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Hey Eskie, I''m huntin'' Wabbitsees!

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:09 am

really? I thought it began with your first post!

Post Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:11 am

You support Shrub killing poor innocent rabbits with an axe?
That idea occurs in one of your posts. Yes I agree with it. So in this instance you are brilliant. What exactly is not clear about that?

Post Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:53 am

Go Dubya! take out those Wabbits of Mess Disruption, boy! It's all part of the anti-Esqkwilurx War on Error..

regarding the wabbit prisoner still held captive by the remaining Tawakalni loyalists, here's a picture..

now before anyone starts "ooo wot a cute icka bunny" I should point out that this NOT a nice wabbit! it bites anyone who goes near it, growls, scratches, hates just about everything that lives, does nothing except eat, drink, cr*p, and sleep, yet it has a huge pen to run around in, fresh food and hay every day, lots of toys and treats to keep it entertained, gets let out for a scamper around every day (and usually ends up chasing one of the cats, our tabby is terrified of it) It really is a singularly most unpleasant rabbit and even it's erstwhile owner who loves it has to pick it up with gardening gloves and a stick because it attacks anyone who goes near it, including her. It's a vile animal. Netherland Dwarf wabbit are only supposed to live for up to 7 or 8 years, this thing is nearly 10 and shows no sign of ailing, more's the pity; prob cos it keeps itself young by drinking blood, or ginger beer which it has quite a liking for.

Edited by - Tawakalna on 11/2/2006 5:54:14 AM

Post Thu Nov 02, 2006 7:10 am

Well of course it is not happy. Sheesh! These vermine are born and bred in abject squalor. They spend thier youth fighting for that extra quarter inch of nosw wriggling room down in the sewers. The fight for the next meal is a viscious one. The confusion caused by your actions, although you have the best of intentions, must be very great indeed. Especially since they are not exactly the brightest creatures to begin with.

Post Thu Nov 02, 2006 1:19 pm

HA! The Wabbits have been saved in a daring raid by the Tribe of squirrlslslslsll!! We have saved the waaabbbitttededetttds from the evil clutches of wats left of Taw's troops after their decimation by combined Co-op operations by Wabbits and Sqqquurirrll Marines. Now, to secure these wabbbibbtits we launched a raid on their seeeccretttttttect headquarttersss. We have gottennn daddada wabbits out! They are now in the safe custody of Wabbits. They are lies they have said! That particular wabbit was not treated well! But banished to Solitary confinement! Here are important Intelligence photography of our Glorious Divisions of Sqqqruiirreelllllllls!

Picture of Squirrel Maarrrinnneeeeee

Squirrel Reconasince Officer and Sniper

Long Range Machine Gunnnnerreerrr

Another Gllllorrororious Machine Gunnnneerrrrrrrrrrr

Squirrrrrelellllelll Armoreddddddd divivivsion

Squirrellllllll Militimanannnann

Squirelll Commandddddododo about to place Chargggeesssss on Enemmy commmmpounddd.

These Images only show the proof of the Squirrels as a major contender in the battle too finnish the job! We will eliminate the Tawklini remnants, route them, cut them off and destroy them with Nell mercy!!!! You are not safe enemies!

Post Thu Nov 02, 2006 1:32 pm

actually those were quite impressive (although pure pro-wabbit propaganda of course) However Zeta-1 I must warn you! Your alliance with the Dread Eared One is purely for his advantage! He has never rewarded his followers, and they all come to sorry ends while he snorffles in his Burrow - even Jughead.

Have you seen the new training manual my loyal fedayeen are using in their training camps? You can get a copy from Books-R-Us (a subsidiary of Indycorp, USA, coincidentally)

our old one was getting a bit full of holes...

(no-one likes wabbits)

Post Thu Nov 02, 2006 1:56 pm

That is a lie! We have been gracefully rewarded with our alliance. I laugh at you, u had no knowledge of all the Trade and Commerce we have had with the Wabbits! We have been testing over the years a new device for our Naaavvvyy, orrrrr,, RSN. Royyaallll Sqqquirrel Navy. It is a pair of water skies! However, we didnt have material that was strong enough to withstand the dangerous of rough waters and Hurricanes. However, due to trade with the Esquilaxians, we have aquired new substances! Its called, Supercalifrajalisticexpealidosious Wood. It is llligghhggtt enuff to not stiiinnkkkk-k-k, but strongagaganuff to withstand the dannngggerererrrrrrrs of the seas. These are intel pictures of the newest section of the RSN, the 6th Fast Water Atttacckckc wing.

