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Player Killing...A part of the game

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Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 4:41 pm

Some cheeky motard tried to take me out when i was on a mission on the 'hamburg' server, was fun as i was trying to rectruit people, he obviously thought that as he had a nice rheinland ship that he was just gonna kick my little second step ship (bubble with wings). Whilst my two wingman handled the mission me, a little lvl1er simply outmanouevered the other guy. Point is though i had wingmen, if you want to try to avoid the PKs at the beginning of the game then setting up a squad, a group, to help combat the higher levels is a good idea.

Personally i always like to set up a group, makes for a much more rewarding experience. Especially when you move into another area of space form liberty
UT fan.

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:41 pm

death penalty there is one u lose all your cargo that your death penalty

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 6:22 pm

i have personally never killed a lvl 1 person, but in a server like Elite where Pking is alllowed everywhere but liberty vaping lvl 1s is ok, there is nothing wrong with it, especially if you are fool enough to venture out of liberty at level one

Peace through superior firepower.
The Best FL Squadron Around Wants You

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 6:43 pm

btw I think the best death penalty would be to respawn ALWAYS at manhatten.

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 7:00 pm

only PKed one person, I was lvl three, he was (I think) four.

Was in liberty, board, so I decided to frag him. followed him on a mission, helped him kill the rouges, then killed him.

I was laughing pretty hard. He just said "That wasn't very nice" then he said he was going to raid a cargo ship, and I asked him "You want some help"

he just said "No"..."You killed me"
Eh, I helped. he lost nothing, gained some money for killing rouges, etc.

I don't PK much now though...In a lvl 10 ship, lvl 7-8 weapons...lvl 10 ship...LOL

The man with his head stuck in the Blender

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 7:28 pm

"btw I think the best death penalty would be to respawn ALWAYS at manhatten."

That would be a super pain in the ass for low level pirates.


Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 8:06 pm

Now I have done a bit of PKing in time, but I tend to follow some rules.

1: I never attack an opponent who has no chance of winning.

2: I never camp bases.

3: I never attack cargo ships unless the intention is to rob them. (BTW: It's never smart to blow up the freighter you want to rob first. In fact it's sheer stupidity)

4: I always give the player the chance to defend himself.

5: I always expeck some smack.

Now, I will releate to you people how NOT to attack people. That is... If you want friends.

Now I will relate to you the events of last weekend on one server called ELITE.

Me, I was running around the outer systems in a reletively empty Valkyre, just cleaning up Corsairs and collecting guns when a certain NEO fellow clobbers me from behind with a Sabre loaded up with Nomad guns. Not exactly a wrong thing, but since he had giving me no chance at defence, smack talk was in order.

So I dish it out, and instead of getting some back like I expected, I was treated to the most childish display of ego boosting I had ever seen.

Claims of, "I'm more experienced than you." I was one of the Freelancer Beta testing teams flowed across cyberspace at me, filling my crowded lan up with laughter and the poor sot who thought that beta testing one game could give him more experience at anything computers than an actuall developer.

So, to be fair, I offer him a challenge. My tiny Valkyre against his decked out Sabre. But apparantly this big NEO clansman couldn't even face up to that honestly. He had to call in 3 of his friends to base camp to ensure I had no chance. So here we are 3 lvl 10 ship against one Valkyre (lvl 8 ship) and these guys hadn't even had the guts to face me one on one in a fair fight.

Real tough guys, more like elementary school bullies if you ask me.

Now I was nice about it and didn't mention any exact names (I will if called apon to do it), but I will say this. If I were the master of the NEO clan, I would not want players like this in my clan. Clans were origonally created so players could play multiplayer games in a coordinated team fashion, not so players can behave as if they were in cyber street gangs.
Clans who behave like this DO NOT get recognized on the GSI clan list (and therefore cannot compete for money) and clans who have members who behave badly usually become pariahs very quickly.

Clans and their members should always be the best behaved people on a server.
Starsiege died and Dynamix went bankrupt because of the behavior of a clan called BDU. Mankind is dying because of clans (specifically chinese ones) doing mass killings of non clan players, thereby chasing paying customers out of the game. Want Freelancer to live? Then the clan players better shape up. Do you not realize that many NooBs look up to the clans? Do you also not realize that clan participation can make or break a game?

Want to take me on in a fair fashion, and I'll always be game. I WANT to battle PvP. Want to behave in the fashion as described above? Then bother someone else, I keep mulitple accounts on all the servers I play on and I just won't give you the satisfaction. It's less problem just to switch characters than to deal with cronic ****s.

The upshot of all this is that it's cool to go PvP, even in Liberty, but only if it's fun for both the attacker and victem, and unless your victem has a chance to win, all your doing is hurting the game by making Noobs not want to play it. And unless there is a certain amount of activity logged on the master server, Microsoft will eventually take it down, meaning no more MP in Freelancer.


Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 8:09 pm

Woah, I think the censorship program broke, I never swore. I just used ****.

