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Freelancer: Evolutions 1.27

Here you can find news, get help and comment about all the Mods for Freelancer created by Pathfinder Studios, such as the ?Evolutions Mod?

Post Sat Dec 20, 2003 11:09 am

haven't been fiddling with random missions much yet. i will be moving onto that as soon as i complete this ids problem. It is going to take one HELL of a long time to put it mildly

Website: Pathfinderstudios

Contains all the latest on the Evolutions mod

Post Sat Dec 20, 2003 10:13 pm

Firebase - You got any more ships yet?

I need more ships captain - she cannie take no mooorreee

Post Sun Dec 21, 2003 12:38 am

Chips, I downloaded your latest MOD and got no names. However, since I'm running ME I can probably guess why
Apart from the no names, this MOD rocks. I started a totally new game, and I've already spotted one of the new ships that I want to try out, when I get the cash... ah well...Keep making MODs Chips!

Post Sun Dec 21, 2003 1:17 am

Have been working my ass off on getting this thing IDS visible. Unfort it means that it will have put off the actual intended expansions of more weapons, more systems and more commodities for a while. Of course, there ARE more new ships that i will add, but i really do want decent ships, not just throw in everything and anything............

IDS transition is nearly half done............(nearly - after about 9hours work at least, only nearly half done!!!!)

Post Sun Dec 21, 2003 1:32 am

WHERE THE HELL IS SWANSEA???!!!! i have been through all the liberty systems, all the britonia systems, and all the omicorn and nomad systems, i still cant find the gate can u help me please?

Post Sun Dec 21, 2003 2:06 am

ediburgh system.head past the planet with the luxury liner next to it. Now keep going past that, and you will see eventually a jumphole to tau31 i think it is. Carryon past that about 10k and you should then see the jumphole to swansea. Beware though - its not for the faint of heart, or those that get fustrated easily either! lmao

Update on IDS situation!!

I have all systems done (as far as i know anyways!)
All ships names sorted
All weapons sorted (you know there were over 100+ weapons to do - lmao)
Scanners, tractors, armor, shields, thrusters
All commodities sorted.

Only leaves powerplants and engines for 54 ships, + the ten or so upgrades of each type. After that, all that remains is the 200+ names for characters on the bases.

There will be a loss of some little touches due to this though....i think.....such as the names of players in omicron alpha and gamma.

Post Sun Dec 21, 2003 2:34 am

Thanks man, love your mod, would like to help u iron out bugs and make new weapons and such, my email is [email protected] if our interested in the idea

Post Sun Dec 21, 2003 3:20 am

Stunning...just stunning.
...And a servant stood behind him in the chariot whispering," Remember, thou art mortal..."

Post Sun Dec 21, 2003 4:28 am


I'm in near completion of my ships, and i my made it compatible to your MOD. I got one problem thou. My base info system... somehow it didn't show any salable items in the base info window.

All I do for LOVE

Post Sun Dec 21, 2003 10:57 am

ohhh - as in for commodities? Nope - it doesn't in mine. However, fraid i am having to use TWO dll files (the ones in the mod ) as otherwise those with win98 and ME won't ever see the ids names. Have got through approx 400 for weapons and equipment, and about 600 for names at this rate. The infocards are okay though (for ships and everything else )

Post Sun Dec 21, 2003 12:06 pm

Hmm - its very sad when i hear someone was money hacking this mod on a server. You have to ask what the hell they are playing it for????????????

There are traderoutes that can make MILLIONS IN MINUTES if you have a dromedry. Go find a traderoute, profits are UP in this mod for good traderoutes - and i took time to construct a MONSTER traderoute that goes from manhatten to Berlin, to Kusari, to Bretonia, and to Manhatten again. It is a long one, takes about an hour, encompases half the map, and makes a total profit in a drom of about 2.2million i think it was. GO TRADE MONEY.

Never the less, after finishing with IDS, it seems some form of anticheat must arrive for us. SHAME IS ALL I CAN SAY.

Post Sun Dec 21, 2003 2:58 pm

Time to clear some things up here.

I made a mod.
I ask for bug reports

please DO NOT TELL ME ITS CAUSING YOU TO CRASH IN MP OR SP IF YOU ARE RUNNING A STACK OF MODS. I have now had two emails from people asking for help and to inform me that the mod causes crashes. The last thing they have both said was 'I am going to try turning off other mods too to see fi that helps' - let me get this straight.

you are turning on my mod, then activating a load of other mods as well afterwards, and expect me to sort out a bug?

The bug is that you have buggered the mod up by using lots of others too. Please stop this, as you might actually be the reason servers are starting to crash as well.


