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Hey Eskie, I''m huntin'' Wabbitsees!

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:27 am

I thought it was Engrish and GiBberish?

no-one likes wabbits...

Post Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:25 pm

Are you being fallacious Indy? Hmmm?

I do not believe that I have been misleading you on the "Bah!" debate. Are you being fallacious by asking me whether I am being fallacious? Hmmmmmmm?

Post Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:32 pm

Bah, all of this talk about the new addition to the Commandments of the Lago Lepus is utter drivel and balderdash. It was created because orignally snorffling was a privilege that belonged only to the Dear Leader himself. But in a grand act of benevolence, he one day allowed everyone, from nobles to commoners to snorffle as they pleased. Unfortunately an unforseen side affect of all trace-snorffles meant that the air would soon be congested with snorflution so a mandatory cease-snorffling was put in effect. And no, Dear Leader does not mean "Le Dread Earl", it in fact means Gracious God in Esquilaxitavian Lapin.

Post Tue Oct 31, 2006 4:35 pm

Thank you comrade Jaggy, you have once again proven your worth. Here, have an Esquilax keychain. Look, it lights up, and it is useful for finding Burrow keyholes in the dark. Funky! Anyway, I must reaffirm his comments, especially those in relation to snorffling. Snorffling is the privilege of the Great Chimaera himself, and is an onomatopoeic term used to describe the snort produced by his unique rabbit/horse physiology. Hence, without the same physiology, imitation is impossible. That being said however, snorffling has become a means of expression within Esquilaxitavia, and has been embraced by the rabbitfolk as an expression of affection for "Uncle Esky" as he is sometimes known ("Dear Leader" was thrown out due its similarity to one of the ex-Mullah's monikers, and "Uncle Esky" (among others) was selected by popular consent in order to hark back to the good old days of the PDRNS). Although there were some issues with snorffling among the general populace, a call for less enthusiastic snorffling has solved many problems.

As for "Tors" and I being the same person, I think that most of you are in on the joke now. Oh yes, you *know* who "Tors" really is (I do), and you also know that he ain't me, and yet you delight in making the readers of this thread believe otherwise. Such shady, shameful tactics! I am outraged! Shame! In any case, I issue a challenge to "Tors". Should this thread reach 1,000, you must reveal something of yourself that proves that you and I are not one and the same. You do not have to reveal your true identity if you do not wish to (sheesh, I thought that they would know who you are by now, all those hints...), however some indication would have to be provided. You have time to consider how this may be accomplished. Do you dare to take up the gauntlet? I await your reply...

Taw - I said "Torts", not "Tors"! Clean your glasses, you lazy Cabana Boy! As for post 1,000, I doubt that I'll get it. Some lurker will probably grab it, and my timezone isn't favourable anyway. I expect to wake up one morning, come to work, check TL, and see 1,007 posts or something like that. Oh, and ERF ain't me yo' fool! You know who it is don't you? Oh yes, you know.

ID - The quotation marks are only present because I know who "Tors" actually is, and I intend to signify that. Hmph!

Indy - Check your sources; that article is an obvious fake! Oh, and are you being fallacious by asking me if I am being fallacious by asking you if you are being fallacious? Oh, this one is going to go on for a while. I can sense it... If Indy doesn't opt-out now of course.

Edited by - esquilax on 10/31/2006 4:36:57 PM

Post Tue Oct 31, 2006 7:58 pm

Indy - Check your sources; that article is an obvious fake! Oh, and are you being fallacious by asking me if I am being fallacious by asking you if you are being fallacious? Oh, this one is going to go on for a while. I can sense it... If Indy doesn't opt-out now of course

Your acolyte minion verifies the truth of the article. He only challenged Tors suggestion that DL meant "Le Dread Earl."

Bah, all of this talk about the new addition to the Commandments of the Lago Lepus is utter drivel and balderdash. It was created because orignally snorffling was a privilege that belonged only to the Dear Leader himself. But in a grand act of benevolence, he one day allowed everyone, from nobles to commoners to snorffle as they pleased. Unfortunately an unforseen side affect of all trace-snorffles meant that the air would soon be congested with snorflution so a mandatory cease-snorffling was put in effect. And no, Dear Leader does not mean "Le Dread Earl", it in fact means Gracious God in Esquilaxitavian Lapin.

And, the fact that you suggest that my suggestion that your suggestion that I was being fallacious was fallacious is itself fallacious.

Edited by - Indy11 on 10/31/2006 8:13:49 PM

Post Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:19 pm

*Shrugs* Parts of your obviously fake article are accurate, however that is due to pure luck and the fast pace of Esquilaxitavian living. As for your statement about my statement about your statement being fallacious in itself being fallacious, is itself a fallacious statement, because my initial question about your statement being fallacious was by no means fallacious in and of itself, and can only be seen as fallacious through your erroneous subjective interpretation!

Oh, and it is "Le Dread Ear" according to Torsian propaganda. The correct interpretation is of course "De La Reader" meaning "Beloved Reader", referring to the Great Chimaera's frequent reading from "The Book of the Rabbit" to his adoring congregation.

Edited by - esquilax on 10/31/2006 8:25:20 PM

Post Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:11 am

I find it most interesting that even when the Esquilurksian Propagandist "Jughead" attempts to refute out statement he even distorts the words we use. He claims that DL is not "Le Dread Earl", as though the only accusation to refute is the low ranking royalty assumed by his Dark Lord. He brazenly ignored the accusation that DL is the Le Dread Ear . Such slight of hand is of course expected at this stage as he knows how close we are to victory and is desperate to prevent us from un-covering the extent of his master's true horror. Reports arrive on my desk every day reporting the horrid torture inflictied upon his lowly common folk if the Elite Gurad hear them mutter the words "Dear Lard Eared Leader" during morning worship.

