We are not convinced of the veracity of the aforementioned "report". It is clearly pro-Tawakalnic propaganda, but how the ex-Mullah can still finance such propaganda is as yet unknown. In any case, we will take it upon ourselves to clarify a number of points...
As for a "devastated land", Esquilaxitavia and Esquilaxistan have never looked so good. New trees are constantly being planted, new economically-friendly burrows are being created, and the whole country is full of the sounds of nature. You know, the more stereotypical ones; birds, running water, the gentle rumble of water-driven mill-wheels... Ah yes, truly idyllic. See?
As for the secularisation of Esquilaxitavia, it was felt that we could no longer support a Theocracy, due to the fact that the average rabbit does not believe in organised religion (except when they venerate the Rabbit-God of course). Indeed, there was a call for the old ways to be preserved as much as possible, and have the Great Chimaera accept the role of King and God, that is to say something along the lines of "Pharoah Esquilax", but the GC himself was humble, and would not accept. Now that religions is largely out of the picture, things are becoming far better for everyone, especially the GC. All of those religious ceremonies... Most tirin' they be.
As for accusations of "beer", it is true that some of the humans within Esquilaxistan are converting GB into B through the use of ingenious distillation techniques, but they are free to do so. Alcohol is not illegal, because it merely reinforces the commitment and strength of will that is possessed by the mighty Esquilaxitavians!
As for your second picture, we have posted that before! That's "Sixtus" one of our Esquilaxitavian Shock Troops! Do your research, you journalistic hack!
Finally, we must impose a small tax. How else can we afford to plant trees, build GB fountains, schools and universities, and finally pave the many sandy tracks in Esquilaxistan? Indeed, the taxation rate is very low compared to other countries, but people always complain about taxation, even when the ruling body is being very generous. Well, humans do anyway.