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CYO Fanfic RPG: SignUp & OOC Discussion

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Sun Jun 12, 2005 11:04 pm

It's great to see new people joining up and posting

As a poster has already said; more the merrier!

However, I have emphasised the need to balance technology amongst the players, reason being advanced tech (i.e.; technology not available in the 'vanilla' Freelancer universe) would grant certain advantages to those who don't possess that tech.

Thus, please refrain from using it thus creating an even playing field amongst the player community

LX, I'm happy for you to maintain what you wrote, but please avoid using cloaking devices in future - hope the above explains why

Perhaps it was a one-off prototype with limited charges? Dunno. Leave you to work it out.

A plot thread could be how LX obtained such interesting stuff...

Code: Thanks for noting.


Post Mon Jun 13, 2005 8:14 am

It's what I do. Thanks for dealing with it.

(Now, when are we going to get another post from you, hmmm..?)

Edited by - Codename on 6/13/2005 10:17:15 AM

Post Mon Jun 13, 2005 1:04 pm

ok mine

Tezoa Numpeor
alias: Commander Numpeor
Age: 26
Ship: modded stitello
Faction: Outcast
Apperence: Tall, brown haired male, blue eyes, broad shoulders

Bio: The only home he has ever known is Malta, where he was raised and taught how to fight.

If life throws you melons, throw them back. But make sure you hit life in the groin, that means life won't throw you anymore melons

Post Mon Jun 13, 2005 4:32 pm

Is it too late to get in on this?

Post Mon Jun 13, 2005 4:41 pm

Are you kidding me!? Of course not! Jump right on in.

Post Mon Jun 13, 2005 4:58 pm

Alllllrigty then...My character:

Name: MIchael Garrett
AKA "Wolfman"
Age: 32
Faction: Freelancer
Ship: Eagle
Appearance: Tall, sandy hair, medium build

Garrett is a former member of the Liberty Navy, who acquired his nickname "Wolfman" as a young man from his friends who mocked his need to shave at twelve years of age. He was court-martialed for a crime he didn't commit. He resigned his commission rather than face the court-martial, and has been freelancing ever since, spending most of his time in the Border Worlds. He is bent on finding who set him up and clearing his name, though he has no desire to return to the Navy.

*** Freelancer 2---Starring Napoleon Dynamite. Coming to a computer near you. ***

Edited by - neuromancer on 6/13/2005 6:42:55 PM

Post Tue Jun 14, 2005 3:07 am

Yes! Do join. More the merrier.

I am writing out Tanya from the story a bit, to provide ample opportunity for other characters to take centre stage and develop their own story lines.

I am keen to encourage other writers to involve their characters be it in the same plotline, or completely different threads!

There are millions of destinies for millions of Freelancers out there.

It would be awesome if some of those would meet even for a moment.



Post Tue Jun 14, 2005 3:24 am

Buwahahaha more fodder for Dev to ruin you pathetic lives

Err i mean join up... yes have fun were all a merry and happy family

Post Sun Jun 19, 2005 7:07 pm

Ok, minor complaint. Stormtrooper just started a major shift in the balance of power in Rheinland without a really well-written justification for it. Should the post be ruled out of order or not?

Post Sun Jun 19, 2005 7:14 pm

Sorry ST, but yeah. God modding.

Post Sun Jun 19, 2005 7:30 pm

Alright,ill kill the monstrosity myself.I was a bit of a god modder at RYOC

Post Sun Jun 19, 2005 8:05 pm

Thanks for editing ST, I nearly had an aneurysm. That was some crazy messed-up sh*t you came up with. Hessians attacking the Bundschuh and then rampaging through Dresden? That sort of thing needs waaaaaaay more explanation than you offered, my friend. Why did they do it? How did they manage to get their hands on all those ships during a blockade? Why didn't anyone help? If they had so many ships, how come the Hessians didn't just break the blockade the old-fashioned way? If the Hessians have mines like the Mollies, why aren't their bases similarly protected? Those are all questions you should have dealt with then and you will do well to consider them for your next post.


