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Player Killing...A part of the game

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Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 8:00 pm

I think that PKing is okay, even if the two players are totally mismatched as long as it is for piracy purposes, and it isn't just the level 38 going up to the level 1 and blasting them for fun, as that is what you could expect if it was real - top level pirates holding weaker opponents to ransom. Of course, if it was the level 1 attempting to pirate the level 38, he deserves to be blasted for being a total tit.

Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 9:46 pm

No deed will go unpunished. So, whatever u do is fine. [Following a server rules is must as a respect and gratitude to a server host, though.

I just think that M$&DA should have made all the Liberty law enforcers the strongest faction that would protect noobs as come if u a Corsair or Outcast u can fly into Liberty space?! The only fact that u fly Titan or Sabre should be enough to doubt your loyalty to Liberty *home police*, etc.

Let's dance[!


Post Fri Apr 18, 2003 2:54 pm

Because the way the game was designed, Liberty is supposed to be a safe haven for everyone EXCEPT NooBs. For NooB's it is the equivalent of the first level in a game. I think this is good design, actually. NooBs have nearby places to level up at and since the AI in Liberty will fear a heavy hitter, It makes a good resting spot for them.

The best way to stop NooB slaughters is to mod the game so the biggest ships cannot lock on a player owned Starflier or Startracker (include the bloodhound in this list too). If the heavy cannot target the NooB, it gives the Noob a better chance of getting away because the Heavy cannot concetrate fire, or lead his target well.

A NooB Sheild Generator would be interesting too. Only fits in the 3 lowest ships, but the big guns cannot dent it.

Giving the Startracker and Starflier Cloaking abilities would be cool too. In fact that would probably be the most fun for all as it would allow first time launchers the chance to dictate their own factions right off the bat instead of only having the choice of Navy, Police, or Algeria Shipping Co.. They could then fly to any of the systems.

Post Fri Apr 18, 2003 7:42 pm

Im going to shock your balls with 120 volts and 2 wires nog!! cloaking on newbie ships and super shields on a starflier- comeon your smokin dood.. games too easy as it is.. I am the asskicker and like having brown on my boots- dunno anyone except maybe newbie hackers who sit outside manhatten.. no challenge in that- far as your skills go.. you are in a valkarie cause you are a newbie just admit it man = good players don't haul cargo and can do 70k missions in a defender.. we don't buy the valkarie either- go strait to heavy falcon and then eagle or sabre.. hunting high level players is fun and all this game needs is a system for pking.. If they took the pk system from runescape think it would work with least amount work from DA.. basically it would go-

- you can only engage a player of the same level in new york
- the attacking player gets a skull and crossbones over his ship that lasts for 3 minutes and designates him as a pker to other players who see him.. during that 3 minutes if he dies- gets penalized by dropping 3 of his best guns as loot
- the person attacked can retaliate against the pirate without getting the skull
- anyone killed (including skulled players) drops thier cargo and unmounted items as loot
- players cannot quit out unless 10 seconds has passed since last engaged in combat (helps stop quitting in the middle of combat to save your guns/cargo)

simple system that can be tweaked- pkers could suddenly find themselves in jepardy of losing thier guns by attacking the wrong guy (like escorted cargo ship) and pirates could track freighters for profit

Post Fri Apr 18, 2003 7:56 pm

My prespective for other people PKing is that they have no feeling for another player, and not only that but it also ruins another player's gameplay miserable.

I seen this in mmopgs, high level players use the best weapons in the game to just kill new players who came there for the first time. Its sad. New players get attracted to massively online games because of the RPG aspect. They think they are in RPG heaven until he gets killed by another high level player.

Unlike this game isn't mmorpg but can hold a quite few players.


Post Fri Apr 18, 2003 9:08 pm

Im going to shock your balls with 120 volts and 2 wires nog!!

Sounds fun! when do we Start?

Remember that NooBs cannot hurt the heavy hitters, it's only fair that the heavy hitter cannot hurt the NooBs too. Actually, I would much rather have a way for the NooBs to destroy the heavies.

My own server allows PvP anywhere so long as the players are on more or less equal terms in power. But I ban base campers and players who attack way out of class vigorously. However, if you're fool enough to go after a Sabre in a Defender and you get wasted, that's your problem.

A 30 Second cloak for the smaller ships is perfectly logical in Freelancer, and very easy to do. IT would work identical to Star Trek style cloaking and could even be tied into battery power.

As for the smoking thing. Didn't you know that us Game designers are KNOWN for partying hard? id, Dynamix, Bullfrog, Westwood have all either outright admitted or hinted to mass partying during dev cycles?

Post Sat Apr 19, 2003 4:55 am

I guess the frustrating thing is, the game has no rules set up in it to limit PKing. It can be done by anyone anytime. No organized in-game effort exists to combat PKing, and since it is not an MMORPG, few, if any, human policing organizations exist.

So, anything goes. I just think it's unfair (yes, I can think it is is a game, and games have rules. This is not real life we're talking about). It's too easy for players to be 'pirates' and there is too little payoff for being a police officer or bounty hunter. The game should reward people who kill the PKers, pay them a bounty or something. However, the game is called "Freelancer" and they designed it to allow too much freedom and not enough security.

Pirates don't need an organization to be profitable or successful. They just need to be high level and attack the weak. Organized convoys don't exist in the game. A merchant cannot hire an A.I. or human wingman. The police have no intelligence on where a human pirate is lurking. In my opinion, these issues limit the game immensely and allow 'lawless' behavior to go unchecked.

It's not real life, it is a complete waste of time. I could be more interesting, though. I just hate to see PKers getting bored with the game. Too bad the game doesn't give them more challenge. That's what they're really after, isn't it? A good challenge? Or was it an easy credit? Or just a chance to indulge their darker side, one that would garner punishment in the real world?

