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The Control Your Own Faction RPG: Part 3, The Age of War- Th

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 10:50 pm

1. You CANNOT split up wings.
2. Defenders cannot retreat from battles.

Comply with these or I will be forced to take disciplinary action.

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 11:16 pm

Wooohooo! It's New Years here!
I got my sparkling cider, my fic is winning in the best fanfic election, and I am giddy! Not to mention, I got a special prize in becoming a Commodore.
I am happy!

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 11:53 pm

Just by one vote, tho'

Happy New Year CYOF

So this is what it feels like to be drunk...

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 6:50 am

I am sooo frickng drunk, I just gt back fom a NeW YEaRS party. It is good to be drunk at 16.

Triyun what's the bases in Hamburg called? I though codename was getting rid of solarius and helgoland. I wanted helgoland, but if you don't want me in Sig-13, I'll respect your wishes and keep out.

Codename-sorry, offer retracted.

Libertyt turn 10:
60(O)/ 192(M)/ 58(W)/ 408(F)/ 22(HF)

I build 10 Bomber wings-150 credits/30 metals/20 HF/10 O
leaving me with
50(O)/ 162(M)/ 58(W)/ 408(F)/ 2(HF)

Liberty is offering to trade its surplus supply of fodd for Hfuel and oxygen

Vengence fleet will return home, as there is no reason to be in Rhienland space anymore. Return to Texas at Planet Houston.

Ship placements:
Vengence Fleet
55 Lf wings- Texas-Planet Houston
20 HF wings- Texas-Planet Houston
5 VHF wings- Texas-Planet Houston
1 Gunboat- Texas-Planet Houston
1 Dreadnoughts- Texas-Planet Houston
2 Battleships- Texas- Planet Houston

Retribution Fleet
55 LF wings- New York- Battle
20 HF wings- New York- Battle
2 Gunboats- New York- Battle
1 Dreadnought- New York- Battle
2 Battleships- New York- Battle

Anchorage Shipyard(fighter)
LPI Winterland(small)

Planet Los Angeles
San Diego Border Station(Small)
(Hidden)Willard Research Station(large)

Planet Denver

New York:
Ft. Bush(large base)
Norfolk shipyard (Capital)
Itacha Research Station(small)
Planet Manhatten
West Point Military Academy(large Base)

LPI Huntsville(small)
LPI Surgarland(small)
Planet Houston

systems contolled-
New York

Ship stats:
LF- 2FA/ 2CA/ 2FD/ 2CD
HF- 3FA/ 3CA/ 3FD/ 3CD
VHF- 4FA/ 4CA/ 4FD/ 4CD
Gunboat 4FA/ 5CA/ 4FD/ 5CD
Cruiser 5FA/ 5CA/ 5FD/ 5CD
Dreadnought 7FA/ 7CA/ 7FD/ 7CD
Battleship 9FA/ 9CA/ 8FD/ 8CD
Bomber 1FA/ 6CA/ 1 FD/ 6CD

Bretonia- alliance
Rhienland- alliance
Kusari- friendly
Liberty Rogues-Hostile
Red Hessians- neutral
ageria- open war

7(O)/ 17(M)/ 6(W)/ 50(F)/ 4(HF)

57(O)/ 179(M)/ 64(W)/ 458(F)/ 6(HF)

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:11 am

Samura turn 2:
credits- 110
9(O)/ 25(W)/ 4(HF)/ 6(M)/ 9(F)

I'm gonna place my small and large station in Tau-37 (if that is ok with everyone)
I'm gonna place my LF wings in these locations:

10 LF wings at Osaka Storage facility
10 LF wings at Planet Junyo
10 LF wings at Tsushima depot
10 LF wings at Shinjuku station
10 LF wings at Yokohama shipyards
10 LF wings at shinkaku station
10 LF wings at Wutai station
10 LF wings at SMM1


Osaka storage facility(small)
10 LF wings at

Tsushima depot(small)
10 LF wings at Tsushima depot

New Tokyo
Shinjuku station(large)
Yokohama Shipyards(fighter)
10 LF wings at Shinjuku station
10 LF wings at Yokohama Shipyards

