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Player Killing...A part of the game

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Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:16 am

Player Killing...A part of the game

I noticed that the new patch might be adding a death penalty; i presume for PKing. I think excessive PKing is bad and wrong, but i think the random hit is alright....No matter what level you may be.

Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:53 am

Um, where did you hear this?

Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 6:07 am

OK, I didn't hear this from anyone one, this is my own theory, and here it goes. Freelancer is suppose to be a fantasy world where the players interacts like they should in a real world. If a player wants to become a rebel and join the Corsairs, then it's his duty to fill out the Corsair life style; which may involve killing ships for goods. So why should players consider A.I. different from human players, if you gonna hit up an A.I. ship for some goods, why not take out a human player for their goods? But that doesn't mean repeatily hating on that single player. So their is no point sitting outside a docking ring waiting for that player to come out again, because he has nothing of value on him.

Bottom line if i were a Corsair, I believe it's my duty to occasionly take out a few human players, if they have anything worth while on them...or they talk a lot of trash. If anyone else doesn't agree with this, I'd like to hear it.

Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 6:51 am

ok good everyone agrees with me.

Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 6:56 am

good that I am not a corsair, I am a Schattenengel, so its my duty to kick randomly sometimes some players arse.

no need to check if he has cargo or something

Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 6:59 am

Well exactly...randomly is the key word though. If your a rebel it IS your duty to be a rebel, so along with that comes rebel behavior.

Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:09 pm

PKing adds challenge to the game, IMHO. AI are too easy to slaughter. Human opponents can actually think and chase you great distances if you attempt to flee. *sigh* If only I could play online... need a new ISP. A better death penalty is desperately needed, if you ask me. Gives you a reason to fear dying, as you should fear it.

Thank you,

Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 6:19 pm

moving to multiplayer forum.....

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The Next Thing I Say To You Will Be True
The Last Thing I Said Was False

Post Tue Apr 08, 2003 1:17 am

killing random people outside of duels is great fun, if you dont like it then play on a server that doesn't allow pking, but personally then i would think you a newb

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Post Tue Apr 08, 2003 1:26 am

pk'ing is a blast.

As far as I'm concerened, anything goes if I'm using mid class (5 or 6) lvl weaponry.

However, if armed to the teeth with lvl 10 weapons I usually just keep it to dueling (unless I happen accross a known griefer). I can't imagine it being much fun for someone else to be blown up in 2 shots.

Post Tue Apr 08, 2003 1:51 am

blowing up is never fun
but if you escape ... *grin*

the possiblity alone to get pked make freighter live much more fun.
you have to be carefull ^_^

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:34 am

Aight good so everyone agrees that PKing is alright to some extent, it's a part of the game. Beside the odds of a level 10 dude PKing a noob, or weaker opponet doesn't happen to frenquently because usually higher level peeps are in father off systems; even though i still think it's acceptable to a limit.

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 1:48 pm

With this death penalty thing, does that mean that I can no longer jump escorted convoys and steal their goods if they are not NPCs? It is a lot of fun to set up an ambush and plunder the spoils.....i

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 3:41 pm

ya pking is kinda fun at times.
But in certain servers, some dude with rank 38 esp look for rank 1 starters to pk. That really kinda sxy bullying since rank 1 weapons usually cant even dent 5% shields off the 38th rank pkers.

of course, whenever i encounter that i change servers straight away.
P.S. i m that lvl 1

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 4:08 pm

I see pk'ing as a valid part of the multiplayer experience--within certain guidelines.

The ganking that goes on with certain l337 d00ds just so they can be a PITA to newbies is not pk'ing, it's griefing. To me pk'ing is the corsair sympathizer who chooses the loaded up freighter over the newbie starflier.

Or like myself (one day, hopefully) the anti-pirate who would be for hire to escort said player freighters or to rid the world of pirate scum, be they AI or RL ;-)

IF it's played within character/theme, I can't see why I should get more upset when my trade lane is interrupted by a player corsair than one who is run by the server.

just my 2 pyreals, as we say in AC :-)

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