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The Control Your Own Faction RPG: Part 3, The Age of War- Th

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 2:41 pm

Oh, I know. I know. not a terrifying force at all.

Still, you can't attack me for about another 4 hours. Enough time for me to send backup.

And furthermore Solarius isn't hidden. It's got about 1000 navigation buoys --placed in a line from the jumpgate to the station-- screaming out its location.

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:05 pm

Turn 10 for Corsairs continued:

Richardson the reason I kept that bounty is I liked Captain 2 Kill, you frankly are a thorn in my side. And nothing in your arsenal is even a match for a Corsair VHF, and you claim I'm facing the most potent antifighter force in the game. Your best FA unit is weaker than mine. but that 500 credits, thanks I didn't actually see it.

Samura will not be permitted to build bases in Sigma 13, it is the strict policy of our Council of Elders not to allow the building of any corporate forces in the Sigma 13 or 19. But it will be permitted to start paying a 30 credit tribute per turn to avoid piracy. (sorry, the Corsairs though are pirating corporations, its kind of to even it out, we don't hurt houses since they already have local pirates to deal with, so your all thats left) Unless Samura wishes to pay for the successful research of +1 FD for every model of Corsair fighter. And for the upgrades of +1 FA for all our two heavy capital ship models. Remember these have to be successful researches though. Once this is done, we will never bother you again. So a 30 credit tribute which will probably go up later on might be the better deal.

Anyways, total forces

Total Forces:
16 VHF, 2 R. Battleships, 1 R. Heavy Cruiser at Hamburg
10 VHF at Frankfurt
41 VHF, 2 HF Wings, 40 LF Wings

I'm building:

25 additional VHF wings.

VHF: 8 CA/ 8 FA/ 5 CD/ 5 FD
HF: 5 CA/ 5 FA/ 3 CD/ 3 FD
LF: 2 CA/ 4 FA/ 4 CD/ 2 FD

Diplomatic Relations:
Economic and Mutual Defense Allies:
Liberty Rogues
Mutual Defense Allies:
Red Hessians
Economic Allies:
De-Facto Allies:
Bretonia (in that our government is openly supporting military action they are committing)
Liberty (open war is on hold due to conditions they have met)
Samura Industries
Open War:
Corporate Alliance except Interspace Commerce
All other factions are neutral

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:17 pm

roc don't worry about the battles, I can take care of a lot of them. The reason you've been doing a bunch of the research, is because you saw them first


Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:19 pm

O ok. The researches are easy, I just will need help with the battles .

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:23 pm

I'll pay thirty, can i place the bases there or what since I'm paying. what would it cost to buy the Sig's

Everyone has one...
Some are one.....

Edited by - Red_dude on 12/31/2004 3:24:37 PM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:31 pm

Sigmas are too valuable to buy. At least that is my view on it.


Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:34 pm

Rouges Turn 7

Buffalo large hidden base in New York
Alcatraz small hidden base in California
Dawson small hidden base in Hudson
Montezuma small hidden base in Cortez
Padua large hidden base in Gailileo
Severn large hidden base in Hudson


2 LF, 1 VHF at Buffalo
2 LF, 1 VHF at Alcatraz
2 LF, 1 VHF at Dawson
2 LF, 1 VHF at Montezuma
2 LF, 1 VHF, at Padua
2 LF at Severn
2 Frieghters on way back to Padua
3 LF looking for Ouray
3 LF looking for Nome
3 LF looking for Barrow
3 LF looking for Mactan
3 Lf looking for Leiden
24 LF in Colorado attacking Pueblo
- Do I have to search for Mactan and Leiden because they are the Rouge's allies in FL?

0 credits + 35 turn money + 90 base money = 125 credits

Collect Commodities:
15 food
0 h-fuel
5 metals
6 oxygen
13 water


Pending Outcomes:

24 LF attacking Pueblo Station in Colorado

Freighters on their way back from Corsair base with commodities.

I offer an alliance to Bretonia
Corsairs - Alliance
Red Hessains - Non-Agression Pact
Junkers - Waiting for answer to Alliance and Prtotectorial Promise offer
Liberty - Hostile
Unioners - Waiting for answer to Alliance and Prtotectorial Promise offer
Corporate Alliance - Non-Agression Pact
Everyone Else - Neutral

Ship Stats:
Minotaur Class LF - 5 FA, 3 CA, 3 FD, 1 CD
Manticore Class HF - 6 FA, 4 CA, 4 FD, 2 CD
Chimera Class VHF - 8 FA, 5 CA, 6 FD, 3 CD

Final Amount:
25 credits
125 food
0 h-fuel
27 metals
39 oxygen
103 water

Edited by - roc on 12/31/2004 6:28:21 PM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:36 pm

no sigmas are for sale

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:40 pm


Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:44 pm

He's not attacking the CA per se. he's attacking richardson. I mean Ageira.

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:44 pm

roc, your number is 6 if you didn't do your own research.

roc we request you deploy forces to engage Agiera's liberty forces as part of our alliance, as soon as we defeat them in Rheinland we'll send in our fleets to reinforce yours.

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:45 pm

Dude, I gave those creds to stop him attacking the corporate alliance. THAT INCLUDES AGEIRA.

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:48 pm

(I love doing this. I LOVE it )

Ageira is a publicly owned and traded company. It has diplomatic relations, economic views, and mindsets different from the entire entity known as the Corporate Alliance., isn't it? Perhaps if you meant specifically Ageira, you should have specified that. As it stands, the other member of CA, Interspace Commerce, is not being attacked and frankly has no reason to be attacked. Or defend Ageira for that matter.

Vote for your favourite fanfic of 'O4 here!

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/31/2004 3:53:44 PM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:55 pm

Just because you paid me without getting my word, doesn't mean I'm going to follow that. I think I am not alone in not wanting Richardson incharge of a major power. But thankyou for the 500 credits, that really saved my ass in the long term.


Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 4:00 pm

Ok Triyun, I will send ships as soon as possible. Do you need me to attack their bases in Rhineland or Liberty?

Edited by - roc on 12/31/2004 4:02:41 PM

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