Planet Junyo
10 LF wings at Planet Junyo

Planet Kurile

Tau 29:
Shinkaku station(large)
10 LF wings at Shinkaku station

Tau 37:
Wutai base(large)
SMM1 (small)
10 LF wings at Wutai base
10 LF wings at SMM1

80 LF wings

LF 8FA/ 1CA/ 2FD/ 1CD
HF 1FA/ 9CA/ 1FD/ 1CD
VHF 7FA/ 7CA/ 1FD/ 1CD
Gunboat 9FA/ 9CA/ 1FD/ 1CD

credits- 140
9(O)/ 25(W)/ 14(HF)/ 16(M)/ 9(F)

credits- 250
18(O)/ 50(W)/ 18(HF)/ 22(M)/ 18(F)

Everyone has one...
Some are one.....

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:20 am

The IC is taking over the control of the Corporate Alliance from Ageira. And invites Samura to join it.
The IC wonders what it would take for the seizing of the attacks on Ageira?

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:34 am

Gunblader: Amen to that. From me, kudos to the wonderful brewers at Creemore Springs....

Red Hessian Turn 10

1. I place 5 MC VHF wings at Freital, Omega 11

2. I build 5 MC VHF wings

3. n/a

4. I seize control of the Bundschuh's assets. (35 LFs and Bruschal) if Rhineland wishes I will also withdraw these from their space....

5. I collect 160 credits + 605 left over = 765
commodities: 136 M/ 86 HF/ 56 W/ 91 O/ 30 F

Base and Fleet locations:
Ronneburg, Omega 5 (l, h): 5 LF wings
Kali, Omega 7 (f.s.): 10 LF wings
Yama, Sigma 13 (fs): 30 MC VHF wings
Freital, Omega 11 (l, h): 10 LF wings, 15 MC VHF wings
Agni, Sigma 19 (s): 10 LF wings, 5 MC VHF wings
Indra, Omicron Gamma (s): 5 LF wings, 5 MC VHF wings
Bruschal, Frankfurt: 35 Bundschuh LF wings

I'm assuming that Codename will want me to pull out of Bruschal, so if he does those fighters will be re routed to Ronneburg.

In Battle (unresolved):
40 MC VHF wings (20 from Yama. 20 from Freital)
19 LF wings, 2 VHF wings, 1 gunboat (all Ageira)

Edited by - [ACWilde on 1/1/2005 8:31:18 AM


Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 8:07 am

Ok Wilde if you don't mind when your not drunk anymore could you edit your turn to make it more legible. It doesn't matter that much, just makes it easeir to read.


Edited by - roc on 1/1/2005 8:27:38 AM

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 8:30 am

Welcome. I'm considerably more sober now...

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 8:46 am

You guys, its not about the quantity of liquor its about the quality. Tsk tsk. Anyways here's my prescription for a hangover cure for anyone who wants to know:

4 raw eggs
2 sliced up garlic cloves
2 bottles of tabasco sauce
and some ground up coffee beans put it in a blender and stir.

Total Forces:

Corsair Upper Fleet Deployed at its main base in Sigma 19:
48 VHF Wings
40 LF Wings
2 HF Wings

Corsair Lower Fleet deployed at its forward base in Hamburg:
2 R. Battleships
1 R. Heavy Cruiser
40 VHF Wings

1st Corsair Special Operations taskforce deployed at its forward base in Hudson:
5 VHF Wings

2nd Corsair Special Operations taskforce deployed at its forward base in the New York Badlands:
5 VHF Wings

18 VHF Wings

Placing bases:
1 Hidden Base in Hudson
1 Base in Sigma 19

Placing 5 of the new VHF wings produced last turn at the hidden base in New York
Placing 5 of the new VHF wings produced last turn at the hidden base in Hudson
Place 7 of the new VHF wings produced last turn at the base cluster in Sigma 19
Placing 14 additional VHF throughout but then moving them to the forward bases in Hamburg

Transmission to Gunblader: Yeah I'm not sure about the exact name, but rename it whatever. Also could we have permission to produce 1 Liberty battleships and a trio of Liberty Dreadnaughts. We'll alllow liberty supervisors to ensure the designs aren't copied. In exchange we'll send you 25 H-Fuel next turn. So basically at no real monetary or economic cost to you only a benefit we'll build these things, plus it will go a long way in us reconsidering a Liberty base in the Sigmas. Also we request the right to deploy the corsair battleship Queen Isabella with its payload of fighters into liberty territory to engage the Xenos pirates.

