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TLR WARS :Episode 1 A new dark lord Pt1

Tell us about your adventures, amazing stories, wow us with your wit...use your imagination, tell us some of the greatest moments in your life.

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 10:31 am

Actually I ONLY listen to good advice

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 12:08 pm

His quarters were no better though. He detested this insect filled world and longed for the sterile environment of a ship. The dust clung to him worse than Denebian flea dung. He could never seem to get clean from it. But, with the new weapon being constructed, he may have found his way off this planet. True there were only two of these weapon, only one would be used at a time. And then, probably only one would be needed to make the point needed. A smile came across his face at that thought.

The aged shuttle approached the Super Star destroyer, the Vengeance, and was granted permission to dock. Command was notified and an Honor guard was quickly assembled on the flight deck and the Admiral summoned as well. The guard felt it long before they saw the passenger that would disembark from the ship. The officers began to fear the visit and wanted only to go back to their duties. Admiral Tawakalna was not as pleased to see this person. He had gotten himself accustomed to not dealing with those of the force nature and preferred it that way. He had not minded the Dark one being in command, so long as she did not get in the way of his plans to set himself as the new leader of the restored empire.

After what seemed an intolerable about of time, which agitated the Admiral even more, the ramp lowered. The robed figure descended the ramp, her pace measured. Hood covering head and a dark presence that the others could feel as the Dark Master passed. Admiral Tawakalna nodded his head and spoke, “We’re honored by you visit. We weren’t expecting you, but if you will foll....” he never got to finish the words. A tightening of his throat was warning enough to stop babbling.

“Dispense with the pleasantries and follow me, Admiral” was all Lord sycho_warrior said. The Admiral turned to and fell in behind her. The officers were amazed at the sudden change in behavior. The Admiral had never been silenced like this, not obey a command without questioning it first. The door to the corridor slide shut and they all breathed a sigh of relief and headed back to their duties.

On the bridge, the crew was watching as commands were carried out to take the ship into hyperspace. No crew hands entered anything, but it was as if an invisible person was doing it. If the command in charge tried to intervene, he received a physical shock. They all just stood and waited for things to return to their control. The destination was ascertained as...Kamino!

The Admiral finally realized where he was being led, to his own quarters. He had commandeered Captain Jagged’s and made them his own. I wanted the best for himself. As the door snapped shut the grip returned and he was lifted off the floor and flung towards the far bulkhead. He was held there tightly. The grip loosening only enough for him to barely breath. Pain now dominated his senses. He looked at the tormenter in front of him as she walked towards him. That face, it sent him back into time.

The small pocket of remnant ships had fled to an obscure system to regroup. The New Republic fleet had damaged them severely. Half of the ships had been destroyed in the battle. He was the Captain of a Star Destroyer. It had suffered many casualties in the fire fight. They had no fighter support left when they fled. The Mon Calamari Star Cruiser had perused his ship into an asteroid field which led him to be able to escape. The Jedi on the cruiser had already sent some aboard and decimated his crew. There was yet two still on board that he had to deal with as he jumped to hyperspace. As soon as the ship had jumped, he sent every security officer out to search for the Jedi.

As he sat in his quarters, a sound of slashing was heard out side the door, then the blade of a saber cut through the lock and the door slid open. The Jedi had just finished off his personal guard. Now he was alone with the two. The door slid shut as the Jedi moved closer, light sabers drawn and at the ready. Then something weird happened, the one, a female turned on the other and cut him in half. She then switched off the saber and reclipped it to her belt. He stared in amazement as she sat casually in a chair near him and indicated he be seated as well.

He sat, trying to figure out what this was about. A Jedi turning on another? It was unheard of. He was fascinated as to what it meant. The woman explained it to him, he, she said, was to be useful to her and her plans. If he wanted to live, he would follow her orders, without question. This took him aback a little. True, his former commander had died in the battle he had just fled from, but to follow a woman? And a Jedi at that? No, he would not and told her so.

