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The Control Your Own Faction RPG: Part 3, The Age of War- Th

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 12:43 pm

To Interspace commerce: While we do not wish to be hostile we never agreed to let you have a base in any of our systems. The bases in the Tau systems may stay so long as you pay us a tax of 5 credits per base and turn over all H- Fuel they produce at the end of each turn. Otherwise we will consider you hostile invaders and begin immediate actions against you.

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 1:18 pm

Turn 10

This turn I will:

A. Place 1 small base and 6 bomber wings in the Omicron Alpha system.

B. Purchase 1 large base and 7 VHF wings.

C. I propose a trade agreement with Bretonia. We will sell you 20 units of
H- Fuel per turn at a cost of 4 credits per unit. Please let me know if these terms are acceptable. I also wish to ease any tension my future actions may cause you (you will see what I mean in a minute). As such the outcasts will agree to limit our presence in Tau 31 to a force of no more than 15 fighter wings and no bombers should we capture the system. In return we ask that you not interfere on behalf of either side. This is a power struggle between borderworld factions and I do not wish to draw in the Houses.

D. Nothing personal Omega Chief, but you are the best target at the moment.
I attack, with the intent to capture, Falkland station (IMG) in Tau 37 with 20 LF Wings, 7 VHF wings, and 6 bomber wings.

Edited by - vorticaldwarf on 1/1/2005 1:27:46 PM

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 1:29 pm

Transmission to the Outcasts.

We invite you to join in a pan-hispania league called the HU or Hispanian Union, have it a near confederation of the hispanic powers though by no means as strong a central government as a house. OOC: Similar to the European Union of today.

Edited by - Triyun on 1/1/2005 1:29:45 PM

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 1:36 pm

To The Corsairs- YOu have full permission to pass into Liberty space to attack Ageria. About the Building of the battelship and Dreadnought, we will strongly consider it, if you consider to let me mine in Sigma-13.

Voted Best Explorer in CYOF 2.0

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 1:37 pm

IC can not accept the conditions but we will however pay the 5 credtis for each base per turn.The base in Omicron Alpha could be a joint effort between the Outcasts and IC.
(I did post about it earlier but you never respond so i thought you were gone, and when i had built it was to late.)
Neither of us wants a war so I propose a non agresion pact with the conditions that I can keep my base in Omicron Alpha and you can buy H-Fuel from me for a low price and 5 credits for each base each turn.

Edited by - The Creator on 1/1/2005 2:18:22 PM

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 1:38 pm

to IC- No thanks, I'll take my chances on being alone. Thankx for offering though.

Everyone has one...
Some are one.....

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 1:47 pm

As soon as those ships are in our possesion, a Sigma 13 base will be permitted to be constructed by liberty with a defense force of 6 fighter wings.

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 2:00 pm


We agree to an alliance with your powerful and level-headed corporation. We promise to protect your intrests in the Taus and Dublin from the pirate turf-war taking place there, in exchange for commodities on an as-needed basis. We in Bretonia have strong hopes of an alliance in the future, and having both sides work together for a mutual intrest.

King Jacob II


Your attacks in the Taus, which are Bretonian colonies, are very distressing to myself and many others in Bretonia. The IMG is an ally of Bretonia, and we strongly wish that you avoid future attacks on them. Also, we strongly advise you to keep your war civilized, and restrain from attacking any Bretonian or Bretonian ally forces in your war. Taus 23, 29, and 31 are our colonies, and if this war esclelates, than I will be forced to take military action to protect our colonies, and I don't think that you would like that at all.

King Jacob II

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 2:17 pm

IC will of course supply bretonia with the nesecery supplies if we have them in stock.


Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 3:07 pm

To King Jakob the II, king of Bretonia:

We are wondering if you would like to join in an alliance with us. We are not, as we used to be, uncivilized pirates anymore. We have a goal now, we do not just exist to make a quick buck. We believe that Bretonia does not have the corruption that the Liberty government has, and we believe that you are much more reasonable and understanding as well. If an alliance is too much, may we ask for a non-agression pact. Hoping for peace between our factions in the future:

Supreme Commander Apocalypse

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 3:14 pm

Bretonia Turn 11

Base Count-
7 Planets (140 credits)
13 Large Stations (260 credits)
10 Small Stations (100 credits)
1 Fighter Shipyard (20 credits)
Total- 420 credits+490 Leftover
910 Credits, 94 Food, 102 H-Fuel, 144Metals, 50 Oxygen, 62 Water

New London: Planet New London, 1 Capital Shipyard (Southampton), 2 Large Stations (Thames+Canterbury), 20 LF (New London)

Leeds- Planet Leeds, 2 Large Stations (LD-14+Stokes), 1 Small Station (Durham), 10 LF (Leeds), 5 LF (Durham)

Cambridge- Planet Cambridge, 1 Small Station (Atredies), 20 LF (Cambridge)

Dublin- 1 Large Station (Graves), Battleship Essex, 10 HF, 10 LF (Graves)

Edinburgh- 2 Large Stations (Aberdeen+Perth), 10 LF (Aberdeen), 10 LF (Perth)

Manchester- 2 Small Stations (Liverpool+Kingston), 1 Large Station (Newgate) (H), 1 Large Station (Birmingham), 10 LF (Birmingham)