@Esquirtlax: As for any and all hints as to my real id-entity I shall consider your offer that I lay myself bare after 1,000 to some degree. However, I promise you, 'taint a pretty sight.

Edited by - Tors Denneti on 11/1/2006 3:23:28 AM

Post Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:22 am

"Book of the Rabbit"

would that be this one, by any chance?


Post Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:59 pm

as if i have to back up my statements...youre a wabbit...furthermore, i have captured one of your friends.

no one like wabbits...

Post Wed Nov 01, 2006 2:27 pm

nice one, para! and I know why that captured bunny's pulling that horrid painful face!

someone's got their hand up his bum!

and here's a greedy bunny crushed by one of those giant genetically-modified carrots they've been growing in Esquilurxistan - that's what GB does, see? it makes monsters!

to wit, I produce as evidence this horrendous GB-induced mutation of a wabbit..

(no-one else likes wabbits, either)

Edited by - Tawakalna on 11/1/2006 2:36:03 PM

Post Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:00 pm

Tors - We shall see...

Para - Bah! Still no proof! Just words! And as for your picture, that's a rat, not a rabbit! I suppose that all white furry animals look the same to you, eh human ? Poor rat, probably being experimented upon by the evil Parabolix. Shame!

Taw - As for your "rabbit-in-a-hat", that looks more like an experiment from the depths of Para's laboratory to me. Applying The Formula adds a healthy glow and many other benefits. It does not produce evil-looking mutated beasts. You've seen the friendly faces of Esquilaxitavia's rabbit folk on many occasions. See, here's one:

Yep, definately evil-looking .

I also note with interest that no-one has denied being in on the "Tors" joke. Interesting, and quite telling to the people reading this thread (i.e the lurkers).

As for Jaggy, his codename is "Jugged Hare" not "Jughead". Why you ask? Well, that's for him to say. Although that being said, he changes his codenames regularly, so I would have to go through my reports to find the latest moniker if it has changed.

Edited by - esquilax on 11/1/2006 4:00:56 PM

Post Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:38 pm

I also note with interest that no-one has denied being in on the "Tors" joke. Interesting, and quite telling to the people reading this thread (i.e the lurkers).

Is there a joke? What is there to be "in" on as far as the joke is concerned so that a denial is needed.

See? There you go again, creating an issue where none existed. Are we now expected to step forward and deny being "in" on the joke simply because you had decided that there is one and not denying being "in" on it means complicity?

Rather like proving the existence of nothing.

And.... as far as Mr. Parabolix' picture is concerned, it just as likely could be a rabbit with its ears pulled back. And, in any event, rats like rabbits, are rodents too.

Post Wed Nov 01, 2006 9:00 pm

Firstly, shouldn't you be in bed Indy? Secondly, lies! All lies! Rabbits are NOT "rodentia" as is commonly believed. That is an unjustified slanderous term thrust upon us by The Man (i.e. you humans)! We have long evolved past the need to be termed "rodent" and indeed, take our place among the dominant species on this planet. You would not believe the power that the average rabbit wields. Don't believe me, eh? Let me enlighten you...

Millionaire business men, "too busy" to come home and attend their child's birthday party will drop everything to take their furry rabbit companion down to the Vet if they are injured. Evil ex-Mullah's, basking on resort beaches and living in large suites paid for by ill-gotten means have rabbits in their backyards, and have been known to have them treated at the local Vetinary Surgery if they are ill, and replace them with new bunnies once they pass on. Evil Capitalist Insurance men and shady Orish drunkards cannot walk past a pet shop with rabbits on display in a window(1) without looking at the young leverets and saying "Awwwwww!!!". Indeed, who should be called "rodent"? The happy, benevolent and clean-living rabbitfolk, living in harmony with their environment, or the evil and destructive humans with their industry, turbines, fast food restaurants and "techno"? THAT is the question!

In the end, it is this:

Versus this:

As for the "joke", ignoring my statements will not disuade me from my belief that this is all part of a cunning plan to discredit the Great Chimaera in the face of the myriad lurkers reading this thread. Indeed, your shameful tactics WILL fail before the awesome power of truth, enlightenment and ginger beer, which hasn't been mentioned for a couple of days! Let it never happen again! Heil Esquilax ! Heil Ginger Beer !

(1) We intend to put a stop to the imprisonment of our furry brethren by pet shops in order to make money, by the way.

Edited by - esquilax on 11/1/2006 9:01:31 PM

Post Thu Nov 02, 2006 2:11 am

Wow! And I mean WOW! Esquilax you are truly amazing. You have managed to posit the first ever idea involving dubyah where I would actually agree with his actions. Well done!

As for those who are slightly less involved in this thread such as myself, what "joke" am I not "in on" eh? I feel somewhat left out by all this 4,000+ posts members club "in joking" malarky.

Post Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:08 am

What? You support Shrub killing poor innocent rabbits with an axe? I will take the compliment, but you'll have to spell my brilliance out to me in this instance, because I have no idea what you are going on about .

As for the joke, none o' them lurker fellers seem t' care, so I give up. For now. But there IS a joke, and I'm the subject. Still, that has always been the case, even since Mullah-boy first conscripted me into the war with Mustantopia .

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