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The Control Your Own Faction RPG: Part 3, The Age of War- Th

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Sun Jan 02, 2005 10:11 am

I can't believe I've already lost track of which turn it is...

1. Placement:
- 1 Small Station (Burgdorf), 1 LF, 3 HF, 1 Gunboat, 1 Dreadnought in Sigma-19

2. Purchases:
- 1 Battleship
- 3 LF wings
- 2 Tech research (Cruiser FD and Battleship FA if possible)

3. Communications:
- To Elder Triyun:

As per your offer I have built a station in Sigma-19. Do not concern yourself with my military presence there as it is purely defensive. Rheinland and the Corsairs have been good partners of late and I would hate to see our ties severed over a trivial matter such as this.

- To Herr van Haalein:

So you wish access to Rheinland's capital fleet? Your change of heart has tempted me to agree to your offer but first I would like to see how committed you are to this peace. I will grant you access to the ship designs and Oder if you allow me to retain possession of Helgoland in Sigma-13. You needn't pay anything. Rheinland is awash in credits at the moment.

4. Movement:
None (Destroy Solarius)

5. Income:
- Credits: 900
- Resources: 115/33/45/327/7
- Costs: 365, 7/33/31/13/0
- Balance: 535, 108/0/14/314/7

Ship Stats (FA/CA/FD/CD):
LF – 6/1/3/1
HF – 1/1/8/3
VHF – 2/5/4/5
Gunboat – 9/2/7/2
Cruiser – 1/8/5/6
Dreadnought – 5/5/9/9
Battleship – 5/9/9/9

Specific Ship Postings:
Dresden - 21 LF, 5 HF @ Ingolstadt / 1 Battleship, 5 LF, 5 HF @ Bautzen / 25 LF, 5 HF @ Pirna
Frankfurt - 2 Gunboats, 10 LF, 10 HF @ Mannheim / 1 Gunboat, 15 LF, 10 HF @ Fulda
Hamburg - 5 LF @ Lubeck
New Berlin - 1 Gunboat, 10 LF, 10 HF @ Planet New Berlin and Oder / 1 Gunboat, 10 LF, 5 HF @ Essen and Dortmund / 15 LF, 5 HF @ Brandenburg
Stuttgart - 5 LF @ All bases (15 LF total for three bases) / 9 HF each @ Ulm and Konstanz / 11 HF @ Planet Stuttgart
Omega-7 - 20 LF, 10 HF, 1 Gunboat
Sigma-13 - 5 LF, 15 HF
Sigma-19 - 1 Dreadnought, 1 Gunboat, 3 HF, 1 LF

Post Sun Jan 02, 2005 10:14 am

Samura turn 3:
credits- 250
18(O)/ 50(W)/ 18(HF)/ 22(M)/ 18(F)

I recall that search team. DO NOT SOLVE IT, PLEASE

I will move the LF wings from Kepler to New Tokyo at Shinkaku station.

Samura offers non-aggression to the corsairs

credits- 140
9(O)/ 25(W)/ 14(HF)/ 16(M)/ 9(F)

credits- 390
27(O)/ 75(W)/ 32(HF)/ 38(M)/ 27(F)

Post Sun Jan 02, 2005 10:28 am

OOC:To all the people on my site- IT IS BACK UP!!! Please post again!!! thanks

Post Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:05 pm

@ Codename: Very well. You may retain possession of Helgoland. Construction on the first Hessian battleship will begin tomorrow.

Post Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:08 pm

Excellent. Let this be the beginning of a new Golden Age in Rheinland. One where its citizens may live in comfort and fear neither exploitation nor violence.

Post Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:36 pm

OOC: This is really a non essential point, but I believe the Rheinland Dreadnaughts are called heavy cruisers, the bretonia and Kusari vessels are destroyers, and only liberty has the name dreadnaught.

Transmission to the Rheinland: The Corsairs wish to extend a full military alliance and recognize the new coalition government governing rheinland. We declare an open border with it in all but our most hidden systems.

Numbers for Codename: 8, 7 sorry

Edited by - Triyun on 1/2/2005 12:47:09 PM


Post Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:10 pm

Ok i'm back from the football game guys. The Eagles lost, but they were playing their worst players so I don't care. We are in the playoffs and we have home field advantage for all our games anyway. Thanks Triyun for doing the results while I was gone . Now for a little IC stuff:

To CEO Richardson of Ageira:

An alliance with Liberty? What are you talking about? The only alliance I have with them is a temporary alliance to destroy YOU and then we go back to being enemies. I assure you, for what Liberty did to my family, a permenant alliance seems HIGHLY unlikely.

