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Freelancer: Evolutions 1.27

Here you can find news, get help and comment about all the Mods for Freelancer created by Pathfinder Studios, such as the ?Evolutions Mod?

Post Sat Dec 27, 2003 8:22 pm

Mission 3 impossible? Hmm.. I wouldn`t say. I`ve progressed to the section where we are fighting outside the Archeology dig, which I`m sure are a few more missions later. Only now it feels tougher...

I should mention this is my first time playing Freelancer properly. I bought the game, checked out the mods and installed the best put together, most stable looking version, nothing stupid (like Uber-like weapons/ships at start) over the top. I did play it raw for about 4 missions before installing the mod. I kinda like it, although it is harder.

Tried the Addons mod but that kept crashing after mission 3 I think.

Post Mon Dec 29, 2003 5:16 pm

Hi Chips,

I´ve the following problem. I´ve played version 1.26 and haven´t found the Raven, the Phantom, the Valkyrie GTF, the Longsword and the Eagle Transport. Now I´m playing 1.27 and loaded my save game from 1.26 and also haven´t found these ships. I´ve docked at all regulary bases, I guess at all the bases you have made dockable and at the bases of your new systems except of the hidden base in swansea and except of Juneau shipyard in Guangxi (restricted?). Please can you tell me, where I can buy them, so that I can check, if the mod is correctly installed (maybe per mail, if you don´t want to put it in here).

Another problem is, that I can´t buy (or sell) something on Trafalgar. Only the ship dealer works (vers. 1.27).



Edited by - starwalker on 30-12-2003 13:02:32

Post Mon Dec 29, 2003 8:53 pm

Hey Abacus, i got me a titan, finally racked up enough money to upgrade it to the max; and let me tell u its a BEAST!!!!! I can now take down any ship/group of ships in the game ! Check out supernova torp launcher; very nice vs bships! Oh, and check out the junker's base in New London; they sell crazy class 10 shield w/ 125000 points of shield!!!!! I now go and smash bounty hunter fleets; 8+ hammerheads at once, fun, fun, fun!! You should try it!!!! oh, if you know where minefield maze is could u tell me? peace out!


Post Tue Dec 30, 2003 5:10 pm


Version 1.27

Bavaria system tends to crash the game and I get a program not responding message and my CPU usage jumps to 94%. <--- using opensp.

Post Tue Dec 30, 2003 8:06 pm

Heh, saber that sounds pritty dope, I will have to go try that out (especially that shield- 125000, thats just insane!) Ive been using the phantom and with 8 lv7 plasma cannons, new ones, cant remember who's RoF 4.00 with most of the damage of a regular plasma, in any case, I tacked on the Raven's powerplant and the thing, though not a tank, can dish it out like nuts. sadly I ended up taking it to the battlefield level guarded by the rhineland batt's ... the hessian sabers are so brutal it wasnt even funny so ya, Im gonna start lookin for a nice class 10 shield (3000 just doesnt cut it when the mines alone take of 1/2 of it!)

Post Wed Dec 31, 2003 12:25 am

You get crashes in bavaria? Hmm - strange, it was clean for me. Can you do me a favour ( i know its a REAL pain)

Try with the neutral save game from the downloads, or alternately, once landed somewhere in that system, save the game.

The deactivate the openSP thingy, and the move the save game file. Now load it up (wihtout openSP) and try the game again!


Whilst making this mod we had massive ccrashes in Bretonia that couldn't be explained at all. No idea what was going on, it was strange. So - we finally found that my co-tester wasn't crashing at all......strange.

Why did he not crash and i did??

I uninstalled, reinstalled, searched files, and finally we had a chat.

It turned out he used the neutral save game, whilst I used OpenSP.

I tried the neutral save game, and NEVER found the crash again.......till i tried OpenSP again.

Since then i didn't use OpenSP for about 3 months of making this. Now i use it, mainly as i just fly to systems to check stuff, then fly around a bit and fly out. However, i have still had crashes when launching from stations - in several systems. THinking of bugs i went and removed ALL NPCs from the system, Now nothing would appear that wasn't already there in the system(like only stationary objects, no NPC spawns - which cause 90% of crashes).

The game still crashed every 10 or so launches. Sounds bad but remember - NOTHIGN was there - NO change in between the 9 good launches and the 1 that caused the crash. Strange huh??? When nothing is different it can still crash?? So - once again - i wonder if FL itself has inherrent stability issues. Only way i can think of this is becuase NO-ONE else just launches, lands, launchs,lands for up to 20 times in a row at the same station within five mins. That was the only thing that could have caused this....

