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RPG - Sigma Systems

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Tue Sep 14, 2004 10:01 pm

Name: Hans Kruger
Ship: Drone
Location: sigma-13
Faction: Junkers
Credits: 600000

While en route to Yanagi, Hans saw some junkers and two freelancers fighting off several GMG ships. Seeing his fellow junkers under attack was enough to make Hans decide what he should do

" This is Junkers Zeta 4, It seems like you could use some back up"

With that, Hans' Drone turned and entered the fray, firing off a hail load of barragers into a hawk and dropping a seeker mine behind him

Post Wed Sep 15, 2004 3:48 pm

The junker ships and my allies were dieing every minute. We were winning but the 2 freelancer's continued to kill GMG ship after ship. Finally, 16 GMG ships , the 2 Freelancer's , and 3 Junkers remained.

OFF topic I doubt I can kill you by the rules but if you have ever seen GMG and Junkers fight Junkers get owned so ...

Post Wed Sep 15, 2004 7:36 pm

Michael Shaeffer
Some Amount of credits.

The GMG Leaders themselves presented him with a brand new FALCON Outloaded with there signature Skyblast A's and B's! No miles on it at all. They brought it in a freighter. Told me to shoot the lock off and stand back

shhhhhhhhhwam!!! as it hit the station floor. I was in awe. I couldnt thank them enough. An Eagle is a fighter with maxed power rating but noone would be able to outrun this at maneuvering. I took out my patrol Zeta 19 for another round. They all agreed it was very good

And so it came to pass that Michael got his Falcon. And there was much rejoicing.


Oh Yeah!

(I love that family guy shirt

Post Thu Sep 16, 2004 9:06 am

New to these forums, but not to Freelancer or forum rp, so I'll just jump in if I can.

Name: Mark Hannis
Ship: Liberty Defender
Ship Name: The Gilus
Location: Sigma 13, near Frankfurt Jump Gate
Faction: Freelancer
Occupation: Mercenary
Credits: 507,821 (I'm a merc, it's important how much money I have...)

Mark switched on active scanning and leaned back into his cockpit seat. After a long, harrowing flight, he had finally arrived.

He had been on a Bretonian government contract, hunting down Mollys in New London, when the news came out about the growing tensions in the Sigma cluster. He had watched the report with a smile on his lips - a GMG alliance with Kusari, increasing Rheinland/GMG enmity, and what, despite the comments of the GMG masters, was undoubtedly the start of a war between the guild and the Junkers. There hadn't been a chance to make this much money since the Rheinland Offensive.

"Active scanning complete, Hannis. You want the info now, or should I give you a backrub first?"

Mark turned to the source of the voice - the Gilus's AI, Jen. "I asked for scans, not sarcasm. What we got?"

Jen's holographic image glared at him, but started talking anyways. "The dust cloud isn't helping much, but from what I can tell, there's some heavy energy emissions in the vicinity of Yanagi. Looks like some kind of skirmish."

"Then let's see if we can't win us a contract."

Post Thu Sep 16, 2004 11:40 am

Name; Seluka
Ship; "T-sungo" Kusari Dragon
Location; Lost in Sigma-13
faction; Blood Dragons
Credits; doesn't matter right now

Seluka is lost, but don't know where, don't know what system he is in also... totaly lost...

hostorical event off Seluka in Sigma-13, who was heading to Gasminer Naha
Seluka flew away from Kyoto and headed to the sigma-13 jump hole, after the jump he jumped into a group off corsairs who started to shoot inmediate. Seluka shooted back and the fight collapsed into a small battle with some outcast also with it.

T-sungo got some damage, but also some needable sensors don't works anymore... Seluka thought he knew the way, but he was already lost before he knew the way back... the fight was to long... the swap around was not good for orientation around to know now exactly where he is...
No observation points around... no wrecks who are nearby, nothing...

no other ships off some faction also, all outcasts where destroyed by corsair and the lefted corsairs destroyed by Seluka...

Legion of Fury (Clan Leader Seluka)
RIP-member (DragonBreath)
Blood Razors (Squad Leader)
POTC-member (Pirate WarThog)

Post Thu Sep 16, 2004 8:54 pm

Zeta 19 happened to come across an unknown ship in the sigma 13 gas cloud.
"Unknownblood dragon ship identify yourself. This is GMG patrol Zeta 19 Leader. You will not be destroyed we just need your designation."

Post Fri Sep 17, 2004 4:24 pm

Name: Mark Hannis
Ship: The Gilus (Liberty Defender)
Faction: Freelancer
Location: Edge of the Yanagi Pocket, Sigma-13

The Gilus closed in with cruise engines burning, flying past the debris that filled the gap in the gas cloud.

"That's a lot of metal. No wonder the Junkers set up shop here."

Mark looked in awe at the ships around them. The 80-Years War hadn't happened all that long ago, but these ships still seemed ancient, fossils of another time - the remains of a mighty Rheinland armada.

"Note to self, don't piss off the GMG."

And then he saw it - a blazing skirmish between twenty or so ships.

"Jen, what's going on?"

"ISC indicates sixteen GMG fighters, three Junkers, and two Freelancers."

"Freelancers? What's their marker?"

