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Post Sat Aug 30, 2003 3:43 pm

It's quite simple, the likeness towards rebalance, really... TNG gives off the feeling that you're being hacked into the game (who the h*ll want's Trent to look like he was ejected from a really bad episode of Star Trek?!). Things that were not supposed to be tampered with were brutally altered. The weapons/ships balance was designed for pure rage-exhaustion, which appeals to the younger and more deranged players among us (which is why I almost never play MP). It seems to lack commercial amounts of intelligence, not to mention depth. It's excessively linear (much like MP).

Rebalance, on the other hand, is designed with a totaly different approach. It's tidier, cleaner, doesn't give off the feeling that you're cheating (or at least allows you to do it your own way ). And it's deeper. There's no actual fog of war, as it were, like the aftermath feeling in TNG.

And it must NOT be the last version... The poor TNG substitue cannot linger here while the utterly superior Rebalance is fading away! It's just not right.

Post Sat Aug 30, 2003 4:33 pm

Dna Groove .. u got da Groove, dude! Haha. Well, I thought the same way, but did not mention that in the post. MD might be exhausted after making so many versions. And creators, just like the players and clients ... get bored over playing and even modding. If he think the mod is done, then I guess we can give him a suggestion, but he is the one that decides.

TNG lingering here and sapping up all the glory? Hehehe~~! That is sure a "good" thought I would not think about ^_^

I play Rebalance online on multiplayer, but there are no more servers anymore. I do not know why. Sigh! But there are servers for TNG and Massive Addon, I guess maybe their mods are easier.

If this is the Final version of the Rebalance Mod for FL, then so be it. But if MD happens to be working on a new mod for FL (and maybe FL2), you are garanteed to see me, GameShark03 suggesting for TIE FIGHTERS again!! LOL!

Post Sat Aug 30, 2003 8:32 pm

Gshark, DNA, Steele, Thurmo and all so many other, thanks for your support and faith in the "Way of Rebalance" as the mod is likely to become...
No, my contribution to the FL world will not stop here even if the 3.01 will eventually be the final version...i'll move my wizard tools to other creations, like the New Universe mod.
The Rebalance mod not only did its purpose but also exceeded it a lot and entertainted thousands of players troughout its existence. I'm very glad and happy about it, but I feel somehow the engine and conception of the actual Freelancer doe not allow for more in depth developing...that's why I mentioned a FL2. I wanted to make a lot of things like buyable bases, mineable planets, lootable ships, commerce in space directly between players or players-NPC's, but the engine does not allow it. Just adding new ships is not my vision for a release of a new version.
BTW here's some new features in 3.01:
-powerplant fusion injectors, that increase power regen time, shield capacitors(increase max capacity for a ships's shields, but decrease weapon regeneration rate), and shield power cells(increase shield regen rate). So finally that's something to increase shield strength and power regeneration rate, and it's very useful during those Battleship missions.
-Powerplants now have more thruster energy, but the recovery rate for the thrusters is much more slower, this is gonna make you manage more carefully the thruster energy troughout a mission. If u run out, you'll be a sitting duck .
and in FL u can't duck....

Post Sat Aug 30, 2003 9:01 pm

A dead flying DUCK with no energy! DUCK!!

"This is Rogue Leader, sited flying DUCK in position, permission to take it out with Nomad Torpedoes!"

"Nagative, Rogue Leader. This is Mission Control, just ram it to death with extreme caution ... Maximum Power Minimum Range!"

Post Sat Aug 30, 2003 9:27 pm

I'm getting the feeling that you think about an X-World, when talking about buyable bases and so. Yeah I miss such sort of a games like X-BF and X-Gold in the market lately, you mentioned that FL engine lacks those possibilities, it's nice but not that flexible, it leaves us to wait till FL2 (if it ever come out). I tried TNG and Rebalance, people are saying the truth about them. I think the most important thing is when you want to improve or enhance something don’t break it. I see that Rebalance was made with this rule in mind; it’s truly a good work!

Post Sun Aug 31, 2003 2:13 am

Comforting to know I'm not alone in my desire for wholsome gameplay... I thought us geezers are simply dying out, and clearing the stage for game vandals who call aesthetic crimes - "fun".

Michael, how about joining the ranks of MS (or the rag tags of DA ) in hopes of doing something about FL2?! I started my musical career with computer games... it's not such a bad business. Are there any rumers of any development for FL2, btw?!

Post Sun Aug 31, 2003 6:44 am

Very funny G-shark, very funny indeed...).
"This is Liberty Navy Alpha 1, Thunderbolt Patrol Lead, sited flying DUCK resembling Gameshark03. Alpha 2, get on the left, i'll get on the right, then we'll smash it using lateral thrusters...BOOM" just kidding. But It ain't gonna be so funny when you'll run out of thruster energy in the middle of a battle involving multiple capital ships and enemy fighters.
Well, Olis(btw welcome to the forum), you mentioned a game that have a very promising sequel, X2:The Threat promises what FL lacks at this point, as buyable bases, owning multiple ships, posibility to capture enemy ships, realistic battleship tactical control, and superb cockpit detail. I'm very anxious to get my hands on the demo. DNA, a future version of FL has not been planed yet, too bad bout that...and maybe getting into PC games bussines will not be such a bad idea...

Edited by - Michael Dan on 31-08-2003 15:31:54

Post Sun Aug 31, 2003 10:30 am

X2??? Got a link? I wanna play too~!! Or at least read a preview/review or get a demo. Just as long as that game does not turn out to be a Flight Simulation at 110%! Like Crimson Skies, that did not last more than 10 minutes with me.

Post Sun Aug 31, 2003 11:49 am

Courtesy of GameSpot:

Michael... if you're serious about this, let me know.

Post Tue Sep 02, 2003 5:15 pm

MD, since you are doing the Final Version of the Rebalance. I was wondering, in your mod, you have freighters with c10 weapon slots, VHF are to common to have c10 slots for some. Think it was possible to have a LF with c10 weapons?

Sounds like old news, but I think you might recall my request for a c10 weapon capable LF ship? Like an A-Wing? It is only 2G/2T/2Torps. Possible?

Post Tue Sep 02, 2003 6:28 pm

Unfortunately I already sent the files to LR, Gameshark. There is the APS Starviper though who handles almost like a Hawk, and has class 10 weapons. But it's listed as a VHF since that's the way its creators ment it. Still it's possible that this version will have a patch and i'll eventually introduce an lvl 10 Awing there.

Post Tue Sep 02, 2003 9:58 pm

Now that will be cool, MD! Would u be working on any other mods for FL and sending them to LR?

Post Tue Sep 02, 2003 11:03 pm

I wish they would put your file on their site, already. Thanks MD. I'm waiting with baited breath.

I felt like I should say this once...well deserved KUDOS to Microsoft and Digital Anvil for releasing a virtually bug - free game. I mean what, only one server side patch, which is pretty unneccesary AFAIK. That is amazing. Truly. I wish every developer had the same level of QA/QC ontheir releases.

Most games released at the same time have already had like two to three patches already, and they're probably still broke to some extent. It has made the mod scene that much better because of a lack of confusion with versions and such.

Anyway. X2 's trailer is very nice, and it makes me salivate thinking about it. There was a certain depth to the way they have modelled outer space. It really is worth downloading and checking out.

Fileplanet is the place to go if you don't know.

What do you know


Post Wed Sep 03, 2003 4:34 am

Hey does anyone have the same problem as i do? In data i cant seem to find the file mission 1b so i cant do jack about that part of the mission

Post Wed Sep 03, 2003 6:36 am

ask someone to send it to your via mail or maybe just a nice reinstall would do it./

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