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RPG - Sigma Systems

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Sun Sep 19, 2004 8:16 am

"All right GMG ships go back to base " we headed back to Naha dejectedly our assult had failed and we had lost several ships . Once we arrived we told our commander we had failed but had captured a Freelancer. I recieved all the credits that she had had and I wandered over the equipment dealer as I walked away I could here the freelancer's screems as they tied her up. At the equipment dealer I purchased a swatter mine launcher and 50 swatter mines.
I traveled back to the bar and looked for a job.

Post Sun Sep 19, 2004 10:47 am

Name: Mark Hannis
Ship: The Gilus
Location: Yanagi Pocket, Sigma-13

Mark shook his head to clear his eyes of the flashing images.

"Great... just great... starboard wing missing, tractor beam disabled, turret completely blown away, and half the nanbots spent just trying to keep this bird intact. Anything ELSE go wrong, Jen?"

The Gilus's AI looked crestfallen as she explained about Amy.

"Damn... At least we drove off those guild fighters."

Mark contacted Leion. "I'm beat up pretty bad; I'm going to head to Yanagi Depot for repairs and resupply. Meet me there and we can see how best to rescue your girlfriend."

Edited by - Arilias on 9/19/2004 11:47:54 AM

Post Sun Sep 19, 2004 11:27 am

Name: Paul K
Ship: Hawk
Location: Yanagi Pocket, Sigma-13
*Rumor* Rumors have it that a large Rhienland fleet is amassing in hte Frankfurt System

My superior came up to me again he offered 70,000 credits for me to help destroy the Junker Base, AlG base , and the jumpgate to Rhienland . I accepted and joined some 60 other GMG ships, that ranged from Hawks to Eagles, outside the base. We docked with the trade lane to the ALG base . When we arrived we opened fire
OOC ya I know it's a lot of ships but that many are required ..

when can it be destroyed I'm just curious if Junkers can kill GMG can't GMG destroy a station ????

Edited by - on 9/19/2004 4:06:45 PM

Edited by - on 9/19/2004 4:07:20 PM

Edited by - on 9/20/2004 2:47:30 PM

Post Sun Sep 19, 2004 2:52 pm

OOC Stuff:

1) @ you MUST put your character's name, ship, faction, and location in ALL of your posts.

2) For all posters, I... and only I will determine major military movements, be it from Rheinland, Kusari, etc. Rumors are allowed, since they can be confirmed or denied, but no rumors are necessarily fact.

3) Only I post the "news" per se. After all, this is my thread.

4) Don't post too much dialogue that requires someone else's character to respond. In short, don't post dialogue replies in your threads that aren't likely to be said by that other person's character.

5) Continue having fun!

Post Sun Sep 19, 2004 10:24 pm

Leion Xing/Freelancer/8500/Dagger/Yangni Base
Amy Ferngate/Freelancer/0/None/Unknowen

"Fine, see if you can find what she and that other Freelancer are up to. But I want her interrorgated when she wakes up"
"Yes, sir"
These were the first word that Amy heard while she was lieing on the floor in her cell.
Amy layed there for a few momants try to remember what had happened for her to end up here.
Ships. GMG. Junkers. Leion. All of this was moving around in her mind.
She got up and looked around her cell for the first time.
It was an old cell with tollet, bed basin and a window going out to space. The door was one were you could only open it with a swipe card.
"I might be able to signal a ship from in here." Amy thorght looking at the window."Let's see what they took from me"
She walked over to her bed , sat down and started going though her pockets
The guards had done a good job searching Amy's body for any thing useful .She only had a locket which Leion had given her on her 19th birthday which was three weeks ago, Sleeping pills and Fake ID.
"I might might be able to use the sleeping pills only if I had some........"

Leion landed in Yagani base and just sat there in his Dagger thinking about Amy.
How he wished he was able to save her. He had know idea where she was and there for, no idea on how to save her.
Leion sat there for a while before Mark climbed up the wing of his Dagger and started knocking on the cockpit window, telling him to get out. It was until Mark said that he was a baby that had lost his faverote teddy bear that he finaly opened the cockpit and walk off to the bar.

