Here's a little sneak&peek of the upcoming version(btw it's gonna be 3.01 not 2.11):
-now missiles are mountable both on cruise disruptor slots and on normal gun slots
-the nomad torpedo is only mountable on torp/CD slot and consumes 800 energy for one shot. the price is set at 1000000.
-the EFA system is now more stable and the bases on Mars and Moon are not crashing anymore.
-once more corected the Kusari and the Dragon's Breath munition, now they had real explosion damage on a wider area.
-added the EMP gun and turret, a weapon specialized on taking out shields, but with better stats than ever the Corsairs Rapier.
-added the CARG Liberty special laser cannon, available at the research station in Calif. minor.
-Bretonia has a new special weapon the Quark cannon, it's a lvl 8 special gun available in different military bases troughout Bretonia. has area damage as well
-Rheinland has developed the powerful Pulsar Cannon, with a range of 1.5 k and over 1000 damage is an excellent weapon vs Bases and Battleships. also has area damage.
-the Corsairs have an ultimate Neutron Blaster, the Salamanca Mk III,a lvl 10 gun with new weapon graphics. check it out at their homebase...u know where it is. Corsair Titans now mount this weapon so watch out.
-added the APS Starviper, made by Astral Prime Studios, an excelent ship model in a VHF configuration with 6 guns and 3 turrets. Be sure to check out their website for other models to come at:
http://www.sperling.retail.dial.pipex.c ... index.html
-added the Slipstream XJ-376 prototype, another great ship, made by Iceman, with 8/1/1 weapon systems. Available somehwere in Kusari...
-added Paul's collection of ships, form the light X-fighter to the Thunderbird and Raven VHF's and also Bretonia's Whale HF prototype. also added the FreightLiner 54000.
-added the Entreprise in second version, buyable at planet Earth, with no config changes except the mass.
-added the Sabre XR prototype, along with the Colossus VHF shield, and the class 10 Wyrm cannons and turrets. Outcasts Sabres have this new weapons mounted so beware...
-ships have been moved arround so i recommend u use FL DataStorm to get the locations for them.
-a certain Power upgrade MK V can be found in a remote location in the edge worlds, having a lot of power supply and regeneration rate. It costs about 1000k though.
some of the features were also in the Lite version, but here are more complete abd spicy. The version is almost done, and will be TLR'ed here as soon as possible.