Omega-3- 1 Large Station (Douglas), 2 Gunboats, 10 HF, 20 LF (Douglas)

Omega-7- Battleship Norfolk, Battleship Dartmoor, 1 Cruiser, 2 Gunboats, 25 VHF, 35 HF, 35 LF

Tau-31- Planet Harris, Battleship Brighton, 2 Destroyers, 25 VHF, 25 HF, 45 LF (Harris)

Tau-23- 1 Large Station (T31 GCS), 20 LF

Tau-29- 1 Small Station (Tragar) Battleship York, 10 HF

Cortez- 1 Small Station (Reading), 5 LF

Magellan- 1 Fighter Shipyard (Hastings), 1 Small Station (Madros), Battleship Suffolk, 10 HF (Hastings), 1 Cruiser (Madros)

California- Planet California Minor, 1 Small Station (San Diego) 100 LF

New York- 30 LF

Sigma-13- 2 Small Stations (Agincourt+Falador)

Returning all former Liberty bases in New York and California to Liberty control.

Total Military:
6 Battleships
2 Destroyers
2 Cruisers
4 Gunboats
50 VHF wings
100 HF wings
305 LF wings

Battleships Brighton and Dartmoor in New London
2 Destroyers in New London
25 LF wings in Tau-31
25 HF wings in Tau-31
25 VHF wings in Tau-31
25 LF wings in Omega-7
25 HF wings in Omega-7
25 VHF wings in Omega-7

1 Battleship
20 VHF wings
-550 credits

360 Credits
349 Food, 93 H-Fuel, 195 Metals, 74 Oxygen, 367 Water

Trade- Offering to trade Water or Food for Metals or H-Fuel
Trading 5 Metals for 5 Oxygen with Rheinland per turn.

Brighton from New London to Tau-31
Dartmoor from New London to Omega-7
2 Destroyers from New London to Tau-31
Suffolk, 1 Cruiser, 10 HF from New London to Magellan
5 LF wings from California to Cortez






Liberty Rogues

Everyone Else

Ship Stats-
Cavalier LF (8+1)- 4 FA, 3 FD, 1 CA, 1 CD
Crusader HF (12)- 4 FA, 4 FD, 2 CA, 2 CD
Paladin VHF (16)- 5 FA, 5 FD, 3 CA, 3 CD
"Watchman" Class Gunboat (18)- 4 FA, 4 FD, 5 CA, 5 CD
"Knight" Class Cruiser (20)- 4 FA, 4 FD, 6 CA, 6 CD
"Guardian" Class Destroyer (28)- 5 FA, 5 FD, 9 CA, 9 CD
"Hastings" Class Battleship (32+1)- 8 FA, 7 FD, 9 CA, 9 CD


Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 3:47 pm

Ok some results (still no battles)

+1 VHF FA - 9
Search for Ouray - 5
Search for Nome - 8
Search for Barrow - 1
Search for Mactan - 9
Search for Leiden - 4

The Creator:
Explore Party - 10

As usual, i will update this list as more stuff comes in. If I forgot anyone, please tell me.

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 4:26 pm

Rheinland Turn Ten or Eleven, Who Cares?

1. Placement:
- 10 HF in Omega-7

2. Purchases:
- 1 Small Station
- Terraform Maine
- 1 LF wing
- 3 HF wings
- 1 Gunboat
- 1 Dreadnought

3. Communications:
To everyone:

When Rheinland vacates Sigma-13 and Omega-11 at the end of this turn we will require additional H-Fuel. We are willing to pay top dollar or trade Food and/or Oxygen for it. Our current trading partners may feel free to expand our current arrangements and other factions are welcome as well.

4. Movements:
None ATM

5. Income:
- Credits: 1110
- Resources: 114/37/63/343/44
- Costs: 550, 15/37/50/63/43
- Balance: 560, 99/0/13/280/1

Ship Stats (FA/CA/FD/CD):
LF – 6/1/3/1
HF – 1/1/8/3
VHF – 2/5/4/5
Gunboat – 9/2/6/2
Cruiser – 1/8/5/6
Dreadnought – 5/5/9/9
Battleship – 5/9/9/9

Specific Ship Postings:
Dresden - 21 LF, 5 HF @ Ingolstadt / 1 Battleship, 5 LF, 5 HF @ Bautzen / 25 LF, 5 HF @ Pirna
Frankfurt - 2 Gunboats, 10 LF, 10 HF @ Mannheim / 1 Gunboat, 15 LF, 10 HF @ Fulda
Hamburg - 5 LF @ Lubeck
New Berlin - 1 Gunboat, 10 LF, 10 HF @ Planet New Berlin and Oder / 1 Gunboat, 10 LF, 5 HF @ Essen and Dortmund / 15 LF, 5 HF @ Brandenburg
Stuttgart - 5 LF @ All bases (15 LF total for three bases) / 9 HF each @ Ulm and Konstanz / 11 HF @ Planet Stuttgart
Omega-7 - 20 LF, 10 HF, 1 Gunboat
Sigma-13 - 5 LF, 15 HF


Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 4:35 pm

Richardson are you blowing everything up? Because if you do I can recall my ships.

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 5:50 pm

from GB:To the Corsairs- you may move in Liberty space to attack the Xenos, and you may build the ships.

Everyone has one...
Some are one.....

Edited by - red_dude on 1/1/2005 7:09:09 PM

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