ... ... not sure about John Rhys Davies playing the guy from Leeds .. but his voice is pretty unique ...

and why is it everyone ignores my post about Juni! ... ... doesnt anyone else think she is hot for a computer babe?? .... anyone got the link for the two threads about Juni?!?!?!

Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 4:36 pm

Hey Juni's all good. for a computer game chick anyway. Needed to wear skimpy clothes though.

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