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Inverting the mouse..

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Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:56 am

Wrong! In a first person shooter you move around directly, whereas you control a mouse pointer in Freelancer. How does your mouse pointer work in Windows? Up = Down? Don't think so.

If I play abit arround with the config you can be damn sure that I can make it work up = down, thats no big deal. Are you saying da coders are less competent than any hobby coder
its just negating the axis ffs, no problem at all.

Supporter and Founder of the :p for smilies Campange

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Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:00 am

inverted mouse's are for people who cant figure out the original way to fly.

-Nuff Said-
-Hell is only a place you visit when your not living, thats why when you meet me your in hell-

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:01 am

This is the type of person I was referring to - intolerant.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:05 am

how could you WANT to fly the other would you target while you flew?

How? Simple physics. There is a right and a wrong way for things in a 3d world (aka the real world or aka freelancer). The physics say to move a ship/plane down, you pitch the nose forward. To move up, you pull the nose back. So in that vein, to pull the nose up, you pull back on the controls and vice versa. It is counter-intuitive to do the opposite.

It is unfortunate that a DA 'desigin choice' has basically made the game unplayable for me. But it was their choice, they wanted a game 'for the masses' or something or other. Well I know 9 in the mass that won't be buying.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:53 am

This isn't really tolerant either. There are basically two schools of thought on the mouse's y-axis. There is no reason why both options shouldn't be available - none.

Edited by - Vagabond on 26-02-2003 13:48:06

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:34 am

theres a very big reason that theres no invert. Your mouse controls both the guns and ship at the same time, if your mouse was inverted, you would have to push up to go down after the ship your chasing, Which means your guns would be pointed away from your target. All you people tellin the people that they need to "think" before they post have A: not played the game or B: not thought about what your tryin to argue.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 7:47 am

It wouldn't be that hard, just fix it so that whenever the mouse is inverted there is a crosshair instead of an arrow. You move the mouse forward, the crosshair goes down. You move it backward, it goes up. No reason why DA couldn't have done it like that.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 7:47 am

For me Its not like I WANT to start. Its just that thats the way I have been Playing so if is funny. I am used to it now, but its still annoying.

I used to hate weddings; all the Grandmas would poke me and say, "You're next sonny!" They stopped doing that when i started to do it to them at funerals.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 7:53 am

You cant do that ckelite, ya got to be able to control your ship and guns at same time.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 8:16 am

The problem is that you are thinking of the mouse as a pseudo-joystick.

Instead think of it in the sense of you direct where the ship needs to turn, (speaking in 3 dimensions here) and your ship turns towards it.

Consider it more like controlling windows than handling a joystick.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 8:19 am

I suppose if you're vocal enough, DA will release a patch, I can't imagine it would be too hard to invert mouse control.

As far as implementing a joystick: no way no how :\

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 8:25 am

I've been waiting for this game for a long time, but I guarantee I won't even consider buying it until an invert option has been provided. It's just inexcusable to not be flexible on this. And it would be simple to invert only while in mouse-controlled flight mode. It's all a matter of how you're used to navigating 3d space. It's not some crazy joystick fixation!

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:25 am

I think the invert option is simply impossible. I think Dragoro and some others tried to explain, and I don't want to be part of the Mouse Nazis, but let me try to explain?

Normal mouse style (FPS, Windows):

This is currently used in Freelancer. We've all heard that FL is unique in its controls. Ok, here goes: say, hostile is above you. In order to engage, you push the mouse away. Your targeting reticle (controlling turrets) slides to approach the hostile, and your ship FOLLOWS.

Inverted mouse style: I used this in WC2 (shuddup, I didn't have a js back then )

Now I get what you mean: you want that "Up" is triggered by moving the mouse closer to you. But listen: this works only when that targeting reticle is co-axial with your ship (as in FIXED on the centre of your HUD, like in WC2). This is not the case in FL. FL uses free-floating reticle to control the movements of the turrets.

Can you really imagine trying to target an enemy that is above you, while actually pulling the mouse towards you?

I hope this helps

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 12:01 pm

I dont ususally suufer to involve myself in these types of debates but I really don't see whats peoples problems are here.
Fear factor has the right of it. Only if hte reticlue was fixed as in an FPS shooter like counter strike (and yes i play CS a lot) would inverted mouse work effectively.Yes I guess they could have doen this but chose not to.
And yes both arguments are valid to a degree but how about a little facing up to the facts. After playing the demo and being a j/s person thru the wc series and starlancer etc it's really easy to follow what the makers intended ie point and click. It doesn't take rocket science to figure out its all about the 'moving' reticlue and all you are doing is moving it like a windows cursor to target guns and move towards any object with it.

Why do all these people have to cry 'i want i want i want' all the time? it just amazes me that people can't accept something for what it is and enjoy things with out nitpicking and taking things so apart that it takes away the enjoyment factor for everyone else.

And yes I do sympathise with the moderators of this forum when they lock these threads for being so repitious because the arguement's get petty and to no purpose.

just my 2 cents

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 12:18 pm

Weird. Ever since Jedi Knight, I've been playing all my FPSes (Quake 2 & 3, RTCW, Heretic 2, Unreal, UT, Serious Sam 1&2, Duke 3D, etc. etc.... man , must have been dozens) with an inverted mouse, and oddly , I had no problems whatsoever with Freelancer's non-invertability.

Maybe this is because I approached FL's control scheme with no expectations whatsoever. I neither assumed to it to be like an FPS , nor like playing Wing Commander with a mouse. I took it for what it is, and entire new control scheme, and it felt natural with me after a few seconds.

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