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TLR WARS :Episode 1 A new dark lord Pt1

Tell us about your adventures, amazing stories, wow us with your wit...use your imagination, tell us some of the greatest moments in your life.

Post Thu Sep 16, 2004 5:27 pm

TLR WARS :Episode 1 A new dark lord Pt1

A foreboding shadow has crept out
The days of Master Yoda are long gone
It has been ten years since the death of Master
Luke Skywalker and his sister, Lea Solo.
The remnant is weaker than ever,
The Jedi, they have been blinded to what is to come......

As always, no offence intended.

Edited by - Finalday on 10/13/2004 2:58:11 PM

Post Thu Sep 16, 2004 5:27 pm

An aging imperial shuttle craft was observed heading to the planet, Degoba. It had no escorts, no protection. When the remnant flew, they always had escorts. This craft looked a little worse for wear. It headed down into the clouds, disappearing to the surface. Moister sprayed around as the landing thrusters fired. It lightly touched down, as if flown by a master pilot. The engines began to cool, the running lights extinguished, the ramp lowered.

The figured the emerged from the ship was covered in a dark blue robe, the hood drawn over the head. It moved as if floating on air. A wisp blew the robe open to show a light saber. The figure knew the path, as if it had traveled it ever day. The low hovel that was passed, gave no signs of life for years, yet it once held great power within. But was now gone.

The figure walked on, purpose in the pace. Then, it stopped, as if it sensed something, then a large, slimy creature rose from the murky water near the figure and moved toward its prey. A single hand rose, finger tips flashing, lighting struck the creature and it receded into the depths, the figure never even looked as it resumed it’s walk. A thread of long dark hair showed from the hood.

The large mass of ancient roots created a cavern, dark and forbidding. This was the goal of the figure. It slowly made it’s way down, into the dark depths where no light can reach, but then, sight was not required. Hands found there hold, feet never missed a step. Finally, the lowest level was reached. The darkness was enveloping, overwhelming. The figure seemed to revel in it, drawing strength. It raised it’s hands high, lightning leaping from the fingers, a glow forming around the figure, as the hood slid back. Long tresses flowed in the energy waves that surrounded the figure, the light, revealing the figure as a woman. The light, pure evil, enclosed the woman completely.

The new republic had began to show signs of weakness. Discord in the reformed senate. The Jedi that had been reborn with wise jedi master, Luke Skywalker, had grown lax. Some had been raised too fast and with little proper training. It was not Skywalker’s fault, he was simply overwhelmed to be in the position he was thrust. It was inevitable that problems would arise. But no one expected what happened. Skywalker and his sister were on a mission to find more candidates to become Jedi. He was distracted and did not see the attack coming. The attacker, a penchant for things blue, had struck when Luke was weakest. Lea was no match either. She fell beside her brother. They were together in battle and in death. The senate could not believe the loss to the galaxy.

A Superstar Destroyer dropped out of light speed near a ship yard orbiting the world of Yavin. There were several Star Destroyers already in orbit and several squadrons of advanced Tie fighters running patrols. In orbit was another station, even in a half completed state, it was impressive. Even larger than the two that were before it, massive firepower soon to be at its command, a Death Star.

On the bridge of the Superstar Destroyer, a new admiral now in command of the new fleet. He surveyed the progress of the construction. He knew he would have to make a report soon, but he wanted more news to be good than bad. He had suffered enough and did not want to be disciplined again. He would obey without question. He summoned the captain of the ship to him.

Captain Jagged was as nervous as a womprat in a shooting cage. He had just been assigned to command this ship. The prize of the new imperial fleet. He worked hard to get where he was, but this new admiral was different than any commanders he had known. Harsh and demanding, never giving an inch.

“Captain Jagged reporting as ordered, Admiral” Jagged spoke in a voice dripping with fear. The Admiral turned to face the captain before speaking.

“Captain, what is the report on the construction of the station” Admiral Tawakalna asked. He seemed distracted, but his face spoke volumes. He was not to be taken lightly. When he demanded answers, the replies had better be coming yesterday. The captain gave all details of progress and materials needed and even explained that the difficulties had been resolved to increase speed. “That is unacceptable, Captain” the Admiral spoke, voice on an even level. “The dark lord wants answers, not excuses”.

The captain hurried out of the Admiral’s presence. He wanted nothing more than to just be in command of his ship, not keeping up with these demands. He despised intrigue. The dark lord was making a presence that was darker than any he had ever heard of. Even the former emperor, Palpatine was not as dark as this one. A female, former Jedi Knight, her name is sycho_warrior No one knows where she came from, no place of birth, no past beyond being a Jedi. She had been a powerful Jedi, but one also that had known much anger in her life.

The shipyard was full of activity. Not only was the Death Star being built, but the shipyard was in full production for new star destroyers. The orders were for seven new ships to be ready in less than six months. A task that merited concern to the republic. This wave would overwhelm many in its path. Sweeping attacks were used to bring key systems into the new fold. One included the planet of Tatooine. A source of the force power. It was the home planet of both Luke and Anakin Skywalker. The force flowed from a dark cave located in a remote province. No one traveled there. Many had died trying to unlock the secrets of it.

Han, never got over losing Lea. He lost all of the fight he had built up. He left his position in the new republic and headed to Nar Shaddaa to retire. No one could seem to reach him. He had lost Chewy twenty five years ago. He had hit him hard, and now, the loss of his wife. He did start a small business with a man named, Locutus. Who himself was a smuggler as well. A kindred spirit if you will. Locutus had built his own ship as well. He had not named it till after he had heard of Han’s wife’s death. He named it in honor of her, The Star Princess

Edited by - Finalday on 9/16/2004 7:20:27 PM

Post Thu Sep 16, 2004 5:57 pm

Very good FD, thought you would have penned Taw in for the role of Dark Lord, considering his hard on for the empire. I seriously like it so far.

