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The Control Your Own Faction RPG: Part 3, The Age of War- Th

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 11:49 am

Transmission to the Corporate Alliance: The Elder Kun cannot work with the CA if it is under Agiera rulership, therefore, we've decided to pillage it. Until we recieve 150 credits from it per turn!

This turn:

Building: 1 Large Base, 6 VHF Wings
Moving: 2 R. Battleships, 1 R. Heavy Cruiser to Hamburg
Moving: Lower C. Fleet to Hamburg
Combining both into the new Lower Corsair Fleet

Attacking all Agiera Forces in Hamburg to take both their base and shipyard except for 10 VHF which break off from the fleet and move to Frankfurt to attack Agiera there:

2 R. Battleships, 1 R. Heavy Cruiser, 16 VHF Wings versus 2 VHF Wings, 5 LF Wings, 1 Gunboat @ Hamburg

10 VHF @ Frankfurt attacking 10 LF

Both goals are to capture the bases. Btw, Rheinland has building rights in Sigma 19 now.

Stats on engaged forces:
5/9/9/9 R. Battleship
5/5/9/9 R. Heavy Cruiser
8/8/5/5 C. VHF

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 12:02 pm

Hey, HEY! before you go nuts, remember that this was the last act of the former DSE commander to give the DSE to me. And you're facing some of the most potent anti-fighter forces in the game. And I'm not paying you a dime more. You said 50, I paid 50. And the DSE paid 500 before they were transferred over to me.

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 12:04 pm

Hey guys sorry about being MIA.

Samura 1 turn:
Start bonus: 250


Osaka storage facility(small)

Tsushima depot(small)

New Tokyo
Shinjuku station(large)
Yokoham Shipyards(fighter)

Planet Junyo

Planet Kurile

Tau 29:
Shinkaku station(large)

ships: 80 LF wings

ship stats:
LF 8FA/ 1CA/ 2FD/ 1CD
HF2 3FA/ 3CA/ 3FD/ 3CD
VHF 4FA/ 4CA/ 4FD/ 4CD
Gunboat 9FA/ 9CA/ 1FD/ 1CD
4 Free Points go to LF

I offer Non-aggression to all and alliance to Liberty and Kusari

credits- 110
9(O)/ 25(W)/ 4(HF)/ 6(M)/ 9(F)

I build one large and one small station for 250 credits

To whoever owns the sigmas- I request that i may be able to place my bases there to harvest resources.

credits- 110
9(O)/ 25(W)/ 4(HF)/ 6(M)/ 9(F)

credits- 110
9(O)/ 25(W)/ 4(HF)/ 6(M)/ 9(F)

Everyone has one...
Some are one.....

Edited by - red_dude on 1/1/2005 6:53:44 AM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 12:05 pm

*Entering Admin mode*

Wilde, if you are attacking The Ring, then you must fight the Daumann forces ststioned there. You need to be clear. What bases are you attacking? Are you attacking the whole system, or just one or a few bases? If you are attacking more than one base, then you need to split your forces for each base.

I am officially accepting the Hit and Run or Hit and Fade rule. You may now use it.

I am setting a timeline for each day. PLEASE let me know if this is a problem for your schedule.

All times are TLR times.

12:00 AM (0 hrs) - 6:00 PM (1800 hrs): Turn posting time. No attacks may be posted.

6:01 PM (1801 hrs) - 9:00 PM (2100 hrs): Attacks may be posted, but only on NPCs and players who have posted their daily turns.

9:01 PM (2101 hrs) - 11:59 PM (2359 hrs): Any attacks may be posted.

Hopefully, this system will allow for people to have ample time to post turns before battles. This is just an idea, and I want to see how you feel about it before I make it official. Perhaps later tonight or next year () I will make it official, but I want to see what you think.

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 12:09 pm

Jacob- ok, but instead of fort bush I'll give you 100 credits? All the other you posted I had already proposed. And sorry about that stupid post, you try doing it and 2:00 am on 4 hour of sleep and try not to be irritable. and the yelling part was supposed to be a joke, i forgot the at the end.

Red_dude- accepted. bout time you got your arse up here

Edited by - Finalday on 12/31/2004 1:36:45 PM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 12:13 pm

Nice job with the schedule.

Edit: Though I think you missed the point about The Ring and Oder. Since in FL proper the two are part of the same overall complex they can't be owned by factions that are hostile to each other. Daumann owns The Ring and Daumann is hostile towards the Hessians. Therefore if Wilde wants Oder he *has* to attack The Ring and its defenders as well. At least that's how I (and Gunblader, apparently) see it.

Edited by - Codename on 12/31/2004 12:23:03 PM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 12:38 pm

I aggree with codename, they are more or less the same structure.

Everyone has one...
Some are one.....

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 1:23 pm

Actually, strictly I am only attacking Oder. But Codename hasn't divided his forces between Planet New Berlin and Oder, so I have to attack both bases. To me, that sounds like he's stretching the rules.

So then I'm attacking the Ring and Oder. But only those two. And Codename should have to now divide his forces between the planet and the shipyard.

@ jacob: I'll gladly LEAVE Rhineland without being forced to. I'm just waiting for Codename to get out of Sigma 13 and Omega 11. Also, you didn't respond to my offer to build you a base in Sigma 13 (I'm assuming cos you have two) so do you want me to just give it to you to place where you wish?

Edit: My attack was posted yesterday, after 6:00 pm TLR time I think. Certainly after Codename's turn.

Also, I am willing to broker a peace treaty with Rhineland. All I want is for them to withdraw from Sigma 13, Omega 11, and Omega 7. In return, I will withdraw from Dresden. Hopefully Triyun can be my negotiator with Codename as he is much more successful at it than I.

Samura non-agression pact accepted.

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/31/2004 1:33:11 PM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 1:46 pm

Wilde- may samura build bases in the Sigmas?

Everyone has one...
Some are one.....

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 1:56 pm

As long as Triyun is alright with it--and you do not get too friendly with rhineland --sure.

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 2:02 pm

Don't worry, this time Samura won't go rogue like it did last time *COUGH*Gunblader!!!*COUGH*

Everyone has one...
Some are one.....


Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 2:19 pm

Ok results

Bomber Research - 1
+1 VHF FA Research - 6

+1 VHF CA - 5

Still no battles, I haven't gotten the walkthrough yet. I will get them as soon as possible. By the wat Triyun, you are a judge, right? I may need some help with all the battles.

YES!!! I finally got a sucessful research! I was starting to think that random number thing had a grudge against me or something.

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 2:21 pm

"So then I'm attacking the Ring and Oder. But only those two. And Codename should have to now divide his forces between the planet and the shipyard."

Okay. I'll leave 1 LF wing there (Oder) and let the Daumann LFs deal with you. And you're going to lose Omega-7 so I'm sure as hell not giving that one up. I may agree to leave Omega-11 though.

Edited by - Codename on 12/31/2004 2:21:42 PM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 2:29 pm

I'M going to lose Omega 7? lol. That's good. no seriously, that's really funny. After I just built a base for jacob and am giving it to him to place wherever he wants?? I don't think so. But if you want to attack me there, be my guest. you'll just piss off a bunch of people. Not to mention leave gaping holes in your defence.

So that's the battle then.

30 MC VHF wings
10 C. LF wings, 1 R. LF wing.

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/31/2004 2:29:59 PM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 2:33 pm

Check your fleet positions. You have 10 LFs there. Hardly a terrifying force. And my bases in O-7 and O-11 are both hidden too, so good luck forcing me out of either.

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