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RPG - Sigma Systems

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Mon Aug 30, 2004 11:00 pm

Name:Chuck "hothead" Reed
Location:Yanagi Depot

Chuck docked to Yanagi. His ship's cockpit was sweatty and smelled badly. Chuck climed out of the cockpit. His ship was badly damaged and there were marks and burns done by lasers and missiles all over. He walked to the equipment dealer and said:
"I need you to fix my ship as soon as possible"
The dealer replied:"You know, it's quite badly damaged, it's gonna take some time and money"
-"Just get my bird fixed okay. "

Before dealer had a chance to reply Chuck walked to the bar. He was tired, he needed a drink, then a shower and some sleep. He walked inside. There was a group of Outcasts in the corner table and lots of Junkers. Chuck walked to bartender and said:
"Give me something strong"
-"How strong?"
-"Strongest stuff you got"
-"I'm sorry we don't sell Cardamine. But try those Outcasts they have some"
-"I meant BOOZE not cardamine you moron"
-"All right here you are. Strongest stuff we have"

Chuck took the bottle and sat down to a table. As he drank his drink he memorized what had happened during last days. He had met a disgruntled Daumann pilot in Hawaii. The pilot had told him that Daumann were planning a secret diamond shipment from Dredsen. Chuck had gone in...and walked to a trap. As soon as he intercepted the transport, a bounty hunter patrol came in guns blazing. The Daumann man had set up a trap for him. Chuck managed to kill three of the Hunters and fled to New Berlin, after which he had to kill two police officers trying to stop him. Now he was running from the law, with Hunters, Daumann and Rheinland on his tail.

Chuck thought what to do now, all money he had would go to getting his ship to flyable condition, which meant he needed money desperately. Maybe he would salvage some equipment from the wrecks the nebula and sell them to someone. After his ship would be in a decent condition and he had taken some rest he would hunt down the Daumann man who had set a trap for him and show him that no one messes with Chuck Reed and gets away with it...

OOC:Not ready. I'll finish this later. My character is a former Liberty Navy member who got kicked out because of disciplinary reasons and ended up being a criminal. I dunno if this is good but english ain't my national language so that's why there may be writing errors

Edited by - Captain Picard on 8/31/2004 6:09:53 AM

Post Tue Aug 31, 2004 6:14 pm

Name: Johnathan Faires
Ship: Humpback
Location: Planet New Berlin
Credits: 0
Faction: ALG Waste Disposal

The memory flashed through his mind, he had been jumped out side of the Commodity dealer by a bunch of thugs who demanded that he transfer all of his credits to them or die. He shook his head, there were many things he could have done different, but still, he couldn't think of them.

But not only had they taken his credits, but his ship as well. His beloved humpback, how he missed it so. He thought for a moment, the only job he could get that would him another ship was ALG Waste Disposal. He thought long and hard on this, and then deciding he had nothing to lose, walked up to the home office and applied for an escort fighter. He still wanted to be a merchant again, but he just couldn't afford another freighter, not to mention the cargo. He would have to work for them for at least a year to even get enough for a new humpback. Because he didn't pay attention in school, his life was going down the drain, just like ALG's waste......

Edited by - killa on 9/1/2004 5:09:57 PM

Post Wed Sep 01, 2004 10:13 pm

Leion Xing /19
Sigma 13

Leion Xing sat at his table in the IMG base in sigma 13 sipping on his coke when some guy came up to his table.
"Hey kid, you think you look tough in black?"
Leion just look at him thought his black wrap around sunglasses without changing his expressing.
"I said do you think you look tough in black!" he said again. He was defiantly drunk and looking for a fight.
"No but, I know I'm tougher then you." Leion said quiety
Leion then started to walk off when he heard a weapon charge.
He dived out of the door just a partical shot zoomed past were he was only a second before
The drunk walk to the door to fine Leion's Librity made Enforcer mkIII to his head.
"Did your mother tell you not to shoot at guest" Leion said calmy
"She said not to take crap from kids" came his reply "did your mother tell you not to hold your host hostage"
"My mother died after my berth" Leion said coldly
Then Leion hit him over the head with his gun, kocnking him out, then walked back in to the bar to get his coke
To find a moltly asortment of guns pointing in his dircition
"Oh this just keeps on getting better and better" he breathed
Leion ran out door as laser came his way
everyone came run out the bar to find......

