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Hey Eskie, I''m huntin'' Wabbitsees!

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sat Nov 04, 2006 12:38 am

oh you mean that old tinfoil colendar you wear on your head? I enclose genuine photo of "impenetrable" Eskghuilurghs armour...

You may rest assured, O Chimaera of Great Girth, that there will never be any shortage of insults where you are comcerned; and what's that you were saying about you're being mental?

I also see that counting isn't your forté either, but then the lack of an opposable thumb and the shortage of the requisite number of digits on your paws would no doubt excuse you on that point. And no, we aren't scraping the bottom of the Burrow just yet - I believe that's your job? After all, you do have an imperative to spam your way to 1000 posts in order to sooth your chimaeresque ego!

Ah, if only I still had my admin account - I'd delete all your posts in the 990s, let Dru get no. 1000, then lock the thread.

Edited by - Tawakalna on 11/4/2006 5:59:48 AM

Post Sat Nov 04, 2006 2:21 am

Mock my impenetrable armour, will ye? After such vicious attacks upon my self-confidence and indeed, my very psyche, I am still a functional member of (Esquilaxitavian) society! Subjected to the aforementioned torrents of abuse, mind games and outright anti-Rabbitism present in this forum, few others would still be capable of speech and retain the ability to not only weather such attacks, but also return blows of their own! Yes, the Great Chimaera's armour is truly awe-inspiring, as is his proficiency with a US-101 keyboard despite having no fingers! As for this whole 1,000 posts thing, just remember that I'm not the one who created this thread, I merely inhabit it.

In any case, Esquilaxitavia may be soon be restructured (still in committee). As the once-great PDRNS became the "nation of Tawakalnistan" (if it can so be called, consisting as it does of a small sandpit in the backyard of a middle-class Englishman in North London), Esquilaxitavia may soon be reborn as a Monarchy (committee approval pending)! What do you have to say to that, lowly peasants?

The Great Chimaera's(1) paternal ancestors were highly regarded by the kings of Scotland, and his maternal ancestors were nobles in Transylvania! It is time that my nobility is acknowledged! Henceforth, let the Great Chimaera be referred to as the "Rabbit-King", "My Lord" or "Sire"! Some leeway will be granted to those who still wish to praise the Great Chimaera as their god, but let the word go forth from this time and place that, committee-permitting, the Great Rabbit-King has come!

Laus him per valde laus! Grandis Lepus - Rex regis has adveho!

Never fear! The benevolent morals and ethics upon which Esquilaxitavia was built will still be upheld, and those that do not wish to revere the Rabbit-King will still be permitted to live as they always have; in freedom. We have spoken!

(1) This refers to the GC's current incarnation, as he has been reborn many times (it keeps him young).

Edited by - esquilax on 11/4/2006 2:31:56 AM

Post Sat Nov 04, 2006 2:40 am

"middle-class?" "North London?" - now that's taking it too far! I'm working class through and through, a true prole, and wouldn't set foot in the snobby south if you paid me, and London is the equivalent of the Great Satan (well more Babylon)

functional member? that's no great claim, seeing as your whole population consists of you and Jughead, and as he's your willing follower, must perforce be even more dysfunctional than the Great Lard Reader. Oops, did I say "Lard?" No doubt you misread that as Laird due to your delusion attachment to ancient Scottish nobility. And on a "related" subject..

his maternal ancestors were nobles in Transylvania!

well that would explain this then...

My own ancestors were of course poor but pious peasants who had no desire for material wealth or a claim of distant nobility, but heeded the Word of God and lived in humility.

Rabbit-King? for shame,for shame; vanitas vanitatum, omnia vanitas

"In all we do, and hear, and see,
Is restless soil, and Rabbitry.
While yet the burrowed earth abides,
Rabbits come and go like ocean tides."

Rex Lepus Maximinus, sic transit gloria mundi; memento mori.

Edited by - Tawakalna on 11/4/2006 3:26:16 AM

Post Sat Nov 04, 2006 3:37 am

Ah, we're proud of our peasant ancestry are we? Proud of our working-class roots? Bah! We on the other hand, barely know the meaning of the word "work"! *Shoots Taw a snooty glare* You're probably proud of your "B" blood-type too! Hmph! As for "living in humility", you and the word "humble" are entirely incompatible! Don't toy with the royal personage!