"Background checks complete. Pilots are Leion Xing and Amy Ferngate. Their latest contract is with the Junkers. Details are classified. It pays well, though. Very well."

"Then let's get down there and perform some heroics."

"Didn't you just make a mental note not to piss off the GMG?"

"Since when did I ever take my own advice?"

The Gilus went into a dive, speeding towards the enemy. Mark brought the guns up and trained them on one of the guild fighters. He pulled back on the trigger, and four beams lanced out of the Gilus's cannons. The first two ripped through the shields, and the second - tachyon waves - turned the thing into a smoldering wreck. Mark arced upwards, and switched control of the turret over to Jen.

(OOC: Before anyone argues, yes, I know a Defender shouldn't be able to do that; it's modified, okay?)

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 1:17 am

Name: Hans Kruger
Ship: Drone
Location: sigma-13
Faction: Junkers
Credits: 600000

The skirmish was going quite haywire, everyone shooting here and there. hans had to duck blast from the GMG every now and then. The barragers were doing their work quite well though. Now a modified Defender had joined in the fight.

" May I suggest we get ot of here, I know a route that goes to Yanagi via a RSE route. The GMG shouldnt be able to follow us" He said over the pirvate channels

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 4:19 am

Leion Xing/Freelancer/8500/Dagger/Sigma 13
Amy Ferngate/Freelancer/30000/Legionare/Sigma 13

"Leion I'm picking up another blip on my rader" Amy said loudly over the noises in her cockpit. "They're flying a modified Defender"
"I know him" Leion replied destroying another Falcon "We worked on assignment together in Librity hunting for a hidden Rogue Base. His name is Mark Hannis"
Just then Mark blasted a Hawk that was attacking Amy and went on attacking another GMG fighter.
"You still like trying to be the hero do you Mark"
"You bet"

Leion lined up a GMG fighter and let his Vengance MIII tear it to peaces.
"Leion I need help my ship is going to AHHHHHHHHHH.................
Leion looked around to find a escape pod get lanched out of Amy's Legionare.....

(OCC: Amy is a non killable person. I repeat. Amy is a non killable person. And Arilies don't worry about your defender my Dagger carries two Vengance mkIII and two moonstakers so don't worry)

I don't suffer from insainty,I
enjoy every bit of it.

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 10:04 am

Mark pulled the Gilus into a curve as a GMG missile seared towards him. "Gotten yourself into trouble again, have you Leion? Let's see if I can help out."

Another Hawk turned towards Amy's escape pod - an easy mark. Mark lined up the Gilus and hit the afterburners.

The ship shot forward, hurtling past the debris towards the GMG fighter. As he closed to point blank range, he flipped open the cover on one of the controls.

"Guild fighter, I'd like to introduce you to my good friend overkill."

He fired the torpedo.

The Gilus spun underneath the Hawk as the torpedo exploded, taking the GMG fighter with it.

"Are you CRAZY?" Jen shouted, "We barely cleared that explosion in time! Shields are at five percent!"

"You're... kidding, right?"


"Damn. Take evasive action. Leion, I've got to recharge my shields. I'll be as active as I can, but if these things go down this armor won't last more than five seconds."

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 11:24 am

One of the last 3 Junkers flew right thru my sights instantly I opened up spraying it's hull with deadly fire 2 seconds later the ship exploded

The remaining Junkers started to flee

I then saw that the defender barely had any shield left so I attacked i opened fire on it and dropped the shields and then proceeded to shoot 1 wing off.

OOC somone tractor amy an maybe the other freelancers and the Defenders should run away and launch ccm's as they go

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 2:30 pm

Name; Seluka
Ship; "T-sungo" Kusari Dragon
Location; Lost in Sigma-13
faction; Blood Dragons
Credits; - unknown -

Seluka answered back; "this is blood dragon trader 101, ship ID 'T-sungo'. my scanners don't work anymore and i'm lost."

Legion of Fury (Clan Leader Seluka)
Blood Razors (Squad Leader Seluka)
POTC-member (Pirate WarThog)

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 4:16 pm

Hans was still fighting in the Sigma 13, the junkers had retreated leaving him the only junker left. He saw the modified defenfer got a wing blown off. So he proceeded to line up behind the ship that blown the wing off and proceeded to blow off the sheild with his barragers.

" The drone wont last long this way...." he thought.

Just then, another wing of junkers flew into the battle." Back up has arrived" said the leader. A lot of CSV entered the coombat

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 8:02 pm

Michael Shaffer

"blood dragon trader 101, form up we will take you to a base of your choice for repairs in this system."

Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 11:27 pm

Leion Xing/Freelancer/8500/Dagger/Sigma 13
Amy Ferngate/Freelancer/30000/Pod/sigma 13

"Mark get out of here your not goin' to last much longer, and while your at it get Amy" Leion said as one of his wing came alight
"Can't, tractor beam is off line" came Mark's desprate reply along with "Your a damn crazy moron Mark" in the background from Jen
"F*CK" Leion yelled. His Dagger had no room in the cargo bay as Leion had a weapon core and sheild core in there to help him to servie in the sigma system.
And to top it off a GMG hawk ( tracker Amy's pods and started his cruise engenes.

I don't suffer from insainty,I
enjoy every bit of it.

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