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Hey Eskie, I''m huntin'' Wabbitsees!

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Post Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:45 am

Lies! filthy propoaganda! The people of Tawakalnistan love their Mullah, as this picture taken today during a spontaneous demonstration clearly shows..

..and anyone who doesn't will be shot! Tortured and shot! Clearly, Eskwilaxitikitavian agents are trying to spread dissent to subvert the bliss and serenity of our hagiacracy! There was never a time when the people loved rabbits, and if there was, it was a mass hallucination brought on by out-of-date GB, which no-one ever drank anyway!

Nothing improper ever goes on inside the Grand Pal erm Mosque, the people are happy and express themselves in pious and modest terms, as is well known! These vicious personal slurs are clear fabrication, and will only result in more beatings. All Tawakalni citizens will now be checked for the slightest trace of rabbit-fur or other evidence of consorting with rabbits, such as possession of carrots or lettuce, and the punishments will be very severe indeed. We will purify Tawakalnistan of the last trace of hoppity-folk.

We don't burrow! It's an inverse vertical defence strategy! It is not true that Tawakalni workers have been given artificial paws, they're just using adaptive digging technology.Besides, we have to check for rabbit-infiltration in the soil that sits underneath the sand...

Those statues enever existed and if they ever did, which they didn't, they were blown up years ago. It never happened. The only history in Tawakalnistan is the Way of the Mullah which contains everything that really happened, good facts that agree with the wise and considered sayings of the Grand Mullah.

Post Sun Oct 01, 2006 4:45 am

Way yo go, ALEK, finally, some one gets the truth out. He shot down my arial scouts to scilence then from bring the truth back.

Post Sun Oct 01, 2006 12:04 pm

@AELK: In as much as this thread can actually stay "on topic", may I just say thank you and also commend you for such a worthy addition.

Post Sun Oct 01, 2006 12:39 pm

I thought it was rubbish blatant fabrication and slander. It can't be true because Tawakalni girls aren't educated, therefore can't read, or have access to computers, so how could one be "writing" messages to the outside world?

As proof of our security crackdown, the rabbit prisons are overflowing. Every day the Ministry of Piety and Moderation rounds up more of the furry folk and their agents and sympathisers (not that there are any, but we round them up anyway just in case they might be) This wabbit webellion is doomed before it's even begun!

Post Sun Oct 01, 2006 12:45 pm

NO! WABBITS WILL RULE! Your regime is corrupt! We shall not allow it to continue, we fight for the greater good of the world!! to liberate it from Your evil and corrupt Tyranny! Wabbits will rule! We will not let it be engulfed by greedy power hungry fools! Only wabbits deserve to rule! LONG LIVE THE WEBILLION!

Post Sun Oct 01, 2006 4:03 pm

Well thank you for clearing that up for us Mullah. It is good to hear of the "bliss" in which the people of Tawakalnistan thrive, and the supposedly publicly-supported anti-Rabbitism that pervades the land. If that is the case, please explain the following pictures of pro-rabbit riots and protests from within Tawakalnistan:

For the latter image, technical specialists were sent from Esquilaxitavia in order to assist the people of Tawakalnistan in crafting their message in English due to the lack of female education in Tawakalnaboobistan.

Anyway, since Tawakalnistan's myriad rabbit-related statues have been destroyed and replaced by sand sculptures that epitomise the oppression of the people;

I felt it necessary to to extend a welcome to all non-Tawakalnic allied tourists to come and visit Esquilaxitavia. Although the Mullah's "artworks" aren't exactly a threat to Esquilaxitavian art, I thought that I should showcase some of the sites here in green Esquilaxitavia. Here we have yet another tourist enjoying the sites:

And here is a replica of statue that once existed in Tawakalnistan, a statue of the famous citizen Brer:

And here is a picture from Esquilaxitavia's World Famous Art Gallery:

The Esquilaxitavian nation caters to tourists, so if you would care for a guided tour, my subordinate Jaggy will be happy to travel with you and show you the sites in order that you may recognise the many benefits that Esquilaxitavia has over its evil neighbour.