And what are you trying to prove with that picture? That I am descended from "vampire bunnies"? And what would be wrong with that? My vampiric brethren have been immortalised in literature, art and even architecture for centuries! Just look at this:

Ah yes, we noble rabbitfolk have such exciting histories. One of these days, we should tell you about our ancestor, Vlad the Imbiber (of GB-).

EDIT: We take umbrage at your statements! What are you complaining about now? "Rabbit-King" is a significant step down from "Rabbit-God", although we were crowned by Divine Right of course. One would have thought that you would be supporting our adoption of a more modest role!

Edited by - esquilax on 11/4/2006 3:44:56 AM

Post Sat Nov 04, 2006 6:31 am

There are only three of you (four counting Swiss)
I am not sure whether to be happy that you included me or annoyed that you would even consider not doing so.

I have decided to invest in a new outlet store which will have bases on the edges of all the major towns in SwissDruLandia. They will specialise in IndiCorp Furniture and Taxidermist Supplies of Squirrels and Rabbits. We are thinking of calling it "Flatpack".

Post Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:58 am

This is a live news feed you are seeing from SwissDrulandia.

The One known as "Druid" has just been hit with a major blow from the Squirrel forces. In a co-op operation with assitance from a new ally of the Squirrels, the GHMG or Ground Hog Mercenary Guild, have swiftly air dropped in during the night and torched Taxitermist and Furniture supplies on the outskirts of SquissDrulandian townships and cities. They were airdropped in by the SAFor, Squirrel Air Force. These enemies of the state came and attacked us, and we shall make them pay!"

, of course they will, we have been the ones on the offensive. These taxidermistssststst suppllieeeeees will not kill neither us or ourrrrrrr allllieeess. To pre-pre-prevvvent this, we have blockaded all Sea route from Indycorp HQ with our gloriouuuuuuuus RSN. And the SAF controls the skies around their headquarters, effectively starving them off from supplies going to SwissDrulandia. We have inteligence they are supporting Taw and the evil ones! They have been exposed and now pay the price! Fear the sqququqirrelll peoplellle. Keep in mind we do this solely on Indycorp Territory, and have no hostile intent toward the United states unless provakedddddd. We seeekkkk only peeaccce, butttt weeee willl fight fofofour it, and our right ttooo have good grammmmmarrrr again.

Edited by - Zeta1 on 11/4/2006 8:59:13 AM

Edited by - Zeta1 on 11/4/2006 9:00:14 AM

[EDIT! Off war topic, this thread will be a year old in 6 days! Keep it going! i Think we should sett he goal of 100 pages!! by, lets say? Febuary 30th?

Edited by - Zeta1 on 11/4/2006 9:14:13 AM

Post Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:17 am

in true Marvel comics style: "It's Squirrel Squidging Time!"

We have a new rodent enemy to rid the world of! My super secret global Tawakalni army of sleeper agents is going to.. erm.. well wake up first of all, because obviously they're all asleep. I hope they set their alarm clocks! (supplied in bulk by SwissDru Timepieces of Craggy island, a division of IndyCorp Chronometers Inc)

Must remember to remind Dickie S to put his extra-wide tyres on and to add the chains too, for extra squirrel squidging special effects (like the pained squeak as the get squidged and mangled at the same time)

Post Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:30 pm

In responsne to this evil mobilization, we have developed a new Squirreeeellll corps, Anti tannkkkkk and araramaroed commanddoo unit. Image of this glorious Arrrrmmmymymy

Squirrrrel commando

Anti-t-tank Commanando

As you see, your evil sleeper agents will be stopped!

Post Sat Nov 04, 2006 6:35 pm

Now on special at your nearest Indy*Stop convenience store.

Get them while they last or while there's a fuzzy tailed rodent to terminate!

Post Sun Nov 05, 2006 3:01 am

unfortunately your Squirrel Airborne troops didn't fare quite so well...

that's what happens if you buy IndyCorp Aviation Industries out-of-date ex Korean War parachutes in their annual stock clearance January sales! (no refunds, no returns)

Post Sun Nov 05, 2006 2:50 pm

Not a pleasant picture, but the accompanying text is quite humorous . I am eager to see how this whole Taw vs Squirrelhead battle (if it can so be called) goes. If nothing else, it will give me time to rest up and regain some energy .

