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The Control Your Own Faction RPG: Part 3, The Age of War- Th

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Thu Dec 30, 2004 10:11 pm

oh, ok. It's still turn 8 then for him.

Edit: WHOA! FIVe turns?? ok. that makes sense...

Yeah. Cortez isn't connected to New York. So I don't think you can attack that system...

For the moment the Red HEssians will be staying out of any Bretonia-Liberty conflict. Similarily, we ask the Bretonian government to do as it always has done and not get involved in our struggles with Rhineland.

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/30/2004 10:15:00 PM

Post Thu Dec 30, 2004 10:16 pm

Through California to New York. And since Gunblader doesn't seem to have *any* forces in either of those systems Jacob doesn't have to fight anyone to get there.

Awesome, isn't it?

Post Thu Dec 30, 2004 10:20 pm

Yeah, I just took about half of GB's assests, which makes me even richer.
Don't you love it!

(Sorry, GB, it is not personal, but you really were asking for it.)

Post Thu Dec 30, 2004 10:26 pm

Transmission to Bretonia: While we don't mind you taking the border worlds between Bretonia and Liberty, we would like that the Liberty corestate be preserved under the rule of the Rogues, but we fully support Bretonia's right to build bases there.

Transmissions to Rogues and Rheinland: Where do you need my forces deployed?
By the way, when you said take what you need in Rheinland, that wouldn't include cap. shipyards or your Sigma 13 base would it?

Transmission to Hessians: We'll broker a treaty between you and the Rheinlanders if you need it.

Transmission to Corporate Alliance: Next turn, if every member doesn't pay 50 credits each I begin my counter assualt

Transmission to Liberty: For invading a major trading partner of the Corsairs and violating numerous warnings, the Corsairs declare war on the nation of Liberty. You really should have made sure I actually wanted Rheinland to be defeated before you did something stupid. Just because the Corsairs are friends of the Hessians doesn't mean they don't want both factions, both allies, to survive.

Moving the Corsair Lower Fleet to capture the Omega 11 base of Liberty.

Post Thu Dec 30, 2004 10:35 pm

Elder Triyun:

Well, let's wait and see how this turns out, shall we? The President may yet decide to withdraw, in which case I'll stick it out here. Otherwise you're welcome to any contested Rheinland bases at the moment. (Oder, New Berlin, Pirna, All Hamburg)

Oh, and just so you know, The Ring is NPC, so it add 20 LFs to that battle. Thanks.

Post Thu Dec 30, 2004 11:09 pm

I withdrawl!!!! Wilde I gonna kill you!!!

Jacob, Due to misinformation, I am requesting that you give New york and California back to me, Or I will reclaim them. I will not attack your ships,but the bases that were took from me. And how did you get into California already with having a turn of five turns?

I give 300 credits, Planet Maine, and Solarius Station to codename.

Edited by - Gunblader on 12/30/2004 11:12:46 PM

Edited by - Gunblader on 12/30/2004 11:15:26 PM

Post Thu Dec 30, 2004 11:22 pm

Triyun- Solarius station belong to codename now. Also, Wilde told me you were still allies.

@ Codename- Please accept my Humblest appologies. I was decieved. I hope that our two nations can be friendly with each other. Let me redeem myself by getting rid of the Hessians, the Bundschuh, and the Rest of your enemies for you for you.

@ Jacob- You didn't get all my stuff in California. I have a hidden base there. and you couldn't have gotten New York or California. You didn't proporly Judge them. Even if I don't have any ships there, you still have to judge the battle. I still retain controll of New YOrk and California you didn't proporly declare the battle. You didn't say which ones you were attacking first there for the attack should be invlaid. If anyone else tried to what you just did, you would say the same thing i just did. I know the rules well enough to know what i'm talking about. I also don't like being called a cheat. I didn't know that you didn't reconize the different times zones for turn usage. SO DON"T FRICKING CALL ME IT AGAIN!!!!!!

