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RPG - Sigma Systems

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Fri Sep 24, 2004 4:46 am

Leion Xing/Freelancer/8500/Dagger/Yagani Base
Amy Ferngate/Freelancer/0/None/Unknowen

Amy was moving down a hallway looking for the command room so she could send a signal to Leion. She had used the sleeping pills in the bottle of wine and pretended to be asleep. Thus hoping that the guards would drink the wine and fall asleep. Luckly for her it had worked. Amy was now sneeking to the command room.

She rounded a corner to see two guards talking.
"Have you talked to that Ferngate chick yet."
"I was going to do that right now"
"You better. The boss is looking a bit mad."
"Ok see you later."
"Bye Paul"

The one named Paul was heading to the prison block while he other one was coming Amy's way.
"Perfect" She thought
The guard rounded the corner....
For Amy to tackle him to the ground.
"Hello" she said calmy "Now let me get this straght. I'm going to give you some qustions and if you don't answer them then I'm goin to do this"
She put her foot on his Adams apple and began to had persure.
He began to whither in pain.
"And the same will happen if you try to signal someone. Now where is the command room."
"Down the hall on your left"
"Good. Now were do you keep the equipment you get from the prisoners."
"In the room next to the command room"
"Nice. Where the hell is this base?"
"Sigma 13. It has a mirror coating so it's very difficalt to see. It even has the most advance jamming devices to make it impossable for rader to find it."
"Good. Thanks"

Amy hit him over the head and went over to the equipment room and got her pulse blasters and Neural Net. Then she when to the front door of the command room. Got her weapons ready and stromed the room.

When she entered there were two guards and 3 techs.
She raised her pulse blasters and let them rip.
The guys in the room didn't stand a chance.
Being cought off guard the guys in the room got nailed by Amy's rapid firing pulse guns.
"Time to get to work" She said finaly in control.
And with that she locked the doors behind her.

"We can still use these bombs" Leion said picking up the bomb Mark had put on the table. "But there is still the fact that the GMG won't let us on there base. They will lock the docking bays and that means that the only way on the base is if we blow them open."
"He has a point there Mark" Jen chimed
"It doesn't mean that the plan is not going to work it just means that we need to steal a train. And that is almost impossable due to the new security that have being put in place.
Just then Leion's Nerual Net beeped.
"Leion. It's Amy" came her voice
Leion almost jumped out of his seat knocking over his coke and giving Mark and Jen a fright.
"Amy where are you? Are you hurt? Have the GMG done anything to you? Are you-
"Relax Leion I'm ok. I'm mangaed to excaped my cell but have no ship to get off here. I'm in a new base that the GMG have made in Sigma 13 it has a mirror coating and advance jaming deicves so it's practacly impossable to find."
"Can you send me a location."
"Yes but it won't last long"
"Ok Mark and I are on the way"
The two Freelancers raced from the bar and to their semi repaired ships

(Note: Good to see you Omega Chief. Nice to have another good writer on this tread)
I don't suffer from insainty,I
enjoy every bit of it.

Edited by - Comd. Lynch on 9/24/2004 5:58:02 AM

Post Fri Sep 24, 2004 6:22 am

Name: Mark Hannis
Ship: Modifed Liberty Defender "Gilus"
Faction: Freelancer
Location: Yanagi Depot, Sigma-13

Mark leapt into the cockpit and set his hands to the controls.

"Iniatiating launch sequence."

Blue lights scattered over the console as Jen scanned the ship's systems.

"Life support on-line. Power core is functioning and stable. Primary engines are operational. Thrusters and cruise-engines have been scanned and are standing by for activation. Navigation scanned, no bugs found. All weapons operating at peak efficiency. Shields at maximum capacity. Pre-Launch Check complete, all systems go."

"Yanagi Depot, this is Freelancer Gamma 1-1, I'm requesting permission to launch."

"Granted Freelancer Gamma 1-1, you are cleared for launch. Good luck out there."

The Gilus rocketed from the hangar alongside Leion's Stiletto. Both pilots activated cruise engines and began soaring towards the co-ordinates Amy had sent.

"Normally, I would choose this point to realize that we have no way of getting in if the GMG locks the hangar doors, but fortunately we have a trump card. Since your girlfriend's in the base's command center, she should be able to override any electronic systems. She'll hold the door open for us long enough for us to land. After we get here out, well... we'll deal with that problem when we get to it."

Both ships continued flying deeper into the Sigma-13 cloud.

Post Fri Sep 24, 2004 12:05 pm


is the paul you refer to me ?