Post Sun Nov 05, 2006 8:10 pm

>>>Noo Dwork Daily Noos<<<

Dateline: The Former PDRNS / Tawakalnistan / Now Esquilaxistan

The erstwhile rodential and now lagomorphic hordes that have invaded this devasted and poor land have, surprisingly, shed their more spartan Esquilaxitive ways and have grown fat and lazy. There is no occupation lapin army to speak of.

Many have become the laughing stock of the local population who have, bye and bye, reverted to their PDRNSian ways and dropped observance of not only rabbit worship of mullagatawneeism as well and have returned to a more secular way of life.

Unable to convince a local that he must give up his home to provide housing for an occupation LagoTrooper, the homeowner is seen laughingly evicting the would be conqueror from his home.

Having discovered that what they like the most about their GB is the B in their GB, may LagoTroopers have fallen into drunken stupors as they expand their palates and partake of locally made dandelion wine, fermented honey wine and ordinary malt beers ... all which had been banned under the regime of mullahgatawneeism but which has been in resurgence ever since the departure of the Mullah.

Local shop keepers literally have had to haul some the elite in Esquilaxitivian soldiery by the scruffs of their necks as they wallow in drunke stupors at these local establishments.

But all does not bode well for the locals. Under the law in Esquilaxistan, those who refuse to pay the Esquilaxitive tax are sternly treated.

Edited by - Indy11 on 11/5/2006 8:14:40 PM

Post Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:25 am

@Indy: I hate to dissappoint you but my intel actually tells a very different but somewhat more disturbing story about your last picture. I am acutely aware that the following will be particularly difficult for Taw so look away if you are only after having a heavy meal.

Unhappy with the natural signs of aging experienced by the beautiful Jessica the Dark Over Lord had his scientists perform a few minor alterations to his poor bride. What you behold is alas the horrible end result.

Edited by - Tors Denneti not Esquilax on 11/6/2006 7:26:18 AM

Post Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:28 pm

We are not convinced of the veracity of the aforementioned "report". It is clearly pro-Tawakalnic propaganda, but how the ex-Mullah can still finance such propaganda is as yet unknown. In any case, we will take it upon ourselves to clarify a number of points...

As for a "devastated land", Esquilaxitavia and Esquilaxistan have never looked so good. New trees are constantly being planted, new economically-friendly burrows are being created, and the whole country is full of the sounds of nature. You know, the more stereotypical ones; birds, running water, the gentle rumble of water-driven mill-wheels... Ah yes, truly idyllic. See?

As for the secularisation of Esquilaxitavia, it was felt that we could no longer support a Theocracy, due to the fact that the average rabbit does not believe in organised religion (except when they venerate the Rabbit-God of course). Indeed, there was a call for the old ways to be preserved as much as possible, and have the Great Chimaera accept the role of King and God, that is to say something along the lines of "Pharoah Esquilax", but the GC himself was humble, and would not accept. Now that religions is largely out of the picture, things are becoming far better for everyone, especially the GC. All of those religious ceremonies... Most tirin' they be.

As for accusations of "beer", it is true that some of the humans within Esquilaxistan are converting GB into B through the use of ingenious distillation techniques, but they are free to do so. Alcohol is not illegal, because it merely reinforces the commitment and strength of will that is possessed by the mighty Esquilaxitavians!

As for your second picture, we have posted that before! That's "Sixtus" one of our Esquilaxitavian Shock Troops! Do your research, you journalistic hack!

Finally, we must impose a small tax. How else can we afford to plant trees, build GB fountains, schools and universities, and finally pave the many sandy tracks in Esquilaxistan? Indeed, the taxation rate is very low compared to other countries, but people always complain about taxation, even when the ruling body is being very generous. Well, humans do anyway.

Post Mon Nov 06, 2006 4:06 pm

Tors Denneti not Esquilax

Interesting name change. Like the saying, me thinks he prostesteth too much.

Edited by - Finalday on 11/6/2006 4:06:12 PM

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