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TLR WARS :Episode 1 A new dark lord Pt1

Tell us about your adventures, amazing stories, wow us with your wit...use your imagination, tell us some of the greatest moments in your life.

Post Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:49 am

Well I am not to proud to beg... can I please have a part in this fanfic?

I always fancied mytself as a brash young pilot with much skill but too much ego.

Nice going so far Final, I live Star Wars stories and you all know that I will be first in line this Tuesday to pick up the holy trilogy on DVD!!!!!!!!!

"On this ship you are to refer to me as Idiot, not you Captain. I mean... you know what I mean."

Edited by - topher on 9/17/2004 6:49:35 AM

Post Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:57 am

i preorderd

Post Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:21 am

i'm not going to be buying it. Mr Lucas makes no more money out of me thx.

Post Fri Sep 17, 2004 9:16 am

hey i wanna fly in a TIE fighter and get blown into pieces, well make it honourably as possible will ya?

Post Fri Sep 17, 2004 9:25 am


Post Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:21 pm

I have the trilogy already. Why buy it again?

You have called down the Thunder. Now reap the Whirlwind.
Warning! In the intrest of safety it is advisable to keep Heltak away from Fire and Flames!
He that humbleth himself wishes to be exalted.
Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Post Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:58 pm

The cloners on Kamino were glad for more work. This time though, the stock was different. The previous donor was killed in a battle and eventually, the genes were so damaged, the beings being produced were of such inferior stock, they were destroyed to await a new donor. The strain this time was even more promising. The newer procedure was accelerated as well to shorten the time till the troops can be ready for use. Mustang was a very good bounty hunter in his own right. His reflexes were twice that of Jango Fett.

The cloners had high hopes for this batch they were creating. They would be bread with total fearlessness and obedience. They would al be totally loyal to the new Dark Master, sycho_warrior. It was she after all that convinced the Komino’s to create a need version and also fund the project. They never asked where she got the credits or why she wanted the aspects changed from the previous clones. A truly unbeatable army, this time. Soldiers walked by, drilling in perfect precision, not a step out of place, not one falter. Perfect.

Tawakalna returned to his quarters. He had just changed into something relaxing when a the com panel activated, the voice of jagged irritating him even more than before. He hit the button, more in frustration than in anger. Could not these officers handle things as he had ordered, or would they need an example to live by,. Something to consider. “What is it Captain” he spoke, maintaining an air of command.

“Sir, a message for you from Geonosis. It’s commander freighter fighter” jagged answered, trying to sound in confidence. And not a bumbling idiot. He touched the keys to send the message to the Admiral, sight unseen.

“Very well, captain, however, no more disturbances tonight, please” the voice dripping with disdain. Tawakalna sat at his deck before responding. The holographic image standing twelve inches tall. The image of freighter fighter flickered and brightened. He was on Geonosis to see to the preparations for the new weapon being created there. A matter of utmost secrecy. If anyone found out of it, it would mean more than his head. He began with all the current information and then spoke to the image.”What progress do you have to report”.

Freighter fighter backed away from view so a larger image could be seen, an impressive site, more power than even the Death Star. “It will be ready as ordered, Admiral, you may pick it up at your leisure, the duplicate will be ready in one week” he finished. Sooner than planed, the Admiral though.

“Very well, Commander, you will be rewarded for your service.” Tawakalna ended the transmission. He contemplated what anyone would want with a weapon this powerful.

A small craft slowed from hyperspace and entered orbit of Tatooine. It circled once with scanners functioning and then began it decent to the surface, a remote location away from any towns or moister farms. It was an older version of a Sith craft. No one had seen one since Darth Maul had landed here so many years ago. Now, though this one carried another sith, an apprentice. This one was trained in several saber technics and was a willing pupal to the new master. He had much to learn, but was more than capable to carry out his masters orders. As the dust swirled around the ship, the landing legs extended and the wings retracted. The rear hatch opened and a dark robed figure walked out. It touched a button on it’s wrist band and the hatch closed. Another button was pressed and a second hatch opened and a small speeded bike was lowered to the ground.

Dust was seen only by the ebbing sun light of the twin suns of tatooine, but the line never varied, the course never changed. It was headed straight for the cave. There were no trails, nor foot prints. No one dared to go near the cave any more. It wasn’t worth the risk to go there, only to die.

The imperial shuttle arrived at Tatooine as well. It too seemed out of place, so far from any people. It settled next to the other craft. The ramp lowered as it’s passenger disembarked, but a larger craft was lowered beside it than the bike. One worthy of a little more respect, one fit for a master to travel in. Again the dust flew high as the Dark Lord headed toward the same cave. Any Tuskans would be wondering if it was worth anything to follow. No one ever came back.

As sycho_warrior slowed on arriving at the cave, the figure of her apprentice was already there, waiting. On the sound of the crafts engine shutting down, the apprentice turned and move toward the Master and kneeled. “What is thy bidding, my master” the voice spoke in humble tones.