BTW, I've been playing in both PK and non-PK servers. There is something to the argument that the possibility of getting killed by a human adds a level of excitement missing from the non-PK servers. It just takes a heck of a long time to move up levels since I have to stay in Liberty unless no one else is on the server. Once I get to a decent level I think I'll try doing a little policing of my own. Doesn't pay, but maybe I can help some PKers out there to enjoy the game more. I know how much I enjoy getting killed in game.

- Silent Jay

Post Sat Apr 19, 2003 5:23 am

well this is an interesting discussion... having played the game and got to lvl 36/7 i went online about 2/3 days ago...

i decieded to log in to a PvP server and start to build up... however the seatle 24/7 server after an hour of play ended up having someone named VIXIN on it in a sabre with lvl 10 guns and a shield who was able to teleport to liberty after hearing me say to someone "go get him" when it became clear that he was cheating, he killed me 10 times with 1 shot before i gave up in disgust... i could even attempt to outfly him in a starflier, i just moaned at him and left

next server i logged in to was aplha deicated or somesuch name.. there a wonderful man with more credits than god gave me 10 million so i stayed there for a while, however only 24 people can go on to that server so its always full

so on to another serve Boomtown but thats no fun as i would like a PvP server so i leave after reaching lvl 4

next server was black nova 128 players and usual amount is 10... i get to level 7 in my rhino and soon my mates from another server come i am on my way to meet them when they get wiped out at manhattan, we all regroup and make our way to norfolk where 2 players are waiting they wipe out my group luckily i made 1 flee in terror after blowing the c### out of him in a rhino (he was in a dagger or sabre) he ran off and i focused on the other unfortunatly he is in a freighter and his strategy of spray and pray with large weapons pays off and i quickly die. AT NO POINT were any words spoken to us by them other than "hehe"

my mates leave and i tell them they are stupid they offer to give me money but frankly after that performance i refuse to even speak to them without swearing. i leave soon after returning the next day (today) and am now at level 20 with no people like these others in sight and am able to convince my mates to rejoin the server i give them 20k each to help

this is as you can imagine very irritating but thanks to my stubborness in not letting people ruin my game i have found a server with good people on it who even look to me for trade advice but these people would have ruined it for my mates something i find extremly annoying if you are going to PK people at least give them a chance to run or make sure they can defend themselves by scanning there cargo holds

if you want to make it seem more RPG like then by all means charge them for using a system as long as you let them know its to make the game more fun for both of you as long as its not new york, that system is needed for "n00bs" to grow strong enough to make the game fun. To make it even more fun why not hire your services to n00bs so they can visit systems where they might die easily such as kusari and reinland space, and TALK the game is so much more fun when people are talking to each other, give n00bs tips tell em you will help out if they need it the SP game gets lonely thats why i play MP i want to interact with other freelancers and have fun
and finally "n00bs" are just l337s without flight time, get both of you in a starflier and it may well be the n00b who wins

and in the words of spiderman "with great power comes great responsibility"

thanks for your time its 5:20 am here and i spent the last 20 minutes writing that


Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 5:38 am

Silent Jay you are so inbred, you disrespect that name....if that's possible. You can't have a limit on Pking because Pking doesn't always equal killing noobs. If you are having a friendly fight with a friend or whatever, that is still Pking and why should you get banned for that?

Yeah and IT IS a game, and some do have rules to abide by, but guess what? so does real life, it's called the LAW. Do gangsters and thugs follow the law? Not usually, so you can bet that a player in freelancer whom becomes a pirate (which in my opinion has pretty much the same behaviour activites as a gangster or thug) is not going to follow the freelancer's justice system A.I.

We all know it ain't real life, I mean dude you are staring at a screen the whole time...So if you think it's a complete waste of time, why the hell you keeping wasting so much time on it? Even when you post a forum here you are wasting time your on it.

Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 1:31 pm

@Silent Jay, I suggest you stop playing this game right now, space is so huge that meeting a pker is pretty damd hard.

Man you must be nuts, really nuts, you are reading my signiture[!

Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 7:18 pm

Inbred?? So much for keeping things civil.

Your name-calling speaks volumes to how serious your point of view should be taken.

When I say that the game is a complete waste of time it goes without saying that I understand this fact and consciously choose to waste my time playing it. And as an extention of that I also choose to visit this forum and be called names by the likes of people like you. I consider it a stroll down memory lane...just like junior high all over again.

The point was that the scales are tipped in favor of PK abuse of newbies, and there is no in-game regime to combat it. It makes the game too easy for lvl 38 PKers and too hard for newbies. What's the fun in that?

I find that disappointing out of a game with such great potential. They spent YEARS making this game, and the graphics are superb. Too bad they didn't work harder on the game play dynamics. Instead, they provided a playground where immature, name-calling bullies can steal other kid's lunch money.

Here you go, you can have my ham sandwich and my twinkie. I'll be back tomorrow with another two cents for you.

- Silent Jay

Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 9:00 pm

if you don't want to get PM'ed or PK'ed while on a run (like to hawaii after spending your last cr) team up with some one your level or higher! that's what i did on Seattle 24/7... thanks Azrael and someone esle (if you are reading this, sorry.. can't remember now (( ) ... i was able jump up to lvl7 form lvl1... then rhino and a run to New London, then berilum (or somethin' like that) to newark station... anyways... all this i did while travaling with someone... last time i went to hawaii, i was able to get a group of 5 player (including me)... none of us got killed (well, one got... i crushed into him at wrap speed ).... now when i got a barracude and some c6 and c5 guns i'm doing some stuff like attacking freighters and house police... but i never attack a human controlled freighter full of stuff... 'cause i know how it feels to lose everything....

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