I guess the frustrating thing is, the game has no rules set up in it to limit PKing. It can be done by anyone anytime. No organized in-game effort exists to combat PKing, and since it is not an MMORPG, few, if any, human policing organizations exist.
So, anything goes. I just think it's unfair (yes, I can think it is unfair...it is a game, and games have rules. This is not real life we're talking about). It's too easy for players to be 'pirates' and there is too little payoff for being a police officer or bounty hunter. The game should reward people who kill the PKers, pay them a bounty or something. However, the game is called "Freelancer" and they designed it to allow too much freedom and not enough security.
Pirates don't need an organization to be profitable or successful. They just need to be high level and attack the weak. Organized convoys don't exist in the game. A merchant cannot hire an A.I. or human wingman. The police have no intelligence on where a human pirate is lurking. In my opinion, these issues limit the game immensely and allow 'lawless' behavior to go unchecked.
It's not real life, it is a complete waste of time. I could be more interesting, though. I just hate to see PKers getting bored with the game. Too bad the game doesn't give them more challenge. That's what they're really after, isn't it? A good challenge? Or was it an easy credit? Or just a chance to indulge their darker side, one that would garner punishment in the real world?
BTW, I've been playing in both PK and non-PK servers. There is something to the argument that the possibility of getting killed by a human adds a level of excitement missing from the non-PK servers. It just takes a heck of a long time to move up levels since I have to stay in Liberty unless no one else is on the server. Once I get to a decent level I think I'll try doing a little policing of my own. Doesn't pay, but maybe I can help some PKers out there to enjoy the game more. I know how much I enjoy getting killed in game.
- Silent Jay