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Freelancer: Evolutions 1.27

Here you can find news, get help and comment about all the Mods for Freelancer created by Pathfinder Studios, such as the ?Evolutions Mod?

Post Wed Dec 24, 2003 3:37 am

hay chips, horrible question to ask so close to christmas but do you have a date for the next release of Evolutions ??

Post Wed Dec 24, 2003 7:05 am

Yes, 24/12/03 - its out now. Download at

Post Wed Dec 24, 2003 4:05 pm

Thanks for the christmas present chips (and the 300+ hours of effort)!.... 11 days off work, I needed something to keep me busy.

Post Wed Dec 24, 2003 5:03 pm

Well - i just hope people enjoy it. I am not convinced that trying to make it Win98 compatible (took 18 hours of serious modding infocards and ALL files!) didn't also then make it less stable............................................

However, until we get conclusive proof that servers crash when patched like term0shads (unpatched) then I will not agree its the mod. I have found the odd crash during SP - but seeing as i cleaned EVERYTHING out of the system (NO NPC's at ALL), and launched from the same base around 15 times to crash - i actaully wonder if the game itself is stable (the system wasn't actually modded at all - but i used a file to take out the enouncters)

Post Wed Dec 24, 2003 6:59 pm

Uh wuts the SDK files gotta do with this mod?

Post Wed Dec 24, 2003 7:41 pm

yes, where are the instructions for applying SDK?

If I'm not here accepting the things I cannot change, I'm off somewhere ranting and raving about not being God.

Post Thu Dec 25, 2003 1:00 pm

I downloaded your MOD, Chips but there are some problems.

Nice that you gave players a nice new ship at the beginning of the Single Player mode. However, while I was in Manhanttan, there were some nice looking ships that needed the player to be at Level 10. The new Weapons as well.

Maybe you could tone down the requirements a little?

Edited by - NeoHunter on 25-12-2003 13:01:27

Post Thu Dec 25, 2003 8:43 pm

just to clarify, is it the 1.27 ver of evolutions? if so I stumbled across a rather unpleasent bug, the britonia cruser doesnt like to launch off, planet cambridge was it? (cant remember) '' (yes the previous ver of evolutions was unloaded and removed)

Post Fri Dec 26, 2003 12:01 am

Im playing ver1.27 and I was wondering if it was possible to kill the jittering on capships from enemy shots? also, the battleship spins rather alot from getting hit by fighters, is there a way to kill or reduce the effect?

Post Fri Dec 26, 2003 12:05 am

hmm also, would be nice if anywhere capitol ship were availible to purchase there was atleast 1 light fighter one could buy at the same place.. New Berlin for example is crazy, to toss my battleship I have to go out of system or blow off my relations with everybody in the system and get in good with the pirates, needless to say travel between systems is slow at best.

the battleship also has a BIG problum trying to dock with trade lanes, F2 or GoTo/Dock, has a real time of it when your not lined right up

Edited by - Abacus on 26-12-2003 00:08:35

Post Fri Dec 26, 2003 12:25 am

hey man, this mod is the ****!
spend more time mining maybe; i found it was a bit harder, just took longer
but nothing wrong with that; makes it more fun!

See u in space; and if i do, bring it!!


Post Fri Dec 26, 2003 6:39 am

ya, I havent tryed mining.. it looks pritty crazy but then it looks like you have to make yourself set with the authoities/villens in the system before you start else like other capships you get screwed by constant fighter waves, kinda like the larger transports, mind you Ive just been exploring and messing with the lighter cruisers and such, heh, currently the safest/most profitable thing I have found is just shooting roids, picking up the nibolium/gold in a humpback and haulling ass to a base with a good price ($$$) that said exploring is FuN.

Post Fri Dec 26, 2003 8:11 am

Bug/Question: Nuremburg System.. it's huge. I have so far found 2 astroid belts and each's longest axis on the map is about 100k, now with no patrol line listed the only way to really find everything is a square by square search (eek) or to get in good with those evil hessians and F4 them everywhere.

my thing is with the astroid belts, weimar and attel, they dont have visible boundries nor do they have the 'fake roids' that fade in and out to give a sence of depth to the field. I dont know if this is a glitch or a choise, was the idea for the system to be in a nebula? In any case it's really hard to find potential points of interest as is; one needs to either be able to see a nebula/roid field, or notice a patrol path and then go 'hmmm perhapse I should...' the only persistantly visible objects are the planet and the stars.

the planet's info has some scripting probs: you see the </TEXT> type boxes through out the text.

Also.. the connecting system to Nuremburg, the dots one sees, could the fade in process take a little longer and happen at a greater distance... I mean that was the most horrible thing I have ever encountered at cruise speeds; it just appeared and then.... well..... ya.

Edited by - Abacus on 26-12-2003 08:25:10

Post Fri Dec 26, 2003 8:42 pm

Munich junpgate takes you to nuremburg system..

Post Sat Dec 27, 2003 8:09 am

I just started playing this game again after a long hiatus, and I felt like looking for new mods, considering what the modding community has done for Pirates of the Caribbean. I must say that while your mod adds an amazing amount of solid content to the free-ranging portions of the game, as well as multiplayer, it effectively destroys the single-player campaign for well, single players. Defense missions are rendered almost impossible, as in even mission 3. In this case it isn't a question of difficulty, but of unbalance. I really like what you have done with the new ships and encounters and components and transport, but I am going to shelving it, none the less. Perhaps I will reinstall it when I grow bored with the original campaign.

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