To President Squall Leonhart of Liberty:

I hope our temporary alliance to rid Sirius of Ageria is still in effect. When they are destroyed, we can go back to hating each other, but for now, I believe we can team up.

Last, richardson, you can build hidden bases in any system you or a close ally have hidden bases in. So Triyun's bases are hidden, but your Horizon base isn't. Sorry.

Edited by - roc on 1/2/2005 2:20:27 PM

Edited by - roc on 1/2/2005 2:23:16 PM

Post Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:12 pm

HEY! I'm building up to guard your home systems and prevent another bretonian incident like you just ended, and you go back and attack me again? I'm building up to protect the people of liberty! And I'm attempting to stop the rouges from joining the corsairs and outcasts and become another security force for liberty!

Post Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:45 pm

Lying. Like most capitalist dogs.

No, but seriously. You are a CEO of a Liberty company that in the past months has been rapidly expanding beyond the boundaries of Liberty. Clearly your priorities are not the safety and wellbeing of Liberty's people, but rather control and profit for yourself. Nationalizing Ageira would give the same benefits to the people of Liberty that it currently does privately without allowing the possibility of a businessman such as yourself to become overly obsessed with profits.

Red Hessian News

Ageira documents verified!

Red Hessian officials have earthed up 16 reports and updates on the Liberty company since its current CEO took over the company. The documents repeatedly show inarguable evidence that the company has been forcing its workers to experiment on obviously dangerous products, resulting in 5 specific cases in death. Most of these cases result in loss of limbs or major injuries. The report goes on to state that many Ageira operations are conducted under insufferable and inhuman conditions, such as underpaying workers for 14-hour long periods of work and lack of mandatory safety precautions. Overall, Hessian scientists estimate the death toll caused by this inhuman corporation to be over 250 in the past year. And while pay for the common Ageira worker has been lowered consistently, pay for Ageira executives, the CEO, and its board of directors has been given raise after raise. How other factions will react to this news is not known.

Construction of Goethe nearly complete!

This year has seen many changes in the Hessian life. First starting with the ending of our war with the Corsairs, then with our conquering of the Omegas and Sigmas, and finally our peace with Rhineland. Now the base that will be the centre of the Hessian life, Goethe, will be ready in a matter of days. To even further compliment this occasion, Rhineland has allowed us access to their capital shipyards. We will begin construction of our fleets as soon as possible.

Edited by - [ACWilde on 1/2/2005 2:45:49 PM

Post Sun Jan 02, 2005 3:10 pm

Not really, because goverments always find a way to complicate things, it's a natural law of the universe.

So called "Ageira documents" easily identifiable fakes, which are definately forged for the express intent of harming the liberty people.

(Plus wilde, why EVEN BOTHER with liberty coorperations, especially since my sphere of influence doesn't intersect with yours anymore? It's a waste of breath and time, plus it makes you look like a pompous windbag.)

Same counterstatement as before, providing liberty with a massive economic influence over all of sirus, and providing the people with numerous opportunities for work. Plus, I'm no longer beyond Liberty's borders, but trying to defend it's inner systems. Plus, coorperations expand, that's another fact of life. Would you honestly try to dictate what the people of liberty and her coorperations can or cannot do? You're as bad as the people you claim you're trying to replace.

Post Sun Jan 02, 2005 3:25 pm

ahhh, shut up and take your lumps

Voted Best Explorer in CYOF 2.0

Edited by - Gunblader on 1/2/2005 3:27:37 PM

Post Sun Jan 02, 2005 3:27 pm

The documents aren't forgeries, they're authentic

furthermore, I am not dictating the actions of Liberty. I'm merely stating a fact. You may be giving the people of Liberty oppurtunities for work, but so would the Liberty government itself if it controlled a nationalized Ageira. You say you are extending Liberty's influence on Sirius? Rather your own influence. You are expanding beyond the borders of Liberty and beyond Liberty's control, so quite rightly they felt threatened by this spectre of bloodthirsty lust for profit that now haunts the Liberty systems.

EditL: quote: "ahh shut up and take your lumps." that's hilarious

Edited by - [ACWilde on 1/2/2005 3:28:06 PM

Post Sun Jan 02, 2005 3:34 pm

Oh, I think rich calling you a "pompous windbag" was better, but that's just me.

Post Sun Jan 02, 2005 3:41 pm

sure. no factual base, but yeah it was pretty funny. (pompous windbag? WTF??)

a retort...just a sec...

rich, you're a used colostomy bag.

(look it up)

Post Sun Jan 02, 2005 4:24 pm

Wilde I know what that means, FUNNY lol

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