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TLR WARS :Episode 1 A new dark lord Pt1

Tell us about your adventures, amazing stories, wow us with your wit...use your imagination, tell us some of the greatest moments in your life.

Post Tue Sep 21, 2004 6:06 am

I am still loving it, and would still love to have a part.

Post Tue Sep 21, 2004 4:53 pm

“I know what you mean” replied Esquilax, “I believed her dead as the others did”. The Star Destroyer, or at least the one Carla was suppose to have been aboard was destroyed, pieces spread over a sector. An internal explosion was what did it in. No remains were ever recovered when the salvage teams searched. They scraped all the material they could to melt down to build new items and ships. But, no life forms were recovered. Strange indeed.

Mean while, in a distant star system, far from any strategic bases, a republic Carrier and a Blockade runner had entered the system. They were here based on information that the remnant were to gather a small group of ships here to be united in to a small fleet. The Republic had thirty A-Wing fighters. Top of the line. The Carrier was commanded by Captain Spix. He had been assigned this duty, as the loss of his love had been a distraction and he needed time away from the situation to, regroup his thoughts. He was an excellent tactician in his own right. Word was that the first ship to arrive was suppose to be a Star Destroyer. That would be frightening enough. It was said to have between six and a dozen fighter escorts. His would be enough to meet the situation.

The main tactic was to have only ten in the open, the other twenty would be stationed behind several asteroids to await orders. It was a tactic to draw in and commit the larger ship. Then the twenty would pounce on the fighters and destroy them, leaving the Destroyer vulnerable.. The squadrons were three. Red, headed y Redstar one, Gold, headed by Topher, and Blue headed by Arania. Each very capable pilots and leaders. Redstar one drw the decoy duty.

Captain Spix had a ship on the radar. It was due to drop out of hyper space in less than ten minuets. All was in readiness. They had only to lure the ships in, fain fear and flee. When the fighters pursued, the would turn and fight near the asteroids. At that point, the trap would be sprung. Until then, they waited....

A flash, the ship dropped out of hyperspace. On the bridge, Commander Dark_reaper called for shields to be engaged. It was then that he received the report of the Republic ships. “Battle Stations” he called, “Launch all fighters”. Twelve fighters launched, Twelve Tie Interceptors that is. Not Standard Tie’s that were expected. This changed the equation.

“Redstar one, begin you run, draw them in” Spix commanded. Redstar passed the order on, all signaled readiness. Beginning in diamond formation, they began an arc run towards the Star Destroyer that would barley put them in range of the massive weapons and then, back out as the finished the turn and head to the Rendezvous point. If only the Tie’s buy it. The battle was already tougher than expected.

The first of the tie began to weave in the Republic formation, firing white hot arcs. Red five took fire on his starboard engine. He was still able to keep control of his craft as another tie turned to and opened fire with a volley that destroyed Red Five and Damaged Red Four. The numbers were dwindling now and they still had a ways to go. :Hit your rear shield to max, we can still make it” Redstar one squawked. The Tie were now about even with the pattern. “Break formation” Redstar sent. And all headed in opposite directions. The Star Destroyer, began a slow approach towards the Republic ships. They wanted the fighter cover gone first before attacking.

Captain Spix waited, but finally gave the order, “All groups, engage the enemy”. Gold group and Blue group powered up and locked on to the nearest Tie. It was down to dog fighting now. The odds shifted to the Republic now. Tie began to be taken out, almost like shooting fish in a barrel. Then the unexpected happened, twelve more tie launched from the Star Destroyer, but different. Tie Defenders, these had shields. Now it was no longer even. Now, the republic was on the disadvantage. They had depended on the fighter surviving to do damage to the Remnant ship. A carrier lacked the fire power to do much damage.

Captain Spix looked at the Com officer when he shouted, “Incoming ship sir, X-Wing class, a proto type it looks like” A prototype X-wing? Hadn’t the x-wings been abandoned for the newer A-wings and B-wings? Who was flying this ship anyway?

“Raise the pilot of that ship” the Captain ordered. The com officer relayed the information and then nodded to the Captain that the communications channel was opened. “Pilot, this is captain Spix of the republic carrier, Identify yourself.”

“Captain, this is Commander Darkstone, The Jedi sent me here to help out, don’t mind if I jump in do you?” he shot back and began to engage the Tie Defenders, A hard roll port brought him right behind the first target, The four lasers hit their mark and the Tie was scrap as Darkstone headed towards the next target. All but Redstar one of Red Group was destroyed. He was limping back toward the carrier. He was of no use to the fight now. Gold group and Blue Group were now cut in half, but all the Interceptors were gone now, only the Defenders left, and the Destroyer. Darkstone saw he had picked up a tail, he banked hard over towards the Destroyer, kicked in the power and headed strait at it, Tie right behind.

