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The Control Your Own Faction RPG- Part II: Rebirth, Unoffici

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Sun Oct 31, 2004 10:38 am

On an entirely unrelated note, I just read all that stuff about the Canada system adn suchlike. I suppose that, as a Canadian citizen, I have no choice but to honor the act somehow...

*Sings Oh, Canada.*

There we go.

Post Sun Oct 31, 2004 10:40 am

OK, wow.
I go to sleep, and when i wake up, you guys have just completly ****ed up the rules without even asking!
Now that that has been said, I will give the reason why I added the commodities:

I put the commodities in to add several ways to make money. Instead of just having a base/bottom income every turn, now people can trade these resources, and they can gain money by selling/trading, and by piracy. I fell it adds another dimension into the game.

That is my reason.
But, if you want to scrap them, then I will work out something else. I now realized I do need to add more H-Fuel, but the reason some factions have a hard time getting it, is because it is a rare substance. It does not occur naturally, and the only company that mass produces it is the GMG, who also has a monopoly on its sales. So, here are your choices:
A- Remove the commodities altogether, which means that it is impossible to get any more than you bottom amount plus money from bases per turn.
B- Add more commodities to make the game more fast paced, and reduce the amount needed to build bases, etc.
C- Leave it as it is.
D- Make me come up with a new idea.

So, what will it be?

Also, let me clarify something for the tenth time.
BASE amount is NOT how much you earn per base, it is the BOTTOM amount that you get per turn, regardless.
STATION amount is how much you get for every station, 5 for small, 10 for large.


@Outcast- Your progam is good, and I will put it up. Also, I made a mistake, and forgot that the Hessians can also use VHFs. I will change that. Thanks for reminding me.

Thanks for sticking this out guys!
Once you get used to the rules, the game will run smoother!

Edited by - ww2jacob on 10/31/2004 10:40:34 AM

Post Sun Oct 31, 2004 10:49 am

I vote B. If we switch to a purely money-based economy the game will lose its challenge. Eventually it will simply come down to the four houses (and maybe the Outcasts and Corsairs) slugging it out for supremacy.

Also, according to Outcast's calculator (very well done, btw) I earn 125 credits per turn, not 85. I'll edit my post accordingly.

Post Sun Oct 31, 2004 11:14 am

I vote A. the commodities are way too complex, and although realistic, adds an unneccessary element to the game.

A good idea is to have the commodities in existence, but not to have them numbered. So if you do not own a system with H-fuel or Oxygen, you either need to trade with one who does or conquer a system that does. If you do own a system, then you don't have your commodities numbered you just have them. If that doesn't work, scrap it.

Edited by - Wilde on 10/31/2004 11:19:00 AM

Post Sun Oct 31, 2004 11:22 am

That actually could work, Wilde...
I'll consider it.

Post Sun Oct 31, 2004 11:44 am

total freelancers that showed up:

3 VHF squads
1 titan/eagle
2 Saber

40 fighter sized freighters

20 light fighters (The rest were traded in to pay for the pad)
1 (1 tracker 1 flier 2 patriots)
3 squads daggers
1 squad banshees

2 squads of HFs (Everything else got traded in like before)
1 squad stilletos
1 squad valkaries

We have 1 landing pad on planet Manhatten

So...... the FLG has about 45 credits this turn.

Total resources: 3 metal, 2 food, 1 H-fuel picked up by a freighter on the way to New york (Need at least the one.)

Captain of the Kep Salu

Trekkie and proud of it!

Freelancer Guild Master-Control your own faction RPG #2!

Post Sun Oct 31, 2004 12:21 pm

rich - ??? I don't understand how you figured out your "fleet composition".

Everybody else - Don't scrap the commodities just yet. I've been adding to Outcast's calculator and it should help keep everything a bit more manageable. I just need some way of getting it to all of you. Ideas, anyone?

Post Sun Oct 31, 2004 12:30 pm

Well, you can MSN it to me...

Post Sun Oct 31, 2004 12:36 pm

Or e-mail to everyone

Post Sun Oct 31, 2004 12:59 pm

I'm trying to make a spread sheet so I can see what I own so I can figure out my fleet. As house Kusari do I controll only the naval forces and their bases or do I also controll things owned by corporations like Samura ( who seems to own most of kusari)?