Post Sun Dec 21, 2003 5:44 pm

As it stands I dont think the AI needs much more tweeking, giveing the AI shield killing guns would be evil, that isnt to say they shouldnt be used, but within moderation (ALOT of moderation) my reasoning for this is the plight of vhf's Im finding that most of the normal vhf's (ok, the sabers and stilleto's <-yes its only a hv) can get owned badly by lighter stuff; currently my barricuda can take packs of ~3-4 stiletos/sabers with little difficulty (but send me starfliers and see me run)

2 things about ships, I finally found the raven, and man is that a nastly looking ship, that said I will definatly try it out cause its stats look rediculasly bi*chin, 50 cargo for a hv/vhf??? Crazyness I say!

also, my baby, the slipstream.. whom ever made it I love you! just, if possible, give it a matching paint job! streight dark green has next to no place in freelancer except for shading.

the cougar, hornet, and ghost look awasome

as for the phantom it seems very akin to the excalibur from WC3, that said, I MUST FLY IT!

(spoiler for those that dont want to know anything about ship stats)
Questions/Bugs: I found a referbished engine being sold at oder shipyard, I can buy it and equip it but I cant get rid of it or my original engine, I understand you dont want engine swaping between Lt and Hv fighters, but does this mean I gotta toss it into space or die with it unequiped?

also, on cap ships: if you can kill the jitter caused by armor hits it would make life little less stressful, because, to everything in the game, you are the 'the broadside of the barn' that they can not miss. I would think cap ships would be more stableised to standard weapon hits.

I just noticed that if I unmounted my Gunboat heavy gun, I could not remount it, it seems it counts as a 'turret' (as I can place it on a turret spot) and so will not fit back onto its level 10 'gun' mount.

also, are you sure a shield is out of the question? I know the big ships have caverous 600+ holds but after 1 engagment with 4 lightfighters my gunship limped home, barly with 2 bars of health left and a 37k repair bill. no matter what you do, leaving home is gonna cost you money in one of these things, which seems rather sad as a hv fighter can go through the game and with shield charges pay nothing in repairs.

This brings us to nanos. 100 is alot of repairs, BUT.. its also 20k which is going to take the entirety of your mission earnings in many cases to pay off, and after fighting 4 light fighters in a random encounter, I can see myself using every single one.. time to buy new turrets but sadly Im not loved enough by the military to buy them.

Another thing that would be nice if looked into is the camera zoom-in for turret view. Since turret view is kinda the point behind these tubs its not to helpful when all you have to aim with is the lead indicator while the rest of your view of the combat is blocked by your big-assed ship, sure it looks nice, but in the middle of a firefight I'd rather not be looking at MY ship

Is there no way to make capships effected only by torpedos? I mean a 10k shield with ~10k regneration would almost, and rightly so, make the capship immune to most single fighters (feel free to modify this number as Im sure 10k is a little over the edge but the idea of NEEDING to completely overpower the shields in 1-2 mega hits makes more sence than just having massive raw hp which the capship pilot will always have to pay for no matter what [I mean YOU are the one with the mega ship now its up to everyone else to match you, not to simply activate 'engine cut' (shelton slide for the WC3 peps ) roll around your biggness firing, emptying out their capacitors, moving off, launching a CD to keep you from going anywhere, wait to recharge, and then engage again, even if you spook them off with your big blind firing guns (what pritty windows I have, too bad I cant SEE through them! ) they still have hurt you light fighters are especially good at doing this which is just WRONG.

To make torpedos worth something make them do 15K shield damage (or enough to blow away shields in 1 hit) and say 50-100k hull damage so as to kill a gunship in 2-3 hits (bats would take obviously more), increase torpedo speed and manouverability to be able to match and catch capships, the light torp could just be a very very very heavy missile more effective against gunships than the really big stuff (you could say kill the gunship's hull to 50k from 100k and make the lighter torp do 10k to hull and the bigger one 50k.

Now if I may, I would like to make a brief rant about missiles.. OMG they are SO useless! I do not rank the Wasp CD as a missile as it actually IS effective! it hits! almost every time it HITS! the next to no warning bit is annoying but hell, but as long as your paying attention you can minimize its chances of hitting you by, A: not flying toward an nme in cruise!! Missiles are supposed to hit, more so than guns, thats why their launchers cost more than guns of their level and why you pay 500c a shot; its not for the refire people .

