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TLR WARS :Episode 1 A new dark lord Pt1

Tell us about your adventures, amazing stories, wow us with your wit...use your imagination, tell us some of the greatest moments in your life.

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 1:09 am

Oh I'll wipe all of you out

What are we going to do tonight Brain?
Same as we do every night Pinky, Try to take over the world

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 1:10 am

darklords come and go as well

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 1:13 am

lords yea, the ladies stay

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 1:16 am

Hey .. I know where sycho_warrior comes from .. so .. dont forget me .. I'll put her on her place

Edited by - Spix on 9/18/2004 2:17:28 AM

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 1:18 am

yea right

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 1:22 am

but have you been given authority over the Fleet? I serve the Emperor, not a *lackey*

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:53 am

Ah, a Star Wars tale! It's about time people! Hmm, why is it that I foresaw my own death at the hands of sw in your tale when I was meditating last night Final?

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:58 am

killing Esq..hmm now thats a thought to savour

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 4:05 am

i told u i'd appear at somepoint didn't i and my bro as well he'll be pleased

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 4:53 am

im not in it ... but great going. i dont have any form of footing in any star wars stuff, nor treks. so yeah. sounds interesting nonetheless.

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 5:27 am

Just a note so that we can be VERY clear about something here. ANYBODY and I repeat .. ANYBODY that tries to kill sycho_warrior will have to report to me. It will be your Finalday. You will be Jagged into pieces and carried off in a freighter fighter to a redstarpaddy Indy11 end. Fed to a Locutus with a Stingray on it's tail, driven over by a Mustang then Arcon-welded by an Esquilax. Copy that?

Edited by - Spix on 9/18/2004 7:12:18 AM

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 7:23 am

nice one spix maybe i should change my nick into sth sentence-able.

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 7:56 am

sw is so doomed now. just wait till she tries to come aboard my Executor-class SSD.

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 8:06 am

The senate was in full meeting. Chancellor arcon had just called for order and a silence fell over the multitude. There had been a lot of changes over the last quarter of a century. New worlds admitted to the republic. One that was no longer there, due to a break up, was the trade federation. That was more due to the affairs that Palpatine had set in motion to propel him to the position as Emperor. They were used to bring about the clone wars then discarded like Alderon trash. Arcon had sent a coded message out this very morning, he needed to confer before the Jedi vote took place. He knew he would have to stall it by what ever means necessary. He had spoken to a few delegates that could filibuster the vote for a few days.

The Jedi stood behind the Chancellor on the platform. Mustang had his eyes closed in meditation. The others, they were alert, scanning the senators present, trying to find the root of evil that was growing. An anger seemed to have gotten root and was slowly spreading in the republic. No conflict caused it. The republic had known several years of peace. The remnant had only caused minor problems with most of the commanders having been destroyed at the battle at Endor. Leadership was at a minimal now.

The Death Star had a grand view of the fleet. But it was one that Indy relished. The power that would be at his command soon, these petty ship Captains or even the admiral commanded was petty, compared to his. When he was given command of this station, that was the greatest day of his existence. He could not wait to show the galaxy his power. The station had corrected the flaws in the other ones. The exhaust port was no vulnerable any more, plus this station would have a shielding system that would not let a gnat approach it.

Unlike the Grand Moff Tarkin’s time, He had true command and power of the station. He answered to only one, the Dark Master, sycho_warrior. He had already obtained a full compliment of Tie Defenders and Stormtroops on board. The were kept trained and ready for a moments notice. These new clone troopers, they were totally obedient to him and die fighting. This gave him a renewed sense of power. He looked at the flight deck, watching a regiment of troops drill. The precision was magnificent. Every turn executed perfectly, pure polish in the formations. He looked toward the bay’s port, a squadron of his Tie defenders flew past, a tight formation there as well. He turned and took a drink held on a tray by a protocol droid and sipped it. Wonderful, he reveled in his accomplishments.

Outside the station, three squadrons of Defenders always circled the station. The shield that emanated from the planet would keep large ships away, but until the stations shield was operational, they would be flying a repeat pattern around the station, vigilant for any attack that might come from a foolish republic fleet.

The field of view changed to that of the flag ship, the Super Star destroyer, The Vengeance, Jagged looked at the station, just hanging there like a skeleton. He knew why he was here, at this place, but he longed to get into battle. He was a good ship’s commander, but, flag ship duty was not what he liked. The Admiral made him nervous. It wasn’t that he feared him, it was more he did not know what to expect from the man. He was unpredictable, and that was what worried him. He sat at a desk and went over all the information that was pouring in. He had to read through it and organize it to give to the Admiral and he would not fail to be efficient.

Data was coming in from some probe droids in several key systems. Five had been destroyed before the information was complete, but the others gave valuable information as to troop strengths, ship positions, and personnel movements. This was the information the Admiral was wanting to see. The new droids were not armed. Nothings was used to give off a signature that would alert those they watched and scanned.

The cave held much dark energy in it. Training began again. The student worked his abilities until he could accomplish the task given him. Several droids were activated and began to attack. All firing lethal volts. Neo_Kuja deftly deflected all of them and even sent two of them back at the droid. Its shielding protected it though. He had to defeat them all to survive. He leaped and rolled his way to the rear of the first, using the force to push it into the second. The force fields shorting as they touched. A weakness now to be exploited. A quick trust of the lightsaber and both were destroyed. Three left to go.

Using a different tactic, the student maneuvered to the blind side of the droid, pushed again and then thrust his saber straight in at the droids head. The shield resisted but grew weak until a hole opened and the saber completed it path and removed the head off the droid. It was now deactivated.

The other two were adapting to the tactics. They would be harder to defeat. He continued to deflect the bolts that were fired, but they were beginning to tire him. “Use your aggressive feelings, stop trying to defeat them with reason” a voice called out. His master was instructing him. He closed his eyes and concentrated intently. Though he was bodily deflecting the bolts, he was also seeing the droids lift off the ground and be slammed into each other, destroying them. He opened his eyes as pieces fell all around him. “Very well done, Darth Neo_kuja”. The title meant he had survived and passed the test. The trials were complete.

Edited by - Finalday on 9/18/2004 9:33:56 AM

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 8:11 am

Ok now I'm confused

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