Spix could not believe his eyes. “Is he insane”. Darkstone never varied his course. The destroyer could not fire as it might hit it’s own ship. Pulling just a bit more power out of his ship, Darkstone began to pull away from the tie. He closed his eyes. The hit the retros with everything he gad. The Tie flew past, the pilot distracted looking for his prey, he did not see anything, as he slammed into the Destroyer hull. The ship was rocked. The resulting fire ball blinded sensors temporarily.

Darkstone kicked his engines in again and gave his R-2 unit instructions to get more power for him. It whistled and whirled to comply. He banked along the hull, just below the view of the bridge. When he had calculated the distance, he whipped it in a vertical ninety and headed towards the bridge deflectors. He armed the two proton torpedoes he had on board. Just as he reached the apex, he killed the engines and turned. He let loose a volley of laser fire and destroyed both deflectors in a fire blaze before they knew what hit them. Dark_reaper demanded to know what was going on. No information was coming in. The an X-wing dropped in front of his view port, a half power heading away. Not half the ships length, it turned a one eighty and fired two torpedoes, point blank at the bridge.

“Sir, we’ve lost the bridge defectors”a came the report. The Captain, resigned to the fate, stood there, and died. Captain Spix saw two explosions at the Destroyer and demanded a report. A crew member reported that the Destroyer’s main shields had been destroyed. Then a larger one as the bridge was destroyed in a blinding flash so bright, all ducked. When they recovered, all that was left were six Defenders and parts of a Star destroyer. With no support left, the remaining Defenders broke off the fight and jumped into hyper space, the battle lost.

“All ship return to the carrier, you too X-wing” Spix commanded. He would know who this was and what he was doing here.

When the pilot had shut down his ship, he and the droid headed to the Captains office. A knock was answered by, “Come”.

The door slid aside and darkstone walked in and the droid behind him, the door sliding shut before any spoke. “You wanted to see me, Captain” Darkstone responded, no arrogance in the voice, just honesty.

Just who the hell are you pilot?” he asked, as little frustration in the voice, “I grant you, you saved our butts out there today, but I want to know more, like why”.

“My name is Commander Darkstone..... Skywalker. “ he replied “I am a Jedi Knight and was sent by the council to help in this fight and to deliver new orders to you.”

“Skywalker, any relation to Jedi Master Luke Skywalker?’ Spix asked. Darkstone nodded, “Well I’ll be, I had heard he had a son, but never knew where he was, till now.”

“Beep, whistle, Bleep” the R-2 unit sounded. “Yes R-2, I will relay that as well.”

Edited by - Finalday on 9/22/2004 5:23:54 AM

Post Wed Sep 22, 2004 4:58 am

New Republic, pah! the Empire is and always will be the only real power. Death to rebel scum!

Post Wed Sep 22, 2004 5:10 am

Danke, Danke, Danke!

Thank you Finalday... keep the goodness flowing!

Post Wed Sep 22, 2004 11:25 am

I would have destroyed that pitiful Republic fleet if it wasn't for that accursed jedi!

great story FD.

Edited by - dark_reaper on 9/22/2004 1:04:53 PM

Post Wed Sep 22, 2004 1:42 pm

Rather interesting story...I think George Lucas would have a heart attack but then again how often does he post on these forums anyway? Perfect fan fiction to go along with the release of the DVDs and Battlefront

Merc for hire...but only if you can afford it.

Post Thu Sep 23, 2004 10:30 am

lol Fd can send this to Lucas for a new SW

Post Thu Sep 23, 2004 11:34 am

You really should send it!

Post Thu Sep 23, 2004 12:58 pm

I think he heard you the first time...

Merc for hire...but only if you can afford it.

Post Thu Sep 23, 2004 1:15 pm

i think that Fianl has been "silenced" by Lucasfilm.

"Where could he be?"

"On this ship you are to refer to me as Idiot, not you Captain. I mean... you know what I mean."

Post Thu Sep 23, 2004 3:22 pm

The next part is comming. I dobt Lucas would be interested.

Post Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:13 pm

“Skywalker, any relation to Jedi Master Luke Skywalker?’ Spix asked. Darkstone nodded, “Well I’ll be, I had heard he had a son, but never knew where he was, till now.”

“Beep, whistle, Bleep” the R-2 unit sounded. “Yes R-2, I will relay that as well.”

The meeting did not last long. The son of Skywalker headed back to his ship, R2D2 right behind him. The droid, ever faithful, kept up a banter of beeps and shrills. As if it liked to talk to itself. The hanger door opened and two pilots walked by, scarcely noticing Darkstone. He looked around and saw a tech. He needed to get some repair work done to his ship before leaving. After speaking with him, Darkstone moved back into the corridor and asked a crewman which way to the mess deck.