6th Fast Attack Wing Trrroooppper

This is just one of the many benefits We have gotten from our alliance with them, and you should notice, these were used in the raid! And this alliance strengthens both the Sqqquiirrellsss and Wabbbittttssss. It will bring your desstrucctionnn, and we shall serve our vengeance and return or grammmarrrr. Revenge will be served cccooollldddddd.

Degree of coollddenessss for Revennges servvvation required

Post Thu Nov 02, 2006 2:45 pm

Taw/Swiss - The very fact that you support Shrub in any way, shape or form certainly says it all. How can you be affiliated with that monster? Shame!

As for the rabbit that you have pictured Tawski, what can I say except "Fight on, brave soldier!" . Rabbits are very perceptive, and the rabbit in question can sense your dislike and therefore responds in kind. Besides, with all of the cruel things that you do it, such as burning it with cigarettes and then dunking it in buckets of water and the fact that you don't provide enough GB for the poor little guy, who can blame 'im? In any case, I am convinced that whenever it attacks you, you have it coming .

As for not being intelligent Swiss, that's a vile lie. After all of the evidence that I have provided, you STILL think that rabbits are unintelligent. Most of the rabbits outside Esquilaxitavia are still improving their mental faculties through their work with Esquilaxitavian teaching, but you can't generalise about *all* rabbits based upon your experiences with one or two. Anyway, you probably haven't even *owned* a rabbit. You haven't have you? I thought not.

Zeta - Excellent work. The alliance between our two peoples has already proven to be beneficial, and with our common enemy the rabbit-and-squirrel pie-eating ex-Mullah still undefeated, we have much work to do.

Post Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:33 pm

Sorry ends? I think not TT, as instead of furnishing me with sorry ends Our beloved God has chosen to furnish me with a nice ranch style cabana on the shoreline. However I think you will soon find that it is you who shall come to a sorry end once you make a fatal error. I have many eyes watching you, as well as ears! Those rabbit ear television antennas are really covert spy bugs used to listen in on the world. I'm sure your using something akin to them since I think you bank account should be running low by now and Indycorp can't furnish you with anymore of your coveted turkish delight or Madira

Post Fri Nov 03, 2006 1:48 am

we're doing all right for now thx, plenty of beklawa, habroma and esh albelbel to keep my taste buds tantalised. And I have a very long credit line with Indycorp!

so this shoreline you speak of? this would be the dirty puddle on the floor of the Burrow that you Eared d'Leader lets you shiver next to? You forget, I've seen the inside of that Burrow, when the Esqkwilurrx was vaingloriously gloating about the raw power of his 486 and his discovery of 16-bit colour.

Post Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:29 am

you rabbits might not be rodents but if run in front of my car your "roadkill" and stop making fun of a great president like geo w bush.

Post Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:47 am

you tell 'im, rich! they may not be of the genus rodentia but they're all vermin; wabbits, squiwwels, they all desreve to be crushed under the wheels of your 4x4!

(thx for the tip on the mattress btw, Mrs Taw was very interested and we'll be ordering one. I notice that the company on the link was a subsidiary of Indycorp Home Furnshings Inc, USA?)

Post Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:46 am

As usual our intel is up to speed on this new threat. One warning, they are only after your nuts boys.

The Dickie S school of driving is indeed infamous across the vermine infested lands. While their poor slave driven labourers toll away on work farms under the watchful eye of the The Lard Eared One's henchmen or in the neighbouring digtatorship of Squirrballs there is a mantra beaten into their mushy brains:

Two legs bad! Four wheels worse!"

Post Fri Nov 03, 2006 6:11 am

Indycorp Superior Home Furnishings, LLC. Thenk you veddy mutch.

I will allow that, today, lagomorphs have been separated from genus rodentia but it cannot be denied that, in a time more akin to the days for which Esquilax itself constantly yearns, his kith and kin were classified as rodents and, most certainly, they have the teeth of a rodent even unto today.

Post Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:35 pm

*Raises furry eyebrow* "Roadkill"? "Lard Eared One"? Now there are a couple of slurs that cannot go unchallenged! The whole "roadkill" thing has "been done" as they say, so I will not spend anymore time on it. In regards to the other slur, it appears that I am not only a "rodent" and a "bunny" among other things, (that's your cue Taw) but I am also a rotund bunny! Sheesh, you guys are really delving into the depths for insults aren't ye? Aye, I think that the old phrase "scraping the bottom of the barrel" certainly applies. Ah well, I suppose that I can't be too critical. There are only three of you (four counting Swiss), so there is only so much "brainpower" available for the creation of new insults. Well, I await your next salvo of dull and rusty slings and arrows. I can take it/them. The Great Chimaera's mental armour is impenetrable! Totus hail nomen of Valde Lepus!

Edited by - esquilax on 11/3/2006 7:36:08 PM

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