Edited by - esquilax on 10/1/2006 5:07:29 PM

Post Sun Oct 01, 2006 4:39 pm

I apologise to Tawakalna for having aided your opponent. What has resulted is the reason why previously I had not disclosed that message.

Unfortunately, I must say that it is an authentic message. That is to say that I received the message from someone else and I was persuaded to place it on this thread.

I feel duty bound, at this point, to warn the followers of the Rabbit God he is not a god at all. Or if he has any divinity in him, it is by the grace of his maker and without credit to his own nature.

And I now realise that neither the Tawakalna nor the Esquilax provide a truly welcome experience for women.

Post Sun Oct 01, 2006 5:45 pm

Not a god? Well, I *was* deified by RILMS and others soon followed, so that's close enough. Besides, the whole Theocratic concept in Esquilaxtavia is only present to create an effective structure in which rabbit society can function. Ironically, we rabbitfolk are very cynical about religion, but we use it as a tool for coordination and convenience in order to maintain a utopian society. Those that do not believe are still free to live their lives without reprisal, and may still consume "Esky's Choice" GB, etc. We respect diversity 'round these parts, which is why I'm a chimaera of contradictions, and proud of it!

As for your last comment, why do you say that? Would you care to clarify that for us, along with supportive evidence, as well as non-biased, non-subjective and neutral insights? I'm listening. *Waits patiently*

Edited by - esquilax on 10/1/2006 6:47:09 PM

Post Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:44 am

It can't be true because Tawakalni girls aren't educated, therefore can't read, or have access to computers, so how could one be "writing" messages to the outside world?

Why do I think that this is an admission instead of a denial?

Post Mon Oct 02, 2006 10:43 am

it is indeed an admission! Those of us in Tawakalnistan who resist the Mullah and his Minions have, thanks to the support of the free rabbits of Tawakalnistan, turned the tide against the Towelled One and his zealots! We will soon empty the rabbit prisons, and faced with a deluge of angry rabbits, "Tea-Towels" rotten regime will soon fall!

more updates soon as the centres of Tawakalnism, that corrupt and empty ideology, fall one by one. Tawsat-1, the Mullah's link to the outside world, will shortly be under our control, and will beam live pictures of what's really going on inside the closed society of Tawakalnistan, and of the rebellion that is taking place right now. Notice how little the Mullah is posting these days? He's too busy desperately trying to maintain control over his tottering system. That's why one of us was able to get internet access from inside the Grand Palace itself, and alert our friends in the outside world to the truth. The support of our beloved friend of ages past, the Great Rabbit God, has inspired us to rise up against the Mullaghatawny! Onwards and upwards to freedom!

Live from Tawakalnistan!

the reality of the Mad Mullet's rabbit prisons

free rabbits emerge to a landscape freed from the Mullet. Already grass is growing back over the Mullah's sand dunes.

special forces hares in action on the now deserted dirt track "roads" of Tawakalnistan

a corps of rabbits advance on the Mullet's desert stronghold

meanwhile, in the towns and villages of tawakalnistan, the people stand up for their rigths against the Mullah's mad proscriptions. Here a group of young tawakalni women demand education and clothes and remove their burkahs

Tawaklni youths demand respite from their miserable lives under the Mullet, and refuse military service in the pointless war against their traditional rabbit friends

mass demonstrtions against shortages, ridiculous and oppressive laws, and lack of jobs and opportunities occur on a daily basis

protesters burn effigies of the Mullaghatawny, outside the Grand Palace itself

these pictures just in! the Mullet's forces fleeing central Tawakalnistan with secret weapons (financed by Indycorp, USA) for an unknown location in the hills!