The hatch opened and Darkstone entered. Just a handful of crew were here. Two in conversation and the rest eating. In the corner, was an old man who was nursing a Corrilian Ale. He did not look happy. Darkstone headed over and sat down at the man’s table. “Can’t you fin another table to sit at, or is bothering people a regular thing on this tub” came the response from the old man. Darkstone just sat till the man ran out of steam, then sat up, elbows on the table, looking at the man.

The man squinted at darkstone. “Why are you looking at me like that, who are you” the man demanded. He moved his hand to his side, as if to draw a blaster, but realized there was none there. None allowed on ship. Darkstone unclipped his light saber and lay it on the table, between then, turned sideways. The man looked closer now. First at the light saber then at the face. “You’re a Jedi, to be sure, but, I know you, don’t I”. Darkstone nodded.

“Yes you do, don’t tell me you have forgotten me Captain” Darkstone said, his tone soothing. A peace now present in the room. “My father spoke very highly of you and of the adventures you and he had.”

“Luke, your Luke’s son, Darkstone” the man began, “You disappeared ten years ago. No one knew where you went” the man beamed at the remembrance.

“Yes, I was studying to complete my Jedi training” Darkstone spoke, his voice quavering, as if struggling to keep it down, “I’m here, looking for information on another Jedi, who use to go by the name of Carla.”

“Can’t say I have heard of the name, have you tried the counsel?” the man shot back as if Darkstone had acted like a child.

Yes Captain, I have, they would not tell me and the records are sealed” frustration began to cloud his face, “That’s why I came to you, my father said if I ever needed information, to look you up, which is why I’m here.”

“Well, I do still have a source that is reliable, I’ll see what I can find out for you and get you word, will that do for now?” the man replied back.

“It will indeed, Captain, it will indeed” Darkstone answered, a smile beginning to return to his face.” Captain Solo, my wife will be looking you up in a few days, take care of her, please” and Darkstone turned and left the mess hall. Solo, a perplexed look on his face, did not know what to make of that request. Luke’s son has a wife?

The tech had the required items repaired on the X-wing and it was refueled and ready to go when Darkstone returned to the hanger deck. Climbing up to the cockpit, he spoke back at R2 and asked” He get it all fixed and right, R-2?” A series of chirp was the response, “Good enough for me then” and strapped himself in and began the roll procedure to exit the ship.

“Skywalker, stand down”came a com message in his headset. Darkstone continued the take off while replying.

“Don’t have time Captain, I’m on a mission and have to leave, sorry about being rude, but I’m signing off” He hit the deactivate button on the com panel. He would not let anything or anyone stand in the way of his plans. He just had to control his emotions, not letting them get the best of him. He would need all the Jedi meditation and discipline to face the killer of his parents. It would only be a matter of time before Han got the information he needed and his wife relayed it to him. Then things would be settled.

The X-Wing lifted off the deck and passed through the forcefield and began to pick up speed. A course was set and the hyperspace jump made. The fighter was gone and an angry ship’s captain remained, his questions unanswered, for now. He would put a call into the Jedi to find out just what was going on here. There was more to this thing than meets the eye.

The Jedi council was in full meeting when the call came in, first thanking them for the Jedi that saved their butts, but then asking what the hell was going on. Jedi Master Esquilax replied first, “I assure you Captain, we sent no jedi anywhere, who ever this was, we would like to know, did he give a name?”

“Darkstone Skywalker was the name, son of Master Luke Skywalker” was the reply. Astonished looks from several members.

The X-Wing dropped out of hyper space over Degoba. The pilot fired his landing thrusters and took it down. The area still clear from the last visitor. The ship, shut down and unloaded, R-2 clearly not happy to be back on this planet, voiced his opinion. “Yes R-2, I know you hate the muck, but the trip was necessary.” was Darkstone’s reply. He strapped on the pack of supplies and headed towards the hovel, smoke rising slowly from the roof vent.

Ducking, he almost had to craw to enter. He was a bit taller than his father was. Inside he set out his bedroll and other needed things and set the pack aside.

Edited by - Finalday on 9/23/2004 6:40:13 PM

Post Fri Sep 24, 2004 4:49 pm

*panting hard* Just got back from my tramp in the wilderness. Looks bloody good Finalday. Yay...I survived...wicked im in a story

-=Jawas Rule=-

Post Fri Sep 24, 2004 4:51 pm

Nice job FD!
Hey, could I have a part?
I know I'm still kinda new, but I would love to have a part, even if it is a small one!
Keep it coming!

Post Fri Sep 24, 2004 4:53 pm

*clears throat to practice*

Muahahahahaha! Muahahahahahahaha!.....

OK Fd. I'm ready when you need me.

*walks away practicing line"

What does this button DO? What does THIS button do? What DOES this button do?......

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