“Rise my Pupil, and attend me” she replied, her eyes flashed a fire, an energy surrounded her, that lit the area as the suns set. Both walked toward the mouth of the cave. The Pupil lowered his hood. The markings on his head resembled Darth maul, but the face was different, almost gentle. But the heart, was dark. The master spoke to the student as both entered the cave, “You have done well, Neo_Kuja, your time to take your place at my side has arrived.” They disappeared into the darken cave, no light lit, none emanating from the cave.

Back on Coruscant, in the private chambers of the Jedi masters, two were in meditation, thier thoughts centering on the trouble that was brewing in the republic. They sought out the source of the disturbance, but they saw only clouds of darkness, and a growing evil. It troubled them until they withdrew from meditating. They looked at each other, as if knowing what the other was thinking. The did to a degree, as they were brothers.

Gowserpaul and Gowserchris were found on a lone world in the outer rim. They were all that survived a freighter wreck a month before. They were rescued by Master Skywalker himself who noticed the force exceptionally strong in them. He brought them back for training and even over saw part of it himself. The seemed to possess not only a quick learning of the training, but a patience level un equaled, except for perhaps Yoda or Mace Windu. The would have appreciated the new students work. They were extraordinary.

After leaving Locutus, Esquilax set his course back to Coruscant to report to the others on the council and then to the Chancellor as well. His thoughts were troubled. Could someone, a Jedi even, have brought about this darkness he sensed? It was, he had to admit, a possibility. No non-jedi could have gotten close to Skywalker without him knowing it. But, who the person was, well the mystery remained to be solved as well.

The senate was in full meeting. Chancellor arcon had just called for order and a silence fell over the multitude. There had been a lot of changes over the last quarter of a century. New worlds admitted to the republic. One that was no longer there, due to a break up, was the trade federation. That was more due to the affairs that Palpatine had set in motion to propel him to the position as Emperor. They were used to bring about the clone wars then discarded like Alderon trash. Arcon had sent a coded message out this very morning, he needed to confer before the Jedi vote took place. He knew he would have to stall it by what ever means necessary. He had spoken to a few delegates that could filibuster the vote for a few days.

Edited by - Finalday on 9/17/2004 8:18:46 PM

Post Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:52 pm

Current cast includes - Updated 9/22/04

Esquilax, Jedi Master.

Locutus, smuggler and friend of Solo
Ship - The Star princess

Tawakalna - Admiral of the new imperial fleet

Jagged - Captain of the flag ship, a Super Star Destroyer

Indy - Commander of the New Death Star

Stinger - Jedi Master

Chips - Jedi Master

Wizard - Jedi Master

Arcon - Supreme Chancellor

Mustang - Bounty Hunter and cloner source.

sycho_warrior - Dark Master and imperial comander

freighter fighter - commander of new weapons research

Neo_Kuja - New dark student

Gowserpaul - Jedi master and co-head of council and brother of Gowserchris

Gowserchris - Jedi master and co-head of council and brother of Gowserpaul

Darkstone - Luke Skywalkers son

Redstar - Redstar One, a republic squadrin commander

Topher - Republic Squadrin commander

Spix - Home two Mon Calamri Crusier commander

Arania - Republic Squadrin commander

Dark_Reaper - Star Destroyer Captain (killed in action)

Bargib - Admiral of Republic fleet

KimK - Commander of Home two, flag ship

Major Striker - Commander of ground troops

Lt Cmdr Ajim - Wing Commander, Home Two

more will be added as the story goes on.

Edited by - Finalday on 9/27/2004 5:39:11 PM

Post Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:58 pm

I can see my next to the last line....."What does this button do?"

Post Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:19 pm

Actually, i picture your char as a ruthless, power hungry commander that will stand nose to nose even with an Admiral, as your station does not fall under his command. "The future is not set, there is no fate but what we make. "

Post Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:13 pm

Kewl! Very kewl. *Squirms in chair with anticipation*

Post Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:38 pm

My name is not suited to storytelling so just abbrev. to Redstar if you like. And if it is okay with you could I be something like a Jawa or some sort of badguy soldier? Cheers

Post Fri Sep 17, 2004 9:13 pm

What's this? Am I ,Jagged, in a story? YAY, and I'm captured perfectly giving the oresent situation of me needing my computer to be tuned a bit and me having to make some excuses about how I had to make excuses to my Mmom about how my computer was broked. But wait! I'm part Taw's dictatorship?!Noooo!

Post Fri Sep 17, 2004 11:53 pm

oooh do i get to blow something up?

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 1:01 am

listen "Commander of the Death Star" everyone knows that the backbone of the Empire is the Imperial Fleet. The Battle Stations are just tinkertoys in comparison. Technological terrors come and go, but the Fleet endures.

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