Edited by - Gunblader on 12/30/2004 11:25:56 PM

Edited by - Gunblader on 12/30/2004 11:29:11 PM

Edited by - Gunblader on 12/30/2004 11:34:44 PM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 4:25 am

IC turn 10:

Base list:
Newark Station, New York , 5 LF wings (Large)
Bonn Station , New Berlin, 5 LF wings (Large)
Roppongi Station , New Tokyo, 10 LF wings (Large)
Waterloo Station , New London, 5 LF wings (Large)
Future Station, Hokkaido 5 LF wings (Small)
Hope Station, Tau 29, 7 LF wings (Small)
Freedom Station, Tau-23, 7 LF wings (Small)
Peace Station, Tau-37 ,7 LF wings and 10 HF wings (Small)
Cash Station, Omega 11, 2 LF wings (Small)
Gold Station, California, 2 LF wings (Small)
Frontier Station, Omicron Alpha, 7 LF wings (Small)
Edge Shipyard, Colorado, 2 LF wings. (Capital shipyard)

Ship stats:

LF: FA 3, CA 2, FD 3, CD 2 (8 points,2 free points)
HF:FA 3, CA 4, FD 2, CD 3 (12 points)
VHF: FA 5, CA 4, FD 4,CD 5 (16 points, 2 free points)
Gunboat: FA 4, CA 6, FD 4, CD 6 (20 points)

1: I place my small station in Omicron Alpha and the shipyard in Colorado.
2:5 VHF wings

50 credits to the corsairs

4: i move 5 LF wings from Tau-29 to omicron alpha.

Credits 265+195=465


22 F, 32 HF, 18 Metals, 5 O, 38 W

To the Outcasts:

The IC wishes to discus an non agresion pact with the Outcasts. If we can be allowed to build a small base in Omicron Alpha we will in return guard the west border. (the Taus)
We will not have a sizeable force stationed in Alpha we are only after the minerals in your system.
We will keep our force to 2 LF wings.

Edited by - The Creator on 12/31/2004 4:26:45 AM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 4:36 am

Oh boy stupid christmas relativs not letting me have enough time to post here boy i missed a lot i hand my stuff over to jacob for now just for a few days till i can get all set up again

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 4:41 am


After having reviewed time constraints, Chairman Kill the 2nd has decided that he shall step down as leader of DSE. In an official statement he said, "I have decided to retire and I am going to. I hereby surrender control of ALL DSE BASES near and far to my ally and good friend CEO Richardson of Ageira. I also give him these words of wisdom: Don't anger the pirate factions. Though you may dislike them, they are extremely dangerous. Rule over the DSE Bases as you see fit, but remember how DSE ruled and take advantage of that."

Also, as his last act as Chairman of DSE, Kill the 2nd has payed a total sum of 500 SIRIUS CREDITS to the Corsairs, and asked that they do not attack the Corporate Alliance.


P.S. I am available as an assistant strategist to ALL factions for ANY matters EXCEPT where they invole attacking or harming Ageira IN ANY WAY. E-Mail me at [email protected] and ask for assistance at any time.

OOC: Thanks for the fun guys. It was great. Oh and guys, try not to tear each others throats open. FOR MY SAKE...........

Of course that's not gonna happen at all..............lmao

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 5:59 am

*Blinks.*Crap this isn't good. And in another way, it is good.

Ageira turn: 8

Keeper class:
4 FA; 1 FD; 2 CA; 1 CD
Vengance class:
5 FA; 2 FD; 4 CA; 2 CD
Avenger class:
7 FA; 4 FD; 5 CA; 3 CD
Protector Gunboats:
4 FA; 3 FD; 8 CA; 5 CD


19 M/ 67 F/ 21 H-F/ 34 H2O/ 33 O
+13 M/ 28 F/ 9 H-F/ 11 H2O/ 13 O
32 M/ 95 F/ 30 H-F/ 45 H2O/ 46 O
-12 M/ 1 F/13 H-F/ 4 O
20 M/ 94 F/ 17 H-F/ 45 H2O/ 45 O

Mainz : Frankfurt (10 lf wings posted)
Pueblo: Colorado (10 lf wings posted)

Detroit : new york ( 5 Lf wings, 1 vhf wing)
Hozion: Magellen (1 hf wing 1 VHF wing)
Altona: hamburg (5 lf wings)
Freiburg: Stuttgart (4 lf wings posted)

capital shipyards:
Alster shipyard: Hamburg (2 VHF wing 1 GB [Gunboat)
Baltimore: New york (10 Lf wings 1 G