(Note: someone please get involed in this fight because this going to get intresting)

I don't suffer from insainty,I
enjoy every bit of it.

Post Thu Sep 02, 2004 5:51 am

Colony News Service Report:

PLANET NEW TOKYO - In the far aftermath of the short three-day war between Kusari and Rheinland, Shogun Edo called a meeting with his KNF admirals today. After a short 20-minute conference, Edo came out of the closed-door session and announced that diplomatic relations would begin to open in order to form an open alliance with the Gas Miners Guild.

After Rheinland's sudden offensive into Kusari space caught the KNF off guard, H-Fuel supplies for the Kusari Naval Forces has become dangerously low as their fleets have been expanded.
"There's simply not enough supply to meet the demand," Admiral Mamoru Shingua stated after the conference. "This will hopefully allow us to increase our trade with the GMG at a much more efficient pace, as well as price."

No word yet on responses from the GMG or Rheinland. It's safe to assume though that Rheinland will meet this idea with great resistance.

Post Thu Sep 02, 2004 1:35 pm

Name: "Seluka"
Ship: stolen "T-sungo" kusari dragon
Location: Kyoto base
Faction: Blood dragons
Credits account: 2.975

outload off "T-sungo";
- Tanto
- Tanto
- old scrambler 1
- old scrambler 1
- none
- none
- wasp cruise disruptor (10 ammo)
- no mine
- countermeasure dropper (50 ammo)
class 4 graviton shield and normal thruster.

Seluka launhced his ship and wiat for the others, the gc's where already outside and also waiting... 9 more ships launched and joined the formation...

The attack squad flew out, 15 ships in total, 8 blood dragons dragons and 2 stolen kusari dragons off the blood dragons and 3 hawks and 2 falcons off gc's.

The way was long and they arived by planet honshu where the raid began and they began to shoot everything.

"we will leave when some are almost destroyed, some may not return. so be prepaired for others... and watch your and others backs" said a gc over the radio. the police started to show up, their was none when we arived...
the police did a stupid move and was blasted away by Seluka.

2 freighters launched... they where preys for the attack squad...
we lefted after a few minits off total fight and went home...

the total squad was redused, 5 dragons, 1 hawk and 1 falcon was still their... and they jumped back to chugoku and docked with kyoto base...

they attack squad got payed for the duty, seluka got 5.000 credits and a bonus off 6.000 credits for the mission...

"tomorow i will go to gasminer Naha, for getting some H-fuel for the clan" thought seluka...

total credit account; 13.975

Post Thu Sep 02, 2004 10:23 pm

Leion Xing/Dagger/10,000/Freelancer/Img base in sigma 13

[Well Leion, you seem to have pissed of a lot of people to day so what are you goning to do now/i
Leion was hiding in a venterlating shafed when his neurtal net beep loudly
"He is in the venterlation" a guy yelled
"damn it"
Leion started to crawl very fast as shots started to hit were he was hiding
Infact he was crawling so fast that he didn't see the vent go into a verical drop
Next thing he knew was that he was falling very very fast.
Why do I always get the bad luck
Then luckly he landed on top of an IMG guard, killing him instancly.
"Ok that is the last time I hide in a ventlation system" Leion said. He tryed to stand but his leg gave away.
Leion, well done you just broke your leg in an IMG base that is after your head what are you going to do now
As he got up (putting his weight on his good leg) he sore a sign
Hanger 7
"YES" Leion yelled. His Dagger was in this hanger.
'He's this way!
"Damn it"
Leion started to hop madly towards his ship.
At lest 10 men entered the hanger as Leion was climbing into his Dagger.
They opened fire just as Leion closed the cockpit window. Leion was just starting the engene whan he sore a guy with a man portable Slingshot missle launcher stager in to the hanger with the weapon on his shoulder.
The Daggers engene gave a huge roar as they fully started up.
"Sheilds actorvated" chimed the computer
The guy with the lancher fired.
And hit the Dagger bringing it's bearly formed shield down.
Leion didn't miss a beat
He put his dagger on it's tail and launch two moonstakers at the first airlock.
Leion move the dagger thought the newly created hole just as the guy fired another rocket it missing the dagger buy a metre.
The Dagger got to the top and Leion levled off then keyed his mike.
"Never piss off a Freelancer"
Then he blew open the last airlock.
I don't suffer from insainty,I
enjoy every minute of it.

