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Post Thu Jun 23, 2005 4:56 am

Just to illustrate the point...

Hans stared out the bar window, sipping on a a liqour they called a Berlin Death Wish. "Not the greatest time for a drink" Hams thought to himself.

He could se Sabres circling the whole base, like bees to a hive that been filled with glue.

"I wonder.........." Hans walked over to a communicator set in the bar, luckily the ships didnt jam the communications on Vogtland. Hans started filing through his nueral net log, looking for contacts.

"Ther you are you little rascal" Hans said to no-one in particular. "Wakey wakey, Vinny".

"Hmmgrph gimme ten more minutes alri?" said Vinny in an Italian accent.

"Vinny, wake up you lazy slob!"

"Alright alright, Hans, what is your problem?" Vinny rebutled.

"Youd have a problem too when your surrounded by 50 Sabres!"

"Whazza?!" Vinny unintelligibly replied.

"Vinny I need a 'speacial order' today" Hans told the illegal arms dealer.

"What do you need my Hessian friend?" Vinny sarcasticly replied.

"I need.....3 fusion bombs".


A few hours later three ships, Hammerheads approached the base. "Heh, thanks Vinny" Hans said to himself.

As quickly as the ships appeared they dropped their payload on the Sabres. Although most were destroyed, 3 remained. In the hngar bay the port master spoke over the intercom, "Gamma, Kappa, Delta and Zeta Wings cleared for luanch".

The wings were dispatched, and engaged the remaining ships. With 12 casualties the Hessians won the battle.

"Now, for Leipzig" Hans said over the Stilletos Comm set.

It looks and reads much better now, I think, and all I did was resolve the spacing issues. No other corrections were made. You should also consider revising your material from time to time; check for spelling mistakes, continuity errors, and other problems like that.

Edited by - Codename on 6/23/2005 5:57:42 AM

Post Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:59 am

Athena: For the record, Wilde did introduce a mortal character earlier, Nikolai van Haalein. We, of course, plan to break him out of wherever he is.

As for continuity errors, I have (shut up, Code ) had to edit my game posts on occasion to conform to someone else's interpretation of some other event that went on.

*dodges brickbats sent by Code* Yes, I should go write a game post now. I did promise.

Post Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:29 am

HK. Thanks. You're right, of course.

I wanted to encourage Wilde to keep posting, doing that with Damien would be hard, and not knowing how he was going to write about an imprisoned Nikolai made me suggest another character



Ps: Code sends me ..brickbats (what's that exactly?!!) via e-mails too. I think.

Post Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:47 am


I do NOT! *stomps off indignantly*

Edit: Would you rather I sent love poems or something? (Hint: The answer is "no". I can't write poetry to save my life. )

Edited by - Codename on 6/23/2005 12:00:30 PM

Post Thu Jun 23, 2005 2:02 pm

Athena,thank you for the compliment

Code,thanks for fixing the spacing problems.
Also Vinny will show up later in the story,so kep a personal note about that.Illegal Arms Dealers come in handy someties

Post Fri Jun 24, 2005 7:37 pm

Man,I do seem to annoy a lot of people huh. ok Sure I will make the changes. And its not a clock more like a chaemlon skin. So you can still see it maybe if Rob uses a IR vison or some thing. You can still see the ships with your naked eye but you need to look for some discolouring or something like that. EG. a metorite with blue streak on it or a bright shine of sorts.
I do think of downsides of my ideas but some times I do need the little nudge from some one now and then. So if I go overboard just tell me and I will fix it.

If it's also possible could I get my Characters to meet up with Rob, Code. As I wrote in one of my post ages ago. I gave a plot line that Manson could attack Kusari space. It could be used now if its decided to be used.

Post Fri Jun 24, 2005 9:06 pm

write poety like a vogon huh code? hehehe
im thinking about joining, i just need a character, someone who isnt joe spacecowboy super hero i just thought of a few ideas

1) defector from mason's side, a man involved in extracting information. believed to have no feelings and no remorse, but once he discovers the grand scheme flees in horror... problem, too valuable a knowledge source? it would ruin the story in a way as we (I) dont know mason's motives and final plan....

2) kusari assassin, trained in the ancient arts. ect.... i've been watching too much batman....

hmmm let me ponder a little longer, i'll get back to you

Post Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:19 pm

Trooper - No problem, man. Glad you can see the difference it makes.

Leion - To be honest, I think I have enough characters interacting with Rob now. Between Tanya (who will be back in action fairly soon), Konn and now neuro's "Wolfman", there are a *lot* of characters to juggle. I expect Damien will also pop up every so often. We can't forget Jake Talon either. Jacob's gone for a while due to computer issues and the like, but there has been a relationship established there, too. So we have five PCs interacting in some way with Rob already; two (Koon, Tanya) are fairly major at this point, one (Wolfman) will probably develop into something significant and two others (Damien, Talon) are fairly minor but still there. And then there's also Carshalton and Travis. I worry that things will just get too "busy" if everyone decides that they want to be involved with my guy. Not to mention the fact that all this attention is giving me a big(ger) head.

