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The Control Your Own Faction RPG: Part 3, The Age of War- Th

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 2:36 pm

DSE Turn 1

Base List: 1 Planet=20 credits
1 Large Station=20 credits
1 Small Station=10 credits
Bonus: 200 credits + 50 credits
Turn Income= 40 credits
Credit Total 290 credits

New York: 1 Planet 20 LF (5 Wings) 1 Capital Ship Shipyard 10 LF (2.5 Wings)

Hokkaido: 1 Small Station 5 LF (1.25 Wings)

1. No Purchases

2. I send 1 LF Wing from Planet Pittsburgh to search for a new system (50 Credits)

3. Apologies to Ageira CEO Richardson, but DSE is currently tied up with commodity shortages of our own.

4. No attacks

5. I collect (Bonus 250 creds + 50 creds from stations + turn income 40 creds - 50 creds =240 creds left.

Ship Points: LF Stats (Excalibur Class)
6 FA - 2 Points used here
3 FD - 2 point used here
2 CA
1 CD

HF Stats (Hellion Class)
5 FA
2 FD
4 CA
1 CD

VHF Stats (Demon Class)
6 FA
4 FD
5 CA
1 CD

Gunboat Stats (Warhammer Class)
4 FA
3 FD
8 CA
5 CD

To Rheinland: Although Deep Space Engineering is appreciative of your kind gesture, we shall have to decline your peace treaty for now and keep our customary neutrality with most Houses. Perhaps in the future a peace treaty would be possible.

To The Pirates League: I request that we make a treaty in which you do not engage our ships. In return, I shall not attempt to find your own bases or engage your fleets.

To Liberty: As we are one of your core factions, I request an Alliance. If agreed on, I shall make my Capital Ship Shipyard available to you. In return, could we have blueprints to the Liberty Criuser OR a shipment of Oxygen?

To Ageira: As a neighbouring faction, we will accept your peace treaty ON ONE CONDITION. Should you backstab DSE, we shall ensure that Ageira will be destroyed. You have been warned.

To the Junkers: Deep Space Engineering requests an Alliance with the Junkers. I believe that we can help each other to a great advantage. Should you accept, I shall ensure that if we find a new system, you shall be allowed a base in it. Also, we shall allow you to request gunboats from our shipyard. In return, we ask that you send us a shipment of Water and Oxygen at the earliest convenience.


Edited by - Captain Kill2 on 12/21/2004 2:39:49 PM

Edited by - Captain Kill2 on 12/21/2004 8:02:12 PM

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 2:44 pm


We have no intrest in harming you. You are our assistant in all of our projects, and we would not be as powerful today as we are if we did not have your help. As soon as you are able, help us out. Also, like we said, we are willing to sell you fighter wings, if you are willing to pay our prices. (See my first post for the prices.) Also, please do not get yourself involved with criminal factions, they are our banes, and we cannot afford to get caught in the crossfire between the houses and the criminals. For both our sakes.

To Wilde:

You mistakenly assume I am the same type of person as every other CEO. You are WRONG. I worked my way up. I know what struggles they go through, as I went through them once myself, and I fight alongside them today. I probably now get slightly less than they do now, as I have made my workers some of the best paid in the world, and have significantly reduced my own salary. You think I took over this company for my own personal gain? HAH! I got ageira for a purpose, to make the universe safe from evil men such as yourself. (Clearly, this is going to be a nice nemisism...)

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 2:44 pm

The HEssians have agreed to this deal put forth by DSE. A non-agression pact seems in order for the time being.

To the Xenos: The actions against the Zoners were in self-defence. We are not a threat to Sirius, we are only a threat to our enemies.

@ VD: Since turn 1 is going to last until you finish with the calculator, hurry it up! work faster

just joking. But seriously, why do we need a calc? I figure everything out on paper in my head.

To Richardson: I am not an evil man. It is you, sir, who are evil, you and every other capitalist barbarian of your kind. Your claims are just as valid as any politician's--lies, cheap promises, gambles. Your actual record in office I'm sure would differ greatly from how what you claimed it was. Suffer the wrath of those you have wronged!

If you any different from your lowly scum that you count your brethren, then prove it to us. Donate half your income for the following 10 turns to the Liberty people and we will believe you.

@ Triyun: what are the stats on your VHFs?
Also, we should let the Bundschuh into the Pirate's League.

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/21/2004 3:06:29 PM

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 2:54 pm


CEO Richardson, is it not be be out of the devils path than in it? I shall make any pacts that I believe necessary for Deep Space Engineering. Also, I will have a very hard time getting you oxygen as I have none. Also, I shall not buy any of your fighters as it is cheaper for me to build them and my Light Fighter Series, the Excalibur, is nearly as powerful as your Avengers.



Commander Wilde, while I am thankful for your non-aggression pact, I find that you have insulted me in a previous message. I am not a Capitalist Scumbag. Often I compare the views of Pirates to the current House governments and I find quite a few things that the pirates could improve in the House Govts. Also, I am allied to Ageira. So, if you could extend the same non-aggression pact to them as you have to me, I would be thankful. If you do not, then that is your decision. I hope our pact shall last for a long time.


Edited by - Captain Kill2 on 12/21/2004 3:01:39 PM

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 3:00 pm


Hmm, good point. Seems our sad lot in life, does it not? Tell you what. As soon as I am able to build a station, I will then provide you as quickly as possible the resources to build your own station, where ever you choose. How's that?

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 3:05 pm


CEO Richardson, I thank you for your kindness. If and when you need assistance, I shall send some. However, you may not want to anger the Pirates League as they are far more powerful than you. I have asked the Red Hessians to give you a non-aggression pact and I hope you accept it.


Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 3:05 pm

to DSE:
I hope you won't mind one bit of annoying them, would you? Besides, I intend to keep myself well out of their way. Don't trust them, not entirely. Perhaps the Outcasts and Corsairs, Xenos and hogosa, the junkers also, they might be worth attempting to make peace to, they all have somewhat legimate reasons for their actions.

To wilde:

My income goes to fund a way to help all of sirus prosper. If I am able, I will donate to liberty, but, I cannot afford to at this time. And don't contort what I say, you have a tounge full of more lies than most lawyers. As is, all I possess, truely own, in this universe is one prototype Avenger VHF, and a small apartment on Detroit munitions. That's it. A place to sleep, and something to protect my workers with. Tell you what though. I will donate 10 credits a turn to my closest allies for as long as they remain my allies. Now that is something I can afford to do.

credits: 245

paid 10 to DSE and 10 to Liberty

Ahem, phhhttttt......... *Sticks his tounge out at the criminal overlord.*

(Bluff, call, raise.)

Edited by - richardson on 12/21/2004 3:08:52 PM

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 3:11 pm

@ Bundusch: You will be welcomed into the Pirate League

@ Wilde: 8 CA/ 8 FA/ 5 CD/ F FD

@ Captain Kill: We will offer you a non aggression pact with the Pirate League, in exchange for no assistance rendered to our enemies.

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 3:12 pm

CEO Richardson, I have already extended the hand of friendship to the Junkers. I shall also extend the hand of neutrality to the Corsairs and the Outcasts.

Commanders of the Corsairs and the Outcasts:
I request that we make a non-aggression pact for DSE and Ageira and your great factions. If you accept, we will be thankful and shall not engage your fleets or hinder your actions.

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 3:13 pm

A place to sleep? Oh, is that what the new term for luxury ten room suites are now?

Tell you what, we'll make a peace agreement with you if you pay Liberty 200 credits over the next two turns.

@ Triyun: Thank you very much. I also suggest we open up all our bases to every member of the Pirate's League, thus increasing resource income and fighter capacity for all 3 members.

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/21/2004 3:16:19 PM

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 3:14 pm

I accept the non-aggression pact. However, I do not know who your enemies are. If you tell me, I can tell you whether I am able to abide by those rules.

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 3:19 pm

Our enemies look like they are: the Zoners, the IMG, Rhineland corporations, and the Rhineland military. If Kusari accepts our alliance, our enemies will also become their enemies.

@ Chess: the Zoners have long been both friendly with the Bounty Hunters, who are paid to hunt our fighters down, and have purposely housed them in and near our systems. We therefore felt it was out of a need for safety that we attacked their base. (tho officially there's a grace period so we can't attack it)

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/21/2004 3:21:50 PM

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 3:23 pm

To corsairs and outcasts:
We concur with the DSE. Your actions in the past, while somewhat despiseable, were born out of desperation. We are willing to adknowladge you two, and only you two, as House Hispania. The red hessans, however, are another story.

to wilde:
Go find a picture of a junior officer's bunkroom from any house's cruiser. Then keep that image in your head when you think of where I sleep. I have no ammenities, and in fact, have several lower personelle sleeping with me. (No relationship what-so-ever, so DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT THAT) I probably have less amenities than you. And liberty will eventually get 200 credits from me. In 20 turns. If possibly sooner should I get myself another base, more resources to spare to helping the needy. But a full peace treaty, no, I would never pursue that, if that is what you think I am after. You challenge my character, I call your bluff, and I have raised it. Let us see how far YOU can go. Provide my partner the DSE with Oxygen and water, and I will begin to re-work my estimate of you. And before you say they do not need it, remember that they do not get any at all. they are needy, and the more you help them, the more I will begin to stop telling who you really are to the world. Come on, call my raise. I dare you.

to xenos:
Heh, I was dragged into being neutral with them by my partner, but, I have said before, you are working with admirable intentions, even if your methods are questionable. I am willing to offer assitance of 5 credits per turn, if you will leave the DSE and me alone, so that we might better help you and your people get what they want. Same offer of providing a base for you when I can. As well as offering a partial contract to assist us in building jumpgates should the DSE be busy. I belive that is one of the main reasons you ended up not having a job, being laid off by former owners of agiera and the DSE? Well, I take that situation back.

to liberty:
I am merely helping the little guy, besides, them not having a job was the main reason they were pirates, so why not assist them in getting that job?


paid 5 to xenos

Edited by - richardson on 12/21/2004 3:30:10 PM

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 3:29 pm

Chesslavakia, if you attack ANY of my bases or ships OR attack Ageira, then I shall consider you an official enemy and shall dispatch a war fleet to take over one of your bases. We have requested neutrality with the Pirates Guild because their members can reach ANYWHERE. Outcasts have come to Liberty, Rheinland, Kusari and Bretonia before. I have taken up a neutrality pact with them to ensure the safety of DSE and my ally Ageira. Do not attack us and we will not attack you. You have one enemy already, do not make another one. And before you dismiss my Light Fighters take a look at their stats: 6 FA, 3 FD, 2 CA, 1 CD. My elite Light Fighter corps and their Excaliburs are far superior to yours. As I said before, you have one powerful enemy, do NOT make another one.

Edited by - Captain Kill2 on 12/21/2004 3:33:56 PM

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 3:29 pm

We don't want house hispania, we draw more income the way we are.

@ Chess: Xenos cannot defeat two corporations at once very easily.

@ DSE: Corsairs will go with it if Bundusch and Red Hessians do.

@ Richardson: I too sleep with several junior officers. But it is by choice!

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