Without so much as batting and eye, her expression changed from a friendly one to one that spoke volumes of anger. He felt himself lifted from the chair and held, arms spread. The Jedi rose and moved in front of him and spoke, softly,”You will, I know you will”. A laugh followed as he was spun around once. As he faced her, the choke returned as lightning emanated from her fingertips and struck him repeatedly.

After half an hour of this and a few scars, he gave in, he wanted only to have the pain stopped. He said he would obey her orders, without question. She released him and he fell to th floor, too weak to even stand. She helped him up and to a chair. “You will be my new Admiral” she spoke, this got his attention, “you will be in command of the new fleet I am raising and You, will follow my orders and see great success.” He nodded his agreement and she turned to leave. “ I will be taking a shuttle when we drop out of hyperspace,” He agreed to send the orders to have one prepared. The she turned to him and said, “Take the remainder of this pitiful fleet to Endor and wait for my arrival”. She left and headed towards the flight deck.

A bolt of lightning slammed his head into the bulkhead again. The present returned. “My dear Admiral, do I have to remind you to follow my orders without question, or do I remove you and give your position to another”. The voice dripped sarcasm. He knew what she meant by removal and wanted nothing to do with it.

“I will obey all orders without question, Master” Tawakalna spoke, though the use of the term, Master, turned his stomach. He knew he could not get the better of her, not now anyways. Better to obey and live to try another. He slid to the deck, nursing new wounds and some old ones as well. She turned and left. He cleaned up and changed uniforms in preparation to return to the bridge.

Edited by - Finalday on 9/18/2004 1:23:47 PM

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 12:15 pm

lolol I like it

What are we going to do tonight Brain?
Same as we do every night Pinky, Try to take over the world
If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 1:45 pm

stay off my flagship is the best advice i can give you

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 2:07 pm

“I will obey all orders without question, Master” Tawakalna spoke, though the use of the term, Master, turned his stomach. He knew he could not get the better of her, not now anyways. Better to obey and live to try another. He slid to the deck, nursing new wounds and some old ones as well. She turned and left. He cleaned up and changed uniforms in preparation to return to the bridge.

The Dark Master headed to quarters that were made available by a crew member willing to help. Upon entering, she removed her hood and moved to the communications panel and sent a signal to Kamino of there impending arrival. She wanted all things in order for her arrival and was assured they would be. Then she put in a call to her apprentice. He responded that he was due to arrive with in moments of the station and would carry her words to the new commander in the way she sent them. She acknowledged it and cut communications. sych0_warrior moved to the floor and settled in a meditative position. Thoughts pointing inward to the point of control she had found long ago.

The one her former Master, Luke Skywalker had taught her. It was the one good thing he had done for her. He and his sister had found her so long ago. She was but a child of two. Her name was Carla. Her parents had died in an accident, leaving her all alone. He took her with them and headed to the moon in orbit of Yavin. There she was raised and trained till she was six years old. Lea had become a mother to her and Luke as a father. She was a sweet child, though, Luke could sense a strong power of the force in her. She was at least as strong as he was, even now. He told her of Yoda, Obi Wan and the others that helped in his training. He told her of his father and how he had been turned back from the dark side to the light.

The stories moved her, but, they also fascinated her in the thought of a darkside. As she continued to grow, her powers grew geometrically. Soon she would be more powerful than Skywalker. Lea began to see problems, but kept most to herself. Though she was empowered in the force like her brother, she preferred to use the power to persuade others to join the republic. In doing so, she saw few battles. She was not advanced in the art of saber fighting and usually stayed at home when Luke went on dangerous missions. She tried to teach Carla the peaceful ways of the force. When she would play act fighting an enemy, Lea would correct her and say that a fight should be the last resort for a Jedi, not the first. This correction began to create anger in Carla.

When she became a Jedi Knight, she was given a mission to rescue travelers that was being held hostage. She went alone, rather than waiting for another to accompany her. She was impatient and rushed before all the information could be give to her. The Hostage takers were former mercenaries and wanted only the freedom to return to their homeworld. When she arrived at the world where they held the hostages, she moved in stealthily, communications off so as to not alert the takers of her movements. She never received the recall order. She never knew the takers were on the verge of giving up.