Maybe Amy and Leion can meet up with Dev. In fact, looking back at the thread, I'm pretty sure I saw Dev call Amy about the bounty. Whether it's a trap or a legitimate warning is yet to be seen. And, since Dev's in Rheinland (right?) he - and maybe Amy and Leion - can all figure out what's going on with Hans and the Hessians. There are, as Athena pointed out earlier, lots and lots of other underdeveloped plotlines out there for you guys. Go for them. The game will be much more interesting for it, I think.

Now, I'm not totally precluding the possibilities of any interaction between Rob and the rest of your characters, but for now I'd say that any interaction which might happen should be left as very brief. Once Mason and Co. have been dealt with, or once there is a free slot in the roster (i.e. if any of the current characters interacting with Rob on a significant level leave him) then I'll be open to letting someone else in. Of course, I may also decide that Rob needs some "alone time" and have him leave everyone for a while.

The one lesson most of you can learn from this is to do what neuro did. Just post something that gets your character on Rob's (or whoever's) tail. Don't bother with niceties like asking. Seriously though, just go for it*. If I really don't like what you do, you'll know. Oh yeah, you'll know.

Fallen_Angel - First off, let me welcome you officially. Good to see you, I'm sure you'll have a blast.

Second, my poems. I don't think they're quite as bad as Vogons', lol. At least you didn't mention Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings. If you did, I'd have to thrash you.

Now, your suggestions for a character. At first I thought your first option was quite intriguing. The problem is, of course, that it would be necessarily linked to Rob and, as I said earlier, I'm not really looking for that right now. So, of the two choices you gave, maybe the Kusari assassin (ninja?) is the better. And that does leave an interesting angle for some potential interactions with both Dev and Amy. Dev has killed a bunch of Kusari people, your guy could be told to track him down and kill him. Or something. And then there's Amy who just recently killed a high-ranking Samura official and has a 10-mil bounty on her head. Again, perfect opportunity for a hunt. Or he could just wander Sirius for a while. It's up to you.

*Well, not now that I've said no, but you get the idea. I hope.

Edited by - Codename on 6/25/2005 12:22:02 AM

Post Sat Jun 25, 2005 6:48 am

I think i have a habit of making every PC not desire to interact with me... Wonder why

Post Sat Jun 25, 2005 7:09 am

Funny you should mention that, 'cause Rob *does* want to interact with Dev. He wants to kill the punk, haha. So the one PC interaction we could easily have is the one we don't want, unless you're willing to see Dev die. (Which is something I can totally understand your being opposed to.)

Post Sat Jun 25, 2005 12:03 pm

We could interact but dev is a talented... pychopath. Death could be avoided...
Besides bear in mind last time Devy and robby went fistycuffs damien had to step and save rob (i;m just trying to get yer goat there buddy)

So its not like he cant take care of himself, killing Dev off is a considerable possiblty but i wouldnt get into ghosty **** so it would basicly be the you lose screen. Anyhoo none of that made sense did it?

Bah im hyped on coffee before a big trip to the states. that reminds me, im gunna be in the US of A for a week and a bit more maybe so most likely no updates from me

Post Sat Jun 25, 2005 12:52 pm

Gripe the second:

OOC:Hey,it Fan Fiction.Dosent need to be completly correct.

Spake by Stormtrooper110.

It most certainly does "need to be completely correct". Consistency is what we aim for in making a believable fan-fiction universe. Otherwise you get stupid things like this thing that came up on snopes: Check it out.

Edited by - Hahukum Konn on 6/25/2005 1:52:24 PM

Post Sat Jun 25, 2005 4:45 pm

That's not so inconsistent as it is plain dumb.

But yeah, I agree with HK. Consistency is an absolute must.

Post Sat Jun 25, 2005 6:45 pm

Well, the point of the snopes-link is that once you completely ignore the rules of being consistent in some fashion with the universe you've created (or are using from someone else), then it just degenerates into "Well, I pulled out this Deus Ex Machina, so HA!", followed by "No, I have that Deus Ex Machina which cancels yours, so HA!"

Et cetera.

PS. May I recommend to anyone that they should at least consider the free wordprocessors available?

Edited by - Hahukum Konn on 6/25/2005 10:28:54 PM

Post Sat Jun 25, 2005 9:58 pm

Um, LX, what just happened? I'm baffled. Wasn't Leion just on, uh, Harris with that Fraucritz guy? And now he's tied to a table and his parents are going to die? Wha-a-a-at? Is this a flashback or something? A flash-forward? I need answers, man. Answers!

Codename I wanted to meet up in the nice fashion...

Well, at this point, any discussion about Rob meeting your characters will remain purely academic. As I said in my OOC post last night, there's almost too much going on with him, and not enough going on anywhere else. All the "Rob-slots" are currently full, sorry.

Oh, and I agree with Konn on both counts. Consistency, and loyalty to the parent material are very imporant to me (as if you didn't already know that). And I'll offer an OpenOffice endorsement of my own. I've been using it to type up all of my game posts. Works like a charm and has some neat features, too. Like, it'll recognize certain letter-combinations in words you use a lot, and auto-complete them for you. It's really cool.

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