Edited by - Triyun on 1/1/2005 9:26:26 AM

Edited by - Triyun on 1/1/2005 9:28:56 AM

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 9:02 am

Well, since you've all decided to be mean, and gang up on an innocent, not much point to me continuing. *Explodes everything in the middle of the battles, and I mean everything. *Suicide tactics, and I intend to take you guys down with me. You will not get my bases, they will self-destruct if lost.

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 9:19 am

Bloody coward. Can't stand and fight can you? Seriously. You're going to die anyways, why won't you even be half-decent to yourself and go out with the last vestiges of your wracked dignity intact?

@ Triyun: 't was good beer I was drinking. Creemore Springs

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 9:35 am

Hey I didn't gain up on you richardson, I attacked you unilaterally and first without any expectation of it escalating into a broader war, the Rogues we asked for help from, but that was more to get them more bases because they were so weak.


Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 9:38 am

Richardson, does that mean everything blows up now? Because once we take over the base you can't blow it up. So you can blow up all the bases now but i'm not too sure about the ships. I guess they could self-destruct.

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 10:58 am

IC turn 11:

Base list:
Newark Station, New York , 5 LF wings (Large)
Bonn Station , New Berlin, 5 LF wings (Large)
Roppongi Station , New Tokyo, 10 LF wings (Large)
Waterloo Station , New London, 5 LF wings (Large)
Future Station, Hokkaido 5 LF wings (Small)
Hope Station, Tau 29, 7 LF wings (Small)
Freedom Station, Tau-23, 7 LF wings (Small)
Peace Station, Tau-37 ,7 LF wings,10 HF wings,5 VHF wings (Small)
Cash Station, Omega 11, 2 LF wings (Small)
Gold Station, California, 2 LF wings (Small)
Frontier Station, Omicron Alpha, 7 LF wings (Small)
Edge Shipyard, Colorado, 2 LF wings. (Capital shipyard)
Cast Station, Dublin, 2 LF wings (Small)

Ship stats:

LF: FA 3, CA 2, FD 3, CD 2 (8 points,2 free points)
HF:FA 3, CA 4, FD 2, CD 3 (12 points)
VHF: FA 5, CA 4, FD 4,CD 5 (16 points, 2 free points)
Gunboat: FA 4, CA 6, FD 4, CD 6 (20 points)

1: i place a small station in Dublin, and the 5 VHF wings in Tau 37
2: I buy a small station and 3 gunboats, 15 LF wings and a exploration party.
3: according to agrements.


29 F, 3 HF, 0 Metals, 0 O, 44 W

Admin issues: 1 exploration party..................

To the Outcasts:

The IC wishes to discus an non agresion pact with the Outcasts. If we can be allowed to build a small base in Omicron Alpha we will in return guard the west border. (the Taus)
We will not have a sizeable force stationed in Alpha we are only after the minerals in your system.
We will keep our force to 2 LF wings.

To all:

Seeing that Ageira has blown up its bases. The leader of the Corporate alliance is me.
As the leader im changing the name to The Alliance.
All corporations are welcome and so is a selected few pirates,revoluioners,Houses.

To Bretonia:

IC wants to ally itself with the mighty house of Bretonia.

To Kusari:

IC wants an non agresion pact with the House of Kusari.

To Samura:

IC invites Samura to join the Alliance.

Edited by - The Creator on 1/1/2005 10:59:03 AM

Edited by - The Creator on 1/1/2005 11:21:18 AM

Edited by - The Creator on 1/1/2005 1:24:11 PM

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