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Inverting the mouse..

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Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:51 pm

You know, I have been very reasonable about this but people like Grimm make it hard.

"I can't do this so it must SUCK and I don't want to do it anyway..." argument.

No where in here did I see someone say it sucked. What I specifically said was DA made a design choice and as such, I will be voting on it by not buying their game. That is my right. Now, you facist "IF DA DID IT IT MUST BE RIGHT" come in here and flame because how could ANYONE have a problem with this game right? That is you Grimm, just because YOU are happy doesn't mean we all have to be happy. No one is asking for them to change YOUR game, we are asking for the OPTION to play the game. That is it. Is that too much to ask?

Oh and it goes beyond the joystick. I never once mentioned joystick control. I have inverted my mouse in games since Duke Nukem. It makes sense. Now DA comes along and said there is only ONE way to do it. Fine, but I won't be playing it until they offer another way.

But again I say, it is blatently obvious Chris Roberts is gone.

Edited by - Backwards Mouse on 26-02-2003 16:52:16

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:53 pm the solution is to add joystick support disguised as mouse controls.

I pity you Grimm, you are a miserable human being and I use human being in it's broadest sense.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:54 pm

no one flamed you yet, but after that last comment, im sure youll start getting em.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:55 pm

Dragoro and others,

What you don't seem to grasp is that people who play with an inverted mouse don't want a fixed rectile... they don't want some way to have inverted steering and non-inverted rectile control... they want the inverted feature on both ship steering AND the recticle!!! How hard is that to understand, bro? Let me break it down for you one more time- I want to control the game EXACTLY the way you do, but with the y-axis flipped. Simple as that... It would have been so easy for DA to flip the y-axis for those that wanted this feature, and I cannot understand why they don't have this config option.

Again, there would be absolutely no problem in playing the game if nothing else was changed but inverting the y-axis during flight.... When you push the mouse foward and to the right, you want the rectile to go to the top right corner of the screen... When I push the mouse foward and to the right, I want that rectile to go to the bottom right corner of the screen. Stop incorrectly assuming that we would want to control the rectile the way you do- we want BOTH the rectile control and flight control inverted.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:02 pm

but hey that is impossible :rolleyes:

it won´t work, da testet it, with lots of betas, that where nearly as usefull as the sl betas

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:05 pm

Brother Grimm,

Inverting the mouse has nothing to do with a joystick... I have NEVER had a joystick on my computer, and will probably never have one. Like others that have mentioned before, it MAKES SENSE to us that when you push foward with the mouse in a 3D world, the gun, recticle, ship steering, etc. noses down. I can accept that there are people out there that are comfortable with a non-inverted setup, what I can't understand is why you narrow minded ***** can't deal with the fact there is a good portion of gamers that play using the mouse being inverted... or be like you (even more of a moron) and try to make this issue about joysticks, when it has absolutely nothing to do with them.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:21 pm

I agree with Eddie P, this has nothing to do with joysticks. The inverted y axis is more intuitive to me when in the space portion of this game. I can understand getting up in arms about this if it were a joystick debate, but why all the static over simply inverting the mouse controls? Some people claim it would be impossible but I don't see it after playing the demo for a while.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:27 pm

How can you compare an FPS to this with a straight face? In an FPS you SHOOT at the center of the screen, this is not the case here. It's a fundimental difference that you seem to want to ignore. Saying "you may have a point" and then calling it a "design flaw"? Is there a particular reason you can't just type, "Oh, I didn't think of that....maybe I didn't think this through very well".

All I'm saying is that you are

A) Asking for a function that will NOT help you play the game better, but frustrate you even more.

Asking for a fundimental change in the controls that will turn it into a joystick control system....what I think we both know you really wanted from the start.

C) Yes, adding an INVERT MOUSE and LOCK GUNS option would allow you to fly like you want, but I think you would find that without full screen targeting, you would be at a great disadvantage in combat. And besides, that turns it INTO a joystick controlled game. Maybe that's what you really wanted to ask for and just didn't realize it?

