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The Control Your Own Faction RPG: Part 3, The Age of War- Th

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 4:15 pm

Omega 7 is also Corsair and Bretonia territory, don't you two forget that Wilde and Codename.

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 4:23 pm


Thank you for your kind offer to build a base for us. However, in addition to leaveing Rheinland space, we would request that you also agree to a deal with Rheinland. We do not want a war between you and Rheinland, and we really want you to leave the good Chancellor alone. We wish to remain on good terms with both you and House Rheinland, but eventually, we will be forced to take a side in this growing conflict.

King Jacob II

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 4:57 pm

Look, you're getting yourself into things that don't need to be messed with. Attacking me is only going to lead to one thing: Open unmitigated war. Also, I can afford to loose my entire rhineland division, I've got the forces and resources to not even have to worry about base costs. In fact, I'm turning over the DSE's former bases to rhineland, and letting him have control of the bases, and I'm pulling my forces out.I would have paid 50 credits a turn, but 150 jsut snapped my patience. I'm simply going to move out of the way of your buldozer.

Retreating mainz forces to beiring (Can do that.)
retreating stuttgart forces there as well, evacing both bases
Altona and alster evaced as well, all forces linking up in beiring, in preperation to move to texas.

Transferring control of all of those bases to rhineland, for as long as that does him good. *Pttttppphhhhh.*

new base list:
Pueblo : Colorado (10 lf wings posted)

Detroit: New york ( 5 Lf wings, 1 Vhf wing)
Horizon: Magellen (1 HF wing, 1 VHF wing)

C shipyards:
Baltimore: New york (10 LF wings, 1 GB )

pittsburg: New york (30 Lf wings)

forces on the move:
Evac fleet:
19 LF
1 GB
Currently in bering

new resources per turn:
10 M/ 12 F/ 5 H-F/ 2 O/ 3 H2O

new credits per turn:

Oh, well.... a major loss, but still self sustaining. Preparing to build another base for resource gathering, and split up my evac fleet.

Oh, and yes, I can move to bering from all of those systems. Connected by tradelanes and jumpgates, remember?

Edited by - richardson on 12/31/2004 5:10:23 PM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 5:05 pm

*assumes control of all the bases.*


*moves all units to the Hamburg-Liberty Border in response now

"You seem to be lacking an understanding of the situation, I don't care if it leads to unmitigated open war, we have the forces to defeat the Corporate Alliance. Hand over all but your original bases now if want to have any hope of negotiations with the Corsairs and Rogues."

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 5:22 pm

to the Corsairs- I offer a non-aggresion for you

Edited by - Red_dude on 12/31/2004 5:41:37 PM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 5:25 pm

Very well. Codename, I will withdraw all forces from Rhineland space and end all attacks on Rhineland in return for a peace treaty.

Moving all Vogtland forces to Freital. I move all forces attacking Oder back to Red Death except attack force of 15 MC VHFsI will destroy Vogtland or allow for its occupation as soon as Rhineland pulls out of Red Death and Omega 11.

Out of my obligation to my alliance and debt to the Corsairs, I'm going to help in this war on richardson. 35 MC VHF wings to go to Bering and engage Richardson's fleet

vote here for your favourite fanfic of 2004!!!

I said VOTE!!!!!

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/31/2004 5:34:07 PM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 5:38 pm

Richardson, ya nit, you deserve it.

Edited by - Red_dude on 12/31/2004 5:42:55 PM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 5:46 pm

any faction attacking ageria may station ships at any liberty base. Sorry Ageria, you have brought no prosperity to the citizens of Liberty. Therefore you have out lived your usefullness.

Retribution fleet attack detroit munitions

Vengence fleet move to Hamburg at planet hamburg. wait until order is given. To whom I am talking to, We'll move when word is given through secure channel.


Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 5:56 pm

Ok Liberty if I have permission to move through your space and use the trade lanes to attack Ageria then:

24 LF, 4 from each base, go to Pueblo Station and attack it, the goal being to destroy it (there is no point in keeping it as if I take it over Liberty will just take it back and I don't want to give them a free base.)

