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The Control Your Own Faction RPG: Part 3, The Age of War- Th

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 6:00 pm


Bretonia would be happy to have an alliance with you. Since we are also allies of Liberty, I have a small request for you. Please refrain from attacking Liberty targets in Bretonian systems or near Bretonian bases. We look forward to a long alliance with you.

King Jacob II


Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 6:02 pm

Everyone, we have a 2.0 game that me and GB are judging at GB's site if anyone is interested. The site is right here. All factions are open except the Corsairs, Outcasts, Zoners, and Red Hessians. We need some more people to be the Houses and other major factions, so come on over guys!


Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 6:59 pm

Rogues Turn 8

Buffalo large hidden base in New York
Alcatraz small hidden base in California
Dawson small hidden base in Hudson
Montezuma small hidden base in Cortez
Padua large hidden base in Gailileo
Severn large hidden base in Hudson


3 LF, 1 VHF, 2 Frieghters at Buffalo
3 LF, 1 VHF at Alcatraz
3 LF, 1 VHF at Dawson
3 LF, 1 VHF at Montezuma
3 LF, 1 VHF at Padua
2 LF at Severn
24 LF in Colorado attacking Pueblo
4 LF attacking richardson's personal fighter wing in Shikoku

25 credits + 35 turn money + 90 base money = 150 credits

Collect Commodities:
15 food
0 h-fuel
5 metals
6 oxygen
13 water

1 small base

Pending Results:
Attack on Pueblo Station
Attack on richardson's personal LF wing

24 LF attacking Pueblo Station in Colorado
4 LF attacking richardson's personal LF wing in Shikoku

Freighters return to Padua and drop off the 5 h-fuel and 5 metals

Hidden Bases Found:
Barrow Base

Bretonia - Alliance
Corsairs - Alliance
Red Hessains - Non-Agression Pact
Junkers - Waiting for answer to Alliance and Prtotectorial Promise offer
Liberty - Hostile
Unioners - Waiting for answer to Alliance and Prtotectorial Promise offer
Corporate Alliance - Non-Agression Pact
Everyone Else - Neutral

Ship Stats:
Minotaur Class LF - 5 FA, 3 CA, 3 FD, 1 CD
Manticore Class HF - 6 FA, 4 CA, 4 FD, 2 CD
Chimera Class VHF - 8 FA, 5 CA, 6 FD, 3 CD
Tomahawk Class Bomber - 1 FA, 7 CA, 1 FD, 5 CD

Final Amount:
50 credits
130 food
3 h-fuel
17 metals
35 oxygen
113 water

EDIT: Added Bomber Stats

Edited by - roc on 1/1/2005 7:27:21 PM

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:11 pm

I had to talk through red_dude for a couple hours, if anyone is wondering why he posted for me.

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:20 pm

What the H*** is going on!?! As soon as I leave Ageira is gang smashed by almost everyone (including it's ALLY Liberty), IC takes over the Corporate Alliance and generally all hell has broken loose. WHY?

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:21 pm

You left. No one wanted richardson controling everything. So we all attacked.

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:24 pm

Richardson controlling everything??? how was he controlling everything? he had control of the Corporate Alliance and that was it. Oh and Wilde, remember at the start how you flamed Richardson for backstabbin during CYOF 2.0? LOOK WHO'S BACKSTABBING NOW!

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:27 pm

You guys have got to QUIT THIS! This is the third game in a row you have done this, it is absurd and evil. And I intended to stick to what I said, but nooo, you guys have to march over everyone's parade, even LIBERTY! WHO HAS A PROMISE OF PROTECTION FOR ME! THIS IS REDICULOUS AND IS OUT OF HAND, WILDE! AND YOU TOO GUNBLADER!

You called me a rotten backstabber after last game, but it's you guys who do the backstabbing!

And if you must know, the bases will only detonate when the last fighter wing is taken out.

Adn you guys had better hope I don't manage to pull off a miracle win and beat down the forces opposing me, because then I would be in a position to take over the liberty systems of new york and colorado.

Edited by - richardson on 1/1/2005 7:33:08 PM

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:31 pm

Oh and Roc, don't forget to answer the attacks Richardson made against everyone. Those are valid and need to be answered.


Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:32 pm

umm what attacks? Richardson was ATTACKED, he didn't attack anyone.

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:37 pm

Change that, the results for the attacks from everyone on Ageira. After all, Richardson said that his bases would blow if they lost.

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:40 pm

Wilde, roc, and I attacked because we are PIRATES, you guys seem to lack the understanding we are not always reasonable people. Gunblader probably should not have attacked thoughh.

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:44 pm

Nonetheless, you had a non-aggression pact which I PAID FOR with the 500 credits. And then you backstabbed Ageira.

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:45 pm

I did it cause he was growing too far from liberty, although if he posts that he won't grow too far from Liberty and will help Liberty in anyway, including mining, I will recal my attacks and will aid him in his defence.

Post Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:45 pm

How the hell am I backstabbing? I'm attacking him sure, but I'm not backstabbing. I attacked richardson out of an obligation, alliance, and debt to the Corsairs.

Oh yeah. And I'm an illegal faction.

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