I have an issue of my own. Ghosts. To illustrate how out-of-place ghosts are in the Freelancer universe, let me tell you a story... I first read Wilde's post a few nights ago. It certainly wasn't something I would have written; creepy and odd, with a few things that looked like they might have been continuity issues. It never even once occurred to me that Damien was a ghost. The merest thought didn't ever consider the remotest possibility of maybe crossing my mind. But this RPG isn't about writing to please me, so I figured "them's the breaks" and went along my merry way. Then, this evening, HK dropped a bomb on me. Damien is a ghost. Well holy WTF Batman?! What is that all about? I don't ever recall seeing ghosts, or anything even remotely resembling ghosts in Freelancer. Not ever. I saw funky purple artifacts, guys with creepy glowing eyes, a weird guy who spoke in tongues and freaky-ass Nomad parasites, but no ghosts. It certainly looks like ghosts have no place in the Freelancer universe.

Or do they? As I indicated above, there is a good amount of "freakiness" in FL. All of it seems to revolve, in one way or another, around the Nomads and DK. The closest thing to ghosts I can think of is the whole Jonner and Blix scene on New Berlin. There were references to "higher planes" and I think Trent said that Blix's voice sounded like a whole crapload of people talking all at the same time or something (paraphrasing a Neural Net entry). If Wilde somehow links the ghost to those things, then all will be right in the world and we can go on our merry way. But just dropping that sort of bizarre phenomenon, without any sort of explanation of how the farkity-fark-fark it works, is just not cool.

Probably the best way to deal with it (afaik) is to have that scene as some sort of vision Tanya gets as she slips into unconsciousness (or once she's fully out). Then Wilde can explain that Damien was infected with a Nomad, or forced to touch an active artifact, or something else Freelancer-ish which lets him communicate telepathically, even from beyond the grave. The same can work for the new commo with HK; he'll go to sleep and, just as he's drifting off to dreamland he'll "see the phantom". Or something. Yes, it'll take some work, but if you want to introduce something that does, at first blush, seem so very out of place in FL, you're going to have to explain WTF is going on. Ghosts can be made to work in the game, yes, but because this is the Freelancer universe we're working in, we must do everything we can to make any crazy sh*t like that fit. Garden-variety ghosts just don't cut it. Period.

Edited by - Codename on 6/19/2005 9:12:30 PM

Post Sun Jun 19, 2005 8:43 pm

I will explain it. I haven't yet, but that doesn't mean I won't.

Edited by - Wilde on 6/19/2005 9:45:33 PM

Post Sun Jun 19, 2005 9:44 pm

So you want us to trust you. Well, I won't. Not with the information you've given (or not given). Why not? Because if we do, and it turns out that your vision moves too far away from the established borders of the game, it will be too late to turn back. At the very least, it will force a whole bunch of other players to make some heavy edits to their posts, and it's really not fair to string people along like that. I didn't want to do this but you've left me little choice. It's (cue overly dramatic music) ULTIMATUM TIME!!!

Either you explain - right bloody now - how Damien became a ghost and where this whole adventure is headed so that everyone can vet it, or I will categorically and unequivocally refuse to let Rob be involved in any of your posts. Also, I will refuse to let Rob be involved in the ghost plotline, whatever it may be. So no characters will be able to talk to Rob about their, um, ectoplasmic experiences or even mention them around him. Since you seem to want to contact Tanya and HK, this will undoubtedly make things somewhat difficult. You're resourceful enough that I'm sure you'll make it fly, but it probably won't be easy. Whatever your choice may be, you're going to have to do a little extra work.

The explanation, should you choose to give it, needn't be long at all. A paragraph or two will suffice. Please, at least consider it. I don't mind new plotlines but I'm also not going to follow one blindly. Especially not one which requires such a lot of explanation.

Post Mon Jun 20, 2005 12:27 am

Ok, ok, ok. Bloody hell. (thanks for suggesting a few, by the way )

As the final torture from his masked murderers, before his throat was slit he was forced to hold a live artifact which was engineered to change his phenotypical structure, giving his brain endurance enough to remain functioning separately from the body after its blood stopped flowing--and so preserving the consciousness. This torture left him still-conscious after death, growing ever more painfully aware of his disembodied and gruesome existence. The brain attempted after death on instinct to heal its own body, but could not, creating instead (due to the awesomeness of the artifact) a shadow image of himself, the blood a physical representation of his psychological torture.


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