BTW, calling me names or making arm-chair psych evaluations won't shut me up or make me back down. Give me solid arguments and I'll be the first to admit when I'm wrong. Otherwise, it's just obvious you are trying to divert the issue.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:44 pm

Brother Grimm,

I say it one more time, as it appears you're a little slow... I don't want a fixed rectile. Please read, re-read, etc., my previous post... maybe someday (after you finish the 4th grade, perhaps?) you'll get it.

I want full screen targeting WHICH IS INVERTED ON THE y-axis, just like everyone else that plays with a inverted mouse. I DON'T want a locked rectile - i.e., I would be perfectly at home playing it EXACTLY like you, except with an inverted y-axis. Only frustration here is having simpletons like you tell me how I should play a game.

There are plenty of games that have vehicle control which allow inverted steering and an UNLOCKED rectile. C&C Renegade gave you the option to invert the recticle control with full screen targeting... guess what? Worked great for me, and anyone else that uses an inverted mouse. Freelancer is no different.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:58 pm

EddieP, it appears that your actually the one thats " a little slow" since you cant seem to realize that inverted mouse is impossible in this game.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:59 pm

Why on earth is there a fight about such a thing, people calling eachother names over their preference of controlling a game?

Bottom line is .. Some prefer inverted, some do not... who cares which makes more sense to YOU .. it makes sense to YOU because that is what YOU prefer and what YOU use .. it may not be what **I** use and what makes sense to **ME** .. whos right? neither.. it's preference

the bad thing is that those who prefer inverted controls, don't even have the option .. and I don't think it's wise to say it's impossible, because other games have pulled it off ..

The funny thing is that if the controls were locked inverted, many of those same people who are telling the "inverted" crowd to quit whining, would suddenly whine ..

Edited by - riven1128 on 26-02-2003 18:01:07

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:10 pm

>EddieP, it appears that your actually the one thats " a little slow"
>since you cant seem to realize that inverted mouse is impossible
>in this game.

Tell me, then, *WHY* is it impossible? You have no problem playing the game with it not inverted, correct? I want to play it exactly like you, except with the y-axis inverted, like I have done in EVERY 3D game before this (be it a flight sim, FPS, etc... ). Why then is it impossible for me to play with the unlocked recticle inverted the way I'm use to it, but not impossible for you to play with the unlocked recticle not inverted? Did I suddenly wake up in a world full of idiots that can't seem to grasp simple logic?

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:15 pm

Eddie go play the game and pay attention to how the mouse works controlling the weapons and ship. Then decide if you woke up in a world full of idiots or if your the idiot. Its been explained many times in this thread why it is impossible to play with an inverted mouse.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:15 pm

I still don't quite see why you couldn't go to an inverted mouse control when you hit the space bar for free flight (or whatever it's called). Why do you have to lock the reticle?

I pull toward me on the mouse, the little red circle drifts toward the top of the screen and I start to go in that direction. When I enter combat, it's the same. Why can't this be an option for people? Then when you hit the space bar, it's like moving a mouse again in your OS.

As for comparing Freelancer to a FPS, I don't think that's a terrible comparison. It's not 100% accurate, the aiming is different because the guns in Freelancer move, but both use a mouse to help control action in a 3d space. If it really is impossible to implement, then fine, but if not, why does anyone care if I would exercise the option to invert the mouse for my control scheme?

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:42 pm

Below is your explaination of why it is impossible... I completely understand what you are saying, but as stated in my above post, you are 100% wrong in your arguement's assumtions. You are incorrectly assuming that someone using an inverted mouse does not aim the say way they would steer. I don't know what to say, except that if you haven't got it by now, chances are you'll never get it. I'll try again to get through to you: I aim the same way I steer the ship. So does anyone else who uses an inverted mouse. If I am going after an enemy ship, my steering/aim don't go in two differnt directions like you claim, THEY ARE BOTH INVERTED. Many, many games have allowed inverted flight with an unlocked crosshair... nothing new by any means. Go download something like the Commanche 3 demo and see for yourself.

>theres a very big reason that theres no invert.
>Your mouse controls both the guns and ship at
>the same time, if your mouse was inverted, you
>would have to >push up to go down after the ship
>your chasing, Which means your guns would be
>pointed away from your target. All you people tellin
>the people that they need to "think" before they
>post have A: not played the game or B: not thought
>about what your tryin to argue.

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