Post Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:21 pm

Otherwise, I might just tweak your post myself

Sorry to disturb the story here but just how do u plan on enforcing this solar pilot ur no moderator

Post Fri Sep 24, 2004 3:07 pm


We wont, we secured ourselves in a broadcast bubble, no engine signatures or radio transmisiions are going out except the ones I authorize. the only way any hostile group will find us is with visual confirmation

Post Fri Sep 24, 2004 11:54 pm

Leion Xing/Freelancer/8500/Dagger/Sigma 13
Amy Ferngate/Freelancer/0/None/GMG Prison Ship Sigma 13

"Bloody hell that would be right" Yelled Leion
"Whats the matter"
"The grease boys were to busy fixing your ship that they only did a little bit on mine" he replied angrly
"Whats your Daggers situation?" Jen asked
"Left wing is smoking badly. Have no missles left so I'm using my magma Hammers MKIII. Autopilot is offline and to top it off Hull is at 20% and I have no bots or bats"
"That's not good" Mark quoted
"Any way I have a plan ready" Leion said "What we'll do is attack the base from above. That is usally where there are least turruts then you two will draw the GMG's fire while I dock. While inside I will plant the bombs get Amy and hightail it out of there"
"How do plan on getting Amy out of there. She will have to steal a GMG ship."
"I have a another seat in my Dagger"
"And Jen"
"Yes" the AI asked
"Amy might have troble hacking into the base systems so you might have to help her out any way you can"
And with that the two ships got ready to attack the base

(Note: Yes that is you but you walk of to the cell block.
And everyone my ship is a modded dagger)

I don't suffer from insainty,I
enjoy every bit of it.

Post Sat Sep 25, 2004 3:48 pm

i already launchd !!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been attacking a station 10k away

Post Sun Sep 26, 2004 7:47 am

Name: Mark Hannis
Ship: Modified Liberty Defender "Gilus"
Faction: Freelancer
Location: Sigma-13, Near GMG Prison Ship

"You got it, Leion. Jen's already into the ship's systems..."

"And what lovely, archaic, way-too-easy-to-hack systems they are."

" I was saying, she's gained control over most of the ship's functions, except for turret control and thrusters. Those seem to be manual only. She'll get the hangar door open for you while I distract the fighters."

The two ships descended towards the prison ship. As they neared it, an alarm sounded.

"I thought you turned off the proximity alerts!"

"I did! They must have had a sentry!"

A wing of GMG fighters launched from the docking bays as Leion steered towards an open hangar on the forward part of the ship. Mark looked to starboard: five or six Hawks, all flying towards the nearest threat. Him.

"Jen, set turret to automatic. Leion, hurry up and get in there. I'm going to try to hold these six off. Good luck."

Mark pulled off towards the incoming fighters, and let loose a missile barrage.

Post Sun Sep 26, 2004 8:33 pm

Leion Xing/Freelancer/8500/Dagger/GMG Prison Ship
Amy Ferngate/Freelancer/0/None/GMG Prison Ship

"Mark. I'm in" Leion said run down a hall with a Librity Laser Rifle MKIII in his hands.
"Hurry up. I won't be able to hold them off for ever"
"Roger" He said "Amy where are you?"
"In the weapon storage room same floor that your on"
"Right. Come babe" he said looking at the base map that Jen had given him.
Leion turned around to be confronted by 5 guards.
"Open fire" one of them cried
Laser started flying past Leion as he returned fire while running down the corrador looking for the door that lead to the room that Amy was waiting in.
Leion took a left at the end of the corrador and......
Found weapon storage room.
Leion opened the door and sore Amy stocking up on ammo.
Leion ran over to her gave her a kiss then start to stock up on ammo and explosives as well.
"How are we getting out of here?"
"My Dagger"
"Good then let's get out of here"
"I thought we would be able to blow up this place first" Leion said smiling at Amy

I don't suffer from insainty,I
enjoy every bit of it.

Post Tue Sep 28, 2004 8:42 am

Name: Mark Hannis
Ship: Modified Liberty Defender "Gilus"
Faction: Freelancer
Location: Sigma-13, Near GMG Prison Ship

Mark dodged away from another shot, coming about and opening fire. The battle above the prison ship had been going on for some time now, and so far neither Mark nor the GMG fighters had managed to down the others' shields. Still, with so many fighters on his tail, the mercenary wasn't sure how long he could hold out. The turrets on the prison ship weren't helping, either.

"I told you..." Jen complained, "I'm working on the turrets. The staff have hard-disconnected them. Unless I can find a nano-foundry or robot, there's nothing I can do!"

"A security system the great Genesis AI can't handle. Go figure."

"Shut up, you're wasting my CPU cycles!"

Mark came about and opened fire on a fighter directly behind him. This time the blasts cleared the enemy shields, and the fighter went down in a blaze before the pilot could pull off.

"Got one!"

"Good news. Leion's located Amy, and they're proceeding to Phase 2."

"Good. We just have to hold them..."

Suddenly, the Gilus's com crackled - an intercepted transmission, coming from the prison ship.

"Attention, this is Prison Ship Tukira... we are under attack... enemy troops have boarded the ship... we are requesting immediate assistance..."

Mark looked on - there was no way he could stop the Tukira's distress call. As the captain finished his transmission, Mark turned to his comlink.

"Leion, hurry up. We're gonna have company real soon!

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