Edited by - Comd. Lynch on 9/3/2004 3:50:58 AM

Edited by - Comd. Lynch on 9/4/2004 9:22:32 PM

Post Fri Sep 03, 2004 7:48 pm

Name: Robert Schliemer
Ship: CSV
Location: Yanagi, sigma 13
Faction: Junkers
Credits account: $12

clank, clank, clank. That was the sound he heard as he wandered aimlessly throught the forgotten wrecks of the eighty year war. most everything valuable was gone. he had a fealing someone missed somthin. he alwasy thought that way though. mabye that could explain why he couldnt even get himself some liberty ale at night.

clunk a peice of scrap metal hit his ship. Beep! the computer told him somthing.

he scaneed the area with a metal scanner. "Yes" he proclaimed. he sped to the first object he had found. it was gold! "ahh, i could use this." he tractored it in. Beep! Beep! Beep! Incoming hostiles. "Dammit!" it was a hunting pack of corsairs. he quickly jammed their scanning signals.

"hand over the cargo!" said teh filthy Hispanian(no offence to anybody!) "ahh you can have it i quess" replied robert. he judisoned half his loot because that was all the corsair could see. " ahh I was looking forward to a fight", said the corsair.

"not today" said robert as he sped away with his prized treasure.

Post Sat Sep 04, 2004 6:23 pm

Leion Xing/Dagger/10,000/Freelancer/Space sigma 13

When the final airlock was blasted open, Leion's dagger was lanched out of the station as all the air was sucked out.
Dozons of people also came flying out as the presure was lost in the vacum that is space
Leion was just ingauging his cruse engenes when.....
"Incoming misslie" the ship computer cherped
"Don't these guys quit"
The cruse disrupter hit the dagger knocking it out of cruse speed
Leion spun the ship around to see 2 falcons and 3 hawks open fire on him
Leion targeted the lead falcon and let rip with his vengace mklll knocking it's sheilds out, then Leion fired his moonstakers to finish of his target.
Leion started to look around for another target when one of the hawks got on his tail.
Bugger Leion thorght he didn't carry mines because he spent enogh money buying missles
Leion thorugh he was going to lose his sheilds when the hawk behind him exploed......

I don't suffer from insainty,I
enjoy every bit of it.

Edited by - Comd. Lynch on 9/4/2004 9:18:10 PM

Post Sat Sep 04, 2004 6:36 pm

Crash, boom! the sounds that came as a hawk exploded.

"i thought you could use a hand" said Robert

he trailed the reamining Falcon and let loose his barragers at the flacon exloded into a fine dust. Beep, Beep, Beep, Incoming missiles.

Robert Dropped a Countermeasure/mine Combo he had cooked up hiself in his cargo bay a few months ago.

"I hope this works" said robert as he let lose 3 of the countermeasure/Mine combo.

the mine split into tiny shards that magnetized onto the 3 incoming missiles. The the Sharps proceded to lock a tractor beam onto the hawk behind me and the 3 missiles hit the hawk at the same time and the hawk exploded.

"one more i said" but before i could get a reading on the enemy ship it exploded into a fireball bluer than the clouds around us.

The Outcast thanked me and moved on his way.

I then proceded to scourge the former space station. I called back to yanagi and told them what had happened and they sent a wing of CSV's to help me out.

Post Sat Sep 04, 2004 8:16 pm

@ the lancer:sorry i haven't being putting my faction up the top. im not a outcast i am a freelancer. it's my mistake so don't worry about it.

I don't suffer from insainty,I
enjoy every bit of it.

Post Sun Sep 05, 2004 8:38 pm

Michael Shaeffer/10000/Hawk/GMG/Sigma 13

It was another routine mission, check all the Gas miners in Sigma 13.
He hated it.
He also didnt like his ship very much and was hoping to get a falcon soon, and then an eagle. He was watching his partner, Mitch, designated Omega 14-7, Examine the charts from inside the Gas miner.
"Charts show optimum efficency"
"WARNING. Incoming torpedo salvo, 2 klicks and closing." Cried the never flinching voice of the NavComputer.
"What the hel-"
"No questions! To the hangar!"

They undocked just as 3 starkillers impacted on the intake vents igniting the gases. He scanned the hostile ships.