(Note: someone else can chose where Amy is being keeped. And can we have some time for people devlement.)
I don't suffer from insainty,I
enjoy every bit of it.

Edited by - Comd. Lynch on 9/20/2004 2:41:45 AM

Post Mon Sep 20, 2004 5:11 am

Name: Mark Hannis
Ship: Modified Liberty Defender "Gilus"
Faction: Freelancer
Location: Yanagi Depot, Sigma-13

Mark took a seat across from Leion, grumbling, "I don't believe this... I save their goddamn lives, and all I want is free repairs. Is that really too much to ask?"

Jen's holographic image, projected from Mark's comm headset, shook her head. "That's capitalism for you."

Mark turned back to Leion and leaned back. "I don't know why I came to help you. First there's all that trouble with Ageira, than I wind up in the middle of that Rheinland invasion... now this!"

"Well," said a slightly amused Jen, "the Ageira thing WAS your fault."

"Sure, rub it in."

Mark glanced at Leion again.

"Right... If you want to rescue your friend, your probably going to need help. In all likelyhood, the GMG have probably taken her back to the Naha. You don't just attack a GMG gas miner alone."

Leion gave him a quick glare. "Why do I get the feeling this is going to cost me something?"

"Not much. I just want in on your contract with the Junkers. I've got bills to pay..."


"Shut up, Jen. I've figured out a way that we can get Ferngate off the Naha and remove the GMG threat to the Junkers here, but we might need some help. You up to this?"

Post Mon Sep 20, 2004 8:39 am


@ You MUST alter your last post. I won't allow bases to be summarily destroyed in one posting; especially those that you can't destroy in the game. You can attack the crap out of it several times and then I'll possibly allow its destruction, but not all at once.

Post Mon Sep 20, 2004 9:53 am

Name; Seluka
ship; "T-sungo" kusari dragon

Seluka formed on the other ship and said the next;
"ok, i form up on you and we are able to go."

Post Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:45 am

Name: James Taylor
Faction: Freelancer
Ship: FCT Swift
Location: 12k from Sigma 17 jump hole in sigma 13

James paced round the bridge of his cargo train the 'Swift' as he waited for the zoners to arrive. He had been in this nebula for nearly 12 hours waiting. The deal he had been offered was so good he had jumped at it right away. It was a simple job, haul station componats out here to where he was supposed to meet a zoner cargo train so they could begin re building freeport 7.

But a whole number of thins had gone wrong. Firstly the jump gate to throygh liberty was broken so he had to go through criminal infested rienland. Along the way his news reciver had been damged so he could not keep up to date with the news. Now the zoners were late, James was begining to think that there was somthing about the 13 in sigma 13.

For the millionth time he wished he had a crew but, as he reminded him self, that would mean less money. Finnaly a zoner cargo train appeared and took his dumped componats.

"finnaly" james muttered and set course for yanagi to see if he could get repairs

Post Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:49 pm

Name: Paul K
Ship: Hawk
Location: Yanagi Pocket, Sigma-13

Continues to attack station ....

Post Mon Sep 20, 2004 8:59 pm

that shaeffer guy

"Roger that, set course for Gas Miner Naha, Zeta team, and that..*reads panel*..T-sungo is looking damaged, spare it the Volatile fields."

Post Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:29 pm

Leion Xing/Freelancer/8500/Dagger/Yagani Base
Amy Ferngate/Freelancer/0/none/Unknown

Amy walked up tho the bars of her cell and called for the guard.
"Guard" Amy cried
"What" He spat
"Can you please get me some wine"
"You aren't aloud any any request"
"Please" Amy begged
The guard looked over to where Amy was for the first time to see her light blue eyes almost going to cry.
"Oh,all right" he said giving in.
The guard walked off down the corador and out of view.