Post Sun Oct 31, 2004 1:01 pm

You, as Kusari, control the Kusari Police and KNF. You do not control Samura or Kishiro.

In terms of the spresdsheet, hold on. I've added to and upgraded Oucast's original so you should be able to use the "offical" spreadsheet for all of your mathematical needs.

Edited by - Codename on 10/31/2004 1:03:50 PM

Post Sun Oct 31, 2004 1:04 pm

Outcast posted a spreadsheet, and Code has one that includes commodities.
Download Outcast's, or MSN myself or Code for the new one.
My MSN is

Post Sun Oct 31, 2004 1:10 pm

i cant do resources its to ahrd to factor in oh and richardson becuase i won manhatten i dont give you permission to build a landing pad there. oh btw richardson liberty declares war on you

turn 2
S-Small base
L-Large base
HF-Heavy fighter
LF-light fighter
VHF- very heavy fighter

RPG money tracker-

5 C Large 5- 40 C
5 C Small 3 – 15 C

Bases: (updated when bases are made)
Norfolk-Capital Ship Shipyard
Ft. Bush-L 10 LF
Manhattan- 20 LF
West Pt. –L 10 LF
Planet Denver-20 LF
LPI Sugarland- S 5 LF
San Diego Border Station- S 5 LF
Williard Research Station-L 10 LF
Freedom -L
StarGazer L (new base)
Planet Los Angeles-20 LF
Prison Station Mitchell-S 5 LF
Jueaneu Shipyard- CS Shipyard
Liberties amount of bases: - 7

battle ships(they can move and fight, but store certain types and amounts of ships) battleships are not bases tho
BS Mississippi-10HF
BS Yukon L 10 HF
BS Missouri, which is a Battleship, 10 HF
BS Rio Grande- 10 HF

money earned per turn (needs to be updated when bases are made) 105Credits
Ships: (updated evertime new ships are made)
Cruisers 4
Battleships 4
HF 40
LF 105

Turn 2
205 C (from earning last turn and the 100 C left over)
-100 (2 Cruisers
metals used

Edited by - [ACDSQrn on 10/31/2004 1:27:45 PM

Edited by - [ACDSQrn on 10/31/2004 1:28:36 PM

Post Sun Oct 31, 2004 2:13 pm

(Because nobody likes to actually go and read through all the information above, I've decided that, as an aside to running the IMG, I'm also going to help out anybody who doesn't want to get into all the details of how the factions are running, and just summarize the latest big events. So, without further ado...)


MANHATTAN - In our top story, tensions between the Liberty government and the Freelancers' Guild over landing rights have begun to grow into bitter, violent conflict. Just this morning, President DSQrn made a statement that he was openly declaring war on the newly formed guild. Whether this statement will pan out to be true has yet to be decided.

NEW BERLIN - Yesterday, Presiding Comrade Wilde, the leader of Rheinland, and President DSQrn of Liberty, officially formed a Liberty/Rheinland military alliance. Many wonder if, should the threats against the Freelancers' Guild rise to open war, if Rheinland will become involved.

CALIFORNIA - In honor of the fallen Alliance nation of Canada, President DSQrn has renamed the California System the Canada System.


Post Sun Oct 31, 2004 3:05 pm

Okay, I posted this in the OOC thread but i really need to make sure that everyone is clear (I'll delete it once I'm satisfied that everyone gets the message)

Okay. Just so you all know (I hope everyone reads this) day 1/turn 1 is not over yet. I suggested to Jacob that he post a turn synopsis at the end of every turn so, until you see the synopsis


This was decided so that eveyone can get their first turn in at the same time. Those of you who have already posted your second turn's information should delete your posts as they will be ignored.

Also, I believe resources are here to stay. I have put together a calculator (based on Outcast's) that will add up all of your money and resources as well as any purchases you elect to make and give you a final tally at the end. (It is missing something that will add in credits from trade agreements but I think you are all smart enough that you can handle that sort of thing yourselves.) All you have to do is fill in some of the blanks; it's very, very simple. Nobody has any excuses now. You can get the calculator from me or Jacob.

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