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Post Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:25 pm

Yeah, well forget what I said before. My vote is Darkstar One, I guess. I don't know anything at all about it but if its moddable and ever gets MP support it could be good.

Homeworld 2 isn't a great choice, all you can do is add new ships, maps, and pointlessly bloat the tech tree, then rush during MP games or beat the AI senseless in skirmish until you die of boredom. Both modding it and playing it gets very old very fast. If it were added to TLR I doubt it would maintain any meaningful activity for more than 6 months. Problem is most RTS's are like that. I think the only reason C&C does any better is half the people who mod it are either crazy or working on total conversions. I modded both HW1, HW2, and all of the C&C games. Looking back on it all now from between a decade ago to just earlier this year, I think it was more of a waste of time than anything else. I think its just something about RTS's, I don't feel my RPG mods or even the few FPS mods I did were a waste of time, even the mods I did years ago...but maybe thats just me.

I still think pure FPS, MMOG, anything non-PC, and most games that already have a huge fan base are out of the question.

Crap selection of new games these days, sucks... I'll check out Darkstar One after I finish my clan's FL mod, play/mod TES4 this spring and then maybe call it quits on the gaming for a while. At least until MechWarrior 5, Fallout 3, or another half decent space sim is released.

EDIT: Ah, now Tachyon was a great game. Too small though. Too many modding limits, MP game play is rather narrow. Its like playing the FL demo, you can't go backwards.

And add KOTOR3 to my little list of hopefuls there. A proper Deus Ex 2 would be nice too but after Invisible War winning PCG's "worst use of game engine" award I doubt that'll ever happen, maybe if BioWare created it (yeah, hell probably would freeze over before that happens).

What I really want is a total BattleTech simulator, full blown RPG, Mech combat sim, space combat, ground RTS, space RTS, FPS, full economy, dynamic AI, FL style mini MMOG MP, etc... all in one - and with good modding support or just open source. Sadly, that would be another m$ title so it would probably be stripped of most of its 'goodness' if they created it but that will NEVER happen.


"Only the dead have seen the end of war"-Plato

Edited by - MegaBurn on 12/13/2005 10:40:58 PM

Edited by - MegaBurn on 12/13/2005 10:48:30 PM

Post Wed Dec 14, 2005 7:27 am


u only hate hw2 cause you h8 RTS, the whole POINT of RTS IS to rush, and to beat the computor senceless, and no, that isnt all you can mod, you can add new missions, create a map & mod that is baced on RPG (im also working on a mod like this)

you just dont like RTS, i cant complain, its your opinion, i just think we need a RTS of some sort, just to broaden lancers reactor from JUST rpg,

Post Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:35 am

I don't think a game to feature should be chosen with an attitude towards "we should represent one of each of the genres of gaming". It should focus upon what people want to see on here - genre, platform, new releases, older games, older games that require emulators to run - or other such trickery (ie non XP running games)... etc

Post Wed Dec 14, 2005 2:57 pm

What I think people don't know here is that HW2 was MADE TO BE MODDABLE. I made a mod and would LOVE to publish the mod here. The game is just ripe for the picking. sure there are other sites that cover the mods for HW2, but there arn't that many.

anyway, MY LIST
And to add fuel to the fire...... SILENT HUNTER III

To kill is to live, the more firepower the better!

Edited by - Spectra on 12/14/2005 2:57:29 PM

Post Wed Dec 14, 2005 2:59 pm

P.S. I'm with mantaray on that one

To kill is to live, the more firepower the better!

Edited by - Spectra on 12/14/2005 3:00:11 PM

Post Wed Dec 14, 2005 6:02 pm

Sorry, I wasn't clear. I like RTS's, a lot actually. I certainly do NOT hate HW2, I just got bored with it after a month of playing it almost every day but didn't get into the modding side as much as I normally do with RTS's. I spent months screwing around with each version of C&C (except the TD expansions) and MechCommander 1 & 2. If not for Freelancer I'd probably still be messing with C&C Generals now or maybe modding LotR Battle for Middle Earth until the sequel is released.

The problem is RTS game play is not diverse enough to 'hold' my attention to a single RTS for months on end, sometimes the modding prolongs the game's 'hold' but its always just that, a diminishing value. I think thats why I kind of see my RTS mods as kind of a waste of time, they just prolonged the game's demise rather than really renewing it. Decent modder created campaigns are few and far between. I used to check up on different RTS's from time to time for new campaigns but I haven't done that in a few years. I have problems creating my own campaigns because I always (have to) know how the story is going to turn out. So normally I just do the INI settings and maybe a few maps, then let other people actually create the campaign.

What if we just covered all non-FPS non-MMOG 3D space PC games?
That range would include a lot of StarWars and StarTrek titles that could be excluded but I'm sure there are a lot of fans of both of those market franchises on here (myself included). A lot of these titles are dead and no one will ever pay serious attention to them. So to figure out which games to add create a new “Space Game” forum with each game title as a pinned topic. When/if a game thread topic grows by more than 10 pages within a month create a new forum for that game. Could just go ahead and add HW2, Nexus, and Darkstar One.

Sorry, I'm not familiar with the Silent Hunter series. URL?


"Only the dead have seen the end of war"-Plato

Post Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:35 pm

aaah, i got bored with it 2, but i started modding, and the online games are legend 4v4,

marine friggeting 4 higgaren motherships,
have to post a screenshot, (this looks spectakular)
so, any others, oppinions for this game?

Post Thu Dec 15, 2005 3:56 pm


ya, Tachyon: the Fringe was a great game, it still lives on my hard drive.
The only reason I didn't bring that game up was Novalogic stopped production and doesn't sell it any more.
It's not even on their web site anymore. Sad. If you ever see it in a bargin bin, grab it.

Post Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:15 pm

I would love to give you the info for Silent Hunter III. BUT BE WARNED easy to get addicted to.

simply put: German Uboats in WW2, you command one and go out and blow stuff up with true to WW2 weapons and ships. by the way, jusk sunk a clemson destroyer, 90 degree plunge (straight down), UBER PWNAGE.

anyway the Url is:' Target=_Blank>

To kill is to live, the more firepower the better!

Edited by - Spectra on 12/16/2005 9:25:24 PM

Post Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:46 pm

i cant wait till star gate alliance comes out .

Post Sat Dec 17, 2005 9:17 am

Galactic Civilations 2: Dread Lords

Ive been checking out what IGN has to offer on this game lately. its coming out q1 2006 so it might be a good choice,

and honestly in my opinion this is a Science Fiction based website: Hence Lancers "Reactor" so games like fable and age of empires 3 i say poop. there will be countless websites for games like these.
Lets stay with our Roots people. and Btw i know this site is about simulators. never herd of darkstar sounds good. but brute force wasnt a simulator and you guys had that on. so hopefully not too many of you have beef with strategy games/ peace 1 to Madd DogG


We shall See.....

Post Sun Dec 18, 2005 4:03 am

silent hunter 3 link is broken, please re-post,

Post Sun Dec 18, 2005 8:58 am

Here's something about Silent Hunter III that says much more than the Ubisoft page

Click here
(Heard of the game before, but never tried. Looks nice though!)

Post Mon Dec 19, 2005 2:42 am

Well, I must say so far there's a pretty extensive list. But, I propose we add Half Life 2 to the list, as well as it's succsessor, Half-Life. Mabet even Counterstrike Source...But, that's just MY idea.

Edited by - Zinon on 12/19/2005 2:42:40 AM

Post Mon Dec 19, 2005 2:50 am

is that all the suggestions?
i cant wait, im wasting away here

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