Post Thu Apr 10, 2003 12:05 am

Now I was nice about it and didn't mention any exact names (I will if called apon to do it), but I will say this. If I were the master of the NEO clan, I would not want players like this in my clan. Clans were origonally created so players could play multiplayer games in a coordinated team fashion, not so players can behave as if they were in cyber street gangs.
Clans who behave like this DO NOT get recognized on the GSI clan list (and therefore cannot compete for money) and clans who have members who behave badly usually become pariahs very quickly.

Clans and their members should always be the best behaved people on a server.
Starsiege died and Dynamix went bankrupt because of the behavior of a clan called BDU. Mankind is dying because of clans (specifically chinese ones) doing mass killings of non clan players, thereby chasing paying customers out of the game. Want Freelancer to live? Then the clan players better shape up. Do you not realize that many NooBs look up to the clans? Do you also not realize that clan participation can make or break a game?

Wise wise words.
btw tasiin is the leader, maybe you should tell him °_^

though he has other problems than noob hunting atm


Post Thu Apr 10, 2003 2:40 am

That he has more problems is definate indeed.

Seems that life will be tough for Tasiin from now on

Post Thu Apr 10, 2003 4:20 am

"Clans were origonally created so players could play multiplayer games in a coordinated team fashion, not so players can behave as if they were in cyber street gangs."

Ok i'm not saying i'm one of those childish ****ers who like to camp outside planets. (I did once, but trust me this guy had it comming) But i have to dissagree on one of the things you said about clans. Maybe they ORIGINALY WERE created for your purpose stated, but in real life we have gangs who bully on one person, they are cowards i know but it still happens. So you can expect it to happen in this game if it happens in the real world; we can't do much but live with it, and team up together to take their asses out . =D

Yes it is a blast to PK, i can't stop laughing my ass off. Don't ask me why. I'm not one though to sit around in the Libery systems and PK noobs though. It's just pointless waste of time, and i don't accomplish anything. Now if i'm on an artifact run from the omega systems to planet Manhattan, and i do happen cross a noob I may just decide to take him out, because sometimes i feel it's my duty as a Corsair to law down the law. I'm not gonna be a real prick though and chase him across the galaxy or anything, if he gets away within a few mins, good for him. Also like I stated earlier usually i won't PK unless he has something worth while, and i always give him the warning to drop it first, just like the A.I.

Post Thu Apr 10, 2003 4:23 am

I will admit though when i first started playing MP i did like to do some dumb ass PKing because i was also a noob and just being stupid. I've changed my ways now because i'm more a experience player and understand the diffuculty of getting started. I also understand though that if you don't have anything in your cargo hold and get shot down it's not the end of the world either. Big ****in deal if you are 5 mins behind schedule.

Post Thu Apr 10, 2003 8:48 pm

Well... I have noticed someone dying and respawning and dying again ... over and over and over. So I asked the guy what was up, and he told me that this guy was PKin him. So I talked to the guy doing this .. for he was level 30~, and the guy dying was level 2. It turns out, that this guy was just tormenting and "having a good time" So... I began to make my way to NY, and proceeded to blast this guy into kingdom come. Quite fun rreally =). then I gave the lvl2 guy 50k and went back to the Omega 11, where i was before.

Another time.. this same thing was happening so I decided to go check out what was happening.. ( for I am a Dueler, you might say.. and am decked out in every way =) Anyway I go to NY with my friend, and we proceed to give this guy everything we got.. But nothing happened, his shields wouldnt go down.. and he began to fire on me.. lucky it was me and not my friend cause he had a titan and couldnt run as easy.. Well anyways, we deemed this guy a hacker and I began to run .. What happened next was quite funny. I had no shield bats left, and I was heading right for planet manhattan... hhahaha it was great.. right b4 his final shot killed me, the all to familiar words of "entering the atmosphere came over the loudspeaker and I exploded. I proceeded to laugh my ass off and make fun of the fag hacker. A few minutes later the server crashed.. so I got on AIM and talked to my buds that were in the game and we laughed for awhile. A few minutes later, the server came back on.. And it said in the console "the hacker "V" has been banned" It was a good end to a funny/lame situation.

Post Thu Apr 10, 2003 9:03 pm

that sounds like fun....perhaps newbie protectorate should be a goal I aim for :-)

ganking the gankers sounds like fun...

Post Fri Apr 11, 2003 2:26 am

@Nog, i play on elite all the time and i know almost all the players who are in NEO, here is my take: most of the NEO guys have an ego, but hey so do i, and you do too, so its not that much of an issue, if you dont want to get killed by other players dont play on a pking server, and if you need help ask for it, if i was on i would have helped you out, there are only a couple of rules in elite one of them is no pking in liberty i have never seen NEO guys breaking rules and killing someone over and over again is not against the rules, i myself go by rules similar to your own, but i do also randomly attack people outside of duels, if you truly have as much experiance as you say then you would know that, it sounds like you should join a clan yourself but know this, the NEO guys are not a bad bunch they were just having some fun, maybe if you join SE or WP you can get some retaliation , and keep in mind that it is just a game and people are not going to play by your honor code just becuase you do, and if you ever want to join a clan try RN I could use an experianced player or two, but we aren't fighting against NEO in the little war that is going on right now, so you wont get revenge with us, cya on Elite

Peace through superior firepower.
The Best FL Squadron Around Wants You

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