Edited by - Mustang on 9/16/2004 6:59:30 PM

Post Thu Sep 16, 2004 6:01 pm

Hmmmm. Dark Lord, a female. Dark Lady.... hmmm. That's a tough one Fd.
It would be more "grammatically" correct to refer to sw as the Dark Lady but it loses its dramatic impact. But referring to her as a female Dark Lord seems sort of awkward. Is there some other title maybe or would that take you too far off the SW track?

Post Thu Sep 16, 2004 6:04 pm

I am leaning toward using the title only occasionally rather than reg. When more is written, a different title may be substituted. sw had asked for a role like this sometime back. Just got the idea together.

Post Thu Sep 16, 2004 7:16 pm

Han, never got over losing Lea. He lost all of the fight he had built up. He left his position in the new republic and headed to Nar Shaddaa to retire. No one could seem to reach him. He had lost Chewy twenty five years ago. He had hit him hard, and now, the loss of his wife. He did start a small business with a man named, Locutus. Who himself was a smuggler as well. A kindred spirit if you will. Locutus had built his own ship as well. He had not named it till after he had heard of Han’s wife’s death. He named it in honor of her, The Star Princess. He had hooked up with some of the new republics guiding forces. The ones that saw change coming and wanted to stem the tide of darkness, but knew they might not succeed with out the backing of the Jedi.

The door of Locutus slid open. The figure in a standard Jedi robe move quietly inside. He seemed to be aware of all things within. Locutus indicated a chair for him to sit in. The Jedi move and sat quietly, organizing his thoughts. “It’s good to see you again Master Esquilax”Locutus began, “I’m glad you agreed to see me.” Jedi master Esquilax nodded assent and removed a disk from his robe and handed it to Locutus. He took it and move to the console and dropped it into the slot. He touched a couple of buttons and data began to download to the disk. Data that could mean the difference of survival or annihilation. The Jedi had to get it back to the council in time.

The command center on the Death Star was sparse still. Much must still be added to make it a true command center for the new Dark Master. Though the commander did not know anything about her. He only knew what he needed to know, and that was, that the cost of failure would mean a painful death. His predecessor what met such an end. The image was still in his mind, implanted forever. The old commander, suspended in mid air, nothing holding him there while bolts of lightning tor him apart. Just before he died, a lightsaber ignited and flew from the attackers belts and straight through the commanders heart. The new commander, Indy, was not about to face the same future. He would take the lead and accomplish the building in record time. The Geonosians had helped develop the original Death Star and they had a part in the new one as well. They worked in disciplined manor, with a production level, unequaled.

The senate was gathering for a vote and a discussion of the current Jedi situation. A few dissenters were staying away. Jedi Masters, Stinger, Chips, and Wizard were to be the speakers for the Jedi council. The chancellor, Arcon, was hesitant to give the floor to these Jedi. He knew his feelings were suspect, but in order to keep up appearances, he had no choice. His master would destroy him if he failed. He had to control the energy he possessed so the jedi would not suspect he was learning from the darkside of the force.

The shuttle ready for departure, lifted off from Degoba. The dark Master was growing even stronger than ever. She set a course to the next stop, Tatooine. The craft jumped to light speed and was gone. On the planet, the hovel had a faint glow in the window. Smoke rising from the cook fire and out the hole in the roof. Movement reflected the shadows on the wall of hovel, two beings in conversation.

The cloners on Kamino were glad for more work. This time though, the stock was different. The previous donor was killed in a battle and eventually, the genes were so damaged, the beings being produced were of such inferior stock, they were destroyed to await a new donor. The strain this time was even more promising. The newer procedure was accelerated as well to shorten the time till the troops can be ready for use. Mustang was a very good bounty hunter in his own right. His reflexes were twice that of Jango Fett.

Edited by - Finalday on 9/16/2004 8:19:20 PM

Post Thu Sep 16, 2004 10:04 pm

Woo star wars fiction

Post Thu Sep 16, 2004 10:50 pm

I'm never in any fanfics lately ... wonder why ?

Post Thu Sep 16, 2004 11:34 pm

this is def above the average. btw me no Dark Lord, me just humble servant of the Empire. I clean the Emperor's throne and do his laundry.

Post Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:43 am

VERY good story so far

btw: i dont mean to pester, but can i be the sith apprentice?

Post Fri Sep 17, 2004 2:34 am

nice going. i hope you finish this one

Post Fri Sep 17, 2004 2:42 am

I don't want to whinge either and I know I'm probably still considered "new" to this community with my little ole' Captaincy but could I play some role in this fic? Even if it's minor part, just to soar with the legends of TLR would be cool.

"I don't see any god up here" --Yuri Gagarin when he first reached earth's orbit

Post Fri Sep 17, 2004 2:45 am

Very nice am reading this on a computer at school

Edit-Im home again now, i'll appear at somepoint in the story i always do in finals tales

Edited by - Gowserpaul on 9/17/2004 7:34:08 AM

Post Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:22 am

Hmm...kinda tough to sell Luke and Leia both dying...kinda takes the fun out of the republic doesn't it?

Merc for hire...but only if you can afford it.

Post Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:29 am

Ah yessssss. Me, a feverishly toiling tool of the Dark side.

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