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Conspiracy Theories

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Tue Jul 20, 2004 1:03 am

Thanks for the info taw, I'm gonna look up JP1 at lunch time I think. I'm fascinated.

"Since WW2, the US and the UK have a telephone system that can recognise certain words like 'bomb' and the computer system can asess (really can't spell) the threat"

I've always loved this CT....always wanted to give it a go, but I've never had the guts to call someone and say stuff like "so what time is the bomb due to go off? do you reckon we can get inside the train station? It would have a much bigger effect that way. Do you want to test the virus in this one, or would you prefer to wait for the london underground for that?"

Post Tue Jul 20, 2004 1:35 am

Well, supposedly, the US has AI that filters all internet, telephone, media, and mail in the world to sort them into different threat catagories.

I speak of course of Echelon. (Deus Ex fans: Echelon IV was named Daedalus...)

and the actual thought of it exsisting is somewhat humbling, knowing that someone has that much power. the only problem is that the world is run by a conglomerate of powerful people, and that they bicker and argue about what is right, and will never have the nerve to actually implicate measures against the so-called 'general populace', instead they spread negative propoganda about terrorists, hackers and other minority groups who don't share their world view of peace, justice and liberty under the universal unit of power. The US Dollar.
Now, eventually, my IP will be traced and i'll be arrested for conspiricy by the NSA and be tortured and executed, or forced to work as some form of backstabbing operative. (that last sentance is a joke) But keeping my paranoia up is something that keeps me sane, knowing what a small amount of power can do to people my age.

Do as you wish. Fight the machine. Live free from corruption. Long live the Renegades.

(its strange that i actually believe that man has landed on the moon, from seeing the LEM bases through telescopes in canberra...)

Post Tue Jul 20, 2004 1:53 am

I was brought up near a place in the N of England called "Menwith Hill" which has on top of it a huge US-controlled electronic monitoring tower which uses ELINT to monitor all non-hardened communications in W Europe, and has done so since the late 70s. Technically its the property of the British Govt but it was paid, built for and used by the Americans. I can't remember if it got closed down a few years ago or not, its q old now.

Edited by - Tawakalna on 7/20/2004 5:21:51 AM

Post Tue Jul 20, 2004 3:03 am

aaah! but was it closed? or was it simply just seeeeeen to be closed??!

Post Tue Jul 20, 2004 9:13 am

Sorry the father of stealth was Hungarian but, Hungry was under Russian control at the time so I just called him Russian.

As for the filtering of the internet and phone lines for buzz words they have been doing that since the start. The internet was created for use by the us military to link the missle silos together under a central command. Email is basic txt files that can be scanned easy enough (always use encrypted email unless you want others to read it). 128 bit encryption was not allowed to be exported for almost 2 years while I am sure that the military ramped up it's decryption to handle it. We live in an information age and information is power. If the government wants to stay in power they will be tapping in on information.

Just wait until we all are tagged with a smart chip (it is already in most credit cards) that will enable them to track your movement as well as you money spending habits. It starts as a "for you protection" and ends with your loss of freedom.

Post Tue Jul 20, 2004 9:32 am

but what about this, nottheslacker? the Amerika Bomber, designed in 1944, and the prototype proved to be almost invisible to radar.

Post Tue Jul 20, 2004 9:34 am

well that wouldn't be hard judging how radar was only in its infancy then

Post Tue Jul 20, 2004 9:41 am

basic principles still apply, and by the end of the war radar had come a long way; but the Hortens happened to come up with a design and manufacture process that dramatically reduced the radar cross-section to the point of being stealth. The "stealth" designers of the 70s and 80s did study the plans for the Horten aircraft and surviving examples, and you may recall that during the 50s the US made an attempt to produce such a machine with the "Flying Wing." The modern B2 bomber is directly inspired from these designs, as the aerodynamic and profile principles are largely the same.

Post Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:50 am


I retract my previous statement. I had thought the stealth was very recent. The history channel lied

With the stealth it just strikes me as rather strange. Technological advances evolved so quickly during and post WW2. The tank was first introduced in i believe 1916 at the Somme after a british farmer had put a machine gun on his tractor. It evolved with time and the design of tank at the end of WW1 was not drastically different. We just had a big arse gun on the front. The stealth however, appeared almost out of nowhere. At the end of WW1 (1918) we had very light aircraft. Mainly used in WW1 for recon missions over enemy lines and machine guns were not introduced until late on. Half the time pilots would die because the gunners shot their own plane! With Taws info, by 1944 we had designs for stealth fighters. It also comes down to the fact that America shared its cruise missile technology with England, but won't let us near stealth technology. Why? Is there something 'special' about this particular type of technology? We have been allies with america for years and as countries we have very close ties. This was the theory i was getting at with stealth.

While we are on subject of post WW2 a couple more for ya.