A CSV....and a bloodhound. Junkers.
"Why the hell are junkers attacking us?" I asked
"Never mind that just break and engage!"
The junker's weapons were extremely powerful, nearly hitting us with torps and missiles. I shredded through one of them with my Skyblast a's and Sunblast b's. I watched Mitch nailed the other one with a Cannonball missile and it went up in a fiery explosion.
"What....the....hell." He was just staring at the now crippled Gas Miner.
"Junkers have never attacked us before." I was still thinking about those weapons
"I know, lets head back to the Naha and report. I have half a mind to go torp Yanagi."

Post Mon Sep 06, 2004 8:14 am

Name: "Seluka"
Ship: stolen "T-sungo" kusari dragon
Location: Kyoto base
Faction: Blood dragons
Credits account: 13.975

Seluka is still on kyoto base and was loading his ship with water for the GMG base where he will go to. after loading his ship full, he looked around and asked for some news around, but thei was now no news available... maybe later...

Seluka worked himself in his "T-sungo" and requested for launch.

- edit, price off total water what is loaded is 475 credits.

Edited by - DragonBreath on 9/6/2004 9:14:52 AM

Post Mon Sep 06, 2004 9:44 pm

Leion Xing/Freelancer/10000/Dagger/Heading to the Hawaii

BEEP BEEP BEEP went Leion's nerual net. He answered it.
"Please tell me it's good news" answered Leion
"That know way to talk to a friend, Leion" said a voice and a long time friend.
"Oh, hey sorry about that." Leion said quickly "I've a very bad day. The IMG want my head because some moron wanted a fight."
"So thats why I couldn't contact you before"
"So your the one that called me before, you almost got me killed"
"Sorry about that, I have a mission lined you for you meet me on the Hawaii
"Ok" Leion replied see you in five
Leion turned off the nerural net and made his way to the hawaii

I don't suffer from insainty,I
enjoy every bit of it.

Post Mon Sep 06, 2004 9:48 pm

Name: Hans Kruger
Ship: Drone
Location: sigma-19, Gas Miner Niha
Faction: Junkers
Credits: 600000

Nothing new at anywhere. Hans had ben through here and there, constatnly shipping supplies to and fro. He was getting bored. But he decided to get a drink at the bar of Niha.

Post Tue Sep 07, 2004 2:38 pm

Colony News Service Report:

PLANET NEW BERLIN - Newly elected Chancellor Goehring called a meeting with his top advisors earlier today in the wake of Kusari's decision to attempt open alliance negotiations with the Gas Miners Guild. As expected by many, Rheinland's stance on the issue has become profound, and vehemently opposed to the idea of letting GMG "arschlochs", as one advisor put it, become a directly active player in the economies of Sirius.

"One thing we're not sure of is who exactly Rheinland is opposing: the GMG or Kusari itself," said Cambridge University political science chairman Edwin Streyhan. "It's likely that their policies are shifting towards a more overt anti-GMG stance, but that isn't exactly the biggest surprise. We know that there's still bad blood between Rheinland and the GMG after the 80-Years War, and it's unlikely to clear up anytime soon. What's most fascinating now is that there's more resentment between Rheinland and Kusari in the wake of the brief war spurned by Chancellor Niemann's mental breakdown, and that may bring about long-term ramifications to whether the two Houses can achieve total closure in the near future."

By all rights, Liberty President Barbara Jacobi was informed earlier today by her advisors of the statements made by both the GMG and Rheinland. When asked about Liberty's official position in the matter, Jacobi responded with lukewarm admiration for the GMG's willingness to hear Kusari's offer.

"I'm pleased that an organization such as the GMG has agreed to meet with Kusari's officials to discuss an open alliance," Jacobi stated at her press conference today. "Perhaps in the future, this can lead to greater business opportunities with the GMG and the other Houses of Sirius, even Rheinland perhaps."

Queen Carina of Bretonia, who is currently on a state visit to Planet Manhattan was with President Jacobi at the press conference. When asked her opinion, she responded in a very similar fashion, although she voiced concern that it's unlikely the GMG and Rheinland will find common ground anytime in the near future.

As if in confirmation of the Bretonian ruler's statement, Chancellor Goehring was reported to have immediately called a session of the Reichstag, in hopes of putting together a resolution that would denounce any alliance the GMG would amke with any other organization in Sirius, be it governmental or otherwise. Several members of both the Bretonian Parliament and Liberty Congress remarked that if Rheinland were to indeed interfere with Kusari affairs, the two Houses would be forced to respond in some manner.

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