Pittsburg:New york (30 Lf wings posted) (His forces from curaco)

Ahem, wow....

credits per turn:
35+100+60=195 credits per turn now. Starting this turn

resources per turn:
7 M/ 9 F/ 6 H-F/ 5 H2O/ 7 O
+6 M/ 19 F/ 3 H-F/ 6 H2O/ 6 O
13 M/ 28 F/ 9 H-F/ 11 H2O/ 13 O

*blinks* Wow. Well then, tryuin, I will see your fifty. I can afford it now. *Pays 50 c to the corsairs*

Thank you Captain Kill2, you've just given me a major chance.

build a gunboat for baltimore shipayrd

build 1 Vhf wing for horizon base

prepping major upgrades.

Edited by - richardson on 1/2/2005 9:48:25 AM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 7:06 am

Gunblader, I had nothing to do with this. I had no hand in it. Other people besides me thought it up. No deciet or active lying is mine to claim. K? I HAD NOT PART IN IT.

Triyun--sure, broker a treaty between me and Rhineland. What I want:
1. The withdrawal of Rhineland from Omega 7, Sigma 13, and Omega 11. (Code if you don't get out I'ma gonna FORCE you out)
2. Leipzig station (Kruger)

If those aren't given over immediately, Rhineland's going to lose Sigma 13 and Omega 11 by force as well as Oder shipyard, The Ring, and its capital planet. Edit: Oh yeah! and its only battleship!

Hessian systems:
Red Death
Omega 11
Sigma 17
Omega 7--shared with Bretonia
Omega 5--shared with Corsairs

Now, my turn for today...

Red Hessian Turn 9

1. I place Tiamat Base (small) in Sigma 17. 5 MC VHF wings to go there and guard the station.

2. I build 5 MC VHF wings. And research VHF CA.

3. No diplomacy. Except a peace treaty with Liberty.

4. Attacks:
Oder Shipyard, New Berlin: 30 MC VHF wings
1 Gunboat, 10 LF, 10 HF (all Rhineland)

Helgoland, Red Death: 15 MC VHF wings, 15 H LF wings
5 LF, 15 HF (all Rhineland)

Pirna, Dresden: 30 MC VHF wings
15 LF, 5 HF, 1 battleship (all Rhineland)

These attacks will continue until Rhineland agrees to pull out of Omega 11, Red Death, and Omega 7. And gives us control of Leipzig.

5. credits: 150+ 555=705
commodities: 126 M/ 79 HF/ 49 W/ 80 O/ 28 F

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/31/2004 8:14:15 AM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 8:23 am


One thing you need to remember about the Battleship is that becasue it's partially an inter-system strike (you moved forces from Freital) you must fight ALL forces in system if you wish to capture it.

And your attack on New Berlin should look like this:
Oder Shipyard, New Berlin, The Ring:
30 MC VHF wings
1 Gunboat, 30 LF, 10 HF (all Rhineland)

Because you can't attack Oder without attacking The Ring and it belongs to Daumann which is allied to me. So 20 more LFs.

Oh, and Gunblader, no hard feelings. Just be more careful next time.

Edited by - Codename on 12/31/2004 8:23:42 AM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 8:31 am

Hmm. right. Ok fine no capturing then, just destroyal.

WEll, I'm actually not attacking Daumann. I thought you owned it. I'm attacking you. If they want to get involved, still fine. It'll just be a fairer fight .

Wait wait wait, Daumann has been NPC since Chess left. So it would only be 10 LF wings. And if you haven't nationalized it yet, and I'm assuming you haven't cos your turn post yesterday didn't mention any Daumann bases, who are you to make decisions for an NPC? If you go that way, I could by the same logic make decisions for LWB cos they're allied with the Hessians in the game.

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/31/2004 8:39:08 AM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 8:47 am

It's a proximity thing, really. Oder and The Ring are part of the same overall station complex so you can't attack one without attacking the other. So even though I can't speak for Daumann there's no way their fighters won't be involved.

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