Now lets all look at these 'missiles' aka disposible money, 485c gets you a moonstalker, the launcher is ~14.5k at oder shipyard. this level 5 missile has the stats of a lv8 plasma cannon hit, its got longer range, an RoF of 1 (duh) and supposidly can turn, now to counter act this engange your afterburner and you didnt even need to buy that 50c exploding monkey wrench aka chaff pod. critical flaw? I think so. rule 1, the missle MUST always go faster than the target else its not a missle its exploding money. case and point with the slipstreem, 2x pirate adv trusters means its max burn is ~325, yes faster than cruise (spoiler) since every ship is capible of engine cut (shelton slide) (ss) it stand to reason as long as your not a transport you can accellerate to top speed, engage ss and watch the missle fall behind you; or you can combine this with TURNING and watch the missle get dizzy and leave.
RECOMENDATIONS: speed of any level 6+ missle =300+ with turrning accross the board at .75+ NO MISSILE should be slower than 250 (torpedos: 200 for Lt, and 160 for Hv);
Damage, since your paying for it, uping the kick would be nice especially if your starting players in hv fighters.
People should HAVE to use that little junk dropper for more than CDs. This said, GIVE THE POOR BASTARDS THAT DRIVE CAP SHIPS SOME KIND OF DECOY LAUNCHER (yes this will piss off torpedos but killing a capship is NOT supposed to be easy)!!
So far I have noticed that there are 2 things that missiles are somewhat good a hitting: stationary targets (like CAPSHIPS), and freighters. Now how hard is it to hit a frieghter or a cap ship with your guns? Ans: EASY!! (well most freighters anyway, Im sure there are some sneeky buggers out their that are scary freighter pilots *tips hat*) in any case missiles, as I have come to respect them, are for those nasty little buggers (Lt Fighters) that can dodge your shooting or are really really tank and need to be brought down a peg or five; ever played X-Wing, taken, ehem, an X-wing and on the last nme TIE Fighter in the mission, with your wingmen order to attack the little bastard, launched your remaining proton torps at it? I always smiled when the torps hit before either me or my wingmen. this is a bad, but fun, example of my conseption of the missile, in FL you can ignore them and there is still less than a 20% chance they will hit you (and even if they do, so what? [yes those that do 1k+ to either shield, hull, or both arent fun but how often are they worth their 1.5k price tag/ea?); in X-wing, someone shoots a missile at you, you pray, you turn, you target it, you shoot dodge like mad BUT YOU DONT DARE RUN. That little indicator flashing in the top left should mean impending doom/the sound of death itself saying, "hello my name's Death, what's yours?" you know it aint going anywhere good. CD's do this, but nuttin else does.
<end of rant>

Edited by - Abacus on 21-12-2003 19:37:51

Post Sun Dec 21, 2003 8:56 pm

okay - points taken about capship damage, its just that in the game they don't have shields. Thats all, not sure if it would be that popular. ALso - the gunships are a little weak, but the battleships - iwth their tracking and homing flak cannons can usually take out fighters quick smartish. Will do something for the gunship turrets then. Will make the main gun into a turret - otherwise VHF could mount the gun (notice that there are no level 10 turrest or 9 on ships? That is cause they are used for capships!!).

Missiles -they go at 130 now. Originally they went at 90. Ships flight speed was 70 admittedly, but now its 40 faster, or as fast as a light fighter.

Now add thrust - old missile scheme of the game could NEVER go faster than a fighter anyway. Just add 20 to speed and you were outdoing it already! lol.

Now i can make them go quicker - but that is it really. I can make them all turn better - but VHF will be at a disadvantage. Now i can make the ships all turn worse to compensate (right now if you slow your patroit from 130 to 70 you will find the same handling as it sued to have, its the added speed that has made it turn faster.....) Maybe i should do that? Or just turn down some of the other settings (strafe was also changed).

Basically though - VHF shouldn't be able to dodge missiles - they are too big and heavy - whereas LF should be able to dodge them easily. Now - with the speed of LF they are harder to hit, but if you do shoot it, you can kill it quickly!!
That was the intention. I am loathed to speed up missiles any more, and torps ARE supposed to handle badly. Torps NEVER had tracking capabilities in reality, only in FL. Now i could make a capship killing torp - but i would reduce turning to 0 so that it only flies straight. This way it would stop it being the kill all weapon of the playerkiller or just duelers.

I can make capship turrets do more damage no probs if you wish, but really i don't want gunships to be able to clear the board, they should have a hard time killing stuff really - they aren't their to take on waves of fighters - thats what a bat ship is for........

erm - how about this, i have speeded up the missiles slightly, increased the blast radius too - and also increased the det distance. This means they don't need to get so close to blow up, when they do they cause damage to twice the range they did as well. That should help discern against these.

By the way- cruise is 450 - not 300 anymore. Just cannot find how to change it yet.

Edited by - Chips on 21-12-2003 21:06:25

Post Sun Dec 21, 2003 8:59 pm

Oh - PS - this is ONLY for people running win98 and ME - download the new version that fixes this from the site. Main page, first item.

Other peopel - PLEASE DON'T download it. I have had people downloading the server patches for the game too - that is NOT for you at all - as if you do for MP it will do sod all - lol. So stop trying them out, as they are NOT for you!! They were for server admin - but they are now being withdrawn to avoid the problems that peeps have been thinking they are for them. Dunno why peeps thought that when it says for SERVERS ONLY.

Okay - remember ONLY for win98 or ME people to download!! Thanks.

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