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The Control Your Own Faction RPG: Part 3, The Age of War- Th

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 8:51 am

I dont' think thats really fair. You can't get an NPC involved if they're not attacked directly...

I suppose you could nationalize them, but that wouldn't help you with this battle would it?

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 8:54 am

Well, it's likely to only happen this once. I can't think of any other places that have a similar set-up. And really, do a few more LFs really scare you that much? Pansy.

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 9:01 am

Pansy? maybe. But a damn pedantic one too!

It's a bloody NPC!!! no npcs for you

Edit: No soup either.

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/31/2004 9:01:47 AM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 9:08 am

Well, there are precisely NO rules governing this sort of situation. Kind of hard to be pedantic then, isn't it?

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 9:15 am

that's because no rules need to be spoken.You don't control Daumann...daumann can't fight for you. It's NPC.


Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 9:35 am

Who said Daumann is fighting for me?


Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 10:04 am

Liberty 9th turn:
53(O)/ 175(M)/ 52(W)/ 358(F)/ 18(HF)

I move the Omega-Fleet(I combined the two)- to Texas and Planet Houston
Hamburg- Bering-Texas-Newyork

Jacob I'll give you Bering, galileo, full ownership of Maggellin, and 1 of my Terraformible planets for New York and Calilfornia.

Liberty is selling food. 2 credits for 1 food

7(O)/ 17(M)/ 6(W)/ 50(F)/ 4(HF)

60(O)/ 192(M)/ 58(W)/ 408(F)/ 22(HF)

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 10:18 am

well obviously Daumann would be fighting with you--i'm attacking you, and if they attack me they're fighting alongside you.

Let's just leave Daumann out of this. we're probably going to confuse Roc when he does the battles.

Vogtland, Dresden (l): 30 LF wings, 5 MC VHF
Ronneburg, Omega 5 (l, h): 5 LF wings
Kali, Omega 7 (f.s.): 10 LF wings
Yama, Sigma 13 (fs): 5 MC VHF wings
Freital, Omega 11 (l, h): 10 LF wings
Agni, Sigma 19 (s): 10 LF wings, 5 MC VHF wings
Indra, Omicron Gamma (s): 5 LF wings, 5 MC VHF wings

All fighting units accounted for.

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/31/2004 10:32:49 AM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 10:27 am

No, no, no. They aren't fighting with me. It's a separate battle. The thing is that you can't attack Oder without attacking The Ring (because they are part of the same complex). And if you attack The Ring then you have to deal with the Daumann fighters. That's all. Consider it a separate but related battle if you want.

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 10:40 am

No no no I'm not attacking the Ring, I'm attacking Oder and New Berlin. So either Daumann is fighting with you, which isn't fair cos they're an NPC, or they're attacking me by themselves, which isn't fair either cos I'm not attacking the Ring. They're an NPC, they really shouldn't be able to attack me.

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 10:53 am

You can't say that you aren't attacking The Ring though, they're part of the same greater structure. If it were operated by a neutral faction (PC or NPC) then maybe, but since you're enemies with Daumann you can't take over half the complex and expect them to accept it. That's unrealistic.

Rheinland Turn Nine (I think)

1. Placement:
- 10 HF in Stuttgart

2. Purchases:
- 10 HF

3. Communications:

4. Movements:
- 1 Gunboat, 15 LF from Stuttgart to Omega-7. They (along with my 5 LFs at Elbich) will engage all Hessian forces for control of the system.

5. Income:
- Credits: 900
- Resources: 102/32/48/308/19
- Costs: 100, 0/20/30/10/0
- Balance: 800, 102/12/18/298/19

Ship Stats (FA/CA/FD/CD):
LF – 6/1/3/1
HF – 1/1/8/3
VHF – 2/5/4/5
Gunboat – 9/2/6/2
Cruiser – 1/8/5/6
Dreadnought – 5/5/9/9
Battleship – 5/9/9/9

Specific Ship Postings:
Dresden - 21 LF, 5 HF @ Ingolstadt / 1 Battleship, 5 LF, 5 HF @ Bautzen / 25 LF, 5 HF @ Pirna
Frankfurt - 2 Gunboats, 10 LF, 10 HF @ Mannheim / 1 Gunboat, 15 LF, 10 HF @ Fulda
Hamburg - 5 LF @ Lubeck
New Berlin - 1 Gunboat, 10 LF, 10 HF @ Planet New Berlin and Oder / 1 Gunboat, 10 LF, 5 HF @ Essen and Dortmund / 15 LF, 5 HF @ Brandenburg
Stuttgart - 5 LF @ All bases (15 LF total for three bases) / 9 HF each @ Ulm and Konstanz / 11 HF @ Planet Stuttgart
Omega-7 - 20 LF, 1 Gunboat
Sigma-13 - 5 LF, 15 HF
I'm not sure about Solarius and Maine, more info on them later.

Edited by - Codename on 12/31/2004 10:55:59 AM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 11:03 am

uggh I don't want to get into an argument about this. an NPC can't attack me unless I'm attacking them, ok?

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 11:05 am

Right. And you're attacking them, whether you want to or not.

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 11:18 am

Codename- Solarius and Maine are yours to keep. I have a favor to ask.
If Jacob does notgive me New York and California back, will you help me get them back, phyically or diplomicly?

Wilde- Codename is right. You can't attack Oder without attacking the Ring.

Edited by - Gunblader on 12/31/2004 11:19:05 AM

Post Fri Dec 31, 2004 11:49 am


First of all, I am glad you have regained your sanity. Hopefully, my incursion into your space helped. I will offer you a deal, but it will be a fairly hard bargain, since you did attack my ally, and I do have nearly 15 bases as bargaining chips.
I will:
1- Return the systems of California and New York to Liberty control
2- Return all the former Liberty bases in those systems to your control
If you:
1- Give me full building and movement rights in all Liberty systems
2- Give me full control of Magellan
3- Give me control of Fort Bush and San Diego Border Station
4- Give me and Rheinland a full alliance (to be discussed later)
5- Break off all ties with the Red Hessians, and assist the Chancellor in removing them from his space.
That is my offer.

King Jacob II

OOC- I am sorry if I seemed to breach the rules, but I did not. If I had the time last night, then I would have said, "1 LF to Manhattan to attack, 1 LF to Bush to attack, etc." and then filled up the judges with more, and STUPID, battle requests, since I obviously would win them all since you had no forces. Geez man, why must I be forced to waste tons of my time on such trivial matters. It doesn't matter, I would win either way, but can't I just make thing easier on myself and the judges? What difference would it have made to you?

And you said:

If anyone else tried to what you just did, you would say the same thing i just did.

That is not true. I would never have tried to catch people on such trivial matters. YOU HAD NO FORCES IN THE SYSTEM! What was there to stop me? Nothing, that's what. I don't see where you are coming with all this, but it wouldn't have made a difference.

And you said:

I have a hidden base there. and you couldn't have gotten New York or California.

Sorry. You still have the hidden base. Go throw yourself a party.

Then you said:

I still retain controll of New YOrk and California you didn't proporly declare the battle.

One word: bullcrap. The battle was stated, and was very straightforward.


I also don't like being called a cheat. I didn't know that you didn't reconize the different times zones for turn usage.

Did you happen to notice the after I called you a cheat? It was a joke! Geez, stop slamming me because you made a bad choice.

Then, your coup-de-gras:


Wow. It was a joke.
Note to self #476843: Never tell Gunblader a joke.

Edited by - ww2jacob on 12/31/2004 11:50:33 AM

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