Sorry richardson, but I had this planned from the beginning .

I ask Liberty for assistance in attacking the base. Maybe we can have a temporary alliance to destory Ageira? We can go back to hating each other's guts after that.

I also would like to ask the Corsairs for help if they can get here in time.

Anyone fighting Ageira will be considered friendly to the Rouges and will not be attacked. They would have clearence to dock at our stations, but they are hidden and i'm not giving the coordinates .

Edited by - roc on 12/31/2004 6:05:19 PM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 6:18 pm

I'm taking out the Ageira fleet; Liberty's attacking Detroit; Rogues are attacking Pueblo...sounds good! and richardson really does deserve this.

And all you people out there who HAVEN'T voted for your favourite fanfics...start voting now! lest I beat thee

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/31/2004 6:20:43 PM


Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 6:26 pm

If everyone doesn't mind I am going to edit my post to include my Ageria attack.

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 6:54 pm

Hmmm... this is all very interesting. And I like it.

To King Jacob II:

Thank you for your timely intervention. I never wished for open war with the Hessians and was only doing what I could to protect my holdings. I'm sure you understand.

To Herr van Haalein:

Words cannot describe how heartened I am by the knowledge that even you are amenable to reason. I will gladly vacate my bases in Sigma-13 an Omega-11 if it will mean peace in Rheinland. Which brings me to my third transmission...

To all interested parties:

Rheinland will be vacating two of its bases in the near future; Helgoland in Sigma-13 and Solarius in Omega-11. Rather than destroying them, however, I would like to offer the Sirian factions an opportunity to purchase these stations from me. Sigma-13 is rich in H-Fuel and Helgoland is able to supply the faction controlling it with a large amount of this invaluable commodity. Omega-11 is Metal-rich and Solarius is a prime mining facility. Both of these bases will be invaluable additions to the factions that control them. All I ask in exchange for each station is a trade agreement for 5 units of either H-Fuel or Metals (in exchange for either Food or Oxygen) and an initial purchase offer. Bidding is open to all factions. I will ask the Hessians to let me retain possession of the stations in question for one more turn, that all factions will be able to make their offers. If they refuse I will simply destroy the bases. Any factions interested in this deal should do what they can to persuade the Hessians to not begin a reckless rampage.


Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 7:04 pm

Well before I bid I would like to ask the Hessians if I may have permission to own a base or bases in Sigma-13. If I may then I may bid on Helgoland.

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 7:10 pm

Hey, I have been working to benefit liberty as much as I possibly can. I stopped the Xeno attacks, and I expanded liberty's industy as long as I could. You do this, and you will be dealing a major blow to the people of liberty. I am currently the biggest employer in liberty, and don't forget that I pay money to the poor of liberty every turn. (You guys have really got to stop doing this, it was brought down the first time, but this time you guys have really got no reason to be doing this this time) and you are betraying the former head of the DSE. And tryuin, those bases are for rhineland, if you want to fight for them, be my guest, cause you're in for a hurting. Plus, don't forget that I still have the resources to build yet another base. *Moves his personal wing into kusari.shikugo system.* Feels strange to be back here. I am offering a alliance pact with kusari.

*Plans to build a base somewhere out there.*


Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 7:15 pm

You can run richardson, but you can't hide .

And actually, me and Triyun have perfectly good reasons to attack you. That reason is: WE'RE BLOODY PIRATES!!!!

I can't speak for Liberty and Rhineland, but think of Liberty as absorbing you like they did with the other companies, and Rhinealnd is absorbing the Republican part of you. So there you go, perfectly good reasons for us all to attack you.

One more movement:

*2 LF from Gailileo and 2 from New York go to Shikoku and engage richardson's personal wing*

so much for running away richardson

**All this is in character I have nothing against richardson OOC I am just acting as my char would. Sorry richardson.**

Edited by - roc on 12/31/2004 7:25:38 PM

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