Location of that? It was in Bering. The freeport. Nothing around (no NPC's- so nothing can change inbetween the launches). Obviuosly everything else is okay or it would crashevery time......

KNow that aint much help - but basically - it could be OpenSP and it could just be the god darned game crashing itself. OF course - it could also be an error - i will test it too

Post Wed Dec 31, 2003 11:50 am

Chips this MOD rocks!

I've been playing for awhile and i have'nt noticed any bugs.

BTW thanks for the time you spent making it win98 compatiable I fully
appreciate it.

Post Wed Dec 31, 2003 12:43 pm

Abacus posted 12/26/2003 20:42 CET:

Munich junpgate takes you to nuremburg system..

Ok, that's a great tip - now where's the Munich jumpgate? LOL

Just finished the SP missions and cruising around looking for the new stuff. Been through every Rheinland system following a decreasing sprial pattern search and have found nothing.

Maybe just a small hint?

........maybe, maybe, huh, huh, huh?

Thanks for the mod!!!!

"Wait, I hear something.......COOLANT LEAK !!(booom)

Post Wed Dec 31, 2003 2:09 pm


Chips posted 12/21/2003 02:06 CET

ediburgh system.head past the planet with the luxury liner next to it. Now keep going past that, and you will see eventually a jumphole to tau31 i think it is. Carryon past that about 10k and you should then see the jumphole to swansea.

Covered pretty much every corner of that cloud at idle speed at the approximate position you mentioned.

Nada........only jumphole in that cloud is Tau 31.

Let me ask a silly question: Do the new solars for this mod show up on the NAV map or the HUD listing ALL?

Cause if it is supposed to, that doesn't happen either.

Running version Evol127 with FLMM, no other mods running.

Signed -- Merely

"Wait, I hear something.......COOLANT LEAK !!(booom)

Post Wed Dec 31, 2003 3:40 pm

To confess, your probs better off going to my site and asking on my forums.....reason is.....................I haven't really played my own mod that much to be honest. I literally test everything i make til i know its working - then hand it over to the testers to actaully do some hardcore testing upon. To be honest, Kirghiz would be the best person to tallk too......but i could give you the coords to the jumphole - which are sadly on my non internet computer (am using parents comp right now - so i cannot see my mod at all!!).

Will be another 2 days before i am back home, and then i can post the location.
I make my own OpenSP and start everywhere for testing with whatever i like and where-ever i like. That means i only ever go through new jumpholes twice - once each way. Once i know its working - i don'tt go through it again

Post Thu Jan 01, 2004 9:35 pm

I approve. If anyone HASN'T dled this mod yet...
Its great. Makes the game much more difficult, but not to a point where its impossible (Well for me atleast).
But an odd thing.....
I normally run freelancer at 1600x1200, everything maxed... etc... runs perfectly, never had any slowdown. But with this mod installed, when in the center of a battle (just a difficulty 1 mission) framerate dropped to about 10~20... forcing me to drop to 800x600 (!!!) with all graphics set to medium. Now 100 fps =D... but looks like crap.

Freelancer Software Development Kit

Post Fri Jan 02, 2004 8:38 am

Hey this Evolutions mod file off this website is corrupt. I would check your file.

Post Sat Jan 03, 2004 3:32 am

Hello ....

I use the Evolution Mod v1.27. It's a great mod and run very safe of my pc.
But i have two little problems, and hope anyone can give me an answer.

1.) Settings for the game
With ION Cross Freelancer Operator i had the chance to change the settings for all players. Maintenance the money and the factions of the NPC. But with the Evolution Mod the ICFO don't work correct. Is there any chance to configure the ground settings for player which create a new Character?

Why does i can't trade with informations FROM my neural-net? On many bases you can buy infos over Systems, Bases and jump holes, but you aren't able to do this too. If there any chance to mod this too?

Thanks for your answer.


Post Sat Jan 03, 2004 5:05 am

Not sure i understand forsetti - sorry (neural net part)

unfort i have never used ioncross at all - so dunno, but i was told that using FLDatastorm could help? Not sure about that one though.....

Post Sat Jan 03, 2004 9:04 am

Thanks Chips, for your answer.

I will try it with the Datastorm.

To the neural net:

It's so, that when we fly to any bases, automatically prices and
equipments listet in the neural net (as exampel the Navigationmap).
On many bases, if you go in the bar, you can buy Informations about
the positions from different objects ( the (i) symbol ) or informations
about a bases far away in the sirius sector.

But only a computer player/guest in the bar, can sell this informations to
you. It is not possible to sell the own informations about your neural net to any player. I think, thats any players, which have flight through the Sirius Sector would sells informations about jump holes or any systems to a player which ask about this.



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