"Why do I get the feeling that this is going to cost me something?" Leion asked
"Not much. I just want in on your contract with the Junkers. I have bills to pay..."
"Shut up, Jen. I've figured out a way that we can get Ferngate off the Naha and remove the GMG threat to the Junkers here, but we might need some help. You up to this?"
"I don't think she would be on Naha"
"Remember that the GMG took out a hugh Reiland fleet. Their not stupid, Mark, they would take her somewhere remote and to a easly defended place." Leion said still thinking. "But, yes I want to hear your plan on how to save the Junkers. I just hope it doesn't involve me getting shot." he said with a smile on his face
Jen just burst out largthing
"And I will see if I can get a place for you on the contract"

"How is she, Fred" a passing guard asked
"Don't know haven't checked" Fred said
Fred walked over to the door and opened it....
to find Amy asleep on her bed with a wine glass in her hand and wine bottle on the ground.
"How many glasses do you think she passed out on." Fred asked
"Don't know" The guard replied" But I know my body is craving for a drink of wine
"Me to"
The guard got the bottle of wine, gave the glass to Fred and poured some wine for him.
"Cheers" they both cried and drunk the wine and.....
both fell to the floor asleep.
Amy quickly got up grab both guards guns and swipe cards and ran out the door.

I don't suffer from insainty,I
enjoy every bit of it.

Edited by - Comd. Lynch on 9/21/2004 2:36:38 AM

Post Tue Sep 21, 2004 8:15 am

Name: Mark Hannis
Ship: Modified Liberty Defender "Gilus"
Location: Yanagi Depot, Sigma-13
Faction: Freelancer

Mark settled back into his chair, then reached for his side pack. He removed a small, dome-shaped object, about the size of a fist.

"This is a Detroit Munitions MkV Anti-Starship Mine. Once they're armed, they remain in place and will not detonate until given the remote command or until some poor fool tries to mess with them. They release a chemical mixture that reacts violently with H-fuel, causing a massive chain reaction that consumes the ship, station, or whatever in a blazing fireball."

He placed the detonator on the table.

"The plan is simple. We find out where the GMG are keeping her, land there, rescue her, and plant a couple of these things in the H-fuel tanks. Once we're away, we'll be posed to destroy a GMG base, which should motivate them to stop trying to obliterate the Junkers long enough for peace talks."

Jen shook her head. "You've overlooked one thing, Mark. Any GMG prison is bound to be guarded. How do you propose to even get a ship IN, let alone blast our way through the staff."

"That's where the Junkers come in. We'll need their help to occupy the GMG fighters' attention while we carry out the operation."

"And the station staff?"

"That's why they invented the Perforater."

Mark turned to Leion again. "I'm not going to lie. The operation will be very dangerous. Then again, we're freelancers - danger is our business."

Post Tue Sep 21, 2004 9:04 am

Name: James Taylor
Faction: Freelancer
Ship: FCT Swift
Location: 10 k from yanagi

James wondered what was going on. On his trip though the nebula (Going around the volitale gas fields) he had come across the GMG gas mining aray. What was stanrange was the fact that it had a new section that looked remarkebly like a prision. His sensers had aslo picked up armored transporst shipping what appeared to be prisoners to the aray.

He was by now really wishing he knew what was going on. As he sat in the bar of his cargo train wondering why he hadn't even bothered to get an A.I. an alert sounded.

James rushed to the bridge just in time to see a defenders wing smack right into his ship.
"What the?!" james questioned.

It seemed there had been a large battle here very resently. He dicided to see if anyone on yanagi could help repair is ship or tell him what was going on......

Post Tue Sep 21, 2004 1:11 pm

name; "Blood Dragon Trader 101" Seluka
ship; "T-sungo" kusari dragon
faction; Blood Dragons
location; formed up with Michael Shaffer

"i hope that we don't run into a hostile group... my ship is low on hull and low on power for the weaps, my ship toke a lot off damage against corsairs..." said Seluka over the group channel.

Legion of Fury (Clan Leader Seluka)
Blood Razors (Squad Leader Seluka)
POTC-member (Pirate WarThog)

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