Edited by - Rabbit Friend on 10/2/2006 11:47:30 AM

Edited by - Rabbit Friend on 10/2/2006 1:21:30 PM

Post Mon Oct 02, 2006 12:32 pm

lies! perfidy! thos epictures are just of areas we don't care about, miserable slums and wasteland only fit for rabbits. There are no riots taking place in tawakalnistan, those pictures were just of ordinary people expressing their disappointment at the lack of executions in the football stadium due to my ppeaceful and enlightened rule in which everyone is happy and nothing goes wrong. Tawakalni forces are not at all retreating from any rabbit "armies" - we're just re-locating in a planned tactical withdrawal to revised frontline positions in order to resume the offensive after drawing the enemy into a false sense of security and complacency. Tawakalnistan is as strong as it ever was! However any help that General Locutov, that brave and fearless soldier, hero of Socilaism and beloved friend of the Tawakalni people (especially me) migth care to offer would be greatly appreciated, although we certainly aren't ina ny diffciulties, but we wish to bring this conflict to a speedy conclusion. Plus I've just ahd the Grand Pal erm Mosque retiled and spent a fortune on the plumbing and there's nowhere else to get running hot water, and i ain't livin in no desert!

Tawakalni Rabbit "Friend" - we'll find you, oh yes we will. Your control of Tawsat-1 is a temporary affair that will prove your undoing.

Edited by - Tawakalna on 10/2/2006 1:34:05 PM

Post Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:21 pm

It seems that I have gained allies within the crumbling ruins of Tawakalnistan. This is a good thing. Of course it *has* taken a substantial amount of time, but then the best rebellions begin slowly .

As for your Commie friend Mullah, where is he then? He's hardly dependable, but I'm sure that he will show up soon with an army of Scouts (on Nawaka) who will "attack" us by setting small fires and creating sub-standard snares around the borders of Esquilaxitavia, and also threaten us with their "swiss army" knives with sporks. Oh yes, we are trembling in our fur!

Post Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:53 pm

gheh... you betcha...

but not with an army of scouts.. as they are friends of nature, rather with my Dark Perversion upon them, the 1st brigade Rabbit Hunter Pyromaniacs, the expert hunters who serve only the Grand Mullah, they in league with the Tawalkani Forces will weed out this Rabbit friend (whom I have suspicions on as to his Location and identity...) and safeguard our land from the onslaught of Rabbits.


Rule of Accuracy: When working toward the solution of a problem, it always helps if you know the answer.
Corollary: Provided, of course, that you know there is a problem.

Post Tue Oct 03, 2006 1:40 pm

In order to spare the people of Tawakalnistan from further strife due to the cruel depradations of the rabbit folk and their fifth columnists, I have decided to move the spiritual headquarters of Tawakalnistan from it's primary urban centre. this is not a retreat by any means but merely a return to Tawakalnism's pure roots, away from the temptations and hedonism of urban life. Rest assured that the war against rabbit-kind is far from over, the campaign goes on, and our new tactics of hiding in the rocks and hills will ensure the utter downfall of our enemies!

Let the rabbit-lovers waste their resources on frivolous Hare statues and copies of Watership Down. Soon they'll sing another tune when the foods all gone, eaten by the bunnies, and there are no more foreign imports (Indycorp USA demand hard cash and there ain't much of that going around these days!)

In the meantime General Locutov and I will be conducting asymmetric campaigns to make rabbitism unworkable.

Post Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:39 pm

What's wrong with Rabbitism? It's a bit like Buddhism in that the followers of the Rabbit-God seek enlightenment, and don't go around trying to convert "heathens". Rabbitism even tolerates other religions, but the Esquilaxitavian People's Pacifist Army (EPPA - soon to be renamed) has a more militant interpretation due to the oppression that their families have be subject to when they lived in Tawakalnistan. This is useful, as they defend Esquilaxitavia and its interests, but they usually stay close to home. Still my rabbit Mujahideen HEAT (officially unsanctioned) like to travel, and they still after you Mullah. They will find you, and then force you to consume The Formula! Then we will see how you feel about Rabbitism when you become one of the very chimaearae that you despise. Mwahahahaha!?!?! *Ahem* Sorry, carbonated GB in my throat. *Cough*

Loc - A group of fire-loving ex-Scouts? That's the best you can offer the evil Mullah of Tawakalnistan? With allies like that, it is no wonder that he is "returning to his roots" .

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