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TLR WARS :Episode 1 A new dark lord Pt1

Tell us about your adventures, amazing stories, wow us with your wit...use your imagination, tell us some of the greatest moments in your life.

Post Fri Sep 24, 2004 6:32 pm

The X-Wing dropped out of hyper space over Degoba. The pilot fired his landing thrusters and took it down. The area still clear from the last visitor. The ship, shut down and unloaded, R-2 clearly not happy to be back on this planet, voiced his opinion. “Yes R-2, I know you hate the muck, but the trip was necessary.” was Darkstone’s reply. He strapped on the pack of supplies and headed towards the hovel, smoke rising slowly from the roof vent.

Ducking, he almost had to craw to enter. He was a bit taller than his father was. Inside he set out his bedroll and other needed things and set the pack aside. He was not alone. The presence of three other Jedi, comforting and soothing. They would aid him in his quest, and more. A short figure and two others dressed in black...

Commander Indy had all available stations up and running long before a report was sought. He delivered it in crisp, military fashion. The receiver, merely acknowledged it. Indy was still hurting from the previous meeting with this individual. The pain would not be silenced. He learned his lesson quite well. But, his was the power to use, which was a comfort. He only wished to use it on the one who caused him pain. But, he kept his thought buried, hidden. Safer that way. Even a jedi could sense deception.

His quarters gave him a reprieve. It would still be two more months before there was enough of the station assembled to be a threat to a system. Until then, he could only wait. A knock at his door brought his thoughts back to the here and now. “Come” was the only word spoke as the door slide open. Admiral Tawakalna stepped inside and waited for the door to close before speaking. This, was surprise. The Admiral had no authority here, so why come here at all. They had not always seen eye to eye, but they did respect one another. He motioned the Admiral to have a seat.

Captain Jagged had seen the admiral head to the hanger bay once they had returned to the fleet. He did not say where he was going, only that he had an urgent matter to attend to. The was a relief. Just to be in command of the prized ship, his ship, was what he wanted. The other things, well they were unsettling. He would almost request a transfer, but with his luck, it would be only to the nearest airlock.

The meeting was proving productive. Both the commander and the Admiral were coming to an agreement. The seemed to have a common foe and wanted to be rid of it. At that exact moment, the door slid open and in walked part of the problem, cloaked in a dark robe with hood drawn and saber in hand. The door slid shut, a scream cut off as the door sealed.

Gowserpaul was the first to speak, “Darkstone disappeared ten years ago while on a training exercise, Now he turns up again?” He and his brother liked challenges, they allowed them to test themselves. But this, no one knew what to make of it. None of the Jedi were prepared for the events that could now take place, but it was decided to make contact with Skywalker as soon as possible.

Esquilax took the floor. He had come to a conclusion, based on the information obtained and the flight records, that Darkstone had been to Degoba and has since returned there. And, there was and another problem as well, anger was sensed as well. A bad mix for a Jedi. This could lead someone to the darkside, even someone as strong as Darkstone. This required more though. Esquilax left the council chambers and went to his quarters to think about it.

Jagged had all the extra Troopers transferred to various ships that were in need. Soon the attack force would be ready. He coded message and sent it to the Death Star, to be given to the Admiral. It was replied that he would be given the message at the earliest convenience, what ever that meant. What could the Admiral be up to that a message he wanted, could not be relayed now.

The meeting of the Admiral and the Commander, Indy, was almost over. Nothing would be the same again. He had come to for a strategy to remove the sith from the plans, only to be plunged straight into their plans. The surgeons worked on him. Implants were needed to keep him alive. His face, if you could call it that was gone. In place of it was mask close to that of the old dark lord, Vader. It would be required to live. His new master, the Dark Master herself, over saw the handy work. Ths would end the internal rebellion before it even got started. The commander was in full agreement, that no further rebellion would be tolerated, by any one.

The Admiral, once all the devises were in place, rose from the table and the quickly bowed the knew to his master, sycho_warrior, pledging new loyalty to the master, without further question. He lost his battle to over throw the Sith. He would no longer want to be the emperor. The Sith turned and left. They had other things to attend to now. Their servants would remain loyal, no longer questioning orders. One the fleet was assembled, the admiral was to take it to the first system in the plan, and bring it under the control of the new emperor.

Edited by - Finalday on 9/24/2004 7:34:46 PM

Post Fri Sep 24, 2004 6:41 pm

This ends part One. What I have planed is about the same length again. This first part is 20 pages on my computer. Chips, or Wizard, if you edit this thread, I would ask if you will leave the list of people in it that I have on the second page. Thanks. Question, would it be better to to the second part in a new thread, or continue it here. It may very well be as long as the first. I will be working on it and awaite any ideas, or if none, continue in this thread.

Post Fri Sep 24, 2004 10:37 pm

New thread please

Post Fri Sep 24, 2004 11:07 pm

id rather you continued it here, but its up to you.

Post Sat Sep 25, 2004 12:06 am

Damn hard headed Jedi. It would be good if they can clear this one and let you then continue. We can write our comments till the secondpart is finnished . .then let them clear the comments out again.

Nice going sofar Finalday. It makes for an excelent read.

Post Sat Sep 25, 2004 2:50 am

Im the only character thats died, damn

Post Sat Sep 25, 2004 5:00 pm

So that's how you got that green face Taw. I'd never have thought. ....

Fd... nice going. On a new thread please.

Post Sat Sep 25, 2004 11:51 pm

dark_reaper, you're not the only one, *Glances at Indy*.
* Insert Evil Laughter here *

Post Sun Sep 26, 2004 2:17 am


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