Ahh so it was you Mad Dog who says he has more experience than me.
To that let me say this: YOU are a BETA TESTER, I am a game DEVELOPER. I am Also a game REVIEWER. 9 times out of 10 I've seen a build of a game before it's existance has even been publically announced. Claiming you have more experience than anyone only makes you look foolish.
Considering the bug list I came up with on the very first time I played the released version of Freelancer (I can't believe they released the first revision of the game engine. Can we say rushed?) I would say that D.A. needs a better testing team. This is, of couse, assuming that all the bugs in my list were not found before Freelancer was released.
Your behavior will only cause a flurry of patches to come out of D.A. that will serve nothing than to cause potential new players to not want to buy the game because they have to download patches every week.
Also, if any of those patches require a major game engine update, you can kiss all your savegames and player accounts goodbye. Why? Because the new game engine will be uncompatible with the old savegames. If this happens, I'll make sure that everyone knows who to hunt in Elite. The problem with people like you is that you ruin the game for others. There is a whole slew of people out there who want to do nothing but duel, and they're good players. I spent all yesterday morning in O.A. on Elite fighting w/ them. Why don't you go after those? Ahh yes, you might lose then. We can't have that now!
I would say that NEO has a lot to worry about. When the right moment comes, I will attack, and you will lose much more than your pride. You want to fight me? Do it alone and with Honor. Come to where I am at and announce your intentions. So you win! So what? I do not really care.
The truth is that you are afraid of losing, so you could not even fight me alone when I was in a much weaker ship than yours. And that is why I went out of my way to ensure that shooting me was no fun. I, personally, would rather lose in a fair fight than win with overwhelming firepower. It's called, being a good sport.
Something all that "Experience" did not teach you about.