She moved in and the first of the guards thought they were betrayed and opened fire on her. She defended herself and killed the attackers. With in a few minuets, it was all over and she was loading the hostages on her ship and lifted off to return to safety. She communicated with Luke that she had all of the hostages and was returning. Anguish was on Luke’s face when he said he would see her when she returned. She saw the pain, but was confused as to why it was there.

After the people left the craft, she went to see Master Skywalker to report in. He had her sit down while he replayed a message from the Hostage takers. It explained why they took them and what they wanted to release the people unharmed. Luke explained all that happened need not have to. If she had been more patient and waited, she would have received the message and lives would have been saved. She did not take the rebuke well. She said she did not see the problem, as the people had been rescued and the takers punished for the crime. Luke shook his head and tried to reason with Carla. Then he told her to return to her quarters.

It took almost a year to re-earn respect that she lost. But she did it by burying her emotions. Keeping the anger within. It worked for a time, then the battle with the remnant. She was give another chance to show her abilities by going aboard a Star Destroyer to take command of it. This was the opportunity she looked for. So she and seven other Jedi took an imperial shuttle and headed to the Star destroyer. False commands allowed it to dock. From there, they spit up into pairs to take control of the ship. Carla killed her fellow Jedi, one at a time, joining up with another each time. Until it was her and Sandra left. They headed towards the ship commanders quarters. There was where she turned to the dark side, taking the name of sycho_warrior and leaving her past behind. A month later, she found both Luke and Lea on a world looking for candidates. Her surprise appearance shook Luke, but she explained that the ship became unstable and she barely escaped with her own life. He did not see the blade that killed him, nor heard the pleas from Lea to stop. Both died that very day, as did Carla’s soul.

sycho_warrior’s thoughts returned to the present. There was a knock at her quarters. It was a message that they would be dropping out of hyperspace in ten minuets. And would then be orbiting Kamino. She rose from the meditation and clipped her lightsaber to her belt an reset her robe and hood.

The Admiral was on the bridge when she arrived. He showed mo emotion as to the encounter they had had. He was giving the order to put the ship in orbit. He turned to the Dark Master and asked, “Your orders?”

All available shuttles headed for the surface. One pilot each so as many troops could be carried as possible. The were to bring the ship to full compliment plus a garrison more for transport to the other ships massed as Yavin. sycho_warrior met with the representative of Komino and ordered fifteen million more soldiers as well. They would be needed for the coming battle.

On the battle station, a ship of sith design was approaching. The pass code was asked for and received. The craft docked in a smaller landing bay with only five troopers to greet the guest. A mistake indeed.

Edited by - Finalday on 9/18/2004 4:15:10 PM

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 4:00 pm

nice very nice indeed.
BTW how does one sign up for these things

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 4:15 pm

God, it's surely been a while since I last was here, nice story BTW.

Spear - Me want a plane!

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 4:27 pm

Spear, welcome back. I have heard of you in a couple of other threads.

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 4:54 pm

Arcon will be delighted to see you back, Spear.

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:16 pm

Hey. With the return of all of these "originals" does this mean that there really might be an FL2 coming out and they've just come back to see if we've heard anything

Gibby said there might be one out sort of kind of emphatically in JDawg's TLR History thread in the Gen. Disc.

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 8:11 pm

thought you would have penned Taw in for the role of Dark Lord, considering his hard on for the empire.

nasty stang

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:21 pm

Wait did I just get my arse kicked by a Jedi? No wait that was

Post Sun Sep 19, 2004 12:04 am

Nice read Fd, really nice

I like your stories, you did the FL story and now this... keep em coming!

Post Sun Sep 19, 2004 12:55 am

wow, ok, its good
@Taw I'm already on your ship shoving you around as it should be

Post Sun Sep 19, 2004 1:46 am

let me show you to your private cabin. look at the wonderful view oh dear its an airlock oh well never mind bye!

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