"Nazi scientists were brought over to america to help develop their weapons program"

"The same nazi scientists invented the space suit by experimenting with the jews in concentration camps buy exposing them to high level radiation and some serious pressure"

Please don't anyone be offended by that last one. It is just a theory and no offence is intended. If anyone is, let me know, i'll get rid of it.

Post Tue Jul 20, 2004 1:47 pm

bth those examples are true and aren't really conspiracies at all anymore, although they were seen so at the time, and there was for many years a conspiracy to hush-up post-war accomodation of former Nazis especially in scientific fields. Actually there have been some rather good books on monographs on the subject and you could rattle on about that alone for hours, but I'll try to stick to the point.

The US rocket programme was of course famously led by von Braun. What is less well known is the degree of WvB's collaboration with his Nazi masters, and his acqiescence at the appalling miseries inflicted on the slave labourers at the rocket plants. WvB was always very evasive on this topic, preferring to present himself as this idealistic leader of science character.

The vile German research on live victims in the experiment sections of the concentration camps did indeed form the basis for much post-war work on areas such as extreme conditions, and genetic research. The illegal and immoral experiments pushed forward scientific knowledge far more quickly than would normally have been possible. This has always been the position adopted by the beneficiaries of this knowledge, but the moral quandary still remains, I'm afraid.

As to your other point, the acceleration of advanced scientific knowledge almost overnight; well, you must remember that war is a tremendous catalyst for change and technological acceleration in urban and industrial societies. Many of the basic theories and indeed protoytpes for the creations of WW2 existed before the war - jet engines, swept wings, missiles, helicopters, atomic theory etc. But the cost in resources could not be realistically borne in peacetime even by authoritarian states like Nazi Germany. War however does away with many moral and practical obstacles, and as long as the research showed war-winning potential, it was funded. The Germans put their resources into jets and rockets and got them, the US put its money and materiel into the atom bomb and they got it; would it have been the same the other way around?

Why the Germans didn't get nukes, when at the start of the war they were way ahead in the application of atomic theory, even with the defection of many scientists to the US (right up until the end of the war the Aliies believed Germany to be in the lead and this was the real impetus of the Manhattan Project, to beat Germany to the Bomb) The popular coin still trotted out today is that Heisenberg deliberately delayed and hampered development before and during the war, on moral and political grounds. His famous calculation in which he told the Wehrmacht High Command scientific bureau that a nuclear weapon was too expensive, too big, and would take too long to build (which effectively killed the project) is regularly held up as an example of this subversion, as he got the figures so impossibly wrong compared to the correct calculations produced by Oppenheimer and the Manhattan team.

In fact, Heisenberg really did get it wrong. While he was anything but a Nazi, and in fact a decent enough man, he wasn't a hero either, and his family were under constant if veiled threat. He co-operated fully if reluctantly with Nazi demands, but hadn't made the breakthroughs that Hans Bethe and others had made. After the war had ended and Heisenberg along with his colleagues was debriefed by Allied Intelligence, it became clear that H hadn't done his maths right and when shown the correct formulae to use, figured out the correct means for nuclear fission in a few minutes, using a tenth of the fissile material and making a bomb practical. But this was a revelation to him at the time; although he later denied it, saying really he knew all along. Then came the gradual mythologising of Heisenberg's "resistance," a rehabilitation to cover up the reality of his collaboration with the Nazis and to rescue his damaged reputation in atomic research, to save face.

As to other wartime mysteries and conspiracy theories; you know UFOs were reported in Allied bomber streams over Germany, the so-called "Foo Fighters?" probably advanced German rocket/jet fighter prototypes. Roswell occurs only 2 yrs after WW2 in a remote part of the US regularly used for secret military activity? the UFO craze begins in earnest in the late 40s/50s as the Cold War is cranking up, and science and technology are advancing rapidly esp in aerodynamics and rocketry? isn't the connection obvious? So, as has already been pointed out, ludicrous rumours of aliens and spacecraft are put out to cover-up what's really going on which is high-end aerodynamic and propulsion research. The same research was easy to carry out in Nazi Germany where scientists in wartime could get almost whatever they needed in complete secrecy, but in the USA in peacetime presented problems of a different order, naturally.

Post Wed Jul 21, 2004 3:04 am

how the hell do we always get on to WW2??

Post Wed Jul 21, 2004 3:17 am

because that's when I was alive..

Post Wed Jul 21, 2004 3:21 am

I don't doubt that for a minute

So taw, the thing with the blackouts last year - I think I missed your follow up thread - what was the motive behind the hack?

Post Wed Jul 21, 2004 3:52 am

Fair point taw, i never looked at it like that

Post Wed Jul 21, 2004 3:55 am

yeah, i hate getting onto